Apple TV sellouts seen as start of 1M sales per quarter

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Just a week after the new Apple TV went on sale, many of Apple's retail stores around the U.S. are sold out of the set top box, with one Wall Street analyst predicting the device is on pace to sell a million per quarter.

"The hobby is a hit," analyst Alex Gauna with JMP Securities declared in a note to investors Wednesday. He said Apple retail stores in San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, New York and Washington D.C. are all sold out of the new Apple TV. In all, he checked with more than 20 different stores.

"Based on restocking figures provided by those store representatives willing to share such data, it seems as though Apple TV is off to an initial quarterly pace of at least one-quarter to one-third that of the iPad, or in the range of a million units or more," he wrote.

While initial sales are by no means an indicator of how the product will do in the long-term, Gauna said there also appears to be limited stock of the device, with levels less than the iPad launch. He expects many new iPad and iPhone buyers this holiday season will also opt for an Apple TV to expand the iOS ecosystem in their home.

If sales of the Apple TV keep up at the predicted pace of about a million per quarter, it would be a huge jump from past sales figures. Another Wall Street analyst has said the previous-generation device sold less than a million units per year.

JMP Securities has a price target of $335 for Apple stock. Its forecast calls for 17.5 million iPhone and iPad units to be shipped in the December quarter.

The new Apple TV, priced at just $99, is a cloud-centric device that emphasizes streaming of content and renting movies and TV shows. It features much less storage, and a significantly smaller physical footprint, than its predecessor.


  • Reply 1 of 94
    I'll wait for Airplay feature before purchasing. I want to be able to stream HD movies from my iPhone instantly.
  • Reply 2 of 94
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Apple: Who needs Internet on their TV right Google?

    Google: Shut up..

    Looks like Apple was in the right track with this Apple TV. You'll see an article soon (maybe in AppleInsider) on how many people are renting movies and TV shows on their Apple TVs. Then the rest of the networks will soon follow FOX and ABC.
  • Reply 3 of 94
    And on top of that, the supposed competition is a joke.

    Logitech finally announced their price for Google TV. It's $300!

  • Reply 4 of 94
    I like Logitech, but they will regret the day they decided to compete directly with Apple.

    The optional "mini-controller" for Logitech's Google TV is more than the Apple TV!!!

    Glad I don't have any Logitech stock. (And LOTS of AAPL!)
  • Reply 5 of 94
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    The price is really attractive. The previous AppleTV had a useless HDD and was more than double the price. In my opinion, now Apple needs an iTunes media server + built-in Airport Base Station/Time capsule.
  • Reply 6 of 94
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    I like Logitech, but they will regret the day they decided to compete directly with Apple.

    The optional "mini-controller" for Logitech's Google TV is more than the Apple TV!!!

    Glad I don't have any Logitech stock. (And LOTS of AAPL!)

    quite the contrast. The Apple TV remote

    and the Google TV remote

    That's the slimmed down option, the one that comes with it is bigger.
  • Reply 7 of 94
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    And on top of that, the supposed competition is a joke.

    Logitech finally announced their price for Google TV. It's $300!


    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    I like Logitech, but they will regret the day they decided to compete directly with Apple.

    The optional "mini-controller" for Logitech's Google TV is more than the Apple TV!!!

    Glad I don't have any Logitech stock. (And LOTS of AAPL!)

    Some might say "They're doing it wrong!" and $129.99 for a mini controller? seriously?
  • Reply 8 of 94
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    And on top of that, the supposed competition is a joke.

    Logitech finally announced their price for Google TV. It's $300!


    Not only is it $300, but it comes with a keyboard and that seems to be its defining image from the above link. I don't get it.
  • Reply 9 of 94
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    quite the contrast. The Apple TV remote

    and the Google TV remote

    here's the Google TV remote from Sony.

  • Reply 10 of 94
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    And on top of that, the supposed competition is a joke.

    Logitech finally announced their price for Google TV. It's $300!


