WSJ: Apple to build Verizon-compatible CDMA iPhone by year end



  • Reply 61 of 70
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,990member
    Since Bibbler and Prof. Peabody have opened the door, let me continue off topic just a bit and get this off my chest.

    To those who use "fanboy" on this site as some kind of epithet:

    This is a site that caters to those with a sincere interest and enthusiasm for all things Apple. We are Apple fans, if you will.

    The world is filled with fans of this or that. I am also a fan of the University of Southern California football team. I have a season ticket. I wear articles of clothing with their colors and logos. I cheer them on and read articles about the team and games. Do I think they are perfect? No. As a matter of fact they kind of suck this year. Can I say that as a fan? I just did. Do I think the teams we compete against should be vilified? Only during the heat of a game. I really do understand that those other guys are human beings just like me, and I even cheer for them if they end up in a bowl game.

    So tell me again why being a fan of Apple is thing so reprehensible that should call non-fans to this forum to drop hate bombs? Do I waste my time going to Android-centric or Windows-centric sites to piss in their pool? No. And I wonder at those who do. What kind of pettiness and social immaturity possesses someone do want to do that?

    If those who come here to name-call really have the courage of their convictions (hating fans), let them go to the end zone grandstands of the Green Bay Packers or Oakland Raiders, and call out and insult those fans with the funny costumes right to their faces. I'd pay to watch a YouTube video of the results.
  • Reply 62 of 70
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I used one yesterday and it was as clunky and crappy as the first one I saw. Android is just a bad copy of iOS IMO.

    Can I ask which phone was it?

    When my wife switched over to Verizon from AT&T (she didn't have an iPhone and didn't want one either), she didn't know what phone to get. She wanted one with a keyboard and the usual Facebook/Myspace etc... She looked around and the only phone that she considered was the LG Ally. Other options available were the Droid X and the Droid Incredible, but she was set to get a keyboard. Long story short, she hated the phone because it was slow and clunky, and the battery didn't last long at all. We returned it and I told her to get the Droid X. She played with it at the store and immediately fell in love with it. Ordered it and got in 2 weeks later. To this day she's extremely happy with her Droid X due to the size, quickness, and swype.

    Bottom line is don't compare crappy Android phones to the iPhone. Wouldn't it be unfair to compare a iPhone 3G w/ iOS 4.0 to say a Droid X?
  • Reply 63 of 70
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,990member
    FurbiesandBeans' post should be a model for those who want to dispute and critique here. It is polite, civil, no name-calling or vilification. I enjoyed reading it. He offered a valid point, one worth discussing. Civilly. It was specific, had evidence, and was reasoned. Thank you for being the kind of debater we need more of here.
  • Reply 64 of 70
    For all the people saying things like "but it's the WSJ, they don't just make stuff up, they ate legit" - the WSJ has literally pulled stories out of their hole for at least the last year. From the Verizon iPhone confirmed to be coming out last month (I believe a couple of the stories said the phone was in production), and let's not forget the iPad being a Verizon exclusive...they ran that too. Also said the iPhone 4 was confirmed to be announced at the iPad event. This is all according their credible sources. All this means nothing. Engadget has a great article on why it is likely we won't see a Verizon iPhone for a long time. I suggest people look it up if they want to read something way more intelligent than any analyst or reporter for the WSJ has ever written.
  • Reply 65 of 70
    Originally Posted by CurtisEMayle View Post

    Outstanding! Perhaps he'll loan you an apostrophe.

    If my iPhone 4 didn't put an apostrophe in then it must not need one.
  • Reply 66 of 70
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    This is a site that caters to those with a sincere interest and enthusiasm for all things Apple. We are Apple fans, if you will.

    This is a rumor site. It's purpose is to get inside information on Apple's affairs so that we can speculate on the stock.
  • Reply 67 of 70
    Hey I just got off a rescue boat after living on a deserted island for over a year with no communication with the outside world - just my iphone 2g. I tried to call for help but the lousy at&t service kept dropping my calls.

