Verizon iPhone may be among first CDMA handsets to offer concurrent data and voice



  • Reply 21 of 72
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    First of all, there's no maybe.

    IF Verizon carries the iphone in Q1 2011, it will be CDMA and it will be dual voice/data.

    How do I know? Because: Steve Jobs runs Apple, Inc.

    Wrong. It will be CDMA/LTE.
  • Reply 22 of 72
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I think this bolt-on solution is possible but I’ve yet to see any evidence of this happening or how it will be accomplished. I hope it’s as smooth and fast as 3GSM.

    Actually its part of 1X Advanced (which the official specs were published by 3GPP2 back in 2009) and is available for REV A or B (see Now whether or not Verizon will implement this remains uncertain. From what I understand they are going to implement Voice over Rev A which is a precursor to Voice over LTE ( I would rather them implement 1x advanced because VoRA seems like a bolt on but it remains to be seen.

    Found another article that suggests they were testing a version of Voice over Rev A in 2006 ( that says call quality will be improved and spectrum will be increased. However not sure if VOIP over Rev A is the same or improved as Voice over Rev A. I'm just assuming they are.
  • Reply 23 of 72
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Not quite true. The CDMA spec was upgraded in 2009 to include the functionality needed to allow simultaneous voice/data. The hardware to implement the new standard was not going to be available until this past summer. From my understanding, on the carrier side of things, this would involve a card swap at the towers. It's supposed to be a relatively easy upgrade (again, just from what I've read). If the hardware was only recently available, it would take Verizon (or Sprint) time to get all their towers upgraded. So the timing could be right for an early 2011 Verizon iPhone. Of course, I've not seen any evidence that Verizon has actually been making this upgrade.

    Then again, I know may ATT iPhone users, and have read the experiences of many more, who completely disable their iPhone's 3G and use it wi-fi only when travelling overseas because of ATT's excessive international roaming fees. So not much different than a CDMA iPhone which would be stuck using wi-fi only when overseas.

    I agree with the technological challenges. But since CDMA is on it's way out (granted it will be many years before it's gone), the value of Qualcomm's CDMA patent portfolio will diminish and sooner or later they will have to reduce their fees. Inclusion of a Qualcomm chip in the iPhone could be part of a deal to also include a reduced licensing fee. Apple uses Qualcomm's chips in exchange for a reduction in the CDMA licensing. Or they could work out a deal to only pay the licensing fee based on what carrier the phone is activated with. There's all kinds of possible scenarios that could be part of a deal between Apple and Qualcomm. And Qualcomm will need to start getting creative to extend their CDMA revenue stream as the technology gets phased out over the next several years.

    Wouldn't it make sense for Apple to wait until Verizon completes it's next gen network upgrade? I think that if it was possible to have simultaneous voice and data over CDMA with the current network setup, all you would be doing would be replicating a problem AT&T has, which is bandwidth (among others).

    I can see it now. Fandroids getting all up in arms about how the iPhone on Verizon ruined their experience.

    What is the new network called again? LTE? ELP? BLT? Whatever, it won't be viable until 2015 nationwide.
  • Reply 24 of 72
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    The point is CDMA does not work outside the US and the few countries who have CDMA is using a different version than VZ, so the only way a VZ phone works outside the US is it has to be a world phone so it support both GSM and CDMA.

    I realize that most people do travel outside the US, but, the fact the iphone works world wide allows the phone to keep high market value since it can be used everywhere unlike a VZ phone is only good to a VZ customers. The other issue is the fact that most VZ customer have no clue, I tries selling a GSM Palm phone advertise it as such and got all kinds of VZ customers trying to buy if and did not understand they it would not work form them.

    No, the points are:

    - Many ATT people don't use their iPhones as phones when they travel overseas due to excessive ATT roaming charges.

    - Verizon already has nearly 100 million customers who don't give a crap that their phones don't work overseas. Why do you think that would suddenly change with an iPhone?

    - The vast majority of Americans seldom, if ever, step foot outside of the US, regardless of which cell phone carrier they have. So overseas capability is a pointless feature for most Americans.
  • Reply 25 of 72
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    HTC products are design for the uninformed and those who lack ability to think for themselve

    I disagree.

    IMO, the market leader consumer smartphone is the one unthinking people would buy, and not one with a brand new OS built by a lesser-well-known foreign company that they never heard of. My guess is that the uninformed never heard of HTC, and instead, want the iPhone.

    Why would the uninformed buy anything other than the current industry standard popular product?

    And those who choose not to think or prefer not to think or cannot think or want something that requires no thought? That's the iPhone, baby. It is PERFECT for them.

    I don't think your theory is correct.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    Does the HTC 7 Surround have a slide out surround speaker system with subwoofer and all?

    Yeah-- two folded horns that sit in the corner...

    Each of these 90-lb beauties comes with it's own case and carrying strap:

  • Reply 27 of 72
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    So what's your point?

    Exactly what I said: A verizon iPhone would be too little, too late. Android has already surpassed iOS and now M$ is poised to further disrupt things.

    If and when Apple expands its US carrier penetration, it won't matter. Apple is already losing market share in the US, and I don't think that a Verizon phone will change that, given that it would be (IMO) too little, and WAY too late.

    I, like many others, expect that Apple will retain somewhere around its current market share, or maybe somewhat less. I see little potential for domestic growth, given the (current) infrequent and (lately) disappointing product upgrades. I expect to see compelling choices from other manufacturers long before the iP5 is leaked, and I expect a slight bump in iP4 sales, maybe, if Apple is ever able to get their product onto Verizon, but not enough, and not soon enough.
  • Reply 28 of 72
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    I agree surround sound on a phone would be useless. an iPod with surround sound would be pointless also. Just sayin'...

