Electronics giant Sony rumored for potential Apple acquisition



  • Reply 141 of 213
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    Acquiring the PlayStation franchise would be a huge win for Apple.


    In 2009 it was the biggest loss maker within the Sony group.

    It'd be like buying the Titanic for the hole in the side.

  • Reply 142 of 213
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    It's not as crazy as it sounds. The 2 companies have similar design goals. Acquiring the PlayStation franchise would be a huge win for Apple.

    Yes. It is. Google "Bandai Pippin" so that you can laugh at yourself along with the rest of us for thinking Apple would keep a gaming console around. Especially one that LOSES MONEY on EVERY unit sold.
  • Reply 143 of 213
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Sammy Davis View Post

    FT is just trying to make sense of something they don't understand and they aren't going to understand. Many many years ago, back when the FT reporters were probably little boys and girls, Steve Jobs used to tell friends and colleagues about his admiration for Sony and the Walkman. It was able to change culture and it was beautiful. It was a cult product. And Steve wanted to work with Sony and learn from Sony about the process by which they made such things that align technology with need. And he did.

    When the ipod came out...it made perfect sense that this was a direction that Steve would want to push the company. Not to invent, but to innovate using mostly existing technology to make something really cool that would be culturally iconic. Again with the iPhone. And when we see not a netbook, but a forward-looking device to try to better align technology to need, the iPad makes perfect sense.

    This whole thing got rolling because Steve Jobs said he wants to hold on to the $50 billion for strategic acquisitions. So you have this company that buys technologies for like a half a billion dollars...and you want to guess what they are going to use $50 billion for?

    I will say...many many years ago...maybe 20 years ago, Steve Jobs used to talk about a fantasy of his where he would create the ability for people to create their own TV stations. They would not be subject to the whims of programming directors or kind of the narrow pipeline of broadcast frequency or even cable channels. He thought this would be really cool. Steve has also said going back many many years that he thinks in terms primary technologies and the application of what apple is good at (software, design, interface, user experience). What do we need to do this...what can we make well...what do we have to buy....

    What are the pieces to making a successful technology that would allow you to create your own TV station? Maybe there is a piece or two there that might require amounts of money approaching $50B...where the technology is not quite there yet, but getting closer and closer....and when the time comes, the money will be needed....

    I would say look there.

    Now this is extremely interesting. FaceTime comes to mind, as does the mystery data center.

    Is your SJ info based on published info, or on first-hand, hanging-out kind of info? Or second-hand, for that matter. Not doubting, just wondering if one could look this up.

    Originally Posted by tomweston713 View Post

    buy adobe instead so we can have flash on our iphones finally!!!!

    Is that you, Blackintosh/Newtron/appl? Sorry if you're not, but a real person instead.


    If anyone in this thread mentioned Sony's professional video camera business, and their huge experience in consumer camcorders as well, I missed it. Not that I think there's any merit to this idea of Apple trying to digest an octopus like Sony.
  • Reply 144 of 213
    yvo84yvo84 Posts: 84member
    This one is pure speculation. And stupid speculation at that.
  • Reply 145 of 213
    Sony's brand in the UK is huge!!!

    Forget market cap value, Sony is probably on more peoples lips than Apple are, although its a closely run thing these days with success of the ibrand.

    Now i'm what you might call an Apple evangelist. I own 3 macs, two Apple TVs (1st and 2nd gen), two iPhones, 3 iPod touches, two nanos, iPod shuffle. Not forgetting stuff sold on ebay over the last ten years, and what i have at work.

    But even that's over shadowed by 4 Sony TVs, two Blueray players, two PS3s, microwave, Vaio laptop, two sound docks, two cameras, Dv cam, Walkman, camera phone, hi-fi and clock.

    I'd say Sony have a culture in the UK, like Apple has in the US, although The cult of Apple is more universal. It's regarded as a quality brand.

    So while I find this story a little far fetched I'd love to see it happen.
  • Reply 146 of 213
    xyz001xyz001 Posts: 117member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Stay off the drugs.

    I seriously mean this. Sony is the only electronics firm i have ever bought tv's, pocket cameras and dv cam's from. And there is a reason for that. Sony's products have always had a strong sense of design and culture in them. They invented the walkman remember? The trinitron tvs, bluray, and playstation. These are really highly regarded brands on par with Apple's. You dont find that from any other electronics producer.

    They have had their failures, but they innovate all the time.
  • Reply 147 of 213
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    However, Apple's philosophy has always been (under Jobs, anyway) to focus on a few products and do them well. I think the whole thing would be waaayy too messy. If Apple really took over, they'd probably slash half of Sony's product lines. Maybe they'd simply license some IP, do some software/hardware integration as described above. But I still highly doubt it, considering how secretive and centrally-controlled Apple is.

    Speaking of which, don't miss this edit of the "Back to the Mac" event in 104 seconds, linked-to by Gruber today. Can you imagine Sony execs doing this when they bring out the next big thing?

    Maybe they do in Japan? I'd be pleasantly surprised . . . .

  • Reply 148 of 213
    Apple is not going to Sony... Apple is going to RIM (blackberry). Makes much more sense.
  • Reply 149 of 213
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by c0h1b4 View Post

    Apple is not going to Sony... Apple is going to RIM (blackberry). Makes much more sense.

    Is there a word you censored out of this post?

