Ping talks between Apple, Facebook failed after 18 months - report



  • Reply 61 of 111
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Facebook has only been around for six years, and it could potentially all blow up tomorrow. Companies that appear instantly may disappear just as fast, and the barrier to entry for competitors is not that huge. Anyone remember MySpace?

    Yeah, hows MySpace doing these days?
  • Reply 62 of 111
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    So is it ok when Apple acts the way they do towards other companies, but not ok when Facebook does it?

    I'm sitting here scratching my head over how the heck you could possible read that into my post. I was responding to an OP that appeared to be complaining about how Apple dealt with strategic partners. My comment had a lot to do with how Apple responds, and nothing to do with Facebook or how they respond.
  • Reply 63 of 111
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post


    It's been that way for decades. If you thought it would change because you became a strategic partner, then you need to rethink your own agenda.

    If I had a buck for every time an evangelist said, "Hey, we're making a right turn in six months", just before they made a full left turn instead two weeks later? Well, let's just say I wouldn't be wondering how my portfolio was doing.


    Maybe they should change if they want to change things themselves so much.

    It is kind of hard to support their products in an enterprise when they will not provide any replies. So far replies have been like, "gee we don't know". What? You created this...

    My agenda is to provide the best solutions possible to internal customers and retail while meeting company policies. Nothing odd going on there in that agenda. I know though unless I am just praising Apple this kind of post just get trashed.
  • Reply 64 of 111
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    What, a negative post against Apple from Newtron? What a schock!

    Amazing how often you are the first to post.

    Are you receiving any form of consideration or compensation for posting comments on this forum?

    Any consideration or compensation you're receiving from Apple or (God Forbid) AppleInsider for being an ass in your comments.

    Just saying Apple isn't trusted these days. Steve Jobs personally broke the trust of the majority of the music, movie, app and pretty much anything Apple.

    It's not Cool Anymore to be seen with an iPhone 4. It's defective by Steve Jobs choice.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by MenLoveToys View Post

    Any consideration or compensation you're receiving from Apple or (God Forbid) AppleInsider for being an ass in your comments.

    Just saying Apple isn't trusted these days. Steve Jobs personally broke the trust of the majority of the music, movie, app and pretty much anything Apple.

    It's not Cool Anymore to be seen with an iPhone 4. It's defective by Steve Jobs choice.

    Your statements don't equal the facts.
  • Reply 66 of 111
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Your statements don't equal the facts.

    That is your opinion. Do you have anything to back that up with?

    Broadcast companies are not signing up.

    Publishers are not signing up.

    Music industry is not giving anything more.

    Developers are signing up to Android.

    Android will be (by forecast today) 4 times the size of iOS.

    Companies go with the money.

    I did. I have a Droid X phone now and couldn't be happier.

    I still have Apple products because they have life left in them.

    I'll be moving them to e-bay or friends and family within the year.

    Apple still can't get WiFi or Bluetooth right (at least for Windows XP, Vista or 7) users.

    I lost hope and bailed on them and REALLY, REALLY LOVE my new Phone.

    My Droid X is getting Froyo 2.2 tomorrow. I should even be happier.
  • Reply 67 of 111
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by MenLoveToys View Post

    That is your opinion. Do you have anything to back that up with?

    Broadcast companies are not signing up.

    Publishers are not signing up.

    Music industry is not giving anything more.

    Developers are signing up to Android.

    Android will be (by forecast today) 4 times the size of iOS.

    Companies go with the money.

    I did. I have a Droid X phone now and couldn't be happier.

    I still have Apple products because they have life left in them.

    I'll be moving them to e-bay or friends and family within the year.

    Apple still can't get WiFi or Bluetooth right (at least for Windows XP, Vista or 7) users.

    I lost hope and bailed on them and REALLY, REALLY LOVE my new Phone.

    My Droid X is getting Froyo 2.2 tomorrow. I should even be happier.

    The iPhone 4 is extremely popular, so much so that Apple can't keep up with demand. Same thing of the iPad. Computer sales are again up much more than the rest of the industry. iTunes sells vastly more than all other music services, including subscriptions.iPods are also, along with that far more popular than any other players.

    Apple sells a large percentage of downloaded movies and Tv shows.

    Sure, some companies are afraid to hop on the Apple bandwagon, but they aren't doing all that well with what they are doing.

    Apple does have most movie companies selling movies through iTunes, and has for years, same thing is true for Tv companies.