    I will be going to the at&t store to get a replacement iphone as I know they will always be the only carrier with the iphone.

    BTW I don't believe any of those rumors of an apple tablet device either - I'm with all those naysayers, Apple will NEVER think of coming out with that.
  • Reply 68 of 70
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    WSJ is now a rumor rag like the rest of them....the more user clicks they get, the more they get from their ad sponsors. They have learned that Apple rumors are very 'profitable'.

    See below for other WSJ 'reliable' news stories:

    "Verizon iPhone arriving in September, says WSJ"

    "Pegatron is scheduled to start mass producing the CDMA iPhones in September, but it was unclear when Apple might make the model available..."

    No claim (in the Journal) that the Verizon iPhone would be on sale in September.
  • Reply 69 of 70
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    This is a rumor site. It's purpose is to get inside information on Apple's affairs so that we can speculate on the stock.

    If you are relying on information from AI as "inside information", then I think you should speculate elsewhere.

    I see it as a fan site. It therefore contains fanboys. Saying that someone is a fan, is not actually an argument, you need an argument as well.

    ( To that end I think the term Fanboy should warrant a banning, if over used).
  • Reply 70 of 70
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Since Bibbler and Prof. Peabody have opened the door, let me continue off topic just a bit and get this off my chest.

    To those who use "fanboy" on this site as some kind of epithet:

    This is a site that caters to those with a sincere interest and enthusiasm for all things Apple. We are Apple fans, if you will.

    The world is filled with fans of this or that. I am also a fan of the University of Southern California football team. I have a season ticket. I wear articles of clothing with their colors and logos. I cheer them on and read articles about the team and games. Do I think they are perfect? No. As a matter of fact they kind of suck this year. Can I say that as a fan? I just did. Do I think the teams we compete against should be vilified? Only during the heat of a game. I really do understand that those other guys are human beings just like me, and I even cheer for them if they end up in a bowl game.

    So tell me again why being a fan of Apple is thing so reprehensible that should call non-fans to this forum to drop hate bombs? Do I waste my time going to Android-centric or Windows-centric sites to piss in their pool? No. And I wonder at those who do. What kind of pettiness and social immaturity possesses someone do want to do that?

    If those who come here to name-call really have the courage of their convictions (hating fans), let them go to the end zone grandstands of the Green Bay Packers or Oakland Raiders, and call out and insult those fans with the funny costumes right to their faces. I'd pay to watch a YouTube video of the results.

    Actually Sir, I am an Apple user. I use the ones that I think will work best for me. I also use Windows because it's necessary in my chosen career. You want to talk about name calling and insults - - - - That doesn't make me an "idiot", a "Window Sufferer" or a "Loser (or as it is called on these boards, a "looser") or any names I've been addressed as on Apple "Fan sites" simple because I occasionally choose to use a product that doesn't have a nice shiny Apple logo on it.

    I'm not so blinded by Steve Jobs' RDF that I have a need to insult people who choose another product. (Make a visit to MDN or MacRumors to see the ignorance of Apple Fanboys, or if you prefer, Apple Fanatics).. I don't call every product without the aforementioned logo, "Junk, Junky, Crap, Crappy, or Clunky"... You want to talk about group mindset, .. yes this is the language of "Fanboys"....

    I also don't want to discuss "what's everybody going to buy Steve for his Birthday this year" (an actual post at MDN)..

    I like my iPhone... But trust me, it isn't "delicious, it isn't "oh so elegant", and it isn't "magical" and a "game changer" anymore than Android phones are "crappy"... If you want to make an intelligent debate point the way to do it isn't to call every other product "Clunky" without giving specifics.

    The reason Sir I chose to use AI is that it does appear to have a large number of rational people here who do post VERY informative information, and not just a bunch of "Fanboys" who want to tell me that they "skate to where the puck is going to be"....
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