Australia's Telstra awards iPhone 4 "Blue Tick" for superior reception



  • Reply 21 of 84
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Weren't you babbling on some rubbish about your wife's iPhone 4 and your wonderful (yet useless here), multiple haemadroids.

    Send one over and I'll video the bars, or rather lack of, on your useless obsolete junk (from a rest of the world viewpoint).

    Remarkable in a STORY ABOUT AN AUSTRALIAN NETWORK, you babble on about AT&T, as if anyone in Australia cares, Australia being the subject of the thread you chose to engage in.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    01 - "Of course your droids would be absolutely useless here, we dumped CDMA years ago."

    Given that I never expressed such a desire, nor was it even a part of this thread's discourse, any point you were attempting to make about using a Droid in Australia is rendered entirely MOOT

    02 - "Now we can reassure customers that a lot of the hot air from windbags like you is rubbish".

    Maybe that's because you're Not In The United States or utilizing AT&T's US Network, resulting in much different carrier/user experience, which doesn't mean that US customer's are incorrect in their 'experiences' just different than those residing in Australia on a completely different network.

    Completely Different Situations - See How That Works?

  • Reply 22 of 84
    bcs123bcs123 Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    01 - "Of course your droids would be absolutely useless here, we dumped CDMA years ago."

    Given that I never expressed such a desire, nor was it even a part of this thread's discourse, any point you were attempting to make about using a Droid in Australia is rendered entirely MOOT

    02 - "Now we can reassure customers that a lot of the hot air from windbags like you is rubbish".

    Maybe that's because you're Not In The United States or utilizing AT&T's US Network, resulting in much different carrier/user experience, which doesn't mean that US customer's are incorrect in their 'experiences' just different than those residing in Australia on a completely different network.

    Completely Different Situations - See How That Works?

    You just won't let it go that for the vast majority of US customers, this is not an issue. Just as the Australians are already figuring out, the issue has been colossally overblown by our sensationalist media. We get it, you're a droid fan. That's fine. Why can't you let all those happy with their iPhone4 be happy. You don't have one, aren't affected, so where's that chip on your shoulder coming from?
  • Reply 23 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Remarkable in a STORY ABOUT AN AUSTRALIAN NETWORK, you babble on about AT&T, as if anyone in Australia cares, Australia being the subject of the thread you chose to engage in.

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    As I work in a phone store in Australia and it's tomorrow now, we got a demo iPhone 4 yesterday, first thing I did after activating it was try the issues.

    Didn't you claim on one of the threads that you worked for a Vodafone reseller? And since the article is talking about Telstra, which operates a 850Mhz network in parts of Australia make your experience different than the referenced article? Australia was not the subject, Telstra was.
  • Reply 24 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Weren't you babbling on some rubbish about your wife's iPhone 4 and your wonderful (yet useless here), multiple haemadroids.

    Send one over and I'll video the bars, or rather lack of, on your useless obsolete junk (from a rest of the world viewpoint).

    Remarkable in a STORY ABOUT AN AUSTRALIAN NETWORK, you babble on about AT&T, as if anyone in Australia cares, Australia being the subject of the thread you chose to engage in.

    You might want to examine the entire situation before so readily passing judgement, as my intial post in this thread stated very clearly that, "Personally, I'd rather hear how things are once actual users have had some time with the device." - Specifically those residing Australia who will be using the device for the first time after it's 30 July 10 release.

    Unfortunately (for you) it appears that your focus/thought process was derailed by those blindly defending ('Babbling On' about, if you will) any possible 'antenna issue' without actually having experienced using the device in Australia on Telstra's cellular network.
  • Reply 25 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Didn't you claim on one of the threads that you worked for a Vodafone reseller? And since the article is talking about Telstra, which operates a 850Mhz network in parts of Australia make your experience different than the referenced article? Australia was not the subject, Telstra was.

    Curious how certain 'facts' tend to change from thread-to-thread, with some posters -
  • Reply 26 of 84
    bcs123bcs123 Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    You might want to examine the entire situation before so readily passing judgement, as my intial post in this thread stated very clearly that, "Personally, I'd rather hear how things are once actual users have had some time with the device." - Specifically those residing Australia who will be using the device for the first time after it's 30 July 10 release.

    Unfortunately (for you) it appears that your focus/thought process was derailed by those blindly defending ('Babbling On' about, if you will) any possible 'antenna issue' without actually having experienced using the device in Australia on Telstra's cellular network.

    I would say the people at telestra who have tested it have quite a bit of experience using it in Australia. Why is it so hard to believe they found it functioned well within parameters?
  • Reply 27 of 84
    Originally Posted by Bcs123 View Post

    I would say the people at telestra who have tested it have quite a bit of experience using it in Australia. Why is it so hard to believe they found it functioned well within parameters?

    Because he's the guy that owns three Android phones and two Android tablets that for some reason spends most of his time on an Apple rumor site...
  • Reply 28 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post

    Because he's the guy that owns three Android phones and two Android tablets that for some reason spends most of his time on an Apple rumor site...

    ...or maybe because I also own every generation of iPod, nano, iPod Touch, iMac, iPad, Powerbook, MacBook Pro, and Yes (wait for it...) iPhone as well (the wife's personal handset is an iPhone4, and mine is work-issued).

    It's a very nice position in which to be as it affords me a much clearer perspective on all devices, regardless of manufacturer.
  • Reply 29 of 84
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    ...or maybe because I also own every generation of iPod, nano, iPod Touch, iMac, iPad, Powerbook, MacBook Pro, and Yes (wait for it...) iPhone as well (the wife's personal handset is an iPhone4, and mine is work-issued).

