Verizon, Apple quarreled over iPhone retail options, digital content



  • Reply 221 of 222
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    No, seriously --- what's with all the CDMA hatred?

    Where have you guys been for the last 3 years?

    BEFORE the iphone was launched --- people like you BLAMED Qualcomm/CDMA for everything that "seemed" to be wrong with the state of American wireless industry.

    Guess what? The grass was definitively proven to be not greener on the other side. Somehow I get attacked for posting the obvious lessons from the last 3 years.

    Neither technology is perfect. You seem to be the only person that can't seem to realize that. Which leads me to believe that your job is closely aligned with the CDMA industry. Who else wouldn't realize the shortcomings of CDMA in the real world (slower speeds, lack of simultaneous voice+data as implemented by Verizon & Sprint, etc.)
  • Reply 222 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    So the iPhone was wildly successful before it was released? Isn't that the time frame when the original negotiations took place?

    There's that word again. Idiotic. We were using that word a lot yesterday. Why is letting Verizon make some money on the iPhone idiotic? Apple let ATT make a bag of cash by making them exclusive partners. Was that fair business??

    Has it occurred to you that no carrier is everywhere? Has it occurred to you that there must be somebody on the planet that would like an iPhone with it's beautiful scratch prone glass body and innovative exterior antenna that drops calls when held naturally in your left hand. Hypothetically this person would not buy an iPhone until it is available on other carriers.

    So Apple would sell more phones and make more profit for itself and it's shareholders and everybody would be happy. Everyone except the members of this forum.

    Idiotic. Yeah, your right. It would be idiotic to allow V Cast on an iPhone. It would really ruin everything. Idiotic. Yes indeed.

    I'm sure that this is very important to you. I'm not sure why you are so animated but in your enthusiasm you seem to have forgotten how to use the words you, your and you're. As you don't appear to have mastered these basics, I am disinclined to pay much attention to your opinion and I'm pretty sure that ignoring people like you isn't causing Apple's business progress too much hinderance.
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