Apple has no plans for iPhone 4 recall - report



  • Reply 81 of 86
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Glockman View Post

    If you don't have the problem great. But don't claim it's "overblown". If you were having the issues like me and thousands of others you wouldn't be so terse.

    If you don't have the problem, stay off this thread!

    Can you document thousands?

    I have read through most of the threads on AI and I have seen, maybe, 50 people, at most, that have reported that they are experiencing problems.

    Certainly, there are lots of people discussing the problems, but some, who post lots of messages don't even own the device.

    There are a lot of people, here, posting negative messages, who take any occasion to spout anti-Apple propaganda!. If you have been on AI for a while, you will recognize the pattern.

    Suspicious about an individual poster-- just click his name to review his posts.

    For example: You Glockman,

    Join Date


    Total Posts 8

    and your first post: on 06/30/2010

    Originally Posted by Glockman View Post

    Hats off to AppleInsider for this forum post and thread. Both reports from these independents describe my problems exactly since I unboxed my beloved iP4 1 week ago.

    iJobz cannot keep insulting us with his denial and useless rhetoric forever!

    Fix this freaking problem!

    One might say that:

    1) you are being rude by deliberately misspelling Jobs' name (you do this in other posts)

    2) you are being insulting by accusing Jobs of "denial and useless rhetoric forever!"

    3) you are overreacting using "forever" to describe a problem on a device that had been available for 1 week (on the day of your post).

    4) you provide no citations or links to support your assertions

    Most people, that I know, who want to enter a reasoned discussion, are a bit more circumspect with their initial foray.

    All posters and readers, here, have no way to judge another's claims, assertions, etc. other than their track record over time.

    You say you have an iPhone 4-- let's accept that at face value.

    You say you are experiencing a problem-- let's accept that at face value.

    You come in here (AI Forums) with your guns blazing, being rude, insulting, overreacting and telling others what they must do...

    ... Based on experience, I suspect that you have a (not-so-well-hidden) agenda, and that it is not to discuss or resolve issues-- rather, to bash Apple and the iPhone 4.

    Am I wrong?

    I do not have the problem! But I have as much right as you, or anyone, to participate in the thread!

  • Reply 82 of 86
    bavlondon2bavlondon2 Posts: 694member
    I hope they do a mass recall.
  • Reply 83 of 86
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If only there were a way Apple could test the device off campus outside of a case while keeping it secure from prying eyes.

    Gee, off the top of my head, engineers in a vehicle driving around to test various locations. Seems to me this would have been a testing stage before issuing to employees to use in their personal lives.

    Does anyone really think they never tested these phones naked and jumped right to issuing to select employees as their daily phone? I certainly don't.

    I am familiar with the area-- I lived about 4 miles from Apple HQ.

    There are plenty of places they could have tested the devices, sans case, without being noticed:

    -- parks

    -- school grounds

    -- empty parking lots (weekends and off-business hours)

    You could jump on I-280, i-680 (or any of the state freeways) and drive all around the Bay Area (from the Redwood Forests to the Monterey Highlands) with a passenger testing a naked iPhone.

  • Reply 84 of 86
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Maybe you can't trust corporations because you incorrectly assign social motives and responsibilities to them!

    However, when directly confronted on a specific issue, the corporate spokesman needs to tell the truth, or decline to comment*

    * At times there are extenuating circumstances-- legal, national security, etc. where "no comment" is appropriate.

    If Apple lies to me on an important specific issues, then I will look elsewhere to buy my products and invest my dollars. (my self interest)


    With all due respect your post is somewhat confusing. First I do not assign social motives and responsibilities to corporations, although personally I think this would be a good thing.

    Second, trust is critical to business. I assume you have a bank account - your money is there because at least implicitly, you trust the bank is not ripping you off.

    Third, if trust is irrelevant, then it should not matter to you if the company tells the truth or not, because your decisions are not based on trust. If Apple lies to you, and trust is irrelevant, you have no reason to take your business elsewhere.
  • Reply 85 of 86
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    With all due respect your post is somewhat confusing. First I do not assign social motives and responsibilities to corporations, although personally I think this would be a good thing.

    Second, trust is critical to business. I assume you have a bank account - your money is there because at least implicitly, you trust the bank is not ripping you off.

    Third, if trust is irrelevant, then it should not matter to you if the company tells the truth or not, because your decisions are not based on trust. If Apple lies to you, and trust is irrelevant, you have no reason to take your business elsewhere.

    Thank you for explaining my post to me!

  • Reply 86 of 86
    You should all watch this video about the iPhone. its short, on point and puts a lot of things in perspective:

    Maybe there are more important things going on in this world than the iPhone debacle...
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