Apple releases iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone, 3.2.1 for iPad



  • Reply 41 of 140
    Update installed. Great. However, my phone is sitting exactly where it was before the update. Prior to installing, it was getting 5 bars, now it only shows 3 bars. That pretty much confirms my suspicion of what the update was supposed to do - hide the problem by showing a crap signal strength all the time.

    Won't that just deplete the battery more quickly as the phone uses more power to get a stronger signal?
  • Reply 42 of 140
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    No mention of the proximity sensor? Morons. That's a bigger issue for a lot of people than the antenna.

    Agreed. That is one issue I've actually had. I just had it happen a few minutes ago. I've placed several calls on mute by accident.
  • Reply 43 of 140
    jpcgjpcg Posts: 114member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Steve will demonstrate tomorrow on stage that 4.01 fixes the "problem".


    Also, this isn't available for iPod touches, so it really should be the reception issue only. Otherwise I would feel left behind
  • Reply 44 of 140
    patorapatora Posts: 4member
    I hope it addresses the bluetooth (which it doesn't look like it does). My iPhone keeps disconnecting from Sync in my car.
  • Reply 45 of 140
    thespazthespaz Posts: 71member
    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    Update installed. Great. However, my phone is sitting exactly where it was before the update. Prior to installing, it was getting 5 bars, now it only shows 3 bars. That pretty much confirms my suspicion of what the update was supposed to do - hide the problem by showing a crap signal strength all the time.

    Won't that just deplete the battery more quickly as the phone uses more power to get a stronger signal?

    You're not getting any better or worse signal than you had before the update. Everything is exactly the same. The only difference is, you're seeing your ACTUAL signal, when in fact before you were being lied to when you saw 5 bars. It will not deplete your battery any differently than before because it's still receiving the same signal.

    It's only showing you what you really have.
  • Reply 46 of 140
    Originally Posted by thespaz View Post

    Apple doesn't release the iOS updates in small patches, but rather re-packages the updates in a full OS install. They do this so that you can upgrade from any version (such as upgrading from 2.0 to 4.0.1).

    I thought people knew this information by now, but there are probably a lot of new iPhone owners out there this year so... just so you know.

    Thanks. I just thought that this was really inefficient. I'm sure Apple can figure out that to go from one release to any other release that they would know what files changed and needed to be sent/updated.
  • Reply 47 of 140
    vrkiranvrkiran Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    So anyone that's updated to 4.01 does it fix your proximity sensor issue? Also if anyone has iPhone 4...can a case fix the proximity issue, like it does for the antenna issue?

    It's a little early to say anything. I have used 4.0.1 for 2 5 minute calls now and both went OK.
  • Reply 48 of 140
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by mrbofus View Post

    "While Apple quickly issued an update, as promised, for the iPhone 4 bar issue"

    3 weeks doesn't seem to be that quick for a patch that fixes one issue, and such a publicized issue at that.

    3 weeks for development, QC, and possibly FCC approval doesn't seem all that long. It's the mass hysteria that makes it seem long.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You do, but that is the issue. It?s excessive for what is essentially a miner fix. I understand that it?s considerably more foolproof to do it this way, but I?d like to see x.1 updates be full downloads and x.x1 updates be spot updates, more like Mac OS X, which only update the items that are changed but updates the entire item.

    You answered your own question. It's more reliable to do it this way. In addition, you can use this upgrade to upgrade from any approved previous version - Apple no longer has to release multiple different upgrade patches.

    If they had done a piecemeal upgrade and 2 people on the planet had had a problem, there would be 40,000 blogs tomorrow about how the upgrade was bad. Apple is going to be conservative on patches on the iPhone.

    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    Update installed. Great. However, my phone is sitting exactly where it was before the update. Prior to installing, it was getting 5 bars, now it only shows 3 bars. That pretty much confirms my suspicion of what the update was supposed to do - hide the problem by showing a crap signal strength all the time.

    Pray tell where your electrical engineering degree is from and whose radio frequency test lab you used to reach that conclusion.

    It's really sad how people will jump to conclusions that a Fortune 100 company is lying without any evidence to back up their accusations.
  • Reply 49 of 140
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    No mention of the proximity sensor? Morons. That's a bigger issue for a lot of people than the antenna.

    I assume when you say "morons" you mean everyone at Apple-- the entire engineering and design staffs, marketing, Jony Ive, Steve Jobs-- the whole damn bunch. They're collectively and individually "morons." I read these forums every day and am constantly amazed at the level of vitriol and hyperbole.

    I have an iPhone 4. I love it. I'm not having any reception or dropped calls issues (certainly far less than with my 3GS). I do have a problem occasionally with the proximity sensor. It is a real problem and certainly for me has a real impact on my ability to use the phone properly at times. I agree that I would like to see this fixed as quickly as possible. I would prefer that they fix this problem before the "reception" issue-- of course for selfish reasons as I am affected by the proximity sensor problem but not the "reception" issue. But it never occurs to me to consider the folks at Apple as inferior. I suspect based on the overall quality of the products over the years and the incredible growth that the company has seen because of those great products, that in fact an inordinate number of wildly intelligent and dedicated people work there. I suspect there are very few "morons" on the Cupertino campus.

