Apple has no plans for iPhone 4 recall - report



  • Reply 21 of 86
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Do people in countries outside of the U.S. have the same problem on the opposite side of the phone?
  • Reply 22 of 86
    A recall now? Why don't Apple just cancel the iPhone altogether, like the MS Kin. This whole thing is overblown by the tech blogs, you know, like AppleInsider. Every product has a percentage of failure, especially a complex product like computers. If it was really bad, there would be a lot of returns and the Genius Bar would be clogged.
  • Reply 23 of 86
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Apple wouldn't have this problem if customers didn't buy their product.

    Reckon that's the next MS quote?
  • Reply 24 of 86
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Do people in countries outside of the U.S. have the same problem on the opposite side of the phone?

    If they have, they surely are quiet.
  • Reply 25 of 86
    willrobwillrob Posts: 203member
    UK users on the multiple 3G networks the iP4 is available on ARE complaining about signal loss. I'm sure that network signal strength has something to do with why some users see no bars disappearing, while others see rapid evaporation of their network connection. But this is true with any phone. Apple is in the unfortunate situation where their popularity — at least with this product — is proving a source of extra media attention and controversy.
  • Reply 26 of 86
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    They'll give a detailed explanation of what is going on, and dispel some myths. And they'll give a free bumper to those who ask. BTW, I bought a bumper because I was tired of my phone sliding around - but I also noticed that - although the bars don't drop as much as without the bumper, I can still make it drop which may indicate that physical skin contact with the antenna is not the whole story, or even necessary. I emphasize "may", ok?

    Some say the hand is "shorting" the two antennas, but it's not electrical, it's RF. And the hand is supposed to block the signal so how can it be a conductor? There is a lot of confusion. And, since most of the 3G antenna is on the right side, how come I can burry that in my hand to no effect? My point is, none of us or any blogger knows what the heck is occurring.

    CR has ZERO credibility when they give the iPhone 4 the highest scores, but can't recommend it.

    For those of you who claim to own the iPhone and are screaming it doesn't work, you have no credibility if you don't simply return it.

    (but even with 1 bar, my phone works just fine, and this is VERY rare)
  • Reply 27 of 86
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    I usually don't cuss on things like this, but I think this calls for it. ARE YOU THAT F#CK1N9 STUPID!?

    Really? No problem at all with the phone. Then you come to where I am and explain why I could make calls (without dropping them) on all of my previous iPhones and not with my new iPhone 4. My bumper does fix the issue somewhat, but if the iPhone was supposed to have a "case" to let it work correctly, then it would have came from the factory with the bumper already wrapped around it.

    Don't be a dumbass man. You may be one of the privy few that actually live in an area with stellar AT&T service so you aren't affected. But, it IS a design issue when none of the previous phones did it and now this one does. When a product gets worse in its 4th generation then there is a problem. Quit lying to yourself.

    And don't get me started on the prox sensors. Muting people constantly isn't a hassle at all in your mind I bet.

    Feeding the troll.
  • Reply 28 of 86
    mike fixmike fix Posts: 270member
    You just need a little iTape to fix the problem...

  • Reply 29 of 86
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    I usually don't cuss on things like this, but I think this calls for it. ARE YOU THAT F#CK1N9 STUPID!?

    Really? No problem at all with the phone. Then you come to where I am and explain why I could make calls (without dropping them) on all of my previous iPhones and not with my new iPhone 4. My bumper does fix the issue somewhat, but if the iPhone was supposed to have a "case" to let it work correctly, then it would have came from the factory with the bumper already wrapped around it.

    Don't be a dumbass man. You may be one of the privy few that actually live in an area with stellar AT&T service so you aren't affected. But, it IS a design issue when none of the previous phones did it and now this one does. When a product gets worse in its 4th generation then there is a problem. Quit lying to yourself.

    And don't get me started on the prox sensors. Muting people constantly isn't a hassle at all in your mind I bet.