    Yes, they hate the idea of selling or renting those properties at prices that consumers really want. but some are doing it, and likely the rest will follow.

    Google is trying todo a Tv service, but you can read the industry articles that say they aren't having any more success than Apple, even less.

    Most major book publishers sell books through the Apple bookstore, but the one major holdout will be very surprised when Amazon finally decides to stop losing money on them, and drops the price they are paying them. They're living in a dream world.

    Apple still has a lot more developers for iOs than Android has, and it's not likely that will change much.

    As for those stupid predictions, come back in a couple of years. It's not likely they will work out.

    I have no idea what you're talking about when you mention WiFi and Bluetooth problems. They have no more than any others

    I'm happy for you and your Droid X, may you have a lovely two years together.
  • Reply 68 of 111
    Originally Posted by MenLoveToys;

    That is your opinion. Do you have anything to back that up with?

    Broadcast companies are not signing up.

    Publishers are not signing up.

    Music industry is not giving anything more.

    Developers are signing up to Android.

    Android will be (by forecast today) 4 times the size of iOS.

    Companies go with the money.

    I did. I have a Droid X phone now and couldn't be happier.

    I still have Apple products because they have life left in them.

    I'll be moving them to e-bay or friends and family within the year.

    Apple still can't get WiFi or Bluetooth right (at least for Windows XP, Vista or 7) users.

    I lost hope and bailed on them and REALLY, REALLY LOVE my new Phone.

    My Droid X is getting Froyo 2.2 tomorrow. I should even be happier.

    Would you have anything to back up *your* statements?

    There are many broadcast companies and movie companies offering rentals and movies, increasingly in HD, on iTunes, plain as day to see. Zinio and many other magazine apps are on the App Store. There are high levels of publishers on iBookstore and Kindle app for iOS. The music available on iTunes store is one of, if not, the, widest available digitally. Developers continue to create quality apps for iOS, as seen on the App Store.

    Android can be bigger than iOS, does that make iOS worthless?

    It's great that you love your new phone, it is hoped that demand for iPhone 4 and iPad reduces somewhat so that the maximum that they are able to make, for one company, about 10 million iOS devices a month (that will be over 100 million a year), can be distributed globally where iPhone 4 and iPad has barely launched.

    I'm sure you can sell your Apple gear to people that do need them.
  • Reply 69 of 111
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    That was a pretty sleazy move by Apple. No deal, nothing on the table, and Apple integrates them anyways.

    No wonder the magazine and newspaper industries are saying "Thanks, but no thanks". Apple seems to be accumulating enemies a WHOLE lot faster than it is enticing partners.

    This seems to be an incendiary, unsubstantial post. It is an accusation that Apple is sleazy while Facebook is without wrongdoing. The reference to the magazine and newspaper industries appears to be unrelated to Apple developing a social network for iTunes.
  • Reply 70 of 111
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    I cannot believe Apple gave the option to artists to PIMP their page

    Norah Jones page looks horrible on Ping!

    Apple, please keep it simple.
  • Reply 71 of 111
    Originally Posted by graxspoo View Post

    You're totally wrong about them 'being dragged kicking and screaming to do anything.' They've always had privacy controls. The issue was how easy it was to use them. The problem is how fine-grained control do you want to give people? There are a lot of dimensions to the issue. FB would like people to keep things relatively open and not succumb to paranoia, because if things are too locked down no one can find each other, no one can see each others posts. Its a delicate balance. FB erred on the side of giving people too much control. You could set everything, and scope it down in some very sophisticated ways. Privacy advocates complained that it was too confusing. Maybe so. I appreciated the flexibility.

    And yes, FB DOES connect me with people. Its a great site. They're NOT trying to sell me things. They generate ad revenue the same way Google does, as I alluded to in my original post.

    Ping is more like Amazon's reviewer community with a little connectivity thrown in. Its completely related to commerce. Its like "Walmart Buddies" or something. That's not a social network.

    This is true, but since your message is slightly negative towards Apple, expect to be crucified and called a troll here. Because remember, you aren't allowed to criticize Apple at all here.
  • Reply 72 of 111
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    This seems to be an incendiary, unsubstantial post. It is an accusation that Apple is sleazy while Facebook is without wrongdoing. The reference to the magazine and newspaper industries appears to be unrelated to Apple developing a social network for iTunes.

