Apple adds Motorola Droid X to iPhone 4 death grip page



  • Reply 261 of 278
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    No, but it pretty much disqualifies them from being considered unbiased.

    Nope. Not at all. But no point in arguing further because the location of the bias is obvious.
  • Reply 262 of 278
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    That still makes the other guys part of the story. "We suck too...but not as much!" isn't exactly a great selling point.


    Yes it is. That is why Apple is saying it.

    All phones have this problem. The fact is, it is less of a problem on the iP4.
  • Reply 263 of 278
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Yes it is. That is why Apple is saying it.

    All phones have this problem. The fact is, it is less of a problem on the iP4.

    I'd like to believe that. But it is not a fact. There is no test data available to indicate this.
  • Reply 264 of 278
    thespazthespaz Posts: 71member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Yet here with iPhone 4 we have people insisting that it is Apples fault that something bad happens when that insullator is touched. Sadly this is after people have learned that doing so causes problems in their location. Again to use motorcycles as an example it is like somebody grabbing a hot muffler and then blaming Harley or Honda for getting burned. If you know of a hot spot you should really avoid touching it.


    No... I don't like your analogy.

    The iPhone 4 is like this: Imagine that you hop on your brand new motorcycle and start it up. For some reason, you find that it won't go over 10 mph if you're holding onto the left handlebar, but as soon as you let go, it went as fast as you want. However, the handlebar is specifically made for holding, so it doesn't make sense to you why you should have to drive your bike differently than all other motorcycles to get the same performance as ALL other motorcycles.

    That's why people are going crazy! Never before have they used a phone where if they lightly touch a specific spot on the phone, all communication stops. Otherwise, why wouldn't everyone be complaining about connection grinding to a halt when using older iPhones?

    Think about it. THAT is the issue. If there was no issue, why would everyone be so vocal about it?
  • Reply 265 of 278
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    ...someone purposefully gripping onto phones tight in order to show dropped bars. That's not the issue that was originally reported at all!

    I think you're missing the point. Regardless of how antenna attenuation occurs, either by finger placement or by firm grip, it occurs on most every phone out there. That is the issue.

    Let's take this into consideration now. A lot of folks use BT headsets right? So you leave your phone in your pocket because you don't need to hold it right? You then proceed to sit down thus causing firm pressure on the phone itself (unless you are wearing MC Hammer pants ) then your call drops. Hey crazier things have happened!
  • Reply 266 of 278
    fontsfonts Posts: 5member
    shame on Apple - but they are a Corporation so what else do you expect?
  • Reply 267 of 278
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,926member
    Originally Posted by thespaz View Post

    ... That's why people are going crazy! Never before have they used a phone where if they lightly touch a specific spot on the phone, all communication stops. Otherwise, why wouldn't everyone be complaining about connection grinding to a halt when using older iPhones? ...

    Everyone is not complaining about the iP4. So, your point is, well, pointless.
  • Reply 268 of 278
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by msheredy View Post

    I think you're missing the point. Regardless of how antenna attenuation occurs, either by finger placement or by firm grip, it occurs on most every phone out there. That is the issue.

    In a way, the placement/grip issue really why this whole "Antennagate" thing got blown up. If the iPhone 4 required the same "death grip" as Apple has done to competitor phones to cause a call/data to drop, then everyone wouldn't have cared as much.

    It's the fact that holding the iPhone 4 in a "natural" grip is what's causing the phone to drop call/data that's the issue. This grip is one that pretty much everyone naturally uses to hold a phone while on a call.

    The "death grips" that Apple shows in its videos (or ones that show two-handed holds) will cause bars to drop for obvious reasons. But when was the last time you saw someone using one of those "death grips" to actually hold the phone? It's both uncomfortable and really awkward to use next to the face.
  • Reply 269 of 278
    Do you really think the people who are whining about the iPhone 4 antenna are intelligent enough really understand that statement?

    The simple fact is --- Anybody who has dealt with Apple knows that they take care of the customers --- beyond the letter of the written warranty. "Fanboys' like myself did not become a fanboy by accident, and should I be dissatisfied with my Apple product ( not the case), I know the Apple store will make it right.

