CDMA iPhone, AMD-powered Apple TV with iOS, 7-inch iPad rumored



  • Reply 161 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    Significantly cheaper than $499, but more expensive than $199?

    $299 to $399 is the only viable option and that might start to canibilise iPod Touch sales at $199, $299 & $399

    They could do this:

    16GB 7" iPad $399.

    32GB 10" iPad $499.

    64GB 10" iPad $599.

    Add $130 for 3G.
  • Reply 162 of 207
    Originally Posted by Bagman View Post

    Yeah, I already told the Apple engineer to get Steve to drop all his projects, and make a dedicated iPad for us pilots.

    My Turbo Bonanza B36TC flies up to 25,000 (it can go higher, but not certified as such, and is non-pressurized, with built in O2). You can't use any computers which use disk-drives, because they fail at high altitudes - the iPad gets extremely hot, which may have nothing to do with the altitude, since it is solid-state, but overheating has been a constant complaint about iPads (wonder why I haven't heard anything about this on this board?)

    Didn't know you were a pilot also. Did my training at Travis Aeroclub/Petaluma/Oakland, before buying a few planes and settling into Palo Alto. I wish I could ditch my 50 lbs of charts for a 7" iPad. That would make my day. (still waiting for the callback from Steve...)

    Never pursued it... I went to work for IBM and got married-- there was little time for hobbies.

    Bonanza... Nice. My Dad's boss had a V-tail that he flew out from Minnesota a couple of times. He would land at Long Beach. He let me take control and I really enjoyed it.

    Yeah, I can see where the iPad is just too big to be useful while flying. Something about half the size would be the sweet spot. Keep the aspect ratio and pixel count and reduce the size in half-- be mid way between an iPhone and an iPad-- fairly easy to compensate up or down for iPhone and iPad apps.

  • Reply 163 of 207
    Couldn't this also be that both Sprint and Verizon will get the iPhone?
  • Reply 164 of 207
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    With gaming so profitable and successful on the iPhone and iPad, I wonder if this new AMD chip will be for gaming? Are we talking Wii level performance or higher? I can't imagine it would be anywhere near 360 or PS3 level, but then again, those systems are 5 years old now. Anyone have any stats on the AMD chip?

    As for iOS on the big screen, it makes a lot of sense, but only with properly retooled apps. When paired with a motion sensing Wiimote style controller a lot of games would work pretty well, leaving the touch screen ones off limits unless more significantly reworked. Combine it with a cable killing subscription plan (admittedly, this would be something of an epic achievement if anyone pulled it off), and you'd have a pretty compelling box.

    unless they want to give tv over to android they have to do is such an obvious jump point i can't imagine apple isn't working on a LED TV with ios built in.
  • Reply 165 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    While I agree with the rest of your post, gotta strongly disagree with the slimming of the Bezel.

    As Gruber has pointed out several times, if you slim the bezel, how do you hold the iPad without touching and covering the screen?

    The Bezel is as thick as it is for a good reason.

    You needed Gruber to point that out for you? That's common sense. Fuck Gruber.
  • Reply 166 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    There is no room in the pricing scale for a cheaper iPad. Not to mention the smaller size would be a nightmare for developers.

    Nightmare for developers? The screen res is the exact same, they wouldn't need to change a thing.
  • Reply 167 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by 801 View Post

    Frankly, I would think that a larger Ipad, near 8" by 11", would allow greater penetration of the business market. That would be in medical and marketing.

    Making the iPad heavier is no solution for anyone.
  • Reply 168 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    The Kindle is doing well?

    For what the Kindle is; an e-ink book reader, it's doing very well. I just bought one in fact. I would love if the Kindle had a touch screen keyboard though.
  • Reply 169 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    I'm glad you're happy for me, I'm happy for me too-- but of course you took my response as some sort of personal attack which is typical among fanbois. Sigh. Yes, I'm aware of the stats. I stated AS AN E-READER. As a niche E-READER, the Kindle is doing well. The proof, as I stated in my anecdote, is real world evidence despite the numbers. I see on a daily basis far more Kindles than Ipads being used as E-READERS. E-READERS. Hence, the possibility of a new, lighter, more sleek, easier to hold 7" iPAD. nO?

    *cough* E-READER *cough*

    It will have to be touch e-ink for Apple to do it. Touch keyboard etc. I have my doubts though.
  • Reply 170 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I envision a 7" iPad as more of a business-targeted device as opposed to a consumer-targeted device.

    What company are you talking about? Apple makes stuff for the consumer.
  • Reply 171 of 207
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    Yes it would. Size of controls are different, even if the number of pixels are the same, the size of them are different.

