In the video, notice on the iPad there is a delay and then all of a sudden it renders the page - much faster than the playbook. This looks like a DNS response delay more than rendering speed. So either the test was rigged so that their DNS server served the iPad slower (doubtful), they used different DNS servers and the Playbook used a faster one(possible, but unlikely), or that they cleared the web browser cache on both machines, but the Playbook still had the DNS addresses cached.
I think the latter is what we are seeing.
We know that the playbook has a faster CPU, more RAM and a newer webkit core --- so objectively it doesn't make sense that the ipad renders faster than the playbook.
Really, is all this angst and tin foil hat'ism really necessary? The PlayBook looks like it's going to be a spunky system. It probably helps that they chose an OS like QNX to be it's foundation and I don't doubt that overall it's a more efficient system than iOS. I also don't doubt that RIM might have spent a lot of time optimizing their browser. That combined with some human perception tweaking (get some content up quickly to create a perception of speed, as others have mentioned, the ipad renders the page fairly quickly but takes a long time to actually start displaying anything whereas the PlayBook starts splatting things up faster), a bit fewer pixels to push, and newer/faster hardware and they probably will end up with a system that is decently fast. I love my ipad, but I can live with that, I don't need to get defensive.
However, I will take this time to rag on flash again though. For all the spriteness they show off, the fact that the flash animations on the adidas site stutter so badly on a machine that can display hd video, browse and do other stuff at the same time is just plain sad.
RIMM is just trying to get some attention while they don't have a product to go to market with.
I would be impressed if they said that their battery in the 7 inch tablet could play video for 10 or 20 hours straight.
I can't blame them for trying to get attention because they are in a difficult position. With phones sales declining if this tablet does not do well, they may have to pack up their bags.
But then again, it a 7 inch tablet... it's gonna be DOA remember?
Do you guys really believe there's only one good company in the world, and no one else can ever do anything right?
Man, the Mac community ain't what it used to be....
Exactly....and I also think this competition is awesome. There's nothing "sitting on the fenceish" about saying that at all.
If you have one team/brand in F1 you think the other teams would improve as fast as they do? Nope.
Even though we don't know how the final products from other competitors will perform, I hope other competing products look and seem as promising as the Playbook.
Btw, I also think that 7" is a nice size because sometimes the iPhone display is too small for video and I wouldn't want to carry around something as large as 10" except for what I have in my pants.
RIMM is just trying to get some attention while they don't have a product to go to market with.
I would be impressed if they said that their battery in the 7 inch tablet could play video for 10 or 20 hours straight.
I can't blame them for trying to get attention because they are in a difficult position. With phones sales declining if this tablet does not do well, they may have to pack up their bags.
But then again, it a 7 inch tablet... it's gonna be DOA remember?
Time will tell.
Given that RIM sold nearly 12 million handsets last quarter (I believe a record for them), I do not think they are in any danger of folding up.
To forstall the inevitable "but they lost market share" argument, Apple also lost market share to Android, and I doubt you are going to claim Apple is in any danger of packing up their bags.
Playbook is so awesome! I can now punch the monkey and win $20! What's the iPad ever done for me except deliver a top-notch user experience, full-sized keyboard and great apps? Pfft.
Man, oh man, Apple fans........ What are you lot going to do when SJ's no longer around anymore?
For my part, I think the RIM Playbook is perfect in size. The web browsing looks good, but knowing RIM they'll probably skimp on some, to them minor detail that's a show stopper for everyone else.
The obvious downside that no one has mentioned, because they're too pretty going into a denial spasm over the good web performance of the Playbook, are the apps. Blackberry isn't exactly a developer hotspot and they would need to up their game a bit to attract developers who are currently divided between the iPhone, Android and probably Windows Mobile in the future.
Although I don't think the Playbook is going to be more successful than even Samsung's Galaxy Tab or future iterations of that, I sort of wish it would outsell the iPad, even if only for a while. Apple has been losing the contact to its professional and long time supporters for a while now in favour of flavour of the month toys and, IMO, they need a bit of a shock to realise that.
From what I'm researching you are right. This will be very tricky. I'd say 15 to 17 inches from eyes is an acceptable guess. Some are claiming 2 feet which I think is a stretch. 326 is asking a lot of 9" plus. I wonder if its feasable if apple claims double the pixels instead of 4x for the next generation?
