Apple releases iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone, 3.2.1 for iPad



  • Reply 101 of 140
    kingkueikingkuei Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    So anyone that's updated to 4.01 does it fix your proximity sensor issue? Also if anyone has iPhone 4...can a case fix the proximity issue, like it does for the antenna issue?

    Sorry buddy, the update does NOT fix the proximity sensor issues. That said, I have heard some reports now that the beta 4.1 update has greatly improved the sensor behavior.
  • Reply 102 of 140
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by patora View Post

    I hope it addresses the bluetooth (which it doesn't look like it does). My iPhone keeps disconnecting from Sync in my car.

    Are you sure it's not Sync that is the issue? It is afterall a Microsoft product.

    AAAhhhhh, I kid. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  • Reply 103 of 140
    scafe2scafe2 Posts: 61member
    Originally Posted by Jeff Gagne View Post

    Why don't we all wait untill tomorrow and see what they say, we spent alot of money, I'm sure Apple will do the right thing

    Most sensible post i have read tonight,..
  • Reply 104 of 140
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by xanthohappy View Post

    Blech, that's what the bars look like now? The old ones looked way better. I understand changing the formula to more accurately show signal strength, which I would like to update to, but why did they have to change the look of the bars? Stupid.

    I want to hold off on the update because I like the look of the old bars better, but I suppose my phone is going to look like that eventually, so I might as well update.

    Surely you're not referring the Black-on-white android display? The only thing that's change on the iPhone is the length of the bars themselves.
  • Reply 105 of 140
    nanoakronnanoakron Posts: 126member
    So, a summary of things waiting to be fixed on the iPhone 4:

    1. The antenna/reception issues

    2. The proximity sensor

    3. The photo library creating random all-black photos

    4. Adding freshly taken photos to user profiles
  • Reply 106 of 140
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    While I don't believe this 'fixes' any design issues Apple may have I do believe there WAS a calculation issue and it has now been corrected.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    If you have a bad signal, it *is* actually AT&T's fault.

    If your other phones showed the signal how it actually *is* instead of being "optimistic" you'd see that the iPhone 4 antenna is actually the *best* antenna design out of those phones. Your actual signal strength is three bars. That's what the update was for, so people now know what the actual signal strength is instead of just seeing five bars all the time.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Here is how it looks now. Note in the last pic how Android uses the same dB rating for CDMA and GSM and how skewed it is. Going to 89 dB for 5 bars. The iPhone can be in 3 bars now while Android shows 5 bars, but who cares if other handsets are ?inaccurate? so long as it?s all Apple?s fault¡

    Of course, this all depends on your definitions of "corrected" "bad" and "inaccurate". Is there a correct, good, and accurate method for converting signal strength in dB to a stepped bar chart? We can clearly state that Apple's new formula is more evenly distributed, but that's about it. What was Apple's formula for the 3GS and 3G. Is it closer to the old iPhone 4 formula or the new one? (I'd be willing to bet it's closer to the original iPhone 4 formula). How does it compare to other phones? We see that Android uses a formula closer to the original iPhone 4. What about other phones? Is the new iPhone 4 formula closer to the typical formula used by other phones, or is it now an outlier?

    What this whole fiasco has made clear is that there appears to be no standard for converting dB to a bar chart. Each phone uses a different formula. And therefore making any judgement based on the number of bars and comparing that between different phones is pure folly. And until someone compares the new formula to a larger sampling of other phones, we can not state that this new formula is more accurate. Accuracy implies there is a standard to compare it to. And there is none.
  • Reply 107 of 140
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by MarkAllan View Post

    Weird. My download is only 378.0MB. I've got a 3GS rather than 4 though, but I'd be very surprised if it was a different OS download.

    Of course its different. Its different for every iPhone and iPod touch generation ever made.
  • Reply 108 of 140
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    Surely you're not referring the Black-on-white android display? The only thing that's change on the iPhone is the length of the bars themselves.

    Nope, I'm looking at the right bars. Looking at them on my just-updated 3Gs now as well, and I really dislike them. I think this reply nails my thoughts exactly:

    Originally Posted by thespaz View Post

    I liked the older style slope better. This new slope looks fat and curves a bit. It lost it's "exactness" look to it.

    I do like that the bars seem to better reflect my signal strength though, or at least my data speed. Interestingly enough, in my office where I'm currently sitting, my reception drops from five bars down to four when I pick up my iPhone 3Gs and hold it in my hand.
  • Reply 109 of 140
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Issued Thursday afternoon, Apple said that iOS 4.0.1 includes just one fix, improving "the formula to determine how many bars of signal strength to display." It is available for the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 3G.

    But what about:

    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    When 4.0.1 comes out with its SOFTWARE fix for the problem, and Jobs comes out and declares victory on Friday, all you naysayers will feel so stupid!

