Rivals and partners comment on Apple's recent moves.



  • Reply 41 of 89
    hahah, true. Deliciously ironic.
  • Reply 42 of 89
    So this is an example of the free market promoting the best brightest to their lofty perches. No wonder the golden parachute is a must have for any CEO. It seems ass-clown failure is a given for 99% of them.
  • Reply 43 of 89
    A year back I needed a small, light computer that could be part of my carry on when I flew (no checked luggage) and my MacBook Pro didn't fit the bill.

    The MacBook Air was just too expensive for me, so I checked reviews of netbooks. They were all underpowered, cramped keyboards, choked when running a few apps, etc.

    Then I found reviews for the Acer Timeline 1810TZ (trips right off the tongue, doesn't it?). It's an ultraportable with 12 inch screen, full-size keyboard, dual core 1.3Gh, etc.

    Now, it doesn't hold a candle to my MacBook Pro or the MacBook Air I've tried out in the Apple store. But for my travel needs it's "good enough," just as Windows 7 is "good enough." It always works, the OS never crashes, and I'm able to get my work done. The red one I have also looks kinda cute for a PC.

    Now every other Acer I've ever seen looks like crap and is way under-specced, but I think they got it right with this one.

    Whether they can compete in the tablet space against the iPad which is already aggressively priced is a whole other question.
  • Reply 44 of 89
    So lets think a moment about the virus thing....

    A virus injects its genetic material into a host cell. And then lets the poor infected cell do its manufacturing. The cell does not realise it is just making copies of the alien virus. The virus gets its duplication done for free.

    This is *exactly* what Microsoft and Android's business model is. They inject their Software DNA into a hardware manufacturer, and let them do the duplication for free. The manufacturers are stupid enough to think that they are making products, when what they are in fact doing is investing all their efforts in another companies business model.

    In the case of Windows, the manufacturers PAY Microsoft for the priveledge to do this.

    What happens next is tragic. These manufacturers churn out devices that are virtually indistinguishable. They are genuinely clones because they all share the same software DNA. The market is swamped with identical commodity products.

    The only way to compete is to lower price. And margins are slashed.

    When a virus infects a cell, it ends badly. Ultimately, the cell bursts when it overwhelmed by all the virus copies it makes. It explodes.

    We are seeing the same thing happening in technology. Companies falling over themselves to make the most devices, while year on year their profit per device gets less and less. Until...


  • Reply 45 of 89
    Originally Posted by ViktorCode;

    Google: Apple officially allowed us to make more money from their platform. How good they are!

    Intel: Apple didn?t give us chance to make some money on TV market. Bad Apple! Good thing we have Google.

    Acer: Year ago we were selling tons of cheap plastic abominations called netbooks. Now Apple came and spoiled all the fun. How nasty of them! Should find some knock-off tablet and make cheap plastic clones of it?

    Adobe: We still can milk Flash cash cow!

    This is what they really are saying.

    Best post of the week.
  • Reply 46 of 89
    Nice one.

    Originally Posted by Carniphage;

    So lets think a moment about the virus thing....

    A virus injects its genetic material into a host cell. And then lets the poor infected cell do its manufacturing. The cell does not realise it is just making copies of the alien virus. The virus gets its duplication done for free.

    This is *exactly* what Microsoft and Android's business model is. They inject their Software DNA into a hardware manufacturer, and let them do the duplication for free. The manufacturers are stupid enough to think that they are making products, when what they are in fact doing is investing all their efforts in another companies business model.

    In the case of Windows, the manufacturers PAY Microsoft for the priveledge to do this.

    What happens next is tragic. These manufacturers churn out devices that are virtually indistinguishable. They are genuinely clones because they all share the same software DNA. The market is swamped with identical commodity products.

    The only way to compete is to lower price. And margins are slashed.

    When a virus infects a cell, it ends badly. Ultimately, the cell bursts when it overwhelmed by all the virus copies it makes. It explodes.

    We are seeing the same thing happening in technology. Companies falling over themselves to make the most devices, while year on year their profit per device gets less and less. Until...



  • Reply 47 of 89
    Originally Posted by TheGreatBug View Post

    Morons always believe that. They're always wrong.


    "Open" makes sense for certain products (look at the awesome PHP, MySQL and Apache products), but not for others. In this cased, "closed" avoids crappy software and hundreds of branches. That's why Linux never will become an OS for the mass (even being great server OSes)
  • Reply 48 of 89
    The fear (and jealousy) of Apple is palpable in the industry.

    Acer = Shitbox-maker. Naturally, Apple spoiled their fun with superior products.

