Apple adds Motorola Droid X to iPhone 4 death grip page



  • Reply 101 of 278
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Jobs is playing a dangerous game here. He's risking Apple's reputation with ordinary consumers.

    Ever since Jobs decided to go for broke with 'ordinary consumers', success has come his way; iPod on to the iPad of today. A few geek corpses paved the way to mainstream land.

    All big risks, but manageable under a mature, resourceful, forward looking stewardship.Apple has come of age and they're taking the consumers along for the ride. The grassroots consumers just don't feel they're being taken for a ride; they acknowledge calculated risk taking as being part of a worthy experimentation of life.

    A reputation is not built upon the restful domain of one's comfort zone; it is made out of stalwart exposition of your core beliefs, for all challenges to disprove them as irrelevant hubris.

    The only danger here would be to hold back on fate...
  • Reply 102 of 278
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    If its truly only impacting less then .5% of iPhone users then I wouldn't have given shit away.

    People don't generally go ape shit over .55%. Hell, the accidental death rate in your average hospital is higher than that.

    In my Pharmacy class, you're allowed a medication error rate of up to 10%. I guess administering the wrong meds to 10 out of 100 people is a number they can live with.
  • Reply 103 of 278
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Your the one that's confused.

    The issue isn't the "finger of death." The issue is blocking the signal by means of the users hand, and related to that, the dropping of calls.

    All cell phones drop calls, most of them worse than the iP4.
  • Reply 104 of 278
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I wouldn't call it worst in class and a touch by a finger is again irrelevant in real life.

    Talk about broken records. Touch of a finger is all that's necessary--it's just that subtle--compared to other phones that require something that actually looks like a death grip. You Apple shareholders are so defensive. Get over it. If Apple hasn't anything to hide, then join the call to have Field Test Mode restored in the next iOS update. Wimps.
  • Reply 105 of 278
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    People don't generally go ape shit over .55%. Hell, the accidental death rate in your average hospital is higher than that.

    In my Pharmacy class, you're allowed a medication error rate of up to 10%. I guess administering the wrong meds to 10 out of 100 people is a number they can live with.

    0.55% was measured over precisely what period of time? How many people realized this is a hardware issue and didn't bother to call AppleCare? How many people read Apple's hold-different response? How many people expected the problem to be resolved in 4.0.1?
  • Reply 106 of 278
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    0.55% was measured over precisely what period of time? How many people realized this is a hardware issue and didn't bother to call AppleCare? How many people read Apple's hold-different response? How many people expected the problem to be resolved in 4.0.1?

    22 days! How long does it take to figure out that you can't make a call? I'm guessing about 10 seconds. What say you? And the .55% is with the media blitz.
  • Reply 107 of 278
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    If my car's not working I don't care if it's the electrical system or the fuel system, all I care about is my car not working and I'll leave it to a mechanic to figure out why.

    If my phone's not working...

    Are you getting my drift?

    Originally Posted by Habañero View Post

    Um... regardless of how few users drop calls on iPhone 4, the stink here is how Apple is misrepresenting the issue: they're implying that other manufacturers' attenuation problems equate to iPhone 4's detuning problem.

    There's a big difference between detuning and attenuating an antenna.

  • Reply 108 of 278
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    So how's the sync with Exchange over WiFi working out for you?

    Originally Posted by easy288 View Post

    Why are people paying for a $600 phone anyway? My $50 Virgin Mobile phone using Sprint service works anyway I hold it. Apple really blew it when the iPhone 4. They didn't fully test this thing with users. I think they assumed it would work fine however it was held, so they pushed it through to manufacturing.

    This is really a disappointment for a company with a reputation of producing allegedly superior products that are well designed in every way.

  • Reply 109 of 278
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    As Apple customers, we really shouldn't care if competing products also have problems. It's APPLE product we're concerned with.

    As apple customers we shouldn't care if other phones hit the floor when dropped. It's only apple products we're concerned with. Apple products should defy the laws of gravity.
  • Reply 110 of 278
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    The smartest move when a competitor gets himself in hot water is to just let them stew in their own juice. By weighing in (or piling on) you only divert attention to yourself. You then become part of the drama. Not the best thing.
  • Reply 111 of 278
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    what TOYota does get is brake failure at 60 miles per on choked pacted hway with your wife and kids in the car .yay !!


    Actually the NHTSA just released a report fingering operator error as the cause of "unintended acceleration" in the Toyotas. Curious thing, operator error.
  • Reply 112 of 278
    freddychfreddych Posts: 266member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Actually the NHTSA just released a report fingering operator error as the cause of "unintended acceleration" in the Toyotas. Curious thing, operator error.

    Actually the nhtsa just released a statement claiming that toyota in fact leaked that report to the wsj and it didn't come from the nhtsa.
  • Reply 113 of 278
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Apple can 'add' any number of maker's handsets to their little list, but it won't change the fact that it is the iPhone 4 that currently stands as the most widely known for suffering from this 'design-flaw', and certainly the only modern handset that can be made to attenuate utilizing a single finger.

