Apple unveils new, instant-on MacBook Air: 'MacBook meets iPad'



  • Reply 61 of 359
    emacs72emacs72 Posts: 356member
    Originally Posted by aiolos View Post

    ... using i-series processors means having to use Intel chipsets, which means integrated gpu's.

    the use of the integrated GPU is optional. i'm typing this post on a notebook equipped with a Core i5 and nVidia 310M.

    given the form factor of the latest MacBook Air, i suspect Apple is using the Intel Core 2 Duo L7300 in the low-end model. the Intel Core i3 330UM would be the L7300's closest successor. price is likely a factor why Apple chose the L7300 over the 330UM for the low-end MBA.
  • Reply 62 of 359
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by smerch View Post

    I'd bet your c*ck would fit in the USB port.

    Why does Apple news like this attract such imbeciles from all over the internet?
  • Reply 63 of 359
    The new Air is essentially the same weight as the old one. I guess they replaced all the weight of the HD with more battery. I must say that all-day run time is really cool, but I'm not sure that making the new air slower than the old one is quite what prospective buyers had in mind.

    A device with only 64GB of storage is clearly intended to be a secondary computer.

    I've just done the get info thing on my MBP to see how much space is occupied by essential things. It's a staggering total, almost 35GB.

    /Library occupies 14.2GB

    /System just over 5.1GB

    /private comes in at 5.4GB

    /Applications at 8.3GB

    /usr takes up 1.8GB

    So the base model MBA actually provides a mere 29GB of user storage.

    That's a lot of presentations, but it's barely enough to hold my iPhoto library.
  • Reply 64 of 359
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    This is probably the lamest thing I ve said but I am finally going to retire my pbook 12 and (that's the lame bit)...

    I think I m in love with this new air.

    How long till the UK store shows these products as available.

    Wow! I can't believe you still use the 12.1" aluminum powerbook! Thats freakin awesome! That was far and away my favorite mac, but I replaced it with a white 2006 macbook. So I thought I was strange using a 4 year old computer, but you are still all the way back to the PB12! This makes me happy.
  • Reply 65 of 359
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    nice start ... looking forward to the tarabyte models. When will they be released?

    It's gotta take a few years at least. This isn't your conventional type of storage. I too think they should have had more space, but I guess a usb hdd will have to suffice for those who need it.
  • Reply 66 of 359
    Originally Posted by aiolos View Post

    If you paid attention to any rumors / recent technology, you'd know that using i-series processors means having to use Intel chipsets, which means integrated gpu's (the 9400M and 320M are Nvidia). Intel integrated graphics (known as Intel HD graphics) suck and are worse than the 9400M's. So Apple decided to trade older processors for better graphics instead of better processors and crappier graphics.

    I wonder how much the 2.13Ghz upgrade is gonna cost. Hopefully not $200 like before. Since the processors are older I hope Steve will give us a discount.

    Not to be left out, OpenCL will off-load more and more clock cycles to the GPU.
  • Reply 67 of 359
    Originally Posted by hatunike View Post

    Can the RAM be upgraded? needs 4GB atleast. Willing to pay.

    $100 add on for extra 2GB
  • Reply 68 of 359
    Originally Posted by aiolos View Post

    No I am not. The processor price decreases over time. They were much newer when they first came in the MBA's, and so cost more. Now they are cheaper, so the BTO option should be cheaper.

    Thank you.

    Though apparently you can only get the processor upgrade on the $1599 model, which means you need to pay at least $1699 for the 2.13Ghz processor, which kind of stinks. I don't want the extra SSD drive space, just the extra speed.

    The Convection of the i3 and i5 series, not to mention the sheer geometry and heat dissipation units alone make it DOA.
  • Reply 69 of 359
    Originally Posted by aiolos View Post

    No I am not. The processor price decreases over time. They were much newer when they first came in the MBA's, and so cost more. Now they are cheaper, so the BTO option should be cheaper.

    Thank you.