    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    With hindsight I wish Steve had just laid it on the table:

    "We've re-thought the whole antenna thing, and putting it on the outside has both benefits and deficits. We believe the former outweigh the latter. Some may notice an interesting phenomenon that when you bridge the gap between the two antennas with your finder or hand that there may be a small drop in bar indication. In a normal signal strength area this should not have any detrimental effect. If you are in a low signal strength area, it might. But again, this design allows for greater signal strength in most conditions most of the time. On the plus side the outside antenna on the iPhone 4 yields a clear improvement in overall performance over its predecessor, and we believe it is the best smartphone on the market."

    This kind of unambiguous statement would have done much to "attenuate" criticism. Buyers would know up front what the characteristics of this model are, and could judge for themselves whether their real world experience is better or worse than before. I can understand why he didn't make this statement at the time the phone was released. Probably assumed people would figure this out for themselves. Also, it just goes against all normal business practice to point out any potentially negative characteristic of a newly released product. But again, in hindsight, it would have been better. Some people would have still not been pleased, but I think much of the reaction was fueled by the belief that Apple was trying to slip something past buyers.

    For the record, I can make the one or two bars drop by bridging the gap, but it doesn't seem to cause me any actual performance problems that I am aware of. Took my case off to experiment.

  • Reply 270 of 278
    "That's why people are going crazy! "

    The iP4 has only been out for a month. How much time and effort did each "crazy" person lose upgrading to IP4? Using your analogy of a motorcycle, I own a BMW. The turn signals work totally differently from other makes. Do I like it? No. Do i spend hours going crazy about it? No. Do I love my BMW? Heck....YESSSS !!!!

    If holding the phone is so unacceptable, just return it and get something else. This is America.

    Originally Posted by thespaz View Post

    No... I don't like your analogy.

    The iPhone 4 is like this: Imagine that you hop on your brand new motorcycle and start it up. For some reason, you find that it won't go over 10 mph if you're holding onto the left handlebar, but as soon as you let go, it went as fast as you want. However, the handlebar is specifically made for holding, so it doesn't make sense to you why you should have to drive your bike differently than all other motorcycles to get the same performance as ALL other motorcycles.

    That's why people are going crazy! Never before have they used a phone where if they lightly touch a specific spot on the phone, all communication stops. Otherwise, why wouldn't everyone be complaining about connection grinding to a halt when using older iPhones?

    Think about it. THAT is the issue. If there was no issue, why would everyone be so vocal about it?

  • Reply 271 of 278
    fontsfonts Posts: 5member

    I love it!

    Stick it to the apple-ho's
  • Reply 272 of 278
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    And he chose to ignore you.

    Ha, ha, ha. Sorry, but you are, as usual, entirely mistaken in your premises, on all counts, and your argument defies logic as well. Yet, ironically, your "argument", tone and desperate attempts to "get into it with someone" reinforce the impression that your only purpose here is trolling. Well, good luck.

    You didn't ignore it though, yet it was directed specifically at solipsism, so on the contrary, it appears you were desperate to "get into it with someone", me. Interesting that you seem to feel that solipsism needs you to debate on his behalf though...

    You'll forgive me I'm sure for rejecting your baseless assertion that I'm "entirely mistaken" in my premises, when you're consistently incapable of demonstrating it and you again resort to accusations of trolling. You're simply proving my point, and surprise, surprise, I'm still here.

    If your debating prowess is accurately reflected by your performance so far, I'm certainly not going to need any luck.
  • Reply 273 of 278
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Your the one that's confused.

    The issue isn't the "finger of death." The issue is blocking the signal by means of the users hand, and related to that, the dropping of calls.

    Apple's antenna is on the outside, therefore it's more sensitive to the issue. No one at Apple has ever denied that, they have even touted the extra sensitivity as a good thing. All phones have the issue, most of the time they don't drop calls however.

    If you hold the iPhone in a natural way, it won't suffer from this and won't drop calls. If you insist on holding your finger over the antenna, it will drop bars, but for the most part still won't drop the call. If you are in a marginal signal area while participating in such hijinks, you might drop the call.

    I hold my iPhone in my left hand exclusively while making a call but I never get my fingers near that spot unless I contort myself on purpose. It's a non-issue because it's almost impossible to reproduce for the vast majority of users.