    And if you did. Is it a rude one?

  • Reply 150 of 213
    maelmael Posts: 15member
    Not going to happen, this is just a case of stock manipulation.

    Apple are more likely to buy something that they don't already do, or something they have just started on.

    But in the spirit of wishful thinking I'd like to see them buy Quark and get serious in the DTP software market, even if just to give Adobe another thing to worry about.
  • Reply 151 of 213
    Originally Posted by Mael View Post

    Not going to happen, this is just a case of stock manipulation.

    So you are accusing someone of committing a crime? If so, who?
  • Reply 152 of 213
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Yeah, Apple could learn how to lose as much money from videogames as Sony do. the PS3 has been an unmitigated disaster for Sony. And despite a massive investment, MS struggles to break-even with the 360.

    Why do people think that videogames console makers make any money?


    Consoles aren't about making money, they are loss-leading products to make money elsewhere. You're right that Sony has made some staggering losses (about $5 billion on the PS3) but Apple would make sure that didn't happen.

    A Mac Mini right now is about half the graphics performance of an XBox 360 and $700 vs $250 but more powerful than a Wii. Apple will have around 30-40 million Macs in homes that are capable of better than Wii gaming - this audience rivals PS3 and XBox ownership. This can stream to a TV device with Airplay and an inexpensive ATV.

    Games would be distributed by download which prevents resale losses. The biggest win is not really the consoles themselves but the games licenses. Sony have some great games partners and exclusive titles.

    On the subject of exclusives, another things about a Sony deal is that I believe they also have the publishing rights to the Beatles music.
  • Reply 153 of 213
    Originally Posted by IQ78 View Post

    But I would say Japanese people (in general) are very nationalistic, EXTREMELY xenophobic and MORE than a tad bit racist.

    Anyone else appreciating the irony of that post?
  • Reply 154 of 213
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by habi View Post

    Why would they kill the windows software side? Dont you think the feds would start digging into that? Also adobes business would decline 50%. Thats not good business practice to buy somthing then stop doing what brings in 50% of the money in that company?!?!

    Even Apple has windows software REMEMBER? Safari, itunes...

    Ho boy....

    There is a fundamental difference between software which is the raison d'etre for buying a machine and utility software for which you already have a machine. Safari and iTunes are strategic parts of the Apple ecosystem - part of the core project (and they use webkit)

    Why would be Apple be interested in supporting millions of lines of legacy code in the diverse PC universe ? How would that promote the Apple ecosystem? No it doesn't make sense - which is why it won't happen.

    GOT IT?
  • Reply 155 of 213
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Consoles aren't about making money, they are loss-leading products to make money elsewhere. You're right that Sony has made some staggering losses (about $5 billion on the PS3) but Apple would make sure that didn't happen.

    This is my home territory.

    Consoles *are* about making money, it's just that the console-boxed-goods business model has collapsed. And now only Nintendo have a clue how remain profitable.

    (I am not talking about *selling* consoles, which has always been a loss-leader, I am talking about profiting from the selling access to the platform)

    Sony don't know how to do it. MS is fluctuating from loss to profit every other week.

    I am pretty certain that Apple has no idea how to profit from game production, other than what they are already doing.

  • Reply 156 of 213
    Originally Posted by tomweston713 View Post

    buy adobe instead so we can have flash on our iphones finally!!!!

    Yes, because the iPhone 5 and iPad 2 need decreased battery life and performance.
  • Reply 157 of 213
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    IF Apple bought Adobe, they would either phase out Flash, or completely rebuild it from the ground up.

    Both. They would rebuild all dev tools to produce HTML5 instead of proprietary flash bits.
  • Reply 158 of 213
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    Both. They would rebuild all dev tools to produce HTML5 instead of proprietary flash bits.

    A tool like this perhaps:


  • Reply 159 of 213
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    A tool like this perhaps:



    Sorry, can't read it. Says flash is required
  • Reply 160 of 213
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    On the subject of exclusives, another things about a Sony deal is that I believe they also have the publishing rights to the Beatles music.

    Now we are getting somewhere. Sony owns content that Apple licenses. Apple owning content eases negotiation processes with at least one major record company, and one movie studio -- they own the studio and the record labels! Additionally, Apple owning Sony Entertainment creates incredible incentive for music artists to sign with a Sony/Apple music label, as they will always have iTunes access.


    Consoles aren't about making money, they are loss-leading products to make money elsewhere. You're right that Sony has made some staggering losses (about $5 billion on the PS3) but Apple would make sure that didn't happen.

    So you're saying that Apple would find a way to reverse the current Sony MO of loss-leading on the hardware? I think that's what you're saying, and if so, that's a good thing, as Apple isn't a company who is a loss leader in hardware. I don't think they'll change that MO just for the PlayStation, nor should they.

    That said: I don't think buying all of Sony is a good idea. Why own a redundant division like the computer hardware division (Windows computers)? What would a consumer-oriented company do with Sony Broadcast (professional TV cameras like this one, etc.)? The only divisions of Sony that would make sense for an Apple acquisition would be its entertainment and home entertainment hardware (TV's, audio systems, etc.) divisions. The other divisions run counter to Apple's goals, unless Apple has something up their sleeves that I can't think of. Plus, the additional divisions would further complicate Apple's corporate structure, making it less streamlined, and therefore more cost-inefficient, to run the company.
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