    Apple has really drawn a bead on 'popular' pricing these days (AppleTV, iPad, iPod Touch and iPod Mini), and is now able to use their brand appeal to move a LOT of product. The AppleTV is some hobby!
  • Reply 11 of 94
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    quite the contrast. The Apple TV remote

    and the Google TV remote

    That's the slimmed down option, the one that comes with it is bigger.

    And you can use you iOS devices to control Google TV.. There's a app for that.

  • Reply 12 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I can't say if Apple is "doing it right" this time as I feel deal with content holders is important and I don't see how they can benefit their bottom line* much with this device, but I can say that everyone else is "doing it wrong". For Google's ake I hope some HW partners are making better decisions.

    * Note that if you can advance your bottom line at this time a viable strategy could be to at least keep others from advancing theirs while you hold fast for the proper time to strike.
  • Reply 12 of 94
    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    And you can use you iOS devices to control Google TV.. There's a app for that.

    What's going to happen when iOS devices are self aware? Me thinks this.

    hahaha sorry, I just had to.
  • Reply 14 of 94
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member
    I hate how these so called "analysts" think they can take the first week of sales and project out to a single quarter, never mind saying "per quarter". That is completely unfounded bunk. The prediction isn't worth the air used to utter it.
  • Reply 15 of 94
    msuberlymsuberly Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by Vatdoro View Post

    And on top of that, the supposed competition is a joke.

    Logitech finally announced their price for Google TV. It's $300!


    I'm still fuzzy on what this thing does for $300, other than watch web videos on a TV. There are many other options (Roku, Apple TV, blu-ray players, PS3, etc) that do as much or more for less money.

    For an extra $150, one can make video calls, but to who? I know of no one that uses Vid (I know that is not scientific) but lots of people that use Skype, Facetime, and others.

    Regarding the remote for $130, Logitech has to be kidding. Will the iPhone app be $130? Doubt it.

    I do like the tagline, "Sleek, powerful, and". It does look "sleek," I will take Logitech's word that it is "powerful" (although I don't know what that means), "and." And what??? Does Logitech not know what the thing does either?
  • Reply 16 of 94
    quevarquevar Posts: 101member
    Anyone know if the AppleTV can be set to randomly play a series of videoclips repeatedly that would be stored locally on the HD? I'm looking for a cheap way to stream videos to a TV/monitor that requires little to no maintenance. For $99, the AppleTV looks perfect. Otherwise, I'd have to use a ac mini or some other small computer, but the price is way too much for what it will be doing. Thanks.
  • Reply 17 of 94
    I do like the pass-through HDMI on the Logitech device.

    If I get a call from my Mom (now 72, sharp as a tack, but not tech savvy) for help with her TV, it's when she's changed inputs. Trouble shooting TVs over the phone is a pain. I like the idea of one input to the TV. (Now, of course, how the Logitech handles this may be another kettle of fish. But in general, I like the idea.)
  • Reply 18 of 94
    crimguycrimguy Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    I hate how these so called "analysts" think they can take the first week of sales and project out to a single quarter, never mind saying "per quarter". That is completely unfounded bunk. The prediction isn't worth the air used to utter it.

    I agree 100%. The price is certainly right, but initial sales are worthless. Early adopters are meaningless statistically.

    I have an older ATV and will consider getting one of these to replace it, but only because of netflix capability, and only if ATVFlash is working. I have too many mkv and avi files that I want to play on my ATV. Right now the WD Live + is looking like a better, if less elegant, option for me.
  • Reply 19 of 94
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    A physical keyboard in front of a TV? Total fail!

    People don't sit down in front of the TV because they want to type on keyboard. I don't even want to type on a keyboard when I'm in front of my computer.
  • Reply 20 of 94
    rp2011rp2011 Posts: 159member
    The mark-up is quite low, but if they manage to sell a mil per quarter, that would be around $34 million per quarter. Not bad for a hobby, It would buy Jobs a lot of turtlenecks.
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