Going higher would be nice, but Apple also considers the developers in this, and I doubt they?d simply increase the resolution with each revision. This is one of the issues with Android phones, another is different display sizes.
Even now, nearly a half year after the iPhone 4 was released and more than(?) 6 months since the iPhone 4 demo and SDK drop I?m seeing updates to apps stating that they just added Retina Display support. Sure, those apps worked before, but Apple likes consistency whenever they can get it.
Considering the iPad?s popularity and owning of the tablet market, the lack of real competition to a 10? iPad (I think Jobs is right about tablets with ½ the display area) going into 2011, and how long the iPhone?s display was behind the rest of the industry yet still thrived (original iPhone ahead of curve, iPhone 3G slightly behind, iPhone 3GS way behind) I think it?s possible Apple will go every other revision, or longer, between resolution updates.
If they do go 50% more on each axis that is 2x the display resolution, or 1,536x1,152 (1,769,472px). That?s a lot of pixels for that little mobile GPU to render and slightly more pixels than not just the 15? MBP, but the 15? MBP with a High Res display 1680x1050 (1,764,000).
Finally, we have to consider supplies. This oft goes unchecked as if supplies are boundless even though this very issue with the iPad is one of the reasons for Apple?s inability to keep up with demand. These aren?t just displays, but 9.7? IPS displays. They can only get these from LG. Why? What tech are they using for this and why was it necessary. I assume the need was for the better viewing angle s reading when placed farther away from you on odd angles would work close enough to reading a book. But are these LG?s S-IPS or the newer E-IPS which is how they can get 10 hours from these panels? I certainly don?t know, but I do know that if they can?t the enough of the current panels and sales are increasing, that getting new panels that aren?t yet in production may not be an option for Apple.
1] They have connected RIM playbook to faster wi-fi network.
2] and ipad to another slower wi-fi network.
even my 2g ipod touch browses fore mentioned sites faster than ipad in this video
I can browse faster on my iPad, but that doesn?t make their testing false. You?d have to prove it, and if that isn?t possible offer enough comparative testing (which will happen) to confirm or deny their video.
Unfortunately for RIM, they've taken so long to bring out the Playbook that competing against the iPad isn't what matters. The Playbook will need to compete against iPad 2. I wonder if they are up to that challenge.
Man, oh man, Apple fans........ What are you lot going to do when SJ's no longer around anymore?
My honest opinion... the whole world will resort to cheap plastic crap with IT people directing what we can buy. It would suck. By the way, I'm a PC guy.
Finally, we have to consider supplies. This oft goes unchecked as if supplies are boundless ,
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
No problem.
Note, I do hope I?m completely wrong and that we get some super high resolution display for the next iPad that puts this one to shame.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
So we go back to the "pay extra for specs" thought. I would pay the extra $380 to have 256Gb on the iPad. I would pay extra for a faster processor. I would pay for....
I agree with you. I fall into the same category.
I think we'll be happy with iPad2 if it comes out soon. Unfortunately they have no need to upgrade now. On our side is that fact that the only reason they won the MP3 device wars is because they kept updating their products.
Now, remember the fact that the iPad was around 18months before we even glimpsed it. They had it and figured it was the right size. They took a year to develop the software to use it perfectly.
That in mind, imagine what 2 years of affordable technology could bring to the next version.
However, I wouldn't hold out for a retina display. Actually, I would be happy with any increase in display.
Unfortunately for RIM, they've taken so long to bring out the Playbook that competing against the iPad isn't what matters. The Playbook will need to compete against iPad 2. I wonder if they are up to that challenge.
This is true. iPad will at least have one camera and facetime by early 2011. They will also put the gyro chips in for gamers and stargazers. Many if us really don't want a 7" display and that decision will cost them a few sales.
You know in all these leaks they (RIM) just dont talk about the battery life do they. That spec will be very interesting.
But with all this, I think they will sell a lot of these and make some money. Looks like a decent product and I really like the name.
Note, I do hope I’m completely wrong and that we get some super high resolution display for the next iPad that puts this one to shame.
iPad 2 will definitely have a higher res display. I don't have any doubts about that. Not because they absolutely need higher resolution by March 2011. Rather, whatever they intro in March 2011 would have to last another year before refresh. That would make the current display very long in the tooth by March 2012.
Keep in mind there is nothing forcing Apple to discontinue iPad 1 when they release iPad 2. Both iPod and iPhone have had two generations selling at the same time. No reason they couldn't take the same approach with iPad. This approach would allow them to drive down prices of the existing model and not be supply constrained by trying to switch completely to a new model.
