Steve Ballmer cashes $1.3B in Microsoft shares, Apple was given first



  • Reply 41 of 252
    ggleyggley Posts: 22member
    I think this is just another clever decision.
  • Reply 42 of 252
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    In terms of Kinect, has it ever occurred to anyone here that Apple simply didn't want or care enough about it to make an effort to get it?

    It makes for interesting PR to say (after the fact) that the people who turned him down did so out of ignorance or blindness/lack of vision or because they "didn't believe in [me] him."

    I think the reason given was Apple demanded that he keep secret about it and sign into a NDA and it was him who rejected Apple.

    That's not to say Apple couldn't have turned it down though as Nintendo and Sony reportedly did due to their preference towards one-to-one mapping. Sony even made a website saying they prefer buttons. There were also concerns about cost. Kinect isn't the cheapest accessory device around.

    Originally Posted by Bibbler

    My advice to you - if you want what Jobs, Gates, and Ballmer has get off of your lazy ass and do something. It's NOT unfair. Under capitalism profit goes to achievers

    What has Warren Buffet achieved? Investors sit on their lazy asses and make money from other people's achievements (the working class who have higher tax rates).
  • Reply 43 of 252
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    Right on Mr. Liberal!! That's unfair. The government ought to steal all Microsoft profits and give them to you from FREE Healthcare, Housing, and food stamps!!!

    My advice to you - if you want what Jobs, Gates, and Ballmer has get off of your lazy ass and do something. It's NOT unfair. Under capitalism profit goes to achievers,

    You're a bum!

    Ah, looks like we have the latest graduate from the Bill O'Reilly School of Polite Discourse with us today.

    So let me get this straight:

    1. Everyone with whom you disagree is automatically a liberal. Everyone that thinks this way is generally unbalanced.

    2. The government doesn't tax people or corporations - it steals from them. And God knows that everyone pays their fair share without cheating or creating loopholes designed specifically for their own purposes, right?

    3. Those stolen profits only go to pay for free healthcare, housing and food stamps. Yeah, let's just forget all about those pesky wars and all that infrastructure stuff.

    4. If you are not Jobs, Gates or Ballmer then you are a lazy ass that doesn't do anything. Ever volunteer for anything? Ever work for a (gasp!) nonprofit organization?

    5. Under capitalism, profit only goes to achievers. Never mind all the "little people" that helped them get there.

    6. Anyone who states an opinion other than one that someone else has thought up for you is a bum. Anyone who who makes blanket statements like this without knowing anything about the life of the individual they are referring to, is usually a very angry individual who pouts or shouts when they don't get their way.

    If this is a true sampling of how you view the world, then what a sad, sad life you must live.
  • Reply 44 of 252
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    Right on Mr. Liberal!! That's unfair. The government ought to steal all Microsoft profits and give them to you from FREE Healthcare, Housing, and food stamps!!!


    You're a bum!

  • Reply 45 of 252
    Originally Posted by Steve-J View Post


    A much better response than mine.

    I always forget the part about "when engaging in a battle of wits, it is always polite to make sure your opponent is armed."
  • Reply 46 of 252
    By actually reading the article, I see that CNET is merely speculating about the reason or reasons why Ballmer is selling some of his MSFT. But that's apparently more than enough to set off a big political hoo-hah on these boards. The fact is, this is SOP for large shareholders (which come to think of it, describes Ballmer in two ways). A couple of insiders just sold some of their AAPL too. This doesn't mean anything, though some would like read all kinds of motives into it, often to back up their own political views.
  • Reply 47 of 252
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    What has Warren Buffet achieved? Investors sit on their lazy asses and make money from other people's achievements (the working class who have higher tax rates).

    I would remind you that Warren Buffet has committed to donate most of his wealth to charity, and has secured promises from 40 other multi-billionaires to do the same.
  • Reply 48 of 252
    Originally Posted by paulsydaus View Post

    I don't care even if you're SJ himself, the system that allows those kinds of payouts is sickening.

    I wonder, if at times, your corporate boss, or just boss, might feel the same way? That is, "sickening to have to make that kind of payout" for your every two weeks "effort" in the form of a paycheck! And God help you if your union and made the claim you stated!

    And if you are self employed, you'd be a hypocrite, because you need to make as much payout to cover your business expenses, health care costs, retirement investments, etc. Would you say no to a job request that would pay your self-employed business 1.3 billion? Or would you be laughing all the way to the bank?

    If you are of the opinion that Ballmer isn't worth it, well, that probably can be said of any of us at any time, by someone of the same opinion you have now.
  • Reply 49 of 252
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by paulsydaus View Post

    I don't care even if you're SJ himself, the system that allows those kinds of payouts is sickening.

