'Hulu for magazines' to debut on Android as publishers struggle with Apple



  • Reply 101 of 128
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Google seems to know how to take care of its people. Don't see news like this coming from Apple even though they have record earning. Then again it would be hard to get a bonus to the slave labor in china.


    Could just be Google got tired of their underpaid employees being constantly lured away. If google actually manufactured anything, they would be using Chinese factories too. Nice try though, too bad you are very confused.
  • Reply 102 of 128
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    These comments are pure cynicism. They mirror perfectly Google and Facebook's fundamental Business philosophy:

    the world we live in is half-empty; why don't we make a buck or two hollowing the resisting half? After all, what are nerdy geeks for?

    Apple makes money out of being upfront and reverential towards their customers; they profit from filing up the voids Google and Facebook create in their wake. Why should a thriving business practice have to justify doing what's in their business interest, namely sowing secured, carefree computing experiences and reaping profit, ... and my ever so grateful patronage?

    Honesty pays at least as much dividend as trickery. It's not a moral issue, it's a balance sheet issue.

    Cynicism, truth, pick your favorite. Doesn't change the fact that Apple is profiting off your personal information. We just happen to prefer Apple's method of exploiting us over Google's.
  • Reply 103 of 128
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    As we've been saying, Zinio isn't very good- on any platform. It's just at the beginning of the era for this, and we're seeing a lot of different approaches. Some are better than others.

    I think we need at least a couple more years.

    I'll be a contrarian on Zinio. I've found the price to be reasonable and having access to the device on my desktop and iPad is great. On the iPhone, forget it, it's too small.

    While it's just a PDF of the magazine it serves its purpose for me:

    * I get the content

    * price is reasonable

    * there are no magazines taking up space in my house

    Until the magazine apps get pricing in sync with what they offer at Zinio, I'll stick with Zinio.
  • Reply 104 of 128
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Lets all participate in completing this sentence in relation to the article;

    In my perfect world, Apple would...

    ... forget about dealing with the large publication houses, and make Pages a kick-ass iPad publication tool with full interactive support. Let the millions of bloggers, journalists, designers, photographers, artists, writers, animators and advertisers - create their own publications. Let the market dictate what publications shine through.

    Squeezing publishing houses for control of the very essence of what their business is... is futile and plain dumb.
  • Reply 105 of 128
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    Magazine type content just does not visually work on a small 7" screen and/or a 16:9 aspect. which is where Android tabs are going.

    An "Android Tablet" hasn't even been released yet. Just oversized phones.

    Android 2.3/3.0 "Gingerbread" should be out by early 2011. This new version will actually support tablets, so you will see screens >7".

    Hopefully they settle on a couple of different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Reply 106 of 128
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    This was a thread about mobile platforms and the publishing industry... Until extremeskater tried to subvert it by talking about Google guys getting a fucking bonus and working conditions in China

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    But this vitriol against any company other than Apple here is getting bizarre...

    My personal vitriol is mostly directed towards the guys that constantly seem to hijack threads.
  • Reply 107 of 128
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I'm sure all the Chinese workers making Android phones for HTC, Motorola, Samsung, SonyEricsson etc will be pleased with their bonuses...

    ...what do you mean, Google's "slave labour" in China don't qualify?

    Foxconn don't exclusively make Apple products.

    Lots of reports about Foxconn haven't seen any regarding the others. Its hard to slant this as a negative even on this forum. Its pretty damn good that Google is giving out a bonus and 10% pay raises, its really hard to slant that as a negative.

    In a US economy where most people don't even get raises and haven't for several years now Google is doing well in this case. Like I said Apple record earning we don't hear about them handing out this kind of money.
  • Reply 108 of 128
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    Could just be Google got tired of their underpaid employees being constantly lured away. If google actually manufactured anything, they would be using Chinese factories too. Nice try though, too bad you are very confused.

    Too bad you are stupid enough to think a company has to manufacture something to make money, nice try but clearly you are the one that is confused.
  • Reply 109 of 128
    Originally Posted by habermas View Post

    Can you say "Operation Skyhook replacement"?

    Try again.
  • Reply 110 of 128
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Cynicism, truth, pick your favorite. Doesn't change the fact that Apple is profiting off your personal information. We just happen to prefer Apple's method of exploiting us over Google's.

    Well, I think we all agreed that it was definitely cynicism and that you hadn't established any of the wild assertions you made, nor these.
  • Reply 111 of 128
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Too bad you are stupid enough to think a company has to manufacture something to make money, nice try but clearly you are the one that is confused.

    Too bad you didn't understand his point.
  • Reply 112 of 128
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The point was that avoiding being tracked by Google is not as simple as just not actively using their search engine and other services.