In the video, notice on the iPad there is a delay and then all of a sudden it renders the page - much faster than the playbook. This looks like a DNS response delay more than rendering speed. So either the test was rigged so that their DNS server served the iPad slower (doubtful), they used different DNS servers and the Playbook used a faster one(possible, but unlikely), or that they cleared the web browser cache on both machines, but the Playbook still had the DNS addresses cached.
I think the latter is what we are seeing.
We know that the playbook has a faster CPU, more RAM and a newer webkit core --- so objectively it doesn't make sense that the ipad renders faster than the playbook.
However, I will take this time to rag on flash again though. For all the spriteness they show off, the fact that the flash animations on the adidas site stutter so badly on a machine that can display hd video, browse and do other stuff at the same time is just plain sad.
I would be impressed if they said that their battery in the 7 inch tablet could play video for 10 or 20 hours straight.
I can't blame them for trying to get attention because they are in a difficult position. With phones sales declining if this tablet does not do well, they may have to pack up their bags.
But then again, it a 7 inch tablet... it's gonna be DOA remember?
Time will tell.
Do you guys really believe there's only one good company in the world, and no one else can ever do anything right?
Man, the Mac community ain't what it used to be....
Exactly....and I also think this competition is awesome. There's nothing "sitting on the fenceish" about saying that at all.
If you have one team/brand in F1 you think the other teams would improve as fast as they do? Nope.
Even though we don't know how the final products from other competitors will perform, I hope other competing products look and seem as promising as the Playbook.
Btw, I also think that 7" is a nice size because sometimes the iPhone display is too small for video and I wouldn't want to carry around something as large as 10" except for what I have in my pants.
RIMM is just trying to get some attention while they don't have a product to go to market with.
I would be impressed if they said that their battery in the 7 inch tablet could play video for 10 or 20 hours straight.
I can't blame them for trying to get attention because they are in a difficult position. With phones sales declining if this tablet does not do well, they may have to pack up their bags.
But then again, it a 7 inch tablet... it's gonna be DOA remember?
Time will tell.
Given that RIM sold nearly 12 million handsets last quarter (I believe a record for them), I do not think they are in any danger of folding up.
To forstall the inevitable "but they lost market share" argument, Apple also lost market share to Android, and I doubt you are going to claim Apple is in any danger of packing up their bags.
Hey RIMM - Thanks for promoting the iPad.
For my part, I think the RIM Playbook is perfect in size. The web browsing looks good, but knowing RIM they'll probably skimp on some, to them minor detail that's a show stopper for everyone else.
The obvious downside that no one has mentioned, because they're too pretty going into a denial spasm over the good web performance of the Playbook, are the apps. Blackberry isn't exactly a developer hotspot and they would need to up their game a bit to attract developers who are currently divided between the iPhone, Android and probably Windows Mobile in the future.
Although I don't think the Playbook is going to be more successful than even Samsung's Galaxy Tab or future iterations of that, I sort of wish it would outsell the iPad, even if only for a while. Apple has been losing the contact to its professional and long time supporters for a while now in favour of flavour of the month toys and, IMO, they need a bit of a shock to realise that.
2] and ipad to another slower wi-fi network.
even my 2g ipod touch browses fore mentioned sites faster than ipad in this video
From what I'm researching you are right. This will be very tricky. I'd say 15 to 17 inches from eyes is an acceptable guess. Some are claiming 2 feet which I think is a stretch. 326 is asking a lot of 9" plus. I wonder if its feasable if apple claims double the pixels instead of 4x for the next generation?
Going higher would be nice, but Apple also considers the developers in this, and I doubt they?d simply increase the resolution with each revision. This is one of the issues with Android phones, another is different display sizes.
Even now, nearly a half year after the iPhone 4 was released and more than(?) 6 months since the iPhone 4 demo and SDK drop I?m seeing updates to apps stating that they just added Retina Display support. Sure, those apps worked before, but Apple likes consistency whenever they can get it.
Considering the iPad?s popularity and owning of the tablet market, the lack of real competition to a 10? iPad (I think Jobs is right about tablets with ½ the display area) going into 2011, and how long the iPhone?s display was behind the rest of the industry yet still thrived (original iPhone ahead of curve, iPhone 3G slightly behind, iPhone 3GS way behind) I think it?s possible Apple will go every other revision, or longer, between resolution updates.