  • Reply 110 of 140
    orlandoorlando Posts: 601member
    I wonder how many people who previously said the antenna problem doesn't exist (because they're in an area with a strong signal) will now start seeing bars disappear when they hold the phone "incorrectly".
  • Reply 111 of 140
    razormaidrazormaid Posts: 299member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Oh nooos the internet is going to break!

    So the fix was to show more accurate bars? So now I have no bars? I am holding it on top and bottom only... Not even on the sides and now no bars.

    This sucks! Don't update your iPhone there's no undo

  • Reply 112 of 140
    Hope the iPad update fixes my connection problem. From day 1, every hour or so while surfing the net my screen will dim and a message will pop up that says "Connecting". After 10 seconds or so, the pop up will disappear, the screen will brighten and the ipad will be back on track.

    I have a single G router and the fix on apples's website does not apply to me, as best I can tell.

    I recently upgraded the OS on my iPhone 3G and now the phone performance is terrible. It sometimes takes 15 seconds to open the IM app or for the camera to open up. Screen responsiveness is not smooth and the screen freezes momentarily after I swipe. My phone did not do this before upgrading to OS 4 and now I regret upgrading. Someone told me that the best solution is to synch up the iphone under a new name and then restore the apps and stuff.

    Is this true?

    I'm not going to upgrade my iPad OS for a few days until I read about peoples' experiences. I don't want to trash the ipad like did my iPhone.
  • Reply 113 of 140
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    If the hardware is altered in different ways from existing iPhone 4's isn't it going to be difficult for most people to know what iPhone 4 version they have or are buying used? Maybe Apple could just put a (u) on the back so people can easily tell the difference?
  • Reply 114 of 140
    mipiersmipiers Posts: 2member
    I can't even begin to evaluate either of these updates because the respective restores have failed and the iphone has actually been left in an inconsistent state due to itunes crashing. I may have actually lost data, but at the very least I've lost a lot of time.

    I'm beginning to half expect this sort of thing every time I update through itunes, which seems increasingly unfit for purpose (the clue's in the name!)

    I adore Apple's products but am beginning to get the sense that they're struggling to cope with the complexity - relative to the pre iphone days - of their product offerings and backward compatibility requirements.

    The Microsoft guy might be right when he says the IPhone 4 is Apple's Vista - the infamous antenna problem, the increasingly flaky and outdated device management procedures and, dare I say it, the hubristic over-engineering - they certainly remind me of the frustrations I had with Vista - the very 'final straw' frustrations which made me switch to the simplicity of macs in the first place.

    I just hope Apple can pull back from this overconfidence long enough to get it's house in order before doing some serious damage to it's brand.
  • Reply 115 of 140
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Of course, this all depends on your definitions of "corrected" "bad" and "inaccurate". Is there a correct, good, and accurate method for converting signal strength in dB to a stepped bar chart?

    Why does Apple use a bar chart anyways? That is so, like, Motorola or something.

    I still say they should eliminate it completely until they can make it great.
  • Reply 116 of 140
    gdoggdog Posts: 224member
    so people. do these two updates make any improvements in ipad and or iphone function. thats all i want to know. thx
  • Reply 117 of 140
    Originally Posted by razormaid View Post

    So the fix was to show more accurate bars?

    This sucks! Don't update your iPhone there's no undo


    Have you tried RESTORE?
  • Reply 118 of 140
    Originally Posted by mipiers View Post

    I can't even begin to evaluate either of these updates because the respective restores have failed and the iphone has actually been left in an inconsistent state due to itunes crashing. I may have actually lost data, but at the very least I've lost a lot of time.

    I just hope Apple can pull back from this overconfidence long enough to get it's house in order before doing some serious damage to it's brand.

    I bought the first iPhone and now have the iPhone 4. I have never had any problems with syncing, have never lost any data and haven't lost any time.

    I'd sugest if you are having this much trouble that the error may be in outdated software or some third party app that is causing the problem.

    If you have everything up to date with the current OS, everything works. At least for me.

    Are you using iTunes 9.2 with OS 10.6.4? Isn't there a way to tell iTunes that you have a new iPhone and to load everything new?
  • Reply 119 of 140
    Originally Posted by gdog View Post

    so people. do these two updates make any improvements in ipad and or iphone function. thats all i want to know. thx

    Along with iOS 4.0.1 for the iPhone and iPod touch, Apple released iOS 3.2.1 for the iPad on Thursday. The update improved overall Wi-Fi connectivity along with video out reliability when using the iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter.

    The update also fixed and issue that could cause video playback to freeze, fixed a problem where copying and pasting single-page PDFs in Mail could fail, and added Bing as a search engine option in Mobile Safari.
  • Reply 120 of 140
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by LongDukDong View Post

    Fixed that for you.

    Did you have a point?
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