iPhone drops to 23.8% smartphone market share, Android jumps to 17%



  • Reply 21 of 360
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    > iPhone drops to 24% smartphone share, Android jumps to 17% <

    O my god, the sky is falling. Woe is me, Apple is doomed!

    Meanwhile the iP4 is sold out and selling faster than they can make them.
  • Reply 22 of 360
    Ah, well, why bother fighting. Apple is clearly d00med™ Android has won, Apple has lost, thanks for playing, be sure to leave your iPhones in the trash cans provided on your way out.

    Yeah, right...!
  • Reply 23 of 360
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Is this because Android is better? Should I sell my iPhone 4 before iOS reaches zero percent market share?

    Yes, haven't you heard? Android won, it's all over. Get rid of your iPhone 4 ASAP. It's worthless. Just like Macs, since they are at 5% or whatever.
  • Reply 24 of 360
    nairbnairb Posts: 253member
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    Android is rising because Apple is letting Android rise. Those numbers/or percentage will soon change once Apple goes multi-carriers (USA) in the future.

    You seem to forget that Apple still leads Android in the US, probably because Android makers did not get serious in the US until 6 months after it they entered the European markets in a big way.

    Apple trails android in areas where apple is already available through multi-carriers, and has been for some time. In fact, it is so far ahead of Apple in these areas, that it negates the deficit in the US (a very large mobile market) when viewed globally.
  • Reply 25 of 360
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    Android is rising because Apple is letting Android rise. Those numbers/or percentage will soon change once Apple goes multi-carriers (USA) in the future.

    Maybe. But take something as simple as hdmi which the evo has or flash down the road and you can watch all your shows for free on the web vs .99cents could be a game changer and if the evo is getting such great reviews, one has to wonder what Googles OS will be like.

    I think the evo is sexy and it comes with turning your phone into a wifi hotspot and the cool thing is you can carry an extra battery and swap them and charge the other. Some pretty cool things on the new evo and sexy too!!!

  • Reply 26 of 360
    Apple needs enough market share that developers (developers! developers! developers! ) create apps for iOS. Microsoft won out partly because of the lockstep Office/Windows and because of third party developments. The Android market is so immature compared to the iOS market that the development is still in Apple's favour. Phones like Android phones, RIM phones, Nokia and a future WinPhone7 have a lot of catching up top do still. And the actual money made in Android market is still not much (let alone the other contenders). As long as that is the case, the Mac/Win95 comparison is not really applicable.

    If Microsoft succeeds at putting a believable Office on WinPhone7, it alone might do very good in the business world to start with and that gives you a market share that developers will flock to.

    Apple relaxing the app store rulings on other developer environments can also partly be seen in this light: it is the developers that are a key ingredient in the circle that drives tha platform.

    Android is a possible platform contender, but so far outside the US it is mainly a feature phone +. What is it? Only 6 countries where Android developers can actually charge for apps? ANd where are usable ANdroid tablets that can run the same apps? And where is the change in the Android's memory model that will allow it to run larger apps? Android phones are cheap partly because they have not much memory and you need to add it with a SD card that is limited in its use as an app playground. Has that changed yet? Google announced it would change over a year ago. That is going to change, but so is Apple's lock to AT&T in the US. And how is Google going to make money on Android? If not, how are they going to keep up? ANd what about Chrome vs Android? If Chrome is going to be the laptop OS, what does that spell for Android as a 'mobile platform', that is, more than just smartphones?

    Anyway, Apple can still screw up and they are only one company in the end. They are currently not motivated to reduce their margins as they cannot grow fast enough to make up for that.

    But on the other hand, the ecosystem is looking nicer and nicer, with Facetime, the remote app on your phone handling your in house entertainment streaming via AirPlay, the 7in retina display iPad and more to come.

    Android is doing good in the US market, but it is not a done deal. The developers at least will flock to here they can make money best.
  • Reply 27 of 360
    Originally Posted by Nairb View Post

    You seem to forget that Apple still leads Android in the US, probably because Android makers did not get serious in the US until 6 months after it they entered the European markets in a big way.

    Apple trails android in areas where apple is already available through multi-carriers, and has been for some time. In fact, it is so far ahead of Apple in these areas, that it negates the deficit in the US (a very large mobile market) when viewed globally.

    I was referring to the US market share. But yes, you do have a point about European market share. Right now Apple still has the lead, but Apples market share is declining while Android devices are gaining market share rapidly. Apple can slow their numbers down if Apple goes multi-carrier in the USA. But of course Apple doesn't really care about market share, they only care about profits.
  • Reply 28 of 360
    Market share versus total devices

    Keep reporting a quarter when Apple was about to launch a new model and Android devices were being pushed heavily...
  • Reply 29 of 360
    Originally Posted by Avidfcp View Post

    Maybe. But take something as simple as hdmi which the evo has or flash down the road and you can watch all your shows for free on the web vs .99cents could be a game changer and if the evo is getting such great reviews, one has to wonder what Googles OS will be like.

    I think the evo is sexy and it comes with turning your phone into a wifi hotspot and the cool thing is you can carry an extra battery and swap them and charge the other. Some pretty cool things on the new evo and sexy too!!!