    The iPad is mono. Just sayin'...

    I don't think the slide out speakers will sound all that great. But they don't have to. The only need to sound better than other phones, and that ain't very hard to do.
  • Reply 29 of 72
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Ugh! Can we not reply to aapl today? I'm sure he's just another alias of DaHarder/TeckStud/iGenius.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by appl View Post

    Exactly what I said: A verizon iPhone would be too little, too late. Android has already surpassed iOS and now M$ is poised to further disrupt things.

    If and when Apple expands its US carrier penetration, it won't matter. Apple is already losing market share in the US, and I don't think that a Verizon phone will change that, given that it would be (IMO) too little, and WAY too late.

    I, like many others, expect that Apple will retain somewhere around its current market share, or maybe somewhat less. I see little potential for domestic growth, given the (current) infrequent and (lately) disappointing product upgrades. I expect to see compelling choices from other manufacturers long before the iP5 is leaked, and I expect a slight bump in iP4 sales, maybe, if Apple is ever able to get their product onto Verizon, but not enough, and not soon enough.

    So you think making the iPhone available to the 2/3s of the US market (Verizon + Sprint + maybe Tmobile) who it is currently unavailable to will only result in a "slight bump" in sales?

    Looking at US marketshare of iOS vs Android vs RIM, etc, is kind of a fool's exercise since iOS is only available to 1/3 of the market you are talking about. Comparing apples to oranges. I'd like to see some stats on OS marketshare on ATT's network. That would be a little better indicator, but would admittedly favor iOS because ATT doesn't push Android as much as Verizon does.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by redraider View Post

    Actually its part of 1X Advanced (which the official specs were published by 3GPP2 back in 2009) and is available for REV A or B (see Now whether or not Verizon will implement this remains uncertain. From what I understand they are going to implement Voice over Rev A which is a precursor to Voice over LTE ( I would rather them implement 1x advanced because VoRA seems like a bolt on but it remains to be seen.

    Found another article that suggests they were testing a version of Voice over Rev A in 2006 ( that says call quality will be improved and spectrum will be increased. However not sure if VOIP over Rev A is the same or improved as Voice over Rev A. I'm just assuming they are.

    Thanks for the detailed info and clarification. And welcome to te forum.
  • Reply 32 of 72
    Originally Posted by Mr. Met View Post

    There are talks that the Verizon iPhone would be ready for Verizon's 4g standard, LTE, and would fall back on CDMA. LTE would support multitasking unlike CDMA has in the past. Verizon has said that its LTE network would be rolled out in every NFL market by the end of 2011 and would cover as much as the current CDMA network currently does by 2014.

    No, they said end of 2010. Also, I don't think Apple would be a test subject for LTE. It still is unproven and I am sure the battery life will blow more than a pornstar since it's a high powered chipset.
  • Reply 33 of 72
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Ugh! Can we not reply to aapl today? I'm sure he's just another alias of DaHarder/TeckStud/iGenius.

    Sorry. I guess I just felt like beating my head against a brick wall today. I'll stop.
  • Reply 34 of 72
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    I say Apple, people know what I'm talking about. I say HTC, they think I'm refering to an HMO.

    Lots of people make purchase decisions on that basis. Branding is powerful, and greatly influences many people, especially the uninformed.

    But others look closely at their alternatives before making a purchase decision. I think that the market for smartphones is plenty big enough now, and is growing so rapidly, that little tiny upstarts like HTC, those who are challenging the prevailing paradigm, can sell lots of product. Even if some other brand rolls off of the tongues of the uninterested, HTC can nevertheless make money.

    Meanwhile, the lumbering giants keep spending on PR and they make money too. Lots and lots and lots of it, especially these days.

    My guess is that people you know have never heard of Tesla Motors either. But those who follow the market for great cars might buy one instead of the Chevy Volt. Not everybody dresses in whatever the Gap happens to be selling this year.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Yeah-- two folded horns that sit in the corner...

    Each of these 90-lb beauties comes with it's own case and carrying strap:


    Oh my goodness. I need to ask my tailor to enlarge my trouser pockets.
  • Reply 36 of 72
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    What I want to know is Verizon ready for the millions of iPhones on it's network for the first few days! Will it bring down the network? Will A&tt laugh at verizon?
  • Reply 37 of 72
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Well I plugged my wifes' iphone into our theater system and played a movie through our system and it did play in surround sound, so I guess it support surround sound too since surround sound is encoded into the audio track.

    What sort of cable did you use? The Component cable? There's no way to use HDMI is there?

    I bought a composite cable with a 30 pin connector, but it didn't work, because it was from before Apple bonked everybody's cables with iOS 2.2. I'd consider a Component cable, but how did you get digital audio to come out of the iPhone?

    I thought all the cables output analog stereo via RCA plugs? Do you somehow get streaming digital audio out of a USB plug?

    What do you use for cables and connections with your wife's iPhone in order to get HD picture and 5.1 sound?
  • Reply 38 of 72
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Ugh! Can we not reply to aapl today? I'm sure he's just another alias of DaHarder/TeckStud/iGenius.

    The troll you refer to goes by the handle of Appl, not Aapl.

    Amusingly, APPL is the stock symbol for Appel Petroleum, not Apple Inc.

  • Reply 39 of 72
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Sorry. I guess I just felt like beating my head against a brick wall today. I'll stop.

    No need to apologize. It's just a modest request to keep the thread useful and informative.
  • Reply 40 of 72
    How several years late. Verizon is truly on the cutting edge.
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