    Nice (if ultimately pathetic) Try Though... Now Let It Be
  • Reply 114 of 278
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    That would be all fine and dandy if the spot were somewhere out of the way. But it's where a lot of people rest their palms when using the phone for talking and for data. That's the problem! Also, this specific finger-gate issue is so easy to fix. All they have to do is insulate the damn thing. The bumper does this but so would a thin clear coating.

    lets get back to the external antenna, like the moto brick and perhaps have a wired one that you clip to your pocket

    hey its part of the territory for smart or other type small phones

    its a non issue, and others just hid behind owner manuals, and hype.

    rock on apple
  • Reply 115 of 278
    joshbjoshb Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Mine doesn't drop no matter how I hold it. The experts keep telling me it's cause I'm in an area with strong signals, but I've tested it in areas with poor coverage, too.

    Overblown, as far as I'm concerned.

    I agree. I hope that this soon passes, because I'm tired of nearly ALL the Apple news I read is from people who either a) don't have the phone or b) have it and love it so much, but want to complain and are too much of a jerk to return it.

    I think the iPhone 4 song summed it up best. "If you don't want an iPhone 4, don't buy it. If you bought one and you don't like it, bring it back." Otherwise, STFU. :-)
  • Reply 116 of 278
    shobizshobiz Posts: 207member
    Blah blah blah.

    Blah blah blah blah blah
  • Reply 117 of 278
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Apple can 'add' any number of maker's handsets to their little list, but it won't change the fact that it is the iPhone 4 that currently stands as the most widely known for suffering from this 'design-flaw', and certainly the only modern handset that can be made to attenuate utilizing a single finger.

    Nice (if ultimately pathetic) Try Though... Now Let It Be

    Of course the iPhone 4's antenna courage is widely known - when Apple makes the news, people pay attention. For the last 30 days straight, we have had the media, the bloggers, and the forever loyal Apple critics screaming in our ears that the iPhone 4 is a dud - that its design is flawed - that it drops calls - that Steve ignores the advice of his engineers - that the sky is falling. But as evidenced by the return rates, the already released sales numbers, and the 3 week shipment delays, we know what customers really think about what's being reported.

    There's no other way to cut it - despite everything and everyone, the iPhone 4 is kicking ass and taking names. No matter how you slice it.

    I, like millions of other customers, see it as HYPE.

    Now, you let that be!!!
  • Reply 118 of 278
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by Bcs123 View Post

    Wow. Logical fallacy.

    You can't really compare toyotas safety issues with apple's antenna sensitivity. They are vastly different in every way. The main one being that Toyota had nobody to point a finger at. The antenna problem is an industry wide phenomena, to some extent. Apple is mearly trying to show that they are being singled out for a problem that all phones have, even if it's not as extreme.

    Please enlighten us where on any other phone you can put one finger and lose 5 bars? "Industry wide phenomena" my eye. Apple diluted this problem by talking about a "Death Grip". No one complained about a "Death Grip". They complained about the fact that if any part of their hand touched one spot on the side of the phone, it dropped calls. Grow up Apple, we are not in the 1st grade anymore, admit you screwed up and fix it, and move on. Don't point at your other classmates. MAN UP!!!! I guess the "great innovators" "missed a spot".
  • Reply 119 of 278
    avidfcpavidfcp Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    iPhone 4s have a one year wannanty- that includes cover if you drop it.

    Covered if you drop it? I don't think so. No way.
  • Reply 120 of 278
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its just funny to me that once you get on top the media is right there to try and knock you off the mountain.

    It will all come down to if the consume buys into the media hype or not. I am not sure if it was a good idea for Apple to offer something for free only because it makes them look even more guilty as if there is a wide spread problem and they are trying to cover it up.

    If its truly only impacting less then .5% of iPhone users then I wouldn't have given shit away.

    Its not so strange that once you are on top the media wants to bring you down. At least not in Apple's case. Its more than on top, right now - its almost too good to be true. Apple is beating all the odds what with refusing to go cheap, insisting on high level design, re-defining established business models. Basically Apple is challenging the status quo in a lot of areas and being hugely successful. After a while it makes for a pretty dull story. Every media outlet needs a story on Apple and it gets boring if everything is just dandy. There's no drama.

    The people who hate Apple for their 'control freak'ery' are mainly geeks and are insignificant now that Apple is mainstream. All the journalists who needs something to write about - bad iPhone 4!, and all the up-in-arms-techno-geeks - bad iphone 4!, and all the other Apple haters - SJ is the devil, are also insignificant now that Apple is mainstream - witnessed by the continued success of the iPhone 4 in spite of the endless iterations of the same boring arguments about the the bad arial, Apple's lies, and SJ's arrogance. People honestly don't give a shit because for the vast majority it is a non issue. I suspect all the attention the iPhone 4 has gotten is playing directly into Apple's hands.
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