    In the same line of reasoning, you probably are also against Michael Phelps' uneven distribution of gold medals. Should he be allowed to keep just one and be required to give his remaining 7 gold medals to the less fortunate athletes?
  • Reply 50 of 252
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Ah, looks like we have the latest graduate from the Bill O'Reilly School of Polite Discourse with us today.

    If this is a true sampling of how you view the world, then what a sad, sad life you must live.

    Let me guess... You are a graduate of the Keith Olbermann School of Polite Discourse? Tell me... Did you graduate with a Latin Honor of Cum Laud... Er... MSNBC Honor of Worse, Worser, Worst Person in the World degree, when it came to hearing and tolerating an opposing view?
  • Reply 51 of 252
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by TuckerJJ View Post

    Would have been cool tech in the iPad. You could have a hover effect when your finger was over a button (or other active area in games for example), and with the distances being much shorter it would be able to pick out the position of individual fingers (multihover!) which could give you a minority report style interactions.

    This tech wouldn't work with an iPad... First you need a camera. Second you have to be far enough away from the device to fit within the camera's field of view.

    However, Apple already has a patent that describes how you could detect a finger hovering just above the screen without needing to actually touch it, and without the need of a camera...
  • Reply 52 of 252
    Originally Posted by FormerARSgm View Post

    Goodness. If Ballmer can make 1.3B selling 20% of his stock, why wouldn't he do Microsoft a favor and let a real CEO run that dying company?

    It's much more likely that the sale of the stock indicates Balmer is on his way out already.

    The kind of big re-alignment of company goals and staffing that would push a "famous" CEO like Balmer out, who is so closely associated with the companies fortunes, would seriously affect the stock. Balmer would be wise to cash out if he had heard rumours of his own ousting.

    Unfortunately, while Balmer *staying* is good news for Apple fans, Balmer *leaving* is bad news for everyone, probably including Microsoft stockholders in the short run.
  • Reply 53 of 252
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    ... Under capitalism profit goes to achievers ...

    You need to take your political science courses again, this is not accurate at all.

    Under Capitalism, the spoils go to those who control the purse strings, and decidedly not to "the achievers." There is a couple of hundred years of history that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    If you want a system that just values "achievers," you want something called a Meritocracy.
  • Reply 54 of 252
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Steve-J View Post

    There are only two reasons why insiders sell stock:

    1. They know the company is about to crater; or

    2. A zillion other unrelated reasons.

    And there's that adage about 'rats deserting a sinking ship'.
  • Reply 55 of 252
    Originally Posted by Shunnabunich View Post

    I'd sell my stock too if it was invested in Microsoft.

    Yup. Sell sell sell. Before its too late
  • Reply 56 of 252
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Balmer has been working his butt off for Microsoft since before IBM invented the PC and before Microsoft introduced DOS and Windows. He deserves every penny he has earned. If you want to live in a society where the government dictates everything, move to a communist country, please.
  • Reply 57 of 252
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    You need to take your political science courses again, this is not accurate at all.

    Under Capitalism, the spoils go to those who control the purse strings, and decidedly not to "the achievers." There is a couple of hundred years of history that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    If you want a system that just values "achievers," you want something called a Meritocracy.

    Ha ha, I'm getting a kick out of watching all the closet communists come out to play.

    I must beg to ask, how to you think the individuals "who control the purse stings" came to be in that position? I can guarantee it wasn't by sitting on their lazy ass cashing in welfare cheques.

    Apple is the product of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (two nobodies) tinkering with toys in a garage. Google. Facebook etc were all stared from an idea that an average Joe had, and knew what do to do with.

    There may be an uneven distribution of wealth under capitalism, but everyone has a fair chance to get to the top.
  • Reply 58 of 252
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    You need to take your political science courses again, this is not accurate at all.

    Under Capitalism, the spoils go to those who control the purse strings, and decidedly not to "the achievers." There is a couple of hundred years of history that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    If you want a system that just values "achievers," you want something called a Meritocracy.

    How do people go from nothing to controlling "purse strings" of their industry? Through achievement.
  • Reply 59 of 252
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by jhende7 View Post

    Ha ha, I'm getting a kick out of watching all the closet communists come out to play.

    I must beg to ask, how to you think the individuals "who control the purse stings" came to be in that position? I can guarantee it wasn't by sitting on their lazy ass cashing in welfare cheques.

    Apple is the product of Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak (two nobodies) tinkering with toys in a garage. Google. Facebook etc were all stared from an idea that an average Joe had, and knew what do to do with.

    There may be an uneven distribution of wealth under capitalism, but everyone has a fair chance to get to the top.

    Finally a voice of reason! I was starting to think we live in communist China.
  • Reply 60 of 252
    Originally Posted by tundraBuggy View Post

    Plus they have an idiot who thinks he's a visionary running the company.

    You mean this guy?
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