Electronics giant Sony rumored for potential Apple acquisition



  • Reply 121 of 213
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Sony have really good engineers and build a lot of power into small form factors. They are also huge in home entertainment.

    The first thing Apple would do is discontinue Blu-Ray of course but at least we'd have a powerful games console and Apple could simultaneously release games for the PS3 and Mac, competing against the XBox 360/Windows eco-system. I know which I'd rather have. Uncharted 2 on my Mac would be sweeet.

    It's not likely though. A buyout of the likes of Samsung might be a more profitable venture. There's also partnerships to be made.

    Yeah, Apple could learn how to lose as much money from videogames as Sony do. the PS3 has been an unmitigated disaster for Sony. And despite a massive investment, MS struggles to break-even with the 360.

    Why do people think that videogames console makers make any money?

  • Reply 122 of 213
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Could it be a Sony planted rumor for stock price enhancement?

    More than likely it's the "institutional investor crowd" that would, and will be planting these rumors. They can do "block trading" and make (potentially) a lot of $$$ as we get closer to calendar year end. There are probably some fund managers that are getting nervous about their "performance" level as "final exams" come closer and will start to get very aggressive with their "manipulative tactics". This is going to be very interesting, imho.
  • Reply 123 of 213
    Originally Posted by Steve-J View Post

    They have extensive IP. They also have lots of proprietary stuff, like Memory Sticks and Mini Disks.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I am one of the suckers that bought heavily into their minidisc technology........ the biggest waste of electronics $$ in my life (and I waste a lot of $$ on electronics!). \

    And, from what I've read, the proprietary (and bundled) memory stick technology is is one of the key factors that led them down the path to irrelevancy in their consumer products.

    So, not very good examples.

    i agree anan, I had several miniDiscs because they did record great audio with the optical, but albeit only at 72 minutes at a time. It was a very promising tech if they could create a mini-BD 10 YEARS ago.

    i still have stacks and stacks of sony miniDiscs. Sony are not for one for maximizing storage capacities. I knew it was just an experiment on sony's part that never fully matured. Never trusted portable digital from analog conversions laptops until the g4 macs.

    Its the same with the superior Beta vs. vhs.
  • Reply 124 of 213
    Originally Posted by Steve-J View Post

    I don't buy Sony products, and I avoid proprietary stuff in general. But the IP could be used to make viable Apple products.

    and don't forget the IP they have in the PSP. Apple seems to be doing well with casual gaming on its devices, and Sony has lots of casual gaming titles and tech to built on.

    And their console has already licensed bluray ...

    And this is worth$ ?


    There is no-thing to gain for Apple, they might lose their focus, Sony would only drag them down.

    And IF Apple is going for that big HDTV living room they do not need SOny either. Just buy the panels like flash.
  • Reply 125 of 213
    Sony needs someone like Steve Jobs to put them back on track, but I highly doubt this would happen. I don't see what Apple would gain by it.
  • Reply 126 of 213
    Doesn't Sony own substantial copyrights in music? If that is true, a purchase would make sense so Apple could open their systems without having to negotiate with a continuingly difficult set of copyright owners.
  • Reply 127 of 213
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Actually, Soundtrack Pro is the direct competitor to Soundbooth, not Logic.

    Right. I stand corrected.
  • Reply 128 of 213
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    The amount of people denouncing this as impossible or "never in a million years"

    just goes to show how few people that participate on this site are actual financial investors.

    Of course it could happen. Anything could. WTF do you know?

    Well if you are an actual financial investor you clearly haven't done your homework. A lot of people here understand the Apple mindset and know that this is a deal that simply won't happen under Steve's watch.

    Buying Adobe might make more sense but that isn't going to happen either. The fallout that would hit Apple for killing off the Windows business (which they would undoubtedly do), would be extremely toxic. Now that Apple are on top they need to look after their reputation and public/political standing better than ever (much to Steve's annoyance I'm sure).