    Love it!
  • Reply 49 of 89
    Originally Posted by dacloo View Post


    "Open" makes sense for certain products (look at the awesome PHP, MySQL and Apache products), but not for others. In this cased, "closed" avoids crappy software and hundreds of branches. That's why Linux never will become an OS for the mass (even being great server OSes)

    Don't you mean massii? or is it massi?
  • Reply 50 of 89
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Dear Acer,

    Normal people couldn't care less about "open" or "closed". Only geeks who buy Acer products care about that. Real people just care about products that work.

  • Reply 51 of 89
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    get to work designing, developing something NEW & Exciting, that works, is fun to use, doesn't crash, is fun to use, makes you cool, looks great, is priced right for what you get, is fun to use and have, and you to can be an Apple.

    I'm always pissed (if only for a short time), when the competition gets a jump on me, or gets to a big client before me, but instead of being pissed (for a long time), I jump ahead of them and try to land the next big fish.

    If you are always riding some ones shirt tails, you will always be behind, and pissed off.

    It's time for these folks, to start working on the next big thing (hey, think 5 or more years down the road, and come out with it next year).

    Hey, if you can't beat 'em, then either join them or come out with accessories for all of their great products, it's a way to make a good living.

  • Reply 52 of 89
    vspvsp Posts: 32member
    The Taiwanese cock is talking bullshih.
  • Reply 53 of 89
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I love how everyone has latched onto this "open" policy and how they all think it represents their strategy. The only truly open strategy is where you build your own machine from scratch and install Linux on it.

    As soon as you buy a machine with Windows on it, it's not open. As soon as you buy any branded hardware, it's not open because it will have some proprietary components inside that you have to replace from a limited source when it breaks.

    This depends on what you mean by "from scratch". Nearly every part you buy, except maybe transistors and passives, and some small chips are going to have features that are proprietary. However, in the desktop realm, you can have open, where you plug in your choice OS with your choice power supply, case, your choice main board, add-in card, lots of interchangeable parts. You don't need to worry about replacing a Nat Semi chip when you just replace the board. The thing that vexed me when people say they "built" their own computer is that they didn't do much other than assemble a handful of prefabbed parts, it's like building your own trailer home, it's more like you installed it yourself, no soldering, hammering or nailing involved.

    That said, most people don't do this. Some businesses do this, but what most really do is buy a truckload of computers, if a part happens to fail, the computer department can cannibalize a spare computer for that part, so open doesn't come into it.
  • Reply 54 of 89
    Originally Posted by teejaysplace24 View Post

    My initial reaction is that you'd have to be insane to think that the iPad's market share will drop to 20-30 percent. What, exactly, does he think is going to supplant it?

    Android Tablets.

    WebOS Tablets.

    Windows Tablets.

    Symbian Tablets.



    New Stuff.

    Apple will be lucky to get 20%. How's the phone percentage doing these days?
  • Reply 55 of 89
    Acer is I believe a Tawainese company and is jealous of Apple's progress and better construction and concepts than Acer has. Their construction with their laptops is mediocre. Financially Apple puts them in the dust.
  • Reply 56 of 89
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    How about usability?

    Yes, everyone wants that. And capability is a subset of usability. Apple seems to sacrifice capability for simplicity.

    It matters not how simple it is if its capabilities are eliminated.
  • Reply 57 of 89
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    My Acer has a virus. A serious one too

    Clean it out. Shouldn't take much more than 10 minutes.

    Which crappy AV software do you use? You likely want to switch to something that works better.

    And stop downloading crap from dodgy sources.

    Most people never get a virus from year to year. It is a matter of common sense and hygiene.
  • Reply 58 of 89
    Originally Posted by krabbelen View Post

    The ultimate simplicity is to have complete access to your media from any of your devices]

    That is one of my biggest reservations about iOS devices: They have lousy codec support and as a result, I have no access to my media from them.

    This ruins any simplicity advantages.
  • Reply 59 of 89
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    If he was quoted accurately, the Acer guy deserves a comedy writing award.

    Where in any market they've ever attempted to engage in has Apple garnered a majority market share?

    I guess "the Acer guy" just doesn't have the insight you do. The readers here look forward to learning of these majority markets Apple dominates.
  • Reply 60 of 89
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    We are seeing the same thing happening in technology. Companies falling over themselves to make the most devices, while year on year their profit per device gets less and less. Until...

    Tell you what. You found and build a multi-billion dollar international manufacturing firm like Dell or Acer, and then you'll be in a position to criticize their management.

    Until then, you are as silly as those folks who tell Steve how to run his company.
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