    Though apparently you can only get the processor upgrade on the $1599 model, which means you need to pay at least $1699 for the 2.13Ghz processor, which kind of stinks. I don't want the extra SSD drive space, just the extra speed.

    I know, CPU speed upgrade only on the larger "disk" capacity models. I just need speed and RAM, not so much $300 extra for 128GB of flash.
  • Reply 70 of 359
    emacs72emacs72 Posts: 356member
    Originally Posted by Digital_Guy View Post

    OMG ... the new MacBook Air .. is thinner than a piece of PAPER!!

    who uses paper that's 0.3 - 1.7 cm thick? unless you're using a slice of bark. but seriously, yes, the profile of the latest MacBook Air is impressive
  • Reply 71 of 359
    So I don't really have a need for one of these but I REALLY want that 11" model. Very cool indeed! However I'm curious if it's supposed to be a cross between a MBP and an iPad, why not throw in some 3G?

    Makes sense to me!
  • Reply 72 of 359
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    No one has commented on the 16:9 aspect ratio of the 11.6” MBA or the fact that these now use a special SD card for the Restore Disc?

    edit: Ah, I see Addabox noticed Mac OS X Restore…on a stiiick.
  • Reply 73 of 359
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I think it's pretty clear that they do indeed intend this class of machines to be the future of the MacBook.

    Within a few iterations these machines are going to be able to perform on par with the current MacBooks and MacBook Pros. Some folks will still squawk that that will be "underpowered", but the fact is CPU grunt is now well ahead of 99% of computing tasks and is widening the lead. They're just not making demanding software fast enough to keep up.

    So a super light machine with instant on, great battery life and no moving parts is clearly the future, and Apple looks to be intent on ushering it in sooner rather than later.

    Today is "No Moving Parts", tomorrow is "Liquid Metal"... Can you connect the dots?
  • Reply 74 of 359
    Originally Posted by smerch View Post

    I'd bet your c*ck would fit in the USB port.

    Hmm, interesting retort, I feel really offended.
  • Reply 75 of 359
    emacs72emacs72 Posts: 356member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    The Convection of the i3 and i5 series, not to mention the sheer geometry and heat dissipation units alone make it DOA.

    the Core i3 330UM and i5 560UM run quite cool when compared against the Core 2 Duo L7000 series. as i mentioned before, Apple probably went for the Core 2 Duo over the ultra low voltage Core i3 / i5 for several reasons, including price.
  • Reply 76 of 359
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Hmm, interesting retort, I feel really offended.

    I'd imagine it would be hard to offend someone named "myapplelove."
  • Reply 77 of 359
    surfratsurfrat Posts: 341member
    So bummed there's no backlit keyboard, that's the only thing missing for me.

    Guess I'll have to wait for the second revision.
  • Reply 78 of 359
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    So the Title says Apple unveils new, instant-on MacBook Air

    Its really not Instant on. only if you have it in standby mode (like allot of other laptops). From apples web site:

    Flash allows you to access data quickly, and it gives MacBook Air the astonishing ability to remain in standby mode for up to 30 days.1 Which means your MacBook Air snaps to in an instant, whether you open it tomorrow, next week, or next month.

    So if you have the Mac Air off, it still needs to boot up, i wonder how long it takes.
  • Reply 79 of 359
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Also comes with a USB system restore stick! The future is now!

    This is the first step in getting rid of the ODD from all notebooks. They were very specific about Flash technology today but the sentiment about large, slow, components with complex moving parts was clear.
  • Reply 80 of 359
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    No one has commented on the 16:9 aspect ratio of the 11.6? MBA or the fact that these now use a special SD card for the Restore Disc?

    edit: Ah, I see Addabox noticed it.

    I don't know that much about new SD cards specifically the XC version. I would be interested to learn if one can essentially use it as another volume to store data such as video clips while editing in iMovie for example. If so, that could well solve any shortcomings in the Flash memory capacities since the SDXC is available in up to 2TB.
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