    As someone else commented here, Apple's targets are smaller verticals than can be integrated without indigestion.
  • Reply 129 of 213
    iq78iq78 Posts: 256member
    Originally Posted by BB Sting View Post

    It would be illegal under Japanese law for Apple to purchase Sony, unlike America, Japan considers it almost like a foreign invasion for an outside company to take control of one of theirs and even if it weren't illegal, the chances of a Japanese company selling out to an American would be extremely low, Japanese people are extremely nationalistic and xenophobic and even a tad bit racist.

    Well, I'm not sure how they stop this if Sony is publicly owned, although, maybe they never sell more than a controlling share... just not sure.

    But I would say Japanese people (in general) are very nationalistic, EXTREMELY xenophobic and MORE than a tad bit racist.

  • Reply 130 of 213
    Originally Posted by diddy View Post

    Maybe, but they would also have to deal with the consequences with having such control. Not to mention the fact that Adobe is heavily invested in the Windows business.

    I just don't see it happening. The companies aren't that compatible culture wise and the legal hassles wouldn't be worth it.

    Adobe has no intentions on dropping Apple so there is no reason to buy Adobe unless they wanted to make an overtly anti-competitive move. If Adobe is still going to develop for the Mac than why bother buying them up?

    Apple builds a number of Windows-compatible apps?if they purchased Adobe (which they likely won't) there's no reason to worry that they'd drop Windows support.

    Their cultural problems would actually be a pretty good reason to buy Adobe?it would ensure that Apple would not be left in the lurch. Didn't Adobe drop the Mac version of Premiere for a while? In general, it seems that Adobe and Apple have a kind of on-again/off-again relationship.

    The anti-competitive issue is important though?if Apple did find themselves owning the content creation/delivery market (especially as a direct result of the purchase of Adobe), that might raise some eyebrows among industry watchdogs, not to mention the government.
  • Reply 131 of 213
    Originally Posted by Rupelja View Post

    I believe Sony would be more trouble than its worth. Besides Apple dose not need Sony, Apple is selling its goods just fine.

    Apple needs more capacity and more reasons for people to buy their products.

    1) Buy production from acquiring manufactures.

    2) Buy Sprint and Apple could form its own wireless network.

    Take it Easy

    Wouldn't Sony come with more capacity? I mean there's tons of Sony products out there, they've got to have some manufacturing. And I haven't heard about any issues like Foxconn has with them. Think of all the extra iPhone capacity, Apple needs that. What if the Vaio series was replaced with a new Macbook series? That could get Apple in a lot of new places and boost market share. Think of OS X on many of Sony's computers, think of iOS on so many of their devices. Sony's like a mediocre hardware company that could be great, but fails on the software too. Apple has great great software, and needs somewhere to put it. How about Sony? It'd get a lot more macs out there.

    I think it'd be cool if Apple bought a wireless network, but that's just not likely to happen.

    I could see Apple buying Sony and sprucing it up. It would seriously boost Apple's market share, and give it lots of outlets for its two OSes, plus they could clean up Playstation's OS, its menus have needed help from day 1. This could be awesome. Doubt it will happen, but would be really neat if it did.

    And are we sure Apple would discontinue Blu Ray? Sure Steve obviously wants to go discless, but would he be so enthused to kill it when he owns the licensing rights he described as a "Big bag of hurt"? Eventually yes, but immediately I kind of doubt it. Having the standard isn't something you just throw away.
  • Reply 132 of 213
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Well if you are an actual financial investor you clearly haven't done your homework. A lot of people here understand the Apple mindset and know that this is a deal that simply won't happen under Steve's watch.

    Buying Adobe might make more sense but that isn't going to happen either. The fallout that would hit Apple for killing off the Windows business (which they would undoubtedly do), would be extremely toxic. Now that Apple are on top they need to look after their reputation and public/political standing better than ever (much to Steve's annoyance I'm sure).