    It's a very nice position in which to be as it affords me a much clearer perspective on all devices, regardless of manufacturer.

    And i'm on a direct line to God.
  • Reply 30 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    And i'm on a direct line to God.

    Good For You (in your belief)... but you might want to ask said 'God' to help you digest that full-helping of 'Crow I Just Served You'... Enjoy

    See... The difference is that my post is actual based in fact, and therein lies all the difference -

    Note: ... and that's just the Apple 'stuff' I had lying around within arm's reach -

    Now about that iPhone 4 being released on Australia's Telstra network... I sure hope these new user enjoy their new handsets -
  • Reply 31 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    It's off topic I know, but we're next door neighbours to Oz, so I figure it can't hurt.

    According to the linked report from local news station NewsTalkZB, the Kiwi launch has stalled with Vodafone being unable to sell iPhone 4s to its customers.

    "Vodafone has been left red-faced over what was meant to have been the launch of the iPhone 4.

    A spokesman greeted around a dozen people waiting outside its store on Auckland's Queen Street and told them it can't sell the new phones at the moment. People waiting were offered a complementary[sic] coffee.

    Vodafone says it can't comment on what's stalling the launch and is directing media enquiries to Apple."

    Oops. And this from the first country on the planet to see the new day. I hope the Aussie launch went better.
  • Reply 32 of 84
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    : Are you currently residing/using your iPhone 4 in Australia?

    I only ask because this article originates directly from Australian mobile provider Telstra, and clearly states that the, "iPhone 4 launches in Australia tomorrow"... Hmmm?

    a number of ppl bought them unlocked in the UK and brought them over. very good reports so far, we'll see what the rest say today.
  • Reply 33 of 84
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    The engineers at Apple must feel pretty bad that they spent so long designing this phone for testing sites to say that it works very well so long as you put a case on it.

    It's like ordering an attractive Russian bride only for her to come supplied with a note suggesting not to remove the bag from her head. True story.

    I don't like the Apple designed bumpers. They look tacky. If they were going to encourage the use of bumpers, they should have put cheap phone parts in the bumper case and made them work with the iPod Touch then scrap the iPhone. Just buy an iPod Touch and drop it in the phone bumper/case from your preferred carrier.
  • Reply 34 of 84
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    So there Consumer Retorts!
  • Reply 35 of 84
    So maybe the iPhone4 reception problem is an AT&T problem, not an Apple problem!! Fancy that! Perhaps now Steve Jobs can expect an apology from the anti-Apple forces in the USA?
  • Reply 36 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
  • Reply 37 of 84
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    It's off topic I know, but we're next door neighbours to Oz, so I figure it can't hurt.

    Oops. And this from the first country on the planet to see the new day. I hope the Aussie launch went better.

    Umm.. no. Samoa is a country and is in its own UTS+13hrs time zone. The Line Islands is not a country (being part of Kirabati) but are at UTS +14hrs (!) (I live in Fiji, same time as NZ, UTS+12hrs)

    Cheers Cuz!

    PS: Apart from Rugby U, Oz does most things better (.. go the Wobballies anyway!)

    PPS: complementary coffee is sort of appropriate (Scottish humour?).
  • Reply 38 of 84
    And maybe you people in the USA ought to start thinking about your laws that force companies like Apple to do deals with lazy telcos like AT&T to get access to decent national telecommunications networks?

    At least in Australia the current government is doing something about creating a national broadband network for every Australian citizen and business without being beholden to deals with particular network operators. Our only problem is that we have an election coming up where a moronic opposition party will undo all this visionary work and return us to the last century along with the USA. You need to think really long and hard about how vital a single, unified national broadband network will become for any successful economy in this century. Only then will innovative companies like Apple really be able to show us the future.
  • Reply 39 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    It's off topic I know, but we're next door neighbours to Oz, so I figure it can't hurt.

    According to the linked report from local news station NewsTalkZB, the Kiwi launch has stalled with Vodafone being unable to sell iPhone 4s to its customers.

    "Vodafone has been left red-faced over what was meant to have been the launch of the iPhone 4.

    A spokesman greeted around a dozen people waiting outside its store on Auckland's Queen Street and told them it can't sell the new phones at the moment. People waiting were offered a complementary[sic] coffee.

    Vodafone says it can't comment on what's stalling the launch and is directing media enquiries to Apple."

    Oops. And this from the first country on the planet to see the new day. I hope the Aussie launch went better.

    Interesting... Looking forward to further updates.
  • Reply 40 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by enzos View Post

    Umm.. no. Samoa is a country and is in its own UTS+13hrs time zone. The Line Islands is not a country (being part of Kirabati) but are at UTS +14hrs (!) (I live in Fiji, same time as NZ, UTS+12hrs)

    Cheers Cuz!

    PS: Apart from Rugby U, Oz does most things better (.. go the Wobballies anyway!)

    PPS: complementary coffee is sort of appropriate (Scottish humour?).

    Yep, Fiji and NZ are first equal in the sunrise stakes. Wasn't expecting to see Fiji represented here, so my bad.

    I believe Samoa had its dateline status altered in order to win the new millenium race, and haven't bothered getting it revisited.

    I agree Oz does most things better and given it's got five times the population we do, it would be a surprise I think if that weren't the case. However, the Socceroos didn't do nearly as well as the All Whites in the FIFA world cup, so that's a new one they handed to us. The Warriors aren't faring too badly either this year. And of course, we've been rated above the Wannabees in union for pretty much a century, with this year being no exception.

    But enough bragging...

    I'm picking the All Blacks by 12 points or better. (Brave of me considering it's an away game for us). We'll see tomorrow.

    Bula Vinaka Cuz.
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