iOS 4.2 packs new, improved YouTube, FaceTime features and more



  • Reply 21 of 32
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Ever since google launched the HTML5 version of Youtube I find myself using it almost exclusively over the app. I am happy that Apple is working on improving it's capabilities, but adding thumbs up is not gonna make me use the app over the mobile site.

    I would really like to see improvement to the maps app like the ability to go landscape, street view and turn by turn directions. That would be awesome.

    By an Android Phone. I stuck with Apple and the iPhone for far too long. I have the Droid X and it is better than the iPhone 4 even still on 2.1 Android.

    I did take Apple up on their upgrade to 4 plan with no restocking fee. I returned it 14 days later after my number had rolled over to Verizon. No dropped calls and I was in a good area for AT&T. Verizon is rock solid with the Droid X and it's the perfect businesss/pleasure phone mix.

    Glad to be free of the iPhone and love my phone.
  • Reply 22 of 32
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    While the YouTube application on the iPhone has stayed mostly the same since the device launched in 2007


    If only could you put your hands on real iPhone, your cheeks would be blushing all day around...

    YouTube app's undergone the major overhaul with iOS 4.*. First time ever it follows Apple's own recommendations for saving the state of the app upon switching and termination.

    It now benefits entirely from display orientation changing capabilities; yes, if you had to buy new connector cables every year to replace worn ones, you would know what I'm talking about.
  • Reply 23 of 32
    ?an iPhone could theoretically create and record sounds from a MIDI instrument?

    Bad intel. AppleInsider should know better. ;-)

    MIDI is basically notes (and other instructions) in machine form language ? not audio. No sound can ever be transmitted via MIDI.* For audio there's CoreAudio.

    Also there's the issue of how any instruments would be connected to the iPhone. A MIDI port can't be fitted on something as small as an iPhone, but some instruments now use USB ports instead so should apple fit a very small USB port on the iPhone that would certainly open up many interesting options.

    It's more likely that CoreMIDI is simply intended for allowing various multi-tasking music apps to use the protocol to "play together".

    It would be awesome if Apple had plans for wireless "MIDI" though, but then it wouldn't be MIDI anymore, but something altogether new. MIDI's been around for like 30 years now, so it would be great if someone just mercifully killed it off and replaced it with a modern standard.

    * Unless the audio is translated into sysex data, transferred, and then translated back into audio on the receiving end, which can be done, but certainly not in "real time" as MIDI is a very old and slow protocol. But then, if there's a USB port on the iOS hardware to connect an instrument to, it makes no sense to transfer audio via MIDI and not as regular audio over USB.
  • Reply 24 of 32
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    We don't need "get more videos" links, we need "update podcast" BUTTONS. And "update all podcasts".

    Having to leave the app is retarded.
  • Reply 25 of 32
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    This begs the question: Do we actually need a YouTube app any more?

    According to Steve, apps are the future. The mobile web is NOT how people use Apple's products.

    Or, given that Apple's advertising sales depend on apps instead of websites, maybe it is total bullshit.
  • Reply 26 of 32
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    User accounts on iOS for iPad would be awesome, even if it was limited to only a handful of accounts with a single master account that regulated the amount of space and options.

    I?d also love to see a Guest account option for all iOS-based iDevices. I let people use my iPhone from time-to-time but I hate what people could do to my device or see on it.

    In the adult world, Its considered a matter of trust and respect when you hand someone your own smartphone to check out. If they immediately start f'ing things up and sending e-mail and txt for you, you now know not to trust the person anymore.

    Personally, I don't hand my iPhone to people I think would do that, so I think for this purpose, the guest user feature would be more embarrassing than useful.
  • Reply 27 of 32
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    We don't need "get more videos" links, we need "update podcast" BUTTONS. And "update all podcasts".

    Having to leave the app is retarded.

    Podcasts? Those are part of iTunes. WTF does it have to do with YouTube? That's your answer.
  • Reply 28 of 32
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    This begs the question: Do we actually need a YouTube app any more?

    Well, if you have an iPhone, its a much faster experience to use the App. If you have an iPad, its a much nicer looking, feature rich, and better performing experience than the website.

    The website sucks by comparison to the iPad app. And the iPhone app seems to work fine too.
  • Reply 29 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    In the adult world, Its considered a matter of trust and respect when you hand someone your own smartphone to check out. If they immediately start f'ing things up and sending e-mail and txt for you, you now know not to trust the person anymore.

    Personally, I don't hand my iPhone to people I think would do that, so I think for this purpose, the guest user feature would be more embarrassing than useful.

    You?re not really thinking through all the possible scenarios here. What if the person is a kid and you?re letting them play a game, but you music videos and songs in your iPod app that just aren?t age appropriate for that individual? Or if you are letting someone use the Safari browser to look something up and in typing the URL your history shows them sites that they may be offended by?

    The scenarios are endless. Why do consumer PCs have guest accounts? I have mine turned on so people can use it and I no nothing offensive to them or damaging to system can happen. It?s pragmatic.
  • Reply 30 of 32
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You?re not really thinking through all the possible scenarios here. What if the person is a kid and you?re letting them play a game, but you music videos and songs in your iPod app that just aren?t age appropriate for that individual? Or if you are letting someone use the Safari browser to look something up and in typing the URL your history shows them sites that they may be offended by?

    The scenarios are endless. Why do consumer PCs have guest accounts? I have mine turned on so people can use it and I no nothing offensive to them or damaging to system can happen. It?s pragmatic.

    I agree completely... and I do hand my phone to specific other people all the time. Some children, some adults. I have sensitive work material on my phone that requires a secure unlock code, but wish there was a button on the unlock screen that just put it into "guest mode" and I could designate which apps were accessible or not in that mode.
  • Reply 31 of 32
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    "The first beta of iOS 4.2 adds support for the CoreMIDI framework to the operating system's application program interfaces. This could suggest that future applications would allow new avenues for musical creation, and could also allow physical MIDI instruments connectors.

    MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is an industry standard that allows electronic music machines to synchronize and communicate. With an adapter, a device like an iPhone could theoretically create and record sounds from a MIDI instrument."

    Looking forward with this part of the update.

    I had a sudden vision of Kraftwerk on stage with nothing but iPhones. That would be perfection.
  • Reply 32 of 32
    Additionally there are a number of issues with audio in the 4.2 beta. Sometimes you get an error when the dock is connected, or the ipod has no volume playing music. And also like what happened to me the other morning, there is no audio for alarms.
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