Inside Apple's App Store Review Guidelines: 'We don't need anymore Fart apps'



  • Reply 21 of 122
    And as you know, he makes those apps the he writes available outside of the Apple app store. And he never said that he practices what he preaches, he just does as his employer has asked him to do. He is free to do as he likes, just outside of the Apple app store. Nothing wrong with that now is there?

    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    Apparently not the guy running the App Store:

    Apple director Shoemaker developed 'fart,' 'wiz' apps for iPhone

  • Reply 22 of 122
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post


  • Reply 23 of 122
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Imagine a world without rules, laws, policies, etc. What would happen?

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Someone would discover fire, and then eventually civilisation would emerge.

    All of this has happened before. And all of it will happen again.
  • Reply 24 of 122
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    well yeah, I was (inexpertly), making a joke to that effect.

    no rules = anarchy/animal kingdom

    rules = civilisation/people

    If there were no rules we would all be animals, then eventually someone would discover fire and one thing would lead to another, and we'd be right back where we are now. Having the *least* rules and laws is always a good goal, but having no rules at all is always a mistake if any kind of civilised behaviour is your goal.

    Animals have rules too. It's just that they need very few. Animals would never think of doing to each other what we humans do to each other, so they really only need a couple of unspoken () rules.
  • Reply 25 of 122
    Originally Posted by guytoronto View Post

    "Let consumers decide..."

    "Apple is censoring..."

    "The Droid market is more open..."

    etc, etc, etc.

    I give a big thumbs up to Apple for at least TRYING to maintain some semblance of sanity in their online store.

    I guess the biggest problem is that all those small-time developers that want to develop another Fart app will just have invest some time and effort into creating something a little better. But then again, that would require...time and effort. And really, who wants to take the time and effort to make something better than a Farting app.

    Yes, I fully expect the haters to criticize Apple yet again for anything they do, including clarifying the App Store policies and relaxing restrictions on tools. The haters will probably say that you can have as many Fart apps as you want on Android, and that Google doesn't give a rats ass about stupid things that end users don't care about, like their privacy, security, user experience. Google wants to impress the 1337 haX0rz by saying their haX0r values (particularly freedom) is more important than anything, right?
  • Reply 26 of 122
    Those of us on a quota'd plan appreciate this. Now if we only had a way to determine how much network an App actually uses, I'd be happier. Or maybe there's an app for this?
  • Reply 27 of 122
    Good for you! I have teenage girls and I definitely monitor what they access on the Web and on their iPods.

    What may be appropriate for me is not necessarily appropriate for them.

    I appreciate Apple's commitment to applications that help people grow and thrive.

    Keep up the good work.

    Mark Gary Blumenthal, MD, MPH

    Knoxville, TN
  • Reply 28 of 122
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    5MB for 5 minutes means you can maintain 128Kbps audio, and then some, assuming I did my math right.

    You and your phone might be able to maintain that bit rate but I doubt that Att's network could.
  • Reply 29 of 122
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Someone would discover fire, and then eventually civilisation would emerge.

    And so will chaos..

    Lawless world means freedom for good people but it also means freedom for bad people.

    The world would've been destroyed a long time ago...

    But then again we humans would destroy our planet eventually. Hopefully I won't be around when it happens.

    Anyways I get your joke Professor P.
  • Reply 30 of 122
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    The Android App Market.

    Rrrrright... So is that why Google remotely wiped those malicious apps a few months ago?
  • Reply 31 of 122
    That last paragraph gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling of love for Apple. <3<3<3

  • Reply 32 of 122
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Imagine a world without rules, laws, policies, etc. What would happen?

    The Internet?
  • Reply 32 of 122
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Rrrrright... So is that why Google remotely wiped those malicious apps a few months ago?

    That was just part of the anarchy.

    Edit: on a serious note, it was a good example why rules are needed.
  • Reply 34 of 122
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apps that contain user generated content that is frequently pornographic (ex "Chat Roulette" apps) will be rejected

    Apps containing pornographic material, defined by Webster's Dictionary as "explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings," will be rejected

    Thank goodness FaceTime will never be used in this manner.
  • Reply 35 of 122
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Someone would discover fire, and then eventually civilisation would emerge.

    Actually it is when the people who think there is a God controlling everything then those who realize they control those people by saying they have a connection to that god that civilizations will occur.

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Without "rules", there could be no civilization.

    Refer to the above and rules are only needed for those who lack the ability to realize what is right or wrong or who do get the joke
  • Reply 36 of 122
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    well yeah, I was (inexpertly), making a joke to that effect.

    no rules = anarchy/animal kingdom

    rules = civilisation/people

    If there were no rules we would all be animals, then eventually someone would discover fire and one thing would lead to another, and we'd be right back where we are now. Having the *least* rules and laws is always a good goal, but having no rules at all is always a mistake if any kind of civilised behaviour is your goal.

    The animal kingdom is governed by rules as well, such as the rules of nature, that we try to ignore or overcome.
  • Reply 37 of 122
    Originally Posted by msuberly View Post

    This is all censorship. Apple forced me to buy the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Then the corporate thieves forced me to develop software that conforms to its unholy standards.

    I just want to write programs that crash, infect customers' devices, steal banking information and collect user data on children.

  • Reply 38 of 122
    I always find these threads amusing... with two fairly distinct groups emerging every time.

    1) I should be free to develop my crap apps and sell my crap apps to get rich anyway I please. Apple is run by a bunch of dictators who want to control your mind take away your freedom (throw in mom, apple pie, bill of rights, the flag, puppies)... and anyway Android is way better.

    2) Steve said flash is bad, so flash is bad... Steve said no more fart apps, so no more fart apps... Steve doesn't like porn, so no porn... Steve says Apple is best, so Apple is best... etc.

    Simply because app development has been free and open doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Apple produces a product and has the right to close that products app development as tight as they want. They are not stopping anyone from developing apps. There are maintaining quality control over apps that are developed. As someone who has paid for many crap apps in the past, I applaud them for doing so. Nobody complains that Walmart doesn't sell porn. Walmart, Sears, Amazon, Ebay... they sell whatever they want to sell. It is a free market. You can always go somewhere else. Closed platforms work better. That is Apple's model, and others are scrambling to follow... and anyway Android is way better.
  • Reply 39 of 122
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    As dreary as these apps are, "Girls in Bikinis" still doesn't qualify as "porn," by Apple's own guidelines.

    That's why they included intent in the rule. Calling something "Beach Hotties" and/or using a description like "Hottest babes you'll ever see in a bikini" gives a pretty clear intent that you are trying to excite folks sexually. As opposed to an app for buying swimsuits.

    Also, it is worth noting that many of those 'sexy' apps were also app spamming, making you download a new app for each girl and even each month. Which is also against the rules
  • Reply 39 of 122
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Thank goodness FaceTime will never be used in this manner.

    Now that is funny, i guess the camera, email and MMS also could be classified in that manor too
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