Verizon says iPhone announcement would come from Apple

in iPhone edited January 2014
A Verizon executive responded to reports of a Verizon iPhone by telling the press that any news would come from Apple, not Verizon.

Macworld reports that Verizon President and COO Lowell McAdam made the comments at a press conference at the CTIA conference in San Francisco.

When asked to comment about a story from The Wall Street Journal that Apple will begin building a Verizon-compatible iPhone by the end of the year, McAdam dismissed the story as "one of those things that rolls out every few weeks whether there's a basis for it or not."

"I can't give you any insights," he continued. "But I think Apple is the one that has to make that announcement."

McAdam remains hopeful that a deal will eventually be reached, especially as Verizon rolls out its Long-Term Evolution 4G data network.

?What I?ve always said is I expect at some point in time our business interests are going to align," McAdam said. "I think things like LTE are another great reason why they?d want a device or tablet on that network. But I don?t have anything to say today about timing.?

In September, Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg downplayed rumors of an upcoming Verizon iPhone by telling investors that he hopes Apple will work with Verizon to sell an LTE 4G smartphone.

Despite the remarks, rumors have persisted that a CDMA iPhone will arrive in early 2011.


  • Reply 1 of 44
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Well what do you know, ANOTHER story on a fictional Verizon deal.

    Or is it just another ploy to stop xmas sales and have people hold out for the Verizon phone instead of buying a new iPhone over the xmas period. When it doesnt happen and everyone else is sold out these people have no other option but to settle for an Android phone.

    And thus the cycle repeats.

    Seriously the CDMA phone is for the chinese market. This has just been blown out of proportion to halt sales, just like the iPhone 5 rumour that was circling today also.
  • Reply 2 of 44
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    And by "business interests aligning" he means he expects Apple will eventually agree to Verizon having their own app store, loading their iPhone with crap ware, and doing everything in their power to steer iPhone users towards their own paid services.

    They've had a lot of success with Android phones now-- and none of their Android "partners" are in a position to say no to anything Verizon might want to do-- so I'd imagine they're less ready to deal than ever. They can tell Apple that they really don't need the iPhone, so unless they're ready to play ball the Verizon way they can take a hike.

    Meanwhile, after at first appearing to be ready to allow Android to be Android, Verizon seem to be moving back towards their old "it's our phone, we can do what we want with it" model. Personally, if acquiescing to that is what it takes to get the iPhone on Verizon's network, it doesn't seem worth it. Much is made of Android's US sales gains, but Apple is playing a global game here, and in the global scheme of things Verizon isn't that significant.
  • Reply 3 of 44
    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.
  • Reply 4 of 44
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.

    I think you're right.
  • Reply 5 of 44
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    And by "business interests aligning" he means he expects Apple will eventually agree to Verizon having their own app store, loading their iPhone with crap ware, and doing everything in their power to steer iPhone users towards their own paid services.[/URL]

    Something like that. Certainly it's garbage along those lines that is the impasse now. Verizon has a good network, but also the slimiest execs on Earth. (Know this first-hand, I'm afraid.)
  • Reply 6 of 44
    While still a rumor, the verizon guy most certainly alludes that something is in the works. To me it says that something is cooking, but we can't say anything or we'll get in trouble.
  • Reply 7 of 44
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.

    Yep, that is the conclusion I drew. If anything this gives me more hope than anything I have thus far read.
  • Reply 8 of 44
    Android success my ass. They tried it and failed. They now must take the iPhone in all it's glory.
  • Reply 9 of 44
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.

    Yes, he was intriguingly mealy-mouthed.
  • Reply 10 of 44
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.

    Contrast Verizon's distance with Intel's eagerness, just before Apple said, "It'sTrue!" that Apple is transitioning to Intel back in 2006. Otellini couldn't contain himself talking about the prospects of having Apple as a customer of Intel chips. This, while he neither denied nor confirmed the rumor...

    All Verizon has is that vaporous comment, " It's up to Apple..."

    A CDMA phone goes nicely in China, Latin America, and parts of Europe. Verizon?
  • Reply 11 of 44
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I completely disagree that these remarks represent intriguing ambiguity or imply the iPhone is on its way to Verizon.

    If you imagine that negotiations have stalled around the issues I mentioned, saying in effect "it's up to Apple" is a way of putting pressure on Apple to accept Verizon's terms. It's like saying "Hey, we're here, we're ready to roll, if Apple want's to sell the iPhone through Verizon we can make that happen-- all they have to do is drop their silly desire to control the user experience."
  • Reply 12 of 44
    c-rayc-ray Posts: 40member
    Some things to keep in mind about this whole situation ...

    Apple likely has an active agreement with AT&T concerning mobile phones. Indications thus far suggest, but do not prove, that the original iPhone agreement may not apply to the iPad.

    Verizon has stated that LTE will be exclusively for data. 3G (i.e. EV-DO) will be used to carry voice. An iPad does not need to be enabled for EV-DO (but it would only work in LTE markets if that approach were taken).

    Don't be surprised if the iPad arrives on VZW before the iPhone does. Doing that would give Apple time to work out LTE issues before putting it into a phone.
  • Reply 13 of 44
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    It?s non-information, but it indicates one thing: the Verizon guy at least understands how communications work when you partner with Apple on a future product
  • Reply 14 of 44
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    This is exactly how Verizon is supposed to act and exactly what they're supposed to say if they either have reached or will reach a deal with Apple. Keep it a secret. Deny without really denying. Not saying they have, but they're playing their cards right to be certain.

    Exactly, Elliots11! Verizon now realizes they are not in the driver's seat. Apple is and Apple was 4 years ago when they passed up on the most innovative product of the last decade...what schmucks their executive staff are!

    Go Apple!
  • Reply 15 of 44
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Seems like apple is training Verizon that APPLE runs the show.
  • Reply 16 of 44
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Seems like apple is training Verizon that APPLE runs the show.

    Bingo, Bushman4! You hit the nail on the proverbial head, so to speak!
  • Reply 17 of 44
    I knew it was baloney the whole time. You guys should listen to me. Then you wouldn't get all excited over nothing.

    Seriously though, whats wrong with the wsj?
  • Reply 18 of 44
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Go Apple!

    YEAH!! Go Apple! Woot!!!

    How is not making a deal with multiple carriers something to cheer for? Only on this forum kids. Only on this forum.
  • Reply 19 of 44
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    What's Apple's deal with telecoms in markets where there are multiple carriers? Do they subsidize and if so how much per phone?
  • Reply 20 of 44
    The whole quote "Apple needs to make that announcement" is what got me.

    Someone with wishful thinking on here last week I think it was, had said that Verizon at the event in January would have it's "one more thing" moment - having Steve Jobs walk out to announce the iPhone on Verizon.

    I think that person may be right. If you follow the quote... well Apple would indeed be announcing it.

    Who knows, I've been reluctant to post about any of the Verizon speculation because the past has proven nothing is certain.

    I just really hope this is the real deal... and sadly only time will tell.
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