    I feel sorry for you if you hold your phone that way and also live in a low signal area, but that doesn't make it an issue for the rest of us. Try holding the phone with your fingers like most folks do instead of slapping it to the side of your head with your entire hand cupped around it (the only way you'd see any problem at all).

    It's not healthy to have the antenna touching your face anyway. A more normal grip would eliminate your problem with the signal as well as make it less likely you will get jaw cancer or something.

    If you have a large hand like some of us it is very difficult not to hold the phone so that your fingers are crossing that line.

    However, since Apple is giving away a free bumper to resolve the issue, I personally don't think it's worth being angry about. If the worst case scenario is I have to re-learn how to grip my phone, oh well. If you don't cause the attenuation the iPhone by far has the best reception of any smart phone.

    Though I think they are being a big pompous about I say kudos to them for making an example of other manufacturers. These other companies are trying to make it sound like Apple suffers the issue alone, even going so far as to outright lie about their own phones having the issue. So I say rake em all over the coals and may the best phone win.
  • Reply 274 of 278
    I finally got an iPhone 4 today. Wow, talk about an overblown "problem". I can't get the deathgrip to work. My two impartial friends couldn't get it to happen. My Apple-hating Droid-loving friend couldn't get it to happen. I've been an Apple user for over 10 years. I knew people hated Apple, but I had no idea it spread to the tech bloggers who drummed up this whole farce.
  • Reply 275 of 278
    Originally Posted by fonts View Post

    I love it!

    Stick it to the apple-ho's

    Okay, people will go on jailbreaking and Apple will go on not prosecuting them. That sounds...well...just about exactly the way things are now. But thanks for the totally unrelated post.
  • Reply 276 of 278
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    If you have a large hand like some of us it is very difficult not to hold the phone so that your fingers are crossing that line.

    I think I have fairly large hands and I have no issues holding a regular-sized (read: 3.5"/3.7" screen) phone around the edges without having my hand swallow the entire phone. But that's just me...


    Though I think they are being a big pompous about I say kudos to them for making an example of other manufacturers. These other companies are trying to make it sound like Apple suffers the issue alone, even going so far as to outright lie about their own phones having the issue. So I say rake em all over the coals and may the best phone win.

    In a way, Apple is alone in this issue. They would be making an example of the other manufacturers if only their videos showed a signal drop while holding the phone in the "natural" grip. If you hold any other phone in the "natural" grip, you won't find the same signal drop as the iPhone. Instead, they have to wrap their model's hand in what would be an uncomfortable and excessive grip for most users.

    As many have said, the actual measurement of signal strength in dBm is what needs to be shown here and is the great equalizer in this debate. Android phones have it readily available in the settings, while Apple hides that information from the user. In all the videos I've seen, even though the competitor's phones bars might have gone down to zero, the "call ended" of "call dropped" screen is never shown. Even when the phone is held in the "death grip" Apple uses.
  • Reply 277 of 278
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    Originally Posted by Malligator View Post

    I finally got an iPhone 4 today. Wow, talk about an overblown "problem". I can't get the deathgrip to work. My two impartial friends couldn't get it to happen. My Apple-hating Droid-loving friend couldn't get it to happen. I've been an Apple user for over 10 years. I knew people hated Apple, but I had no idea it spread to the tech bloggers who drummed up this whole farce.

    My wife and I were holding out on the iPhone until we could understand the extent of the "problem." Now a number of my friends have their ip4s, and none have problems with their phones. On the contrary, they love them. We will be ordering our new iPhones this week.

    The extent of this problem has been exaggerated by people with an agenda. In this thread alone, so much of the dramatic noise about signal issues come from people who do not/will not own an ip4. Personally, I'd like to know how these folks have so much time on their hands that they can go to various sites, register, and conduct their private propaganda campaigns.

    At the end of the day, it's "The iPhone Antenna Song" that has it right...
    If you don't want an iPhone 4

    Don't buy it.

    If you bought one and you don't like it

    bring it back.

    ...but, you know you wont.
    BTW, I thought it was hilarious that Apple started off the Press Conference with this jingle.
  • Reply 278 of 278
    Whatever your purposes in putting and playing Movie/Music on Motorola Droid X , you can get the method here, so just know how to do it.
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