    Google do at least tell you how to opt out.


    The really scary ones are the smaller companies. Google gets lots of media attention so has to be careful, but the smaller players fly under the radar and therefore get away with much worse.
  • Reply 113 of 128
    There are plenty Apps that are only useful to subscribers of that service (Netflix, Hulu, and the Wall Street Journal to name a few). I don't get why these magazines don't just make free applications that only have content for subscribers. They can even make a special online only subscription for those that don't want the print version.
  • Reply 114 of 128
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Too bad you didn't understand his point.

    I understood it and it was wrong. Do you even know why it was wrong?
  • Reply 115 of 128
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Try again.

    Don't post if you're not adding to the discussion. Here's a hint: A position is normally supported by arguments and evidence.
  • Reply 116 of 128
    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    I'll be a contrarian on Zinio. I've found the price to be reasonable and having access to the device on my desktop and iPad is great. On the iPhone, forget it, it's too small.

    I agree with ltcompuser on the merits of the Zinio offering. Also, having the knowledge that I can retain my subscription content even if I decide to replace my mobile platform gives me great comfort that my money hasn't been wasted on native iPad magasines.

    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    While it's just a PDF of the magazine it serves its purpose for me:

    Likewise - also I'd like to point out that the magasines served through the Zinio reader include a clickable table of contents and also give you the possibility of having the text of the article displayed in a WriteRoom-like fashion (i.e. without pictures, layout and formatting), which gives you the best of both worlds: The ability to enjoy the photos with the clarity of easily readable high contrast text.
  • Reply 117 of 128
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Lets all participate in completing this sentence in relation to the article;

    In my perfect world, Apple would...

    ... forget about dealing with the large publication houses, and make Pages a kick-ass iPad publication tool with full interactive support. Let the millions of bloggers, journalists, designers, photographers, artists, writers, animators and advertisers - create their own publications. Let the market dictate what publications shine through.

    Squeezing publishing houses for control of the very essence of what their business is... is futile and plain dumb.

    Best solution to "The Problem" posted 'til now!

    Go one step further, and include a new version of iWeb to create HTML5 compliant web-apps and sites, and let the creatives go at it!

    No one other single group has stoked the flames of the digital revolution more than individual creatives, and the arts in general. Since Postscript and Midi hit the scene 20+ years ago, we've been doing the "envelope pushing" with the tools available, and our pocketbooks.

    We are begging at the moment for better tools, since Adobe won the "Creative Software War". A bloated behemoth which is reflected in their software, and is more concerned with jumping in the sack with the other "Big Mamas" of publishing, rather than enabling the independent and small creatives who supported them and put them on their pedestal in the first place.

    Would love to see Apple pick up this fight for real, rather than just poke at Adobe continuously. Quit jabbin' and go for the KO already (TKO would be better i s'pose

    Do it with user-friendly tools and alternatives to what's out there. Make it fun again, like everything else SJ expounds and professes in Apple's products. "Magical" comes to mind even....
  • Reply 118 of 128
    Originally Posted by habermas View Post

    Don't post if you're not adding to the discussion. Here's a hint: A position is normally supported by arguments and evidence.

    I reply with the arguments and evidence a post deserves. If it deserves none, it gets none.
  • Reply 119 of 128
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    OTOH, Google sells practically nothing but your information. If they can't abuse your private information, they are out of business. Period! And believe me, they are abusing and you ain't seen nothing yet.

    Where is YOUR proof? Honestly, if you're just going to overlook the huge mound of data that Apple has been able to start collecting about users since the launch of iTunes, then where is your proof that Google is "abusing" my personal information?
  • Reply 120 of 128
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Where is YOUR proof? Honestly, if you're just going to overlook the huge mound of data that Apple has been able to start collecting about users since the launch of iTunes, then where is your proof that Google is "abusing" my personal information?

    Seriously, as has been pointed out over and over, Google's entire business model is built on collecting and exploiting personal information. All of their products are designed with the goal of collecting as much of that as possible. Without that, they have nothing to generate revenue from. Apple on the other hand, generates revenue from hardware sales, and all of their services are designed to promote that. Without exploiting your personal information for profit, including sharing it with 3rd-parties, Google is out of business, Apple has no need to do so. To the contrary, Apple has every reason to treat your personal information as confidential data, and keep it out of the hands of 3rd-parties, otherwise they lose the trust of their customers, which is worth more to them than the data.

    This whole disagreement with publishers highlights the fact that Apple is not selling or giving away the information they have, so it's ridiculous to imply that they are. Anyone who does so deserves nothing but scorn.
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