    As someone else commented here, Apple's targets are smaller verticals than can be integrated without indigestion.

    Why would they kill the windows software side? Dont you think the feds would start digging into that? Also adobes buisiness would decline 50%. Thats not good business practice to buy somthing then stop doing what brings in 50% of the money in that company?!?!

    Even Apple has windows software REMEMBER? Safari, itunes...
  • Reply 133 of 213
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    Apple builds a number of Windows-compatible apps—if they purchased Adobe (which they likely won't) there's no reason to worry that they'd drop Windows support.

    Their cultural problems would actually be a pretty good reason to buy Adobe—it would ensure that Apple would not be left in the lurch. Didn't Adobe drop the Mac version of Premiere for a while? In general, it seems that Adobe and Apple have a kind of on-again/off-again relationship.

    The anti-competitive issue is important though—if Apple did find themselves owning the content creation/delivery market (especially as a direct result of the purchase of Adobe), that might raise some eyebrows among industry watchdogs, not to mention the government.

    Apple's relationship with Adobe is more like off again/off again. They haven't seen eye-to-eye for a decade at least, since John Warnock retired. They are totally hostile to each other now.

    I don't see any antitrust issues with Apple owning Sony, just some serious, basic logic and intelligence issues. Apple owning any studio would be complete poison for their efforts to retail content from as many creators as possible. Nobody wants to become a partner with a competitor.

    Then you get to the financials of these two companies, which are the biggest problem of all.
  • Reply 134 of 213
    buy adobe instead so we can have flash on our iphones finally!!!!
  • Reply 135 of 213
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Well if you are an actual financial investor you clearly haven't done your homework. A lot of people here understand the Apple mindset and know that this is a deal that simply won't happen under Steve's watch.

    Buying Adobe might make more sense but that isn't going to happen either. The fallout that would hit Apple for killing off the Windows business (which they would undoubtedly do), would be extremely toxic. Now that Apple are on top they need to look after their reputation and public/political standing better than ever (much to Steve's annoyance I'm sure).

    As someone else commented here, Apple's targets are smaller verticals than can be integrated without indigestion.

    Why would they kill the windows software side? Dont you think the feds would start digging into that? Also adobes business would decline 50%. Thats not good business practice to buy somthing then stop doing what brings in 50% of the money in that company?!?!

    Even Apple has windows software REMEMBER? Safari, itunes...

    But Ill believe it only when I see it.
  • Reply 136 of 213
    IF this were to happen, Apple would be interested mainly in IP, and CONTENT. Sony has the content Apple lacks be that music, games, or video. All 'problems' 'solved' in one purchase.

    Just need a decent social network and a search engine and Apple will have fully future-proofed themselves.

    Except, it's pretty unlikely Apple will buy Sony IMO. But the fit is not as bad as many make out here.
  • Reply 137 of 213
    xyz001xyz001 Posts: 117member
    I can see this happen. These are the only two companies from which i have alwyays admired the product's design, usability and innovation. Sony is in my opinion the clear leader of home entertainment equipment out there. This would put apple on top of home/portable entertainment!

    They could launch real apple tv's. And enter the gaming market with Apple Playstation.

    THey would even own mobile company Sony ericson
  • Reply 138 of 213
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by xyz001 View Post

    I can see this happen. These are the only two companies from which i have alwyays admired the product's design, usability and innovation. Sony is in my opinion the clear leader of home entertainment equipment out there.

    Stay off the drugs.
  • Reply 139 of 213
    rtm135rtm135 Posts: 310member
    It's not as crazy as it sounds. The 2 companies have similar design goals. Acquiring the PlayStation franchise would be a huge win for Apple.
  • Reply 140 of 213
    Originally Posted by tomweston713 View Post

    buy adobe instead so we can have flash on our iphones finally!!!!

    IF Apple bought Adobe, they would either phase out Flash, or completely rebuild it from the ground up.
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