'Hulu for magazines' to debut on Android as publishers struggle with Apple



  • Reply 21 of 128
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Zinio is a piece of crap.

    Yet another well reasoned argument
  • Reply 22 of 128
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Magazines are dead.

    another statement with nothing to back it up!
  • Reply 23 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by habermas View Post

    I don't know what you guys are on apart from Steve Jobs' koolaid. Zinio serves all platforms and naturally publishers will prefer a cross-platform solution to hedge their bets.

    Zinio isn't all that great though. I've tried several subs there, and they don't work as well as I'd like. In addition they're just PDF's of the published edition. No extra features or anything.

    There are stand-alone mags out that I get for free that are a bit better.
  • Reply 24 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by habermas View Post

    UI and size of download - very well but that can all be iteratively improved, no?

    Fact of the matter is that Zinio is here today and available globally on all major platforms. This vapourware next issue media sounds to me like an also-ran before it got started. And all the iOs-specific applications are all very nice eye candy but they are too locked up in Apple's ecosphere for me to care to waste subscription money on.

    As we've been saying, Zinio isn't very good- on any platform. It's just at the beginning of the era for this, and we're seeing a lot of different approaches. Some are better than others.

    I think we need at least a couple more years.
  • Reply 25 of 128
    The big problem with these Publishers. Is that they want to choose for you. They want to control your decision

    If you want to have this stuff thrown on your face. That you are not

    able to opt out of any solicitation.

    That is what S.Jobs wants to make possible for us. He knows that

    the Publishers will always want to have us handcuffed to the way

    things have always been done.

    To bad. The Google's and Microsoft's, even the FaceBooks of the

    world will surrender to the wills of the slave-masters.

    Apple will try holding them off as long as possible.
  • Reply 26 of 128
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    another statement with nothing to back it up!

    That’s because it’s common knowledge.
  • Reply 27 of 128
    Steve Jobs protects our privacy and Google violates our privacy at every opportunity to make a buck. I am very proud to own Apple products. I am strongly considering boycotting Google.
  • Reply 28 of 128
    Originally Posted by jhyson View Post

    Are you kidding me?!? Is it a PROBLEM that publishers can't get my personal info? How do they get my personal info when I buy a magazine at a news stand? That seems to be working for them w/o getting my demographics.

    I develop for both iOS and android, and I really don't have a horse in this race, but for publishers to act as though consumers are missing out because apple won't dish out personal info to help drive adverts is simply ludicrous!

    Well for starters they know where their magazine is selling well (i.e. More people buy in New York than in L.A.)
  • Reply 29 of 128
    Just to pose the devil's advocate question, the magazine companies have my info (address etc) if I subscribe to their magazine as they have to send it to me. Of course if buy it at the newsstand at cover price, they don't have it. If they only want the same info they'd get with a snail subscription, I do see their point. Nothing else should be shared of course.
  • Reply 30 of 128
    A few points:

    1) one of the issues here is recurring subscriptions. When you subscribe to a print magazine and your subscription is about to end they can send you renewal notices because they have your name and address. The only mechanism within the current system is notifications, and even that doesn't really work since it is not tied to the store.

    2) what if you already subscribe to the print publication, shouldn't you get your iPad subscription for free? Of course, and publishers want to do that for you but, again, there is no mechanism for that right now. (I think the answer here is promo codes -- developers hand these out to sample an app, maybe Apple could allow promo codes to be given by publishers to print subscribers --this way Apple doesn't have to deal with it and the publishers will have to handle the transaction.)

    Eventually these things will get worked out.

    As for some of the claims here... 1) magazines are dead -- tell that to the millions of magazine readers; 2) publishers are greedy just like the music companies -- publishing is like a lot of businesses: a few make a lot of money, everyone else is struggling. It's a tough business, folks.
  • Reply 31 of 128
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    That?s because it?s common knowledge.

    I probably get a dozen magazines a month. Trade journals, National Geographic, Wired, Cooks-all of them are easier to read than their counterparts on my laptop or iPhone. I spend as much time reading stuff online, but in-depth reportage is easier to focus on in print, at least for me.
  • Reply 32 of 128
    Apple is becoming the Big Brother that they threw the hammer at in 1984.

    Glad to see their stiff-arming backfire on them. Hopefully it happens more often.
  • Reply 33 of 128
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by rrobr View Post

    I probably get a dozen magazines a month. Trade journals, National Geographic, Wired, Cooks-all of them are easier to read than their counterparts on my laptop or iPhone. I spend as much time reading stuff online, but in-depth reportage is easier to focus on in print, at least for me.

    I bet you are over 30.

    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Apple is becoming the Big Brother that they threw the hammer at in 1984.

    Glad to see their stiff-arming backfire on them. Hopefully it happens more often.

    Reading comprehension fail.
  • Reply 34 of 128
    Just a case of google promising the stars to get into a space and then worrying about delivering after. Hows that google streaming tv working out with those major networks?
  • Reply 35 of 128
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Google could careless about privacy.

    the statement "Google couldn't care less about privacy ..." is probably supported by the EULA of the Android OS.
  • Reply 36 of 128
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    these publishers are just as dumb as their newspaper cousins.

    magazine type content just does not visually work on a small 7" screen and/or a 16:9 aspect. which is where Android tabs are going. sure, you can display it, but it is nowhere near as pleasant to read/see as on the iPad's 10" 4:3 screen. takes twice as much scrolling and shows half-sized single-view ads. DOA.

    to get reader demo data, they need to offer something in exchange for subscribers opting-in for that. bonus content, discounts, whatever. sure, Google will give it to them without users' consent - but just the paltry number of subscribers that use an Android tab for magazines.
  • Reply 36 of 128
    Good! Bring on some damn competition- we need inewstand or whatever they re going to call it and the ability to subscribe to incoming, constantly delivered publications. Maybe they will bring it out with the retina display ipad...
  • Reply 38 of 128
    Originally Posted by jhyson View Post

    Is it a PROBLEM that publishers can't get my personal info? How do they get my personal info when I buy a magazine at a news stand?

    the article talks about subscriptions. purchasing a magazine at a news stand isn't within the context of this discussions. magazine publishers know the names and addresses of people who subscribe to their print publications; the publishers want the same information available from people who subscribe to their digital publications.
  • Reply 39 of 128
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Google is becoming the Big Brother that Apple threw the hammer at in 1984.

    There, I fixed it for you.
  • Reply 40 of 128
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    There, I fixed it for you.

    Google seems to know how to take care of its people. Don't see news like this coming from Apple even though they have record earning. Then again it would be hard to get a bonus to the slave labor in china.

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