    I got your problem figured out. It's 'your' operating system causing operator errors. As for the feelings of rage, disappointment, entitlement, etc... i dunno, maybe ask your parents?

    I think Apple's message tomorrow will be:

    1. enjoy yesterday's fix for the display bar software glitch,

    2. there is no reception problem + graphed data in eye pleasing, iWork formatting demonstrating the whiners are morons.

    3. If they really have sack, they could ask Senator Schumer if there are better uses for the tax payers time with unemployment at 10%, highest casualty level in our military actions so far, spilling oil wells, and about the mega mosque right at ground zero in his district - and he's so sensitive about a few blogs? Idiot.
  • Reply 30 of 86
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Schumer is a creepy politician, and there is zero reason for him to insert himself into this issue.


    Although Apple declined to comment on its development methods for the new iPhone, a company spokesperson fired back at Bloomberg's claim that a senior antenna expert had expressed his concern over the new design to Jobs, challenging the publication to "produce anything beyond rumors to back this up."

    "It's simply not true," the spokesperson said.

    Now, we know that the Bloomberg story is bogus because obviously Apple did not have any antenna experts! OK, sorry that was too easy.
  • Reply 31 of 86
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    And to be fare on this, where there is smoke there is fire. The "Just hold it right" comment probably just pissed people enough for this to be a thing that people want to get revenge on Apple, a burr in my shoe type of thing.

    They could have handled this way better from the start, said that we have reports and we are looking into the issue. It's almost like from Apple's end they knew and wanted to be out in front of it, which is the only part of this whole thing that scares me. The reaction was too quick.
  • Reply 32 of 86
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by barton springs View Post

    I got a bumper and it looks cooler, feels better in my hand, and reception issues totally gone. I would have gotten one anyway eventually. All this is so not worth getting in a fuss over IMO.

    The bumper is excellent in my opinion too, and whilst it greatly helps with reception nonetheless today, using what is no doubt far from being an accurate representation, I used speedtest for about half an hour in a 3G area with the case on.

    I restarted the app numerous times and through the testing with the bumper on and lightly resting the phone in my hand, ie deathgrip, I had a wide set of varying results. Whilst not doing the deathgrip , I got much faster downloads. Just over 4 MB's download was the fastest without the deathgrip and just over 1.5 MB's download was the fastest with the deathgrip. Sometimes gently holding the iP4 was enough for it to drop out of 3G to the slower network, I very rarely got more than 0.8 MB's download with deathgrip and often got very low speeds of 0.2 MB's downloads. Conversely, I rarely got less than 0.8 when I wasn't doing the deathgrip. I could still browse with deathgrip and it felt pretty quick (I used to have the 3G) and I'm sure calls would have been no problem. Without the bumper in the same place (as all this testing was) the 3G network would be completely gone in 5-10 secs every time. My signal bars without deathgrip were consistently 4 or 5, with deathgrip and with the bumper on they were usually 1 or 2 and occasionally 3.

    I'm not saying that these results will apply to other people where they live but these tests were done with my replacement iPhone 4 and I haven't noticed any difference between it and the original.
  • Reply 33 of 86
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    So, here is AI to report on the report, which sites an anonymous person who echoes another anonymous person. Oh my God.

    It would be bad enough if that were all. But instead, we have to be treated to 5 or 6 stories a day rehashing the same non-facts.

    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Second, a denial from a company that there is no problem is hardly proof that nothing occurred unless of course you believe that corporate American has never "lied" to the public.

    Actually, corporate America rarely lies to the public - especially not in such clear words as Apple is giving. They may spin things, they may be selective in what they choose to report, but flat out lies are not that common.

    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    And to be fare on this, where there is smoke there is fire. The "Just hold it right" comment probably just pissed people enough for this to be a thing that people want to get revenge on Apple, a burr in my shoe type of thing. .

