Verizon, Apple quarreled over iPhone retail options, digital content



  • Reply 161 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    You know what Apple's problem is? They can't partner with anyone because their CEO has delusions of Godhood.

    You know what, in the case of the iPhone, I'm actually glad that Jobs is a control freak. Look at Android on Verizon. You have bing forced on it, eFuse on some Moto phones, and all carrier junk installed. Apple is pretty much the only company that has a complete control over the OS of their phone (iOS). All other manufactures are at the mercy of the carriers.
  • Reply 162 of 222
    vvswarupvvswarup Posts: 336member
    It's a known fact that carriers make far, far more money off of the monthly plans than they do on selling the handsets. The money they make off of handset sales is a pittance in comparison.

    AT&T has a limited role when it comes to the iPhone, but it still charges just as much money for iPhone data plans as it does for every other smartphone's data plan. It's not like AT&T is reducing the price of the data plan. Also, if I recall correctly, Apple ran all of the TV advertisements for the iPhone. AT&T didn't run any. AT&T spent pennies on the dollar for iPhone advertisements. So basically, AT&T charged the same amount of money in monthly fees despite not having to spend a dime on iPhone advertisements.

    I see Verizon running all those Droid advertisements. If they got the iPhone with the same arrangement that Apple has with AT&T, then they would be able to charge the same amount of money but not have to spend any money on advertisements. There must be tons of people clamoring for an iPhone on Verizon. The only thing is that Verizon would have to accept a lesser role.

    In a way, comparing the Android model and the iOS iPhone model is meaningless. The point is that none of the Android phone manufacturers have as well-established of a distribution as Apple does. Most of them, like HTC and Motorola, sell their phones in wholesale to retailers, who in turn sell them to individual customers. That's not how Apple operates. Apple has a well-established distribution system for selling products to individual customers. In fact, direct sales, i.e. products sold in Apple stores, account for a larger percentage of total sales than those of retailers like Best Buy and others.

    Google tried to sell the Nexus One directly to individual customers, but it's something that they have never done before. The points is that most Android manufacturers simply have no choice but to rely on carriers to sell to individual customers.
  • Reply 163 of 222
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Right... All apps on the App Store never crash at all...

    All Apps have crashed in my 3G including the phone app & even rebooted the phone
  • Reply 164 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    How can you say that? I bought an iMac, a MacBook Pro, three generations of iPhone, a dozen iPods over the years and I'm a snappy dresser.

    I prefer to be judged by the company I keep. And that's YOU my friend.

    Please remember I am the spiritual leader of the Apple Insider forum.

    Lol, hey I enjoy your posts, may not agree, but always funny. So we can argue all day long or days as the case my be, about the choice to or not to partner with Verizon. My opinion is it was a mix of two things, when Jobs was ready to launch the iPhone he wanted control over the user experience. He wasn't going to get that from Verizon. So he signed on with ATT, with the added benefit of the ability to build one GSM model that would work across 95% of the worlds mobile networks. Now fast forward to today, hard to argue he didn't make the right choice. So now Apple has the leverage to push Verizon to do what they want mostly. Do you do it...not sure, you have to add additional assembly line space to build CDMA versions of the phone mainly for the US.

    I don't work in manufacturing so I don't know how much extra that would cost. To me it would seem to make sense to add T-Mobile to the fold, and wait for LTE. If anything Apple has never seemed worried about having the largest market share. Build a really good device that the users love and call it a day. I'm ok with that model.
  • Reply 165 of 222
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post

    I see Verizon running all those Droid advertisements. If they got the iPhone with the same arrangement that Apple has with AT&T, then they would be able to charge the same amount of money but not have to spend any money on advertisements. There must be tons of people clamoring for an iPhone on Verizon. The only thing is that Verizon would have to accept a lesser role.

    Yes, Verizon spent $100 million on the original Droid ad campaign --- but it is a lot cheaper than subsidizing the iphone.
  • Reply 166 of 222
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    You don't want V-cast on your iPhone... V-cast is not an app, it is a DRM laden user and device control system for media and other content that locks you into a single source of overpriced, limited selection, poor quality media distribution. You think Apple is control freakish and restrictive? Just try V-cast.

