Apple's government Mac sales surge 200%, enterprise grows 50%



  • Reply 81 of 91
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Thank you, good to hear

    Putting the current economy aside we are in a very important election cycle which will keep the market in a holding pattern for at least the next few months.
  • Reply 82 of 91
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Are you really happy? Or do you just think you are?

    Got an iPad? Can you see your favorite sites?

    Got an iPhone? Can you hold a call?

    Got a Time Capsule? Can you restore you files where you want them to go?

    Got an iMac? Can you see your reflection?

    Got an iPod touch? Can you take a picture?

    It's always something with everything they do. Like no USB 3 or eSATA or Blu Ray.

    And why not? Because it can't be done? Or because ONE MAN at Apple doesn't want you to do it?

    Don't you think there is SOMETHING wrong with that?? Put down the Apple Pie and THINK for a minute.

    I'm happy right now, Apple saves me money by reducing my therapy costs, I think. Don't know about yours.

    With my iPad I can see my favourite sites. Those I can't are full Flash-based annoyances. Or if I really need to, I just use my Macbook Alu. As for the viewing angle, a case, or just Cool Feet from Bluelounge, and it's a sweet experience right now.

    My iPhone 3GS can hold a call, probably because I'm in a third-world country that actually has basic mobile phone infrastructure in place, unlike certain first-world countries.

    No time capsule, just plug in my USB hard disk (one of those cheapo enclosures) and voilÃ* - instant peace of mind. Can't imagine backing up any other way. Accidentally nuked a GarageBand file the other day, got it back happily.

    No iMac for me, I have a Samsung 21" with very little glare for my big screen needs, just connect my Macbook Alu to it. The MacBook glare was killing me, so I put an antiglare film on it is much better.

    Sold my iPod touch once I got my iPhone 2 years ago.

    Bottom line, looks like you need to investigate third party accessories a bit more. Or simply accept the larger ecosystem of technology which Apple operates in...

    Oh BTW as for BluRay, where I am it costs about USD $50 per movie so screw that. Most movies are garbage anyway. Plus, I have my satellite TV for HD sports.

    Should Apple put in BluRay as an option? Definitely. But I'm not tearing out my hair over it. The whole TV and movie industry is so screwed up and fragmented I really don't care as much nowadays.
  • Reply 83 of 91
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Putting the current economy aside we are in a very important election cycle which will keep the market in a holding pattern for at least the next few months.

    A very important election cycle?? Firstly, Apple sells half their stuff overseas. Secondly, no one is holding up any major market moves for the chance that one house of the US Congress may or may not change hands. The election isn't until after the end of the Government (and Apple's) fiscal year which is going to drive stocks a lot more than the election.
  • Reply 84 of 91
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    A very important election cycle?? Firstly, Apple sells half their stuff overseas. Secondly, no one is holding up any major market moves for the chance that one house of the US Congress may or may not change hands. The election isn't until after the end of the Government (and Apple's) fiscal year which is going to drive stocks a lot more than the election.

    Plus maybe a ton of people probably don't really know what the Senate actually does anyway.
  • Reply 85 of 91
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Plus maybe a ton of people probably don't really know what the Senate actually does anyway.

    Not a hell of a lot, would be a fair appraisal.
  • Reply 86 of 91
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,649member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    it is true that apple does very little to help with enterprises dealing with macs. it is still a 'me and my machine' mentality with a little bit of os x server thrown in. nothing on the scale of what MS has done for managing the enterprise.

    This is very true and frustrating. Apple can and should do more to help out the users who want to get a Mac at work. I suspect there are a lot of people who would love to use a Mac at work, and have enough clout to at least get IT to consider the request, but who ultimately don't get to have the Mac because Apple's efforts to make the Mac integrate into an MS IT environment are half-hearted. Apple should just buy Thursby and integrate their products into OSX (or charge $100 extra for "OSX enterprise")
  • Reply 87 of 91
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    I buy a lot of those myself. I have an array of cloud servers in my office, each costing less than half the price of a Mac Mini. Indeed, a good value, and more interestingly their standby wattage is less than half that of Apple's best, making them far greener solutions for always-on systems.

    I'd love to see the stats on those systems. The Mac Mini uses 10W of power at idle. The iMac 21.5" 3.06GHz i3 uses 35.4W at idle. That includes a display tho, so no surprise there. I'm not aware of many (any?) small form factor pcs with better power consumption than the Mac Mini with anywhere near equivalent power.
  • Reply 88 of 91
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    At the government office we're still not allowed to receive a Mac without a special request which is close to impossible to get. Furthermore, they have not incorporated CAC card technology to Macs yet, as far as I know, so secured email cannot be used.

    Our IT staff claims that they're working on it, but knowing them, I ain't holdin my breath!!

    There are other sites that tell you how too.
  • Reply 89 of 91
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    You may be right, it could be that they're trying but after 20 years are still failing.

    Let us know when they get to 20%....

    20%? I'm going to guess two years from now via iPads sales.

    Interesting topics at the apple summer learning institute this year from what I heard.
  • Reply 90 of 91
    ... a good use of my considerable tax dollars.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... Mac government sales grew 200.8 percent year over year in the June quarter, ...

  • Reply 91 of 91
    Originally Posted by john galt View Post

    ... a good use of my considerable tax dollars.

    I believe the fact that Larry Ellison is member of Apple's administration board will some day translate into some form of cooperation between Apple & Oracle. In addition to that, Oracle now owns the Open Office suite, which , if properly marketed (which has not been the case so far) could severely hurt Microsoft.
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