    I also think the HTC Evo is a good phone. But one thing I dont like about the evo is that it tends to eat up the battery fast. My friend has the evo and he has an extra battery and always carries his charger around with him. If you're gonna use the hdmi or mobile hotspot, make sure to use it while it's in the charger lol
  • Reply 30 of 360
    I also wonder if Apple actually prefers Android as a competitor over RIM, Nokia, or Microsoft and therefore does not react strongly to Android's rise in teh US. Suppose Apple works from the premise that there will be not a monopoly, but at least a duopoly. A fragmented, cheap Android world in the low price area would be preferable over Microsoft, RIM or Nokia who also have the most profitable part of the slice in their crosshairs.

    Apple might actually shoot for fragmentation with itself as owner of the most profitable slice.

    Note, that for Apple itself, such strategic thoughts seem to be secondary. They know that whatever success they will have depends on user experience as the driver. Market share leads to app choice leads to a positive user experience. They won't go for market share per se (as they have stated), but being driven by user experience, they must have learned it is an important factor.
  • Reply 31 of 360
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Googles customers love Android, manufacturers and networks can load it with crapware to their hearts content and nickel and dime end naive end users egged on by a tech press minority who have been conned into promoting the "openess" of it all.

    "Yeah Grandma, to get rid of vcast all you have to do is root it and install a custom ROM"
  • Reply 32 of 360
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    The iPhone is a single platform from a single manufacturer. Android is multiple incompatible platforms that share some commonality, made by multiple different manufacturers, and with varying restrictions from the carriers. The commonality—some flavor (but not the same!) of Google’s OS, comes from being given away free (ultimately to sell ads).

    Comparing iPhone and Android is interesting to a point, but it’s apples and oranges. There’s no one company selling all those Android phones, no one company directly making money on the OS (because it’s free) and no one platform for developers to make and sell apps for (thanks to incompatible hardware, multiple OS versions with low adoption of the latest, and very limited Android Market deployment to different countries).

    In short, iOS is as strong as ever (and I believe iPhone 4 broke sales records yet again). Android is nowhere near catching up in anything but combined numbers. And don’t forget that iOS includes iPod and iPad. Unlike the different Android devices, they really CAN run most of the same apps, and most of the same OS features! (All of them in fact, if you look at recent models.)
  • Reply 33 of 360
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    I agree. Apple's strategy is based on monopoly and early lead, the same strategy used 25 years ago for the Mac. Windows 95 crushed Apple once and Android is poised to do the same in the smartphone market. Alas.

    At best, Apple's strategy can only lead to an early success followed by a downfall to a 5% world market share. Some people never learn. Greed and supersized egos. Alas.


    So what you are saying is that if Apple were really greedy ... and wanted a bigger market share ... it would...do what exactly?

    Give its OS away like Google?

    Great business strategy!

  • Reply 34 of 360
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Googles customers love Android, manufacturers and networks can load it with crapware to their hearts content and nickel and dime end naive end users egged on by a tech press minority who have been conned into promoting the "openess" of it all.

    "Yeah Grandma, to get rid of vcast all you have to do is root it and install a custom ROM"

    Exactly. Carriers are taking advantage of Androids "openness" and loading a bunch of bloatware/crapware onto these devices. Verizon is going to add it's own v-cast app store on their droid devices. Now is Apple going to let verizon let this happen to it's iPhone?? No way! They're going to do what AT&T is doing and provide their crapware through the app store.
  • Reply 35 of 360
    ``And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.' '

    Matthew 8:32
  • Reply 36 of 360
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,226member
    Before a deal can be struck, Apple may still have to prove to Verizon that it is unwilling to relinquish control of iOS devices.
  • Reply 37 of 360
    If the AT&T exclusivity ended. Presumably it would not be just Verizon, the other GSM networks would offer iPhone too.

    Isn't T-Mobile GSM?

    In the UK all the carriers offer iPhone. And we are starting to see a bit of competition.

    They all seem to be offering rolling-contract deals for people who own their own phones outright.

  • Reply 38 of 360
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    You've got to wonder how the iPhone would sell if Antennagate didn't happen.
  • Reply 39 of 360
    Android is a flash in the pan, just like its parent OS, Linux. If you haven't noticed, Linux is an irrelevant flop for end-users.

    It is doomed to Balkanization. There will be Motorola Android, HTC Android, Dell Android, etc. And they will all lock-in their customers.

    Android is not a tablet OS, and Google shows its internal confusion by promoting Chrome OS for that role.

    The Android market will become clogged by masses of horrible, buggy and insecure apps. Apple's App Store is truly the freest market in practical terms. With their supervision of the basic functionality and security of apps, the users have the widest choice of quality apps possible.

    Google's latest scandal regarding privacy shows the company knows too much about its customers and what they give away for "free" actually comes at a high price. Once phone makers and carriers get sued for security breaches at Google, the support for Android will instantly dry up.
  • Reply 40 of 360
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You've got to wonder how the iPhone would sell if Antennagate didn't happen.

    Instead of "unable to manufacture enough to keep up with demand", it would have been "unable to manufacture enough to keep up with demand".

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