    With Apple you can choose any source for content (in the proper mpeg format) and sync your media to an iPhone from your computer. Not to mention YouTube, Netflix, and lots of other media apps available in the app store. With Verizon, they don't want to let you do that, they want you to get all media from V-cast and only V-cast.

    I can see a deal where Apple & Verizon could meet in the middle by having Verizon provide V-cast as an app in the app-store like any other app. That way it could be installed and used by those who want it, and deleted by those who don't.
  • Reply 167 of 222
    ezduzitezduzit Posts: 158member
    <This message is hidden because Blackintosh is on your ignore list.>

    this is the message you should see when you scan the ai blog.

    anything else means that you are encouraging this creep and generating hits for him.
  • Reply 168 of 222
    veblenveblen Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Well, those "delusions" of Godhood/grandeur has made him the most admired CEO in the world, who has taken one company that people were saying should be liquidated, and made it one of the largest in the world.

    Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe, this guy knows what the f*** he is doing? And you, random internet commenter, who thinks he knows better than that guy, might be the one with the actual delusions?

    I don't see why you guys are feeding this guy.
  • Reply 169 of 222
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    I didn't say Apple was a blunder, I said this is a typical Apple blunder, one of the blunders that Apple sometimes goes through. And to answer your questions, yes Apple did go through its fair share of blunders.

    First of all, you are suggesting that Apple commits as many blunders as everyone else. Yet the only evidence you present is a baseless conjecture that never occurred.

    If anybody has made a blunder, it was you and you seem to have more than your fair share of them!
  • Reply 170 of 222
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I can't recall those programs when I bought two iMacs in 2008 for my daughter and my wife. What were the names of them?

    The game was "Nanosaur" . "Eric's Solitare Sampler" also came on the disk. They could be described as "so 20th century". They were not installed by default with System 8.5, but were included on the iMac Software install disk (the disk which came with the multi-colored iMacs and possibly with the bondi blue iMac). This dates back to 1998 when men were men and mice had balls and resembled hockey pucks. "...a couple years ago..." as posted by Caliminius is a bit off. I'm still making my way through the posts and have not read beyond the post which I am replying to, so if someone has already supplied this information, my apologies!
  • Reply 171 of 222
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Yes, Verizon spent $100 million on the original Droid ad campaign --- but it is a lot cheaper than subsidizing the iphone.

    You do realize Verizon subsidizes the Droids, right? Or do you really think the manufacturers are only getting $200 for each?

    Additionally, you also do realize the subsidy is probably a lot higher than what ATT pays for the iPhone because Verizon also gives 2 devices for the price of one.

    The only reason ATT hasn't done that to increase the number of data plan customers is because Apple does not allow them to.
  • Reply 172 of 222
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I wonder how difficult it will be to jailbreak a CDMA iPhone. Wouldn't it be just ironic if Apple made the phone and gave it to Sprint, assuming that Sprint would comply with all of Apples restrictions just like AT&T. Then the jailbreakers can try to get it running on Verizon. Good luck without a removable SIM.

    I'm no expert, but my understanding is that Sprint's and Verizon's networks are not compatible.
  • Reply 173 of 222
    storneostorneo Posts: 101member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Agreed, but is that Apple's job? Should Apple deny itself substantial profit just to teach Verizon a lesson?

    Look, Apple and ATT have a year left on their contract. Until that contract runs out, NO ONE is getting the iPhone! It IS Apple's job to ensure the customers experience with it's products are engaging and consistent. If that means "playing GOD", as you like to put it, then so be it.

    If Verizon (or anyone else) wants the best phone on the market on their network, they will have to allow Apple to continue to run the show as they have. If you haven't noticed, it has worked out well! Apple will NOT sacrifice usability just to get the phone on a network. I bet many networks will bend over backwards to accommodate Apple solely based on the performance of the iPhone so far. Apple is doing quite well so far WITHOUT having to compromise anything. The company is flourishing and NOT hurting for cash. There IS such a thing as having principles (which I gather you have NONE).

