Apple preps Yerba Buena Center for Sept. 1 event

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Ahead of the Sept. 1 media event scheduled for next week, Apple has posted its acoustic guitar graphic outside the Yerb Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

Apple sent out invitations for its "scheduled event" on Wednesday. The e-mail included an acoustic guitar with a sound hole in the shape of an Apple logo, alluding to the music-themed nature of Apple's annual iPod-centric event.

That same graphic is now posted outside San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the same location that has hosted the event for years.

Some have even interpreted the music related graphic to potentially signal the kind of announcements Apple will make next week. However, it remains heavily rumored that the company will release a new $99, iOS-based Apple TV.

Apple is also rumored to announce a new iPod touch with a forward-facing camera for FaceTime video chat functionality. Reports have also indicated that the iPod touch will receive a rear camera and flash, as well as the high-resolution Retina Display currently found on the iPhone 4.

Recent rumors and alleged cases have also suggested that Apple will release a redesigned iPod nano with a small, square form factor and a touchscreen display. One analyst said the iPod nano redesign would be a "big departure" from the current hardware.

Photo via Flickr user Maltegoesche.


  • Reply 1 of 73
    Could be a really exciting event - if no one spoils it!
  • Reply 2 of 73
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple is also rumored to announce a new iPod touch with a forward-facing camera for FaceTime video chat functionality. Reports have also indicated that the iPod touch will receive a rear camera and flash, as well as the high-resolution Retina Display currently found on the iPhone 4.

    Would also like the retinal display, 128 GB storage and longer battery life in the iP Touch.
  • Reply 3 of 73
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Would also like the retinal display, 128 GB storage and longer battery life in the iP Touch.

    Hey, why not a price cut while you're at it...
  • Reply 4 of 73
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Could be a really exciting event - if no one spoils it!

    Oh, let me. New iPods are all fine and good, but an iOS4 iTV is about the dumbest idea Steve Jobs has come up with. I still don't see the point of the iPad, which is a ten inch iPhone that can't even make phone calls. Now I'm going to buy this iTV thing and turn my TV set into a 55 inch iPhone?

    I guess Steve O is on serious medication for his liver to be coming up with such foolish products. And they continue to turn their backs on their core business with the latest pitiful upgrades to the Mac. This company is rapidly heading for the dumpster.

    Microsoft has a hit with Windows 7 and now they are going full guns in the mobile space. So long Apple. We'll miss you. Time to sell Apple and buy Microsoft.
  • Reply 5 of 73
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    I use the ignore list sparingly--you never know when an idiot might have a point. But if they have only controversy in mind, with absolutely no attempt to make sense or add to the discussion...

    Blackintosh, you are past due.

    NOTE: Unless you think his post is serious, please don't repost for your reply.
  • Reply 6 of 73
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I use the ignore list sparingly--you never know when an idiot might have a point. But if they have only controversy in mind, with absolutely no attempt to make sense or add to the discussion...

    Blackintosh, you are past due.

    NOTE: Unless you think his post is serious, please don't repost for your reply.

    Do you intend to purchase an iTV if it materializes? And what will you do with it? Watch movies in 720P? Play games? With what controller? Run Apps? Like what? Accuweather? Flashlight? Fart and burp apps?

    You think an iTV will revolutionize the home TV experience? Will it be magical? Instead of inferring that I am an idiot who is past due, respond to my points. If you can between bites of your bagel with the apple jam on it.
  • Reply 7 of 73
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Doh! That's it!

    They will be announcing the Apple Guitar!

    Except in Britain it will be renamed the iGuitar.
  • Reply 8 of 73
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    I saw an iPhone5 prototype in Vietnam on vacation last week. It had HDMI out specifically for blu-ray. It also had an add-on screen that made the display matte for the matte lovers.
  • Reply 9 of 73
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Do you intend to purchase an iTV if it materializes? And what will you do with it? Watch movies in 720P? Play games? With what controller? Run Apps? Like what? Accuweather? Flashlight? Fart and burp apps?

    You think an iTV will revolutionize the home TV experience? Will it be magical? Instead of inferring that I am an idiot who is past due, respond to my points. If you can between bites of your bagel with the apple jam on it.

    In all fairness you didn't make many points yourself. You talked about SJ and his liver. Bashing anyone's health concerns is generally considered bad form and distracts from any valid points you may or may not have made.

    I find the Apple TV pretty useful. I record shows on my mac instead of a cable company dvr. From there I have the option of watching those shows on my mac, iPhone, iPad, or TV. Flexibility I wouldn't have so readily with a dvr.

    I can also use it to stream music to airport express speakers across my house without having to have a Mac turned on.

    The current apple tv isn't everything I want it to be, but I don't think it makes much sense to bash something (the rumored update) before you know what it is or how OTHER people might find it useful.
  • Reply 10 of 73
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    In all fairness you didn't make many points yourself.

