Brazilian billionaire hopes to court Apple for device assembly



  • Reply 101 of 114
    Originally Posted by Jume View Post

    Then Apple store would look like:

    iPad - From 1299$

    iPhone - From $999$

    iPod classic - Just 677$

    MacBook - From 2499$

    MacBookPro - From 2999$


    No it wouldn't, lets say it costs $600 in labor costs to make one iPhone in the US and lets say the factory is able to produce 1000 iPhones per hour. Guess what the labor costs are per iPhone, its only $.60 cents. Now instead of 1000 per hour lets just make it 10 iPhones per hour, the labor cost is only $60 then. You don't add hundreds or even thousands of dollars to the product you fool!

    People like you that make those arguments are the biggest fing retards, you don't know how to do math.
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  • Reply 102 of 114
    After reading all the opinions stated above, I think it is safe to say that no one here has any experience in operations which have produced even 1 million units comprising of a few components which require complex assembly.

    Automated phone assembly? Have you seen the inside of one of these things?

    Simply demanding that Apple move production back here doesn't do much. You need to change the landscape to make it happen. And why just Apple? Why not ALL consumer electronic companies?
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  • Reply 103 of 114
    Originally Posted by sjdelsur View Post

    A Brazilian asshole who doesn't know what he's talking about, and makes his own people sound so stupid and un-educated. Feel sorry for the country of Brazil who gave birth to such lowlife. Portuguese people are Latinos you dumb ass, and a large number of your people are mestizos, enough said!!! Asshole, go back to your crap pit, you'd wish you knew Spanish, one of the most beautiful sounding languages in the world with a native speaker population of almost a billion people, you asshole. I'd wish I had you in front of me so I can kick your ass.

    Bring it on, you 2-post moron...I have nothing against Spanish, but we just don't speak it nor fancy Ricky Martin.

    So if you're offended as a Los Angeles latino immigrant, just swallow it and chill out - and next time go take your stupid inferiority complex elsewhere before playing the nerdish virtual bully.
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  • Reply 104 of 114
    I can tell you this is a wonderful idea. Brazilians love Apple and they know Apple products are better. They would all buy Apple if wasn't for the import tariffs.

    Brazil had the first Mac clone, decades ago:

    PS: "brlawyer" is right in everything he said.
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  • Reply 105 of 114
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    I cant think of a single reason why Apple would choose a Brazilian Company over a Chinese Company.

    And bring manufacturing back to US is not an option. People just need to think through it.
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  • Reply 106 of 114
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I am by no means an expert on this topic, but I'm fairly certain that it's not just the wages. The way the Chinese economy is set up, it would be cheaper by far to do an automated factory in China than the USA, so even if they could find a way to make an automated USA factory competitive with the current factories in China, if they transposed that new automated factory to China instead, then they would save even more.

    The problem is not that manufacturing costs are higher in the USA. The problem is that American manufacturers care about nothing but their own bottom line. What's good for the US economy is the farthest thing from their minds. This should not be allowed, imho. American companies should be required to provide jobs for American workers in exchange for the privilege of doing business in America.
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  • Reply 107 of 114
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Bring it on, you 2-post moron...I have nothing against Spanish, but we just don't speak it nor fancy Ricky Martin.

    So if you're offended as a Los Angeles latino immigrant, just swallow it and chill out - and next time go take your stupid inferiority complex elsewhere before playing the nerdish virtual bully.

    And NO, we are NOT "Latinos" in the formal US sense of the term - we have virtually NO indigenous population, we don't speak fucking Spanish and we don't share any values with other Latin American countries

    "we don't speak fucking Spanish", and I'm supposed to take that shit from a dumbass who's so immature and doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm sure you don't speak for the whole of Brazil, but I'll bet your dumb ass a lot of your people are scratching their heads and thinking how could one of our own fools, yeah that's what you are a fool, think and speak that way.

    As for for assumption that I am an immigrant, well, you got that wrong, again you dumbass. I'm fifth generation American born and raised with Latin American roots, and proud of it. Yeah, but since you're not part of Latin America, you wouldn't know the difference in which part of the world Latin America is located, would you? A Brazilian in Switzerland, let me guess who's the immigrant.

    Inferiority complex? Well, if you call working for one of the largest Aerospace/Defense consortiums in the world, being a degreed engineer with over fifteen years experience and with master's degree from one of the top engineering schools in world is having an inferiority complex, it goes to show your lack of education and sensibility towards people in general. If you can call standing up for refuting unfounded statements like you have made is having an inferiority complex, so be it.

    And as for Ricky Martin, no disrespect to gay people, sounds like you're still in the closet and don't want to come out because you feel safe getting banged in the ass by your boyfriend, right? You must be the woman in the relationship, right?

    May I have another one time think before you write stupidity you dumb ass.
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  • Reply 108 of 114
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    So bring the Foxconn workers to Acu and pay them more than they got in China and less than the per-capita wage in Brazil. The shorter shipping distance just might make up the difference.