    You claim to be an Apple fan, but ALL of your posts reflect the total opposite. Your negativity toward Apple is in EVERY post you make. You come here just to bash, act like you're god's gift to man, and offer nothing but rants and one-sided "it's what I want" views. You are truly pathetic and, obviously, have ZERO life.
  • Reply 174 of 222
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    The whole concept of being an Apple fanboy is beyond my comprehension,

    Perhaps someone could explain it to me one day.

    In case you missed it from earlier:

    To those who use "fanboy" on this site as some kind of epithet:

    This is a site that caters to those with a sincere interest and enthusiasm for all things Apple. We are Apple fans, if you will.

    The world is filled with fans of this or that. I am also a fan of the University of Southern California football team. I have a season ticket. I wear articles of clothing with their colors and logos. I cheer them on and read articles about the team and games. Do I think they are perfect? No. As a matter of fact they kind of suck this year. Can I say that as a fan? I just did. Do I think the teams we compete against should be vilified? Only during the heat of a game. I really do understand that those other guys are human beings just like me, and I even cheer for them if they end up in a bowl game.

    So tell me again why being a fan of Apple is something so reprehensible that should call non-fans to this forum to drop hate bombs? Do I waste my time going to Android-centric or Windows-centric sites to piss in their pool? No. And I wonder at those who do. What kind of pettiness and social immaturity possesses someone do want to do that?

    If those who come here to name-call really have the courage of their convictions (hating fans), let them go to the end zone grandstands of the Green Bay Packers or Oakland Raiders, and call out and insult those fans with the funny costumes right to their faces. I'd pay to watch a YouTube video of the results.
  • Reply 175 of 222
    Originally Posted by iBill View Post

    I'm no expert, but my understanding is that Sprint's and Verizon's networks are not compatible.

    Technically, they are, but you have to have Verizon willingly activate your Sprint phone on their network, and so far I don't see Verizon willing to do it.
  • Reply 176 of 222
    Im gonna take a gander that most of the people that think Apple would cave to Verizon and believe Apple needs Verizon more than Verizon needs Apple are switchers (newbies to Apple and the way Apple is and has been ever since the days they were founded in a garage tinkering with electronics....

    Don't throw shoes - I'm just reckoning that'd be the case.

  • Reply 177 of 222
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    So let Verizon sell their V Cast stuff on the iPhone. What's the big deal? Apple bent and put Netflix on the Apple TV.

    You know what Apple's problem is? They can't partner with anyone because their CEO has delusions of Godhood.

    What a coward. The man has resurrected the most successful rebound in US Corporate history and this joke of a profile can't take it.
  • Reply 178 of 222
    storneostorneo Posts: 101member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    What a coward. The man has resurrected the most successful rebound in US Corporate history and this joke of a profile can't take it.

    Great point! Remember when Apple allowed others to make Mac clones? A total FAILED partnership. Apple chooses partnerships carefully. Blackintosh would run Apple into the ground if he were in charge.
  • Reply 179 of 222
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    At this stage, potential Verizon iPhone sales are not that critical to Apple. The phone is being sold all over the world and they are in short supply. They have people from China buying phones in the US, Canada, UK and shipping to China. Other parts of the world have the same problem.

    Why bother making iPhones in another radio standard (CDMA) that is going to be phased out anyway? Worst would be setting a precedent to break the iTunes control of content... then everybody will demand the same or more. The economies of scale are with the increasing the supply of the UMTS/3G iPhone... and yes, make the white phone too.

    It makes sense why Apple went with ATT in the first place. They use UMTS/3G/GSM that is being used all over the world. Allows for economies of scale in manufacturing and distribution. Roaming is possible, but not economic... but that can change too. UMTS also allows for simultaneous use of voice and data. I have not had too many issues with the ATT service.
  • Reply 180 of 222
    milkmagemilkmage Posts: 152member
    you want your iphone to start looking like android?

    I can't see apple giving up total control over hardware/software to appease a carrier.
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