If they do go 50% more on each axis that is 2x the display resolution, or 1,536x1,152 (1,769,472px). That?s a lot of pixels for that little mobile GPU to render and slightly more pixels than not just the 15? MBP, but the 15? MBP with a High Res display 1680x1050 (1,764,000).
Finally, we have to consider supplies. This oft goes unchecked as if supplies are boundless even though this very issue with the iPad is one of the reasons for Apple?s inability to keep up with demand. These aren?t just displays, but 9.7? IPS displays. They can only get these from LG. Why? What tech are they using for this and why was it necessary. I assume the need was for the better viewing angle s reading when placed farther away from you on odd angles would work close enough to reading a book. But are these LG?s S-IPS or the newer E-IPS which is how they can get 10 hours from these panels? I certainly don?t know, but I do know that if they can?t the enough of the current panels and sales are increasing, that getting new panels that aren?t yet in production may not be an option for Apple.
I am going to laugh so amazingly hard when, on the day this thing ships, Apple announces iPad 2.
And now that The Beatles are available, that leaves Tool as the biggest iTunes omission.
Nope. AC/DC.
1] They have connected RIM playbook to faster wi-fi network.
2] and ipad to another slower wi-fi network.
even my 2g ipod touch browses fore mentioned sites faster than ipad in this video
I can browse faster on my iPad, but that doesn?t make their testing false. You?d have to prove it, and if that isn?t possible offer enough comparative testing (which will happen) to confirm or deny their video.
Man, oh man, Apple fans........ What are you lot going to do when SJ's no longer around anymore?
My honest opinion... the whole world will resort to cheap plastic crap with IT people directing what we can buy. It would suck. By the way, I'm a PC guy.
Finally, we have to consider supplies. This oft goes unchecked as if supplies are boundless ,
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
No problem.
Note, I do hope I?m completely wrong and that we get some super high resolution display for the next iPad that puts this one to shame.
Thanks for the thoughtful answer. It is clear to me you know a lot about this issue. I think especially your insight about "supply" will drive the decision of more res in future updates. Assuming a hardware release next march, and no sign of this improved display technology in the field, it's doubtful we will see any advancement in display technology early 2011. But great things may happen in 2012 as this cool stuff gets cranked out quicker and quicker. I know I love retina and Hope things come together quickly on the iPad. iPhone 4 has spoiled me. If apple sells it at a premium I would pay extra. I really am surprised how much I like it. I didn't give a crap when they talked about it at keynote.
So we go back to the "pay extra for specs" thought. I would pay the extra $380 to have 256Gb on the iPad. I would pay extra for a faster processor. I would pay for....
I agree with you. I fall into the same category.
I think we'll be happy with iPad2 if it comes out soon. Unfortunately they have no need to upgrade now. On our side is that fact that the only reason they won the MP3 device wars is because they kept updating their products.
Now, remember the fact that the iPad was around 18months before we even glimpsed it. They had it and figured it was the right size. They took a year to develop the software to use it perfectly.
That in mind, imagine what 2 years of affordable technology could bring to the next version.
However, I wouldn't hold out for a retina display. Actually, I would be happy with any increase in display.
Unfortunately for RIM, they've taken so long to bring out the Playbook that competing against the iPad isn't what matters. The Playbook will need to compete against iPad 2. I wonder if they are up to that challenge.
This is true. iPad will at least have one camera and facetime by early 2011. They will also put the gyro chips in for gamers and stargazers. Many if us really don't want a 7" display and that decision will cost them a few sales.
You know in all these leaks they (RIM) just dont talk about the battery life do they. That spec will be very interesting.
But with all this, I think they will sell a lot of these and make some money. Looks like a decent product and I really like the name.
No problem.
Note, I do hope I’m completely wrong and that we get some super high resolution display for the next iPad that puts this one to shame.
iPad 2 will definitely have a higher res display. I don't have any doubts about that. Not because they absolutely need higher resolution by March 2011. Rather, whatever they intro in March 2011 would have to last another year before refresh. That would make the current display very long in the tooth by March 2012.
Keep in mind there is nothing forcing Apple to discontinue iPad 1 when they release iPad 2. Both iPod and iPhone have had two generations selling at the same time. No reason they couldn't take the same approach with iPad. This approach would allow them to drive down prices of the existing model and not be supply constrained by trying to switch completely to a new model.