QuickBooks 2011 for Mac to add support for multiple users

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Intuit on Tuesday announced QuickBooks 2011 for Mac, its latest accounting and bookkeeping application with a new multi-user solution, satisfying the most-requested feature from customers.

The new multi-user support in QuickBooks 2011 for Mac includes user permission controls that will allow small-business owners to delegate accounting tasks to others in the company. Intuit said that the "guiding principle" in the development of the latest version of QuickBooks was to save small businesses time.

QuickBooks 2011 for Mac will become available for purchase on Sept. 27, and will support up to five users accessing records at the same time. Administrators will be able to control the level of access individual users have to records.

The 2011 update will also offer milage tracking, the ability to sort transactions in account registers, quick export to Excel or Numbers, and better report customization.

"With the multi-user solution, which includes user permission controls, small business owners will be able to delegate important accounting tasks to others in the company," said Will Lynes, Intuit's QuickBooks for Mac product manager.

QuickBooks 2011 for Mac will also supports QuickBooks connect for the iPhone and iPod touch, and batch invoicing.

The full list features in the new QuickBooks 2011 for Mac, according to Intuit, includes:

Scale the Back Office as You Grow

Multi-User Access allows up to five employees to simultaneously view and edit QuickBooks data files.

User Permissions lets small businesses determine who can work in up to eight accounting activity areas. In addition, iChat integration allows logged-in users to communicate with each other using QuickBooks to avoid crossed wires.

Make Everyday Tasks Easier

Mileage Tracking enables users to log their job-related auto mileage for reimbursement on customer invoices and at tax time, giving small businesses a better understanding of job costs.

Register Sorting allows users to find specific transactions faster by easily sorting account registers by date, type, number, amount, and other fields.

Export Report Data seamlessly to either Excel or Numbers.

Little Square is a free, online magazine with videos, articles and other resources that helps users learn the ins and outs of QuickBooks for Mac.

Customize for Your Needs

Layout Designer offers improved, ready-made templates to give users the ability to create customized forms for estimates, invoices and more. New tools simplify image cropping and field alignment to create a unique, professional look.

Customize Reports allows users to more easily create custom reports with a modern look using familiar Mac-like tools.


  • Reply 1 of 40
    I'd like to see a QuickBooks app for the iPad.
  • Reply 2 of 40
    Where's the app?
  • Reply 3 of 40
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Sounds like it is not Quick Books Pro though. Still a step forward.
  • Reply 4 of 40

    Any interest in this died years ago
  • Reply 5 of 40
    Intuit lost me as a Quicken customer when they dropped the ability to print checks with the new version. I hope that will not be an omission with quickbooks.
  • Reply 6 of 40
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Can the company export file be opened with the Windows version? Most CPAs use Windows so it needs to be cross platform compatible if you have a CPA do your taxes. So it needs to be able to import CPA changes created on Windows version as well.
  • Reply 7 of 40
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by plovell View Post


    Any interest in this died years ago

    Maybe for Joe but for business the need/want is there.

    We are waiting for QBP go multiuser in my office.
  • Reply 8 of 40
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Sounds like it is not Quick Books Pro though. Still a step forward.

    Don't feel too bad... From what I heard, it still runs fine on System 7... So we got THAT going for us...
  • Reply 9 of 40
    Quicken lost me as a customer, and my recommendations as a consultant to my customers, when they refused to say and do anything about a proper update/upgrade to Quicken for Mac, together with an APP to go on the iPAD/iPHONE.
  • Reply 10 of 40
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    It's a travesty that Bill Campbell (Chairman of Intuit) continues to sit on the board at Apple.
  • Reply 11 of 40
    QuickBooks isn't so bad, we use it every day.

    However, Intuit has the world's worst customer service of any company on the planet. Worse then TimeWarner cable, worse then USPS, worse then Comcast. Simply the worst ever.

    If you ever run into problems with the program crashing on installation, crashing on use, crashing on upgrades, data corruptions, etc. Your telephone call will be routed to somebody who speaks English as a third or worse language who will then refuse to help you unless you pay their extortion fees.

    After you concede to pay the extortion fees they will utterly fail to resolve the issues.

    They will then refuse to reverse the extortion fees and disconnect you.

    Thank God for AmEx who will wipe the charges if you complain to them, but Intuit will never step up and fix the issue.

    Total, complete, a$$holes.
  • Reply 12 of 40
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    It's a travesty that Bill Campbell (Chairman of Intuit) continues to sit on the board at Apple.

    And has been since 1997! Not to mention that he was a former VP of Marketing at Apple and ran Claris.

    I had exactly the same response. If you want to ignore the Mac platform or believe your focus should be on the Windows side due to the nature of your product, then as the CEO of a software company that's a legitimately fine decision. But to sit on the Apple Board for almost 15 years and have your company treat the platform as second class citizens is just unacceptable.
  • Reply 13 of 40
    Wish they would release it for Canada. Tired of using the PC version since this only supports the US tax system.
  • Reply 14 of 40
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Would be amazing to see complete feature parity and compatibility between Win and Mac versions. Unfortunately I think that will remain a pipe dream for quite some time.
  • Reply 15 of 40
    h2ph2p Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Can the company export file be opened with the Windows version? Most CPAs use Windows so it needs to be cross platform compatible if you have a CPA do your taxes. So it needs to be able to import CPA changes created on Windows version as well.

    Multi-user... Finally!

    We are a small co. that is Mac-based and work with our Windows CPA (QB09, I believe). So we have not experienced compatibility issues that I'm aware of.
  • Reply 16 of 40
    h2ph2p Posts: 331member

    I agree. It's time for an iPhone/iPad app.
  • Reply 17 of 40
    h2ph2p Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by Achiever View Post

    And has been since 1997! Not to mention that he was a former VP of Marketing at Apple and ran Claris.

    I had exactly the same response. If you want to ignore the Mac platform or believe your focus should be on the Windows side due to the nature of your product, then as the CEO of a software company that's a legitimately fine decision. But to sit on the Apple Board for almost 15 years and have your company treat the platform as second class citizens is just unacceptable.

    Whoa, I didn't know that! Well, I'm appalled. Hmm, would Apple take notice of a consumer's complaint about it?
  • Reply 18 of 40
    There are very few tech companies I hate more than intuit. They can suck a rotten egg and I still would never use any of their products. It's become a matter of principal at this point so I don't even care what improvements they make.
  • Reply 19 of 40
    As many have stated before. Intuit lost me as a customer awhile ago. I wouldn't use an Intuit program if it was free, came pre-installed on my computer, received automatic free meaningful updates and made me breakfast every morning.
  • Reply 20 of 40
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    There are very few tech companies I hate more than intuit. They can suck a rotten egg and I still would never use any of their products. It's become a matter of principal at this point so I don't even care what improvements they make.

    What accounting system do you use for your business? Our accounting dept. doesn't ever complain about QB and our CPA recommends it. I guess I'm just lucky I'm not the one who has to use it. They all use Windows and wouldn't know which mouse button to press on a Mac.
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