    Here's a groundbreaking thought: Every large corporation, whether it's Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook or Wal-Mart can be sleazy at times. Do you honestly believe any of these large corporations personally care about you or your needs? Of course they don't, they just want your business and your money.
  • Reply 73 of 111
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    This is true, but since your message is slightly negative towards Apple, expect to be crucified and called a troll here. Because remember, you aren't allowed to criticize Apple at all here.

    There is a difference between disagreeing with Apple vs certain posters who excessively make repeated negative comments just for the sake of it, and just to get a kick out of it, without actually discussing the merits of Apple or non-Apple perspectives.

    For example, the benchmark would be, would we just go to an Android site and reply constantly, irrelevantly, to all their news threads with things like, "Clearly Android will never catch up to Apple" or "Google is the real sleazebag here", "Mind you, I've got an Android phone but can't wait to ditch it for an iPhone, I'm sick of being locked into the Android ecosystem".
  • Reply 74 of 111
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    This seems to be an incendiary, unsubstantial post. It is an accusation that Apple is sleazy while Facebook is without wrongdoing. The reference to the magazine and newspaper industries appears to be unrelated to Apple developing a social network for iTunes.

    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    Here's a groundbreaking thought: Every large corporation, whether it's Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook or Wal-Mart can be sleazy at times. Do you honestly believe any of these large corporations personally care about you or your needs? Of course they don't, they just want your business and your money.

    Fair enough. My response was to the poster that said Apple is sleazy and violated Facebook, the poster implying that Facebook is totally innocent.
  • Reply 75 of 111
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    There is a difference between disagreeing with Apple vs certain posters who excessively make repeated negative comments just for the sake of it, and just to get a kick out of it, without actually discussing the merits of Apple or non-Apple perspectives.

    For example, the benchmark would be, would we just go to an Android site and reply constantly, irrelevantly, to all their news threads with things like, "Clearly Android will never catch up to Apple" or "Google is the real sleazebag here", "Mind you, I've got an Android phone but can't wait to ditch it for an iPhone, I'm sick of being locked into the Android ecosystem".

    And yet you never see that kind of stuff on Android (or PC) discussion sites. I wonder how it is that Apple's customers are "fanatics" and "fan boys", yet the people going way out of their way to do platform contention are Android and PC users?

    New meme: Android users are pompous, overbearing douchebags who are nevertheless deeply insecure about their choices, and feel driven to seek out confrontation to mask their devastating lack of self-esteem.

    Quillz, if your'e worried about not being able to speak your mind hereabouts, I suggest this: go on an Android or PC discussion site, run your mouth like nvidia suggests, and get back to us how that goes over (with links, preferably).
  • Reply 76 of 111
    Originally Posted by Newtron View Post

    Just for the record, I said nothing one way or the other about Facebook.

    And this is a topic concerning Apple and Facebook and you weren't referring to Facebook?

    what, did you post this in the wrong section? seriously though it would have been better just to go with the argument, now you just look silly.
  • Reply 77 of 111
    Yet another thread dominated by trolls, with little or no meaningful discussion.
  • Reply 78 of 111
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Help you connect with others, have you look at Ads, and of course, to sell your personal information. How do you think they make money? It's the same way Google makes it.

    I dont think PING will be selling personal information.I think they monetize your information by feeding targeted ads and suggestions to you based on your personal information and past shopping history, who you follow, what you have previously purchased, etc. - Same way Google makes its money. There is a BIG difference between targeting advertising and selling personal information. Peoples personal information is already out there without having to go to Apple and buy it, and you can probably get more details from less high-profile companies
  • Reply 79 of 111
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I would suggest that the article is so poorly worded on what actually happened, and what that Facebook connect log in actually was, that your basically just weaving this opinion out of thin air.

    What information there is at this point basically points towards how sleazy Facebook has been in their dealings with other companies lately, and your takeaway is that "Apple is sleazy." ????

    Wow no bias there is there?

    I base my opinion on the facts recounted in the story: No deal, nothing on the table, and Apple integrates them anyways.

    I agree that the story is badly written, short on facts, and is likely an exercise in dissembling. But it seems to support the contention that I made: No deal, nothing on the table, and Apple integrates them anyways.
  • Reply 80 of 111
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Since that exception is a bit of a gray area, Apple wouldn't know what Facebook would do until after it launched.

    Facebook makes money off increased traffic. Seems like it would be thrilled. Likely a dumb move by Facebook.

    You need some facts to inform your opinion.
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