    I'm not sure why anyone who wants 'to be fare on this' - especially when they are making up quotes. That is not what Jobs said.
  • Reply 34 of 86
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Unlike most other companies, Apple does do its best to take care of its customers. They have certainly treated me well when issues have arisen. I'm patiently waiting for what Apple has to say and what their plan is.

    Apple-Haters will always find some pathetic excuse to smack Apple since Apple's computing direction directly conflicts with their way of life. Sad.

    Until then, I will happily continue using my iP4. It does exhibit the same death-grip issues but it is barely an annoyance since I use a case anyways and when not, a simple hand movement of 1cm resolves that.

    I had an old Motorola phone with similar issues but folks never whined about that. People accept so many deficiencies with all the junk phones out there yet they hold Apple to the level of unobtainable perfection. Nothing is perfect in this world.

    Well, tomorrow we will see.

    I love Apple, and it is the only company i really put on my chest.

    I hope they learn with this mess and never again give free meal to its haters.
  • Reply 35 of 86
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    I usually don't cuss on things like this, but I think this calls for it. ARE YOU THAT F#CK1N9 STUPID!?

    Really? No problem at all with the phone. Then you come to where I am and explain why I could make calls (without dropping them) on all of my previous iPhones and not with my new iPhone 4. My bumper does fix the issue somewhat, but if the iPhone was supposed to have a "case" to let it work correctly, then it would have came from the factory with the bumper already wrapped around it.

    Don't be a dumbass man. You may be one of the privy few that actually live in an area with stellar AT&T service so you aren't affected. But, it IS a design issue when none of the previous phones did it and now this one does. When a product gets worse in its 4th generation then there is a problem. Quit lying to yourself.

    And don't get me started on the prox sensors. Muting people constantly isn't a hassle at all in your mind I bet.

    That has been my question since I got my iPhone 4 on launch day...I've dropped more calls in the last three weeks than I ever did in the last year of having my 3GS. I'm waiting to see what tomorrow will bring and if it's "nothing wrong with the antenna, everything is fine..." then my iPhone 4 will be returned. I'll either reclaim my 3GS from my girlfriend or buy a new 3GS from the money by returning the i4. I'll be inline again next year for the iPhone 5 though...
  • Reply 36 of 86
    normangnormang Posts: 118member
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    And to be fare on this, where there is smoke there is fire. The "Just hold it right" comment probably just pissed people enough for this to be a thing that people want to get revenge on Apple, a burr in my shoe type of thing.

    They could have handled this way better from the start, said that we have reports and we are looking into the issue. It's almost like from Apple's end they knew and wanted to be out in front of it, which is the only part of this whole thing that scares me. The reaction was too quick.

    This assumes that Job's "actually" said that. While Apple has not denied that statement, I have my doubt's that Job's actually wrote that to anyone.
  • Reply 37 of 86
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Actually, corporate America rarely lies to the public - especially not in such clear words as Apple is giving. They may spin things, they may be selective in what they choose to report, but flat out lies are not that common.


    Please not that I used "lies" to broaden the term, but again, that is irrelevant. Furthermore, Apple used similar terminology regarding the Mac Pro and CPU usage issue, and "fixed" something that "did not exist".

    My only point is that, just because a company says something does not make it true, nor is the statement inherently false.
  • Reply 38 of 86
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I'm wondering what I should do about my proximity sensor. It's clearly a problem. I hear I may be able to take to an Apple store and have it exchanged.

    Stores (Apple, AT&T, BestBuy) just don't seem to have the phone in stock and when they do it's very small numbers and gone quickly. "Return it for a new one" doesn't make sense to me. Does everyone else have local stock but me? I'm in a large metropolitan area, plenty of Best Buy and AT&T stores, 2 Apple stores, there is no stock for exchange.
  • Reply 39 of 86
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Yet another repeat story, imho.

  • Reply 40 of 86
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post

    If they have, they surely are quiet.

    I'm in the UK on Vodafone.
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