    What about all the shipping of components from China to Brazil, most if not all the parts are made in China.
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  • Reply 109 of 114
    Originally Posted by Noliving View Post

    No it wouldn't, lets say it costs $600 in labor costs to make one iPhone in the US and lets say the factory is able to produce 1000 iPhones per hour. Guess what the labor costs are per iPhone, its only $.60 cents. Now instead of 1000 per hour lets just make it 10 iPhones per hour, the labor cost is only $60 then. You don't add hundreds or even thousands of dollars to the product you fool!

    People like you that make those arguments are the biggest fing retards, you don't know how to do math.

    It's not that simple, labor is not just about hourly wages, if you add the benefits of the average American worker to the equation then you'll have significantly higher labor costs. And labor is not the only factor that makes producing them in China much cheaper. There's tax considerations and other government fees. Logistics and the availability of cheaper parts. There are more parts manufactured in China and Taiwan in smaller factories. The iPhone is not something that's manufactured from scratch. Shipping those parts to the U.S. would significantly increase costs and manufacturing those parts in the US would cost even more. Even power and water consumption charges are significantly higher.
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  • Reply 110 of 114
    I think Apple should take its $60 billion in cash and build its own factories, completely under its control. And build them anywhere except China.
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  • Reply 111 of 114
    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post

    Apple does not manufacture its products in China. Does he understand this. It is Foxconn in Taiwan that manufactures Apple products in China. So if an American company or a Brazillian company that can offer to manufacture Apple products in US or Brazil at a price that can compete with Foxconn, Apple will certainly accept it.

    Eike Batista is NOT courting Apple and trying to convince them he can build better than Foxconn. He is actually negotiating a joint-venture with the chinese company. Then of course they'll need Apple's approval. But the point is the expertise will come from Foxconn. Here is the poorly google translated link to the article citing his interview:
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  • Reply 112 of 114
    Originally Posted by nunyabinez View Post

    Actually, China is not very advanced on automation. I was in China last year and went to a GM plant in Shanghi. There was little automation because the machines cost a lot more than what it costs to pay dozens of people to do the jobs.

    I also spent some time in Guangzho (Canton) where much of the worlds electronics are made. You can literally buy products there for pennies on the dollar. I was dumbfounded trying to imagine how a product I might pay $200 could be made for less than $20. It seemed like the parts would have been more expensive than that.

    China will dominate this area for a long time because they have a virtually endless supply of labor for whom almost any wage is an improvement over the life they previously had out on some farm. I think it would be great to have Apple go to Brazil, but I doubt they have the economic capability to produce things as inexpensively as China can. And in addition, if China starts losing manufacturing to other countries, all the government has to do is to subsidize the industry and prices will drop again and bring it back. I wouldn't want to be competing against the Chinese for this kind of work.

    I saw a cooking timer in the grocery aisle yesterday for $1.99.

    I was stunned. That means it was made in China for... 20 cents?

    I didn't buy it.

    We need to re-build America, and the first thing to do is enact tariffs against China.

    Then we can move assembly of iPads to Michigan.

    Buy the components from Asia, but build the product here.
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  • Reply 113 of 114
    Originally Posted by Jkirk3279 View Post

    I saw a cooking timer in the grocery aisle yesterday for $1.99.

    I was stunned. That means it was made in China for... 20 cents?

    I didn't buy it.

    We need to re-build America, and the first thing to do is enact tariffs against China.

    Then we can move assembly of iPads to Michigan.

    Buy the components from Asia, but build the product here.

    Everybody says buy American products but as evidenced by our diminishing industrial base when it comes time to buy most forget. With US wages what they are we just can't compete. If we put higher tariffs on imported goods so will the competition and then we are facing the same dilemma.
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  • Reply 114 of 114
    Originally Posted by sjdelsur View Post

    "we don't speak fucking Spanish", and I'm supposed to take that shit from a dumbass who's so immature and doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm sure you don't speak for the whole of Brazil, but I'll bet your dumb ass a lot of your people are scratching their heads and thinking how could one of our own fools, yeah that's what you are a fool, think and speak that way.

    As for for assumption that I am an immigrant, well, you got that wrong, again you dumbass. I'm fifth generation American born and raised with Latin American roots, and proud of it. Yeah, but since you're not part of Latin America, you wouldn't know the difference in which part of the world Latin America is located, would you? A Brazilian in Switzerland, let me guess who's the immigrant.

    Inferiority complex? Well, if you call working for one of the largest Aerospace/Defense consortiums in the world, being a degreed engineer with over fifteen years experience and with master's degree from one of the top engineering schools in world is having an inferiority complex, it goes to show your lack of education and sensibility towards people in general. If you can call standing up for refuting unfounded statements like you have made is having an inferiority complex, so be it.

    And as for Ricky Martin, no disrespect to gay people, sounds like you're still in the closet and don't want to come out because you feel safe getting banged in the ass by your boyfriend, right? You must be the woman in the relationship, right?

    May I have another one time think before you write stupidity you dumb ass.

    Hug it out bitches!
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