    The size of the icons on the iPad are already different to the size of the icons on the iPhone, they'd only be closer to the size of the icons on the iPhone, if not around the exact same size. Like I was saying, if they do this device they will just make the 10" iPad this new pixels-per-inch count.
  • Reply 172 of 207
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    Don't insult the Wii :O the Wii is epic , but yeah the graphics, processor, memory, storage & UI all suck- I'm not even sure why I like it

    The Wii is a great example of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. It changed the paradigm by changing from 'faster GPU, more pixels = better" to "fun to play with mediocre screen appearance". Ought to be a good lesson for all the people claiming "Apple product x is going to fail because it doesn't have feature y".

    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Roll prices back a bit on both models in the new update. Sell the 32 for 299 and the 64 for 300.

    Not a chance. Apple rarely drops price when they update a product. Rather, they add more features and keep the price constant.
  • Reply 173 of 207
    porchlandporchland Posts: 478member
    Originally Posted by GaspinRasputin View Post

    I don't understand the need for a smaller iPad...

    I'm waiting specifically for a smaller iPad. For reading books, InstaPaper, etc. -- which is mainly what I want an iPad to do -- I would prefer one that is slightly smaller and slightly lighter than the current model.
  • Reply 174 of 207
    hudson1hudson1 Posts: 800member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    They could do this:

    16GB 7" iPad $399.

    32GB 10" iPad $499.

    64GB 10" iPad $599.

    Add $130 for 3G.

    I doubt we'll see a $100 price cut coming at this point as there doesn't seem to be any data suggesting Apple needs to do it. Isn't it more likely Apple would up the specs at the current prices, such as...

    32GB (10") for $499

    64GB (10") for $599

    and maybe:

    128GB (10") for $699 ?

    Frankly, I'm surprised Apple even came out with a 16GB version considering the latest generation iPod Touch has 32GB minimum. Must have been to get the entry point below that magic $500 figure.

    And that leads to what could be a 7" model... 16 GB or 32GB for $399 ?? Who knows?
  • Reply 175 of 207
    rkrickrkrick Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by ranger_one View Post

    I think iOS would be fine, but don't believe the streaming-only design approach is likely because it would limit the user base to only those homes with decent broadband (America lags the world there).

    I have to disagree with you here based on my personal experience. While I do agree that America lacks in data speeds in the cellphone arena I think the opposite is the case for broadband. I live primarily in the US but also have an apartment in France as well as one in Germany. In both of my apartments in the EU I have 2Mb service in which each costs more than double my 50 Mb service in the US. I can up the ante to 10MB, which is the maximum, in my apartments but the cost would be astronomical to do so.
  • Reply 176 of 207
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You needed Gruber to point that out for you? That's common sense. Fuck Gruber.

    Well, at least Gruber is reporting on Google's and Verizon's plan to turn the Internet into a set of tiered services that broadband providers will control. So far, AI is rather quiet on the issue.
  • Reply 177 of 207
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    Oh please. You'd have to try really hard not to beat the POC that is the Wii. iPhone 4 alone can do that, and pretty easily.

    I haven't seen any evidence of that yet. Look at Super Mario Galaxy 2 for example. No iOS game has visuals anywhere near that quality. (and at 60fps too)
  • Reply 178 of 207
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    There's a barrier to iPad adoption?

    Forty percent of iPad buyers have an income over $100,000.

    They really need to bring the price down to increase sales to Joe Consumer although admittedly right now they're selling every single unit they manufacture, due to tight supply constraints.

    Nothing Apple needs to panic over right now, just something they want to think about for the future (I'm sure they already have a product roadmap with anticipated pricing over the next three years).
  • Reply 179 of 207
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    How exactly would iOS work on apple TV? It's a completely different category of device to iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad.

    Think Nintendo Wii
  • Reply 180 of 207
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Forty percent of iPad buyers have an income over $100,000.

    They really need to bring the price down to increase sales to Joe Consumer although admittedly right now they're selling every single unit they manufacture, due to tight supply constraints.

    Nothing Apple needs to panic over right now, just something they want to think about for the future (I'm sure they already have a product roadmap with anticipated pricing over the next three years).

    It may not be the cost of the iPad that has shown the average buyer to be more affluent. Remember, the rumored consensus was closer to double the price than what twas announced in January. I'd say the most jawdropping part of that event was the unbelievably low introductory price.

    I think what those surveys are showing is what most said after the event: Why do I need this when I have a smartphone and a PC? You don't. It's not a neccesity the way we view and see those other computers and clearlyn designed as an accessory conputer so it was bound to be adopted by those with more disposable income.

    The other real surprise seems to be much older users flocking to this device without the scare and confusion a PC offers and with a large enough display and lack of contract that takes smartphones out of the running.

    Also, let's not forget the elephant in the room. It's only been out since April. I'd wager that people with more disposable income are more unlikely to adopt a new product out d the gate over those with less money.

    Finally, can we trust the survey? It seems like people like to inject their goals, not reality, even when it's anonymous.
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