    The internet enables a high level of anger because of the anonymity it provides. Bloggers and talkbackers can spew vitriol and disinformation at an alarming rate with no accountability. I just wonder if it's not possible to take a more reasoned approach and perspective to these problems. I have complete confidence that Apple will correct all of the shortcomings of the phone. The reason that I believe this is because that has typically been their approach in the past. Maybe this will be the time that they let their customers down. But I doubt it.
  • Reply 50 of 140
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    No mention of the proximity sensor? Morons. That's a bigger issue for a lot of people than the antenna.

    My friend who had the proximity sensor issue took his back to the Apple Store and had it replaced with a new unit that doesn't have that issue instead of b!tching about it online. He was in and out of the Apple Store. Problem solved. Perhaps those people with this issue should do the same.
  • Reply 51 of 140
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    Weird. My download is only 378.0MB. I've got a 3GS rather than 4 though, but I'd be very surprised if it was a different OS download.

    yeah that is weird.

    (guess the image didn't make it:
  • Reply 52 of 140
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    OK...I have 4.0.1 on now. From the exact same location in my home, my bars went from 5 to 3.

    It is clear to me why this fix was sent by Apple. Apple is attempting to throw AT&T under the bus. Most (dumb) users will now think that their terrible reception is AT&T's fault and not Apple's poor antenna design.

    I have other phones in my house, Samsung and Moto, and they still display 5 bars for AT&T.


    Actually this update did show AT&Ts signal is a problem. I'm using an Iphone 3G... In the office on 4.0 I had 5 bars nearly everywhere but subpar performance on 3G (web pages loading much slower than expected for 5 bars). After the update I am showing 2 to 3 bars in the same location and moving around until I get 4+ bars results in a significant boost in 3G throughput (using 'speed test' application to test).

    While I don't believe this 'fixes' any design issues Apple may have I do believe there WAS a calculation issue and it has now been corrected.
  • Reply 53 of 140
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    yeah that is weird.

    (guess the image didn't make it:

    There is a different download for each model of phone, and each is a different configuration ? so the file sizes are different
  • Reply 54 of 140
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You do, but that is the issue. It?s excessive for what is essentially a miner fix. I understand that it?s considerably more foolproof to do it this way, but I?d like to see x.1 updates be full downloads and x.x1 updates be spot updates, more like Mac OS X, which only update the items that are changed but updates the entire item.

    Probably because the firmware can't be reliably patched, so it's an all or nothing process.
  • Reply 55 of 140
    estolinskiestolinski Posts: 140member
    Did anyone read the EULA? Seriously wondering if somewhere in there it states that by downloading 4.0.1 you agree not to expect your iPhone 4 to act, behave or function like a phone. Just sayin'
  • Reply 56 of 140
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    yeah that is weird.

    (guess the image didn't make it:

    That?s 200MB for TriQuint UMTS radio driver updates.
  • Reply 57 of 140
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Yeah, I have the problem too. When holding the phone up to my head, I get:

    -- Calls put on Hold

    -- Call trying to switch to FaceTime

    -- Calls ending suddenly

    -- Phone dials another contact while I'm on the line with a person already

    i have noticed the proximity sensor has improved significantly on iOS 4.1 beta.
  • Reply 58 of 140
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by PaulSorensen View Post

    There is a different download for each model of phone, and each is a different configuration ? so the file sizes are different

    The iPad update is 456.9 MB.
  • Reply 59 of 140
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    OK...I have 4.0.1 on now. From the exact same location in my home, my bars went from 5 to 3.

    It is clear to me why this fix was sent by Apple. Apple is attempting to throw AT&T under the bus. Most (dumb) users will now think that their terrible reception is AT&T's fault and not Apple's poor antenna design.

    I have other phones in my house, Samsung and Moto, and they still display 5 bars for AT&T.

    You're not making much sense here.

    You are talking about the signal strength detected by the phone when it's not being "held wrong." It's a simple fact that even though people and organisations have railed against the design of the antenna when it's held, each and every one of them has confirmed that if the phone is not held, it has the best antenna of any phone ever tested.

    If you have a bad signal, it *is* actually AT&T's fault.

    If your other phones showed the signal how it actually *is* instead of being "optimistic" you'd see that the iPhone 4 antenna is actually the *best* antenna design out of those phones. Your actual signal strength is three bars. That's what the update was for, so people now know what the actual signal strength is instead of just seeing five bars all the time.
  • Reply 60 of 140
    vrkiranvrkiran Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    It's really sad how people will jump to conclusions that a Fortune 100 company is lying without any evidence to back up their accusations.


    Did you ask the same question when Enron happened? How about Subprime crisis? We you in US at the time?


    I am not saying it's the same scale or even 1% of it. But corporate America is not known for it's ethics.
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