    I am questioning the value of turning my TV set into a iPad. I know I'm not going to score any points with the people on this forum, who have repeatedly stated they prefer to watch TV on a ten inch iPad in their homes because it is magical and intimate.
  • Reply 11 of 73
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I still don't see the point of the iPad, which is a ten inch iPhone that can't even make phone calls.

    Apparently millions of people have seen the point, which calls into question whether there should be any credibility given to the rest of your speculations and opinions.
  • Reply 12 of 73
    Does anyone else find the english translation for Yerba Buena funny?
  • Reply 13 of 73
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    I saw an iPhone5 prototype in Vietnam on vacation last week. It had HDMI out specifically for blu-ray. It also had an add-on screen that made the display matte for the matte lovers.

    Prove it.
  • Reply 14 of 73
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I am questioning the value of turning my TV set into a iPad. I know I'm not going to score any points with the people on this forum, who have repeatedly stated they prefer to watch TV on a ten inch iPad in their homes because it is magical and intimate.

    I read this forum often and don't recall seeing members post those words. I think those were Apple's PR words. Have members REALLY said that here? I'd be pretty surprised, but if you say so.....
  • Reply 15 of 73
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    Apparently millions of people have seen the point, which calls into question whether there should be any credibility given to the rest of your speculations and opinions.

    Maybe. And maybe a million people bought this thing and put it in a drawer and forgot about it. Are you in every living room on earth? Spare me the "everyone is doing it so it must be right" argument.
  • Reply 16 of 73
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    "I wonder what it's about?" he said, staring at the 3 story guitar.
  • Reply 17 of 73
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,537member
  • Reply 18 of 73
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Oh, let me. New iPods are all fine and good, but an iOS4 iTV is about the dumbest idea Steve Jobs has come up with. I still don't see the point of the iPad, which is a ten inch iPhone that can't even make phone calls. Now I'm going to buy this iTV thing and turn my TV set into a 55 inch iPhone?

    I guess Steve O is on serious medication for his liver to be coming up with such foolish products. And they continue to turn their backs on their core business with the latest pitiful upgrades to the Mac. This company is rapidly heading for the dumpster.

    Microsoft has a hit with Windows 7 and now they are going full guns in the mobile space. So long Apple. We'll miss you. Time to sell Apple and buy Microsoft.

    Hey, one mans food is another mans poison I guess. I for one LOVE the iPad. I never liked surfing the web on my iPhone or iPod touch while traveling, but didn't always want to lug my MacBook around with me either. The iPad solves this problem beautifully for me. Besides being lighter than a laptop, it is vastly more enjoyable to surf the web on.

    Not only that, but as a photographer, it has become an invaluable tool while on the road.

    If you can't see the point in the iPad, that's fine....but there are many like me who do. :-)
  • Reply 19 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Oh, let me. New iPods are all fine and good, but an iOS4 iTV is about the dumbest idea Steve Jobs has come up with. I still don't see the point of the iPad, which is a ten inch iPhone that can't even make phone calls. Now I'm going to buy this iTV thing and turn my TV set into a 55 inch iPhone?

    I guess Steve O is on serious medication for his liver to be coming up with such foolish products. And they continue to turn their backs on their core business with the latest pitiful upgrades to the Mac. This company is rapidly heading for the dumpster.

    Microsoft has a hit with Windows 7 and now they are going full guns in the mobile space. So long Apple. We'll miss you. Time to sell Apple and buy Microsoft.

    You haven't been banned yet? Incredible.
  • Reply 20 of 73
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Maybe. And maybe a million people bought this thing and put it in a drawer and forgot about it. Are you in every living room on earth? Spare me the "everyone is doing it so it must be right" argument.


    Even Steve himself has stated that the iTv is not about to revolutionize ANYTHING. AppleTV as it currently exists is due for an update... this is that update. For SOME users Apple/iTv fills a gap that in the product line. I personally have all of my music and digital video content on a main central server in my house. I stream this music to my High Fi Receiver and other various stereo equipment around the house every day. I prefer a visual based interface for browsing the content. Until the recent Mac Mini update the appleTV was the only product with a built in HDMI output. I prefer to play 99/199 for this and not 599+ so iTv/AppleTv is a very viable and valuable part of my computer setup.

    Every living room DOES NOT run like that. If this was the home run that the iphone was iTv would be having its own event, instead of being tagged onto the end of the ipod event.

    As for pitiful upgrades... 12 cores isnt enough for you? What would you have them do? The laptops are very functional, the multitouch is great... remember the high end user in less than 10% of apples core business these days. Get used to it. Phones and Pads and Music players make more money for the company..

    this iTv update is just that... an update to a placeholder product that fills a nitch gap for SOME users.
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