Apple's iPad 2 suppliers to ramp up in Q1 2011 - rumor

in iPad edited January 2014
An overseas report has obtained the names of several suppliers that will provide parts for Apple's next-generation iPad, claiming that shipments of the new iPad will ramp up in February 2011.

Industry sources told Taiwanese industry publication Digitimes that Ibiden, Tripod Technology and TTM Technologies will serve as Apple's initial Printed Circuit Board suppliers for the as-yet-unannounced next-generation of the successful tablet device.

The three companies have reportedly "received certification from Apple," and will begin shipping small quantities of any-layer High Density Interconnect boards in December, according to the report's sources.

In February 2011, four more suppliers will be added as "shipments of the new iPads ramp up" for the tablet's expected first quarter 2011 launch, according to the report.

Reports of a Q1 2011 launch for the next-gen iPad line up with earlier Digitimes reports from other suppliers. In September, the publication claimed that Apple's touch panel and reinforced glass suppliers will begin shipments for the second generation iPad in early 2011.

In September, sources told AppleInsider that FaceTime-equipped next-gen iPads should be introduced no later than the first quarter of next year, ahead of Apple's traditional 12-month product cycle. With FaceTime already running on the iPhone, iPod touch and the Mac, the iPad is a likely candidate for the continued expansion of Apple's video chat service. Next year's iPad revision is rumored to add a forward-facing camera and a 5 megapixel rear camera.

Rumors of a smaller 7-inch iPad swirled this fall until Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs dispelled them during a quarterly earnings conference call. "The reason we [won't] make a 7-inch tablet isn't because we don't want to hit that price point, it's because we think the screen is too small to express the software," Jobs said in October.

Apple reportedly developed a 7-inch iPad alongside the original tablet device, but decided not to release it. Comments made by Jobs may support that rumor, as he claims Apple has done "extensive user testing on touch interfaces over many years."

"We really understand this stuff," Jobs said.


  • Reply 1 of 74
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Just as I am thinking about buying one in the next week! lol
  • Reply 2 of 74
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,221member
    "any-layer High Density Interconnect boards"?

    Perhaps many-layer or multi-layer, but who cares if it passes spellcheck?
  • Reply 3 of 74
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    Just as I am thinking about buying one in the next week! lol

    You may want to hold that purchase till the iPad 2 comes out.
  • Reply 4 of 74
    I'm still wondering which device should be my next purchase. The Macbook Air or the iPad 2?.?
  • Reply 5 of 74
    Guess this news will put off my new iPad purchase as well. I was planning on spending my bonus on one but with v2 in sight, a Kindle3 will have to do for a month or three.

    And mgl323... both ;-)
  • Reply 6 of 74
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    I'm still wondering which device should be my next purchase. The Macbook Air or the iPad 2?.?

    I bought my wife an iPad for her birthday. I've played with it and there are some really cool apps and I really like it. Lots of fun. But when the MacBook Airs came out: hot damn they look cool. I still haven't used one since I don't have an Apple store close to me. I don't have the cash to drop right now but I want an Air. If Apple were to release a MacBook Air 15" game over. I will be selling some AAPL shares to get one.

    Good luck with the decision. You will have a great piece of hardware either way.

  • Reply 7 of 74
    I just can't see them adding a rear camera on the iPad2. It seems so out of place. Sure, it'll be easy to do it, and maybe makes sense for FaceTime, to have dual cameras... But very odd to have an additional rear camera on a big tablet.

    I hope reduced weight is the primary goal here.
  • Reply 8 of 74
    Originally Posted by hyperfocal View Post

    Guess this news will put off my new iPad purchase as well. I was planning on spending my bonus on one but with v2 in sight, a Kindle3 will have to do for a month or three.

    And mgl323... both ;-)

    That will take time then.

    Originally Posted by Buckeye in Fla View Post

    I bought my wife an iPad for her birthday. I've played with it and there are some really cool apps and I really like it. Lots of fun. But when the MacBook Airs came out: hot damn they look cool. I still haven't used one since I don't have an Apple store close to me. I don't have the cash to drop right now but I want an Air. If Apple were to release a MacBook Air 15" game over. I will be selling some AAPL shares to get one.

    Good luck with the decision. You will have a great piece of hardware either way.


    Thanks for the insight, I need something that's really light and portable for traveling and school. And I also agree with the MacBook Air 15", I would buy it the first day it comes out! haha
  • Reply 9 of 74
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    I just can't see them adding a rear camera on the iPad2. It seems so out of place. Sure, it'll be easy to do it, and maybe makes sense for FaceTime, to have dual cameras... But very odd to have an additional rear camera on a big tablet.

    I hope reduced weight is the primary goal here.

    I agree, but I do think Apple will include a rear camera primarily for Facetime, and it will probably record 720p.
  • Reply 10 of 74
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    I just can't see them adding a rear camera on the iPad2. It seems so out of place. Sure, it'll be easy to do it, and maybe makes sense for FaceTime, to have dual cameras... But very odd to have an additional rear camera on a big tablet.

    I hope reduced weight is the primary goal here.

    Apple will put a rear facing camera on the iPad 2 but not for reasons most people think. Apple wants to get the iPad entrenched into enterprise as a multi-use device for companies looking for adaptable solutions. That rear camera has many uses for inventory, archiving, bar code scanning, identification comparisons (security), and who knows what some programmer will come up with. My bet is that it won't be long until the credit card readers for the iPhone and iPod touch start appearing for the iPad also. This is why Steve Jobs publicly criticized the 7" form factor tabs such as RIM's. He doesn't want those thought of as the "business tablets." This is Apple's chance to finally gain a beach head in enterprise and my guess is that Apple is going to throw the kitchen sink at it.

  • Reply 11 of 74
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I personally know two individuals who are waiting for the iPad 2 before buying one, and I don't know all that many people! And both of whom were originally skeptical of the iPad's value.

    Provided there's not some major problem with it, I think the iPad 2 will entrench the iPad at the head of the tablet market for years to come. Expect some major FUD from Google around that time.
  • Reply 12 of 74
    I've had mine since the week the G3 versions came out. I use it constantly. For that reason, I plan to buy each new model. The developers are only a few months behind in their ability to adapt to each new hardware innovation. So for me, the introduction of a new iPad means new ways to use it will only be a few months off. FaceTime capability is certainly a must have reason to adopt the next one too. And I'll be keeping this one for the same reasons I have it in my lap now.
  • Reply 13 of 74
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I personally know two individuals who are waiting for the iPad 2 before buying one, and I don't know all that many people! And both of whom were originally skeptical of the iPad's value.

    Provided there's not some major problem with it, I think the iPad 2 will entrench the iPad at the head of the tablet market for years to come. Expect some major FUD from Google around that time.

    I generally don't have money to burn, so it's my standard practice to wait until at least the 2G of anything before seriously considering a purchase. I figure that most of the major bugs will be squashed by then. If I was rich, I would love to be the first guy on the block to get the newest widget from Apple, but sadly, that is not my fate. So, I have to wait and enviously read about everyone else's experiences (well, envious of the good experiences, not so envious of the bad experiences!!) for about a year.

    I'm not as cool as I wish I was. Sigh.
  • Reply 14 of 74
    So what version of iOS will it have? Considering 4.2 is coming out in November I cannot imagine on the software side it will be much of an advancement.
  • Reply 15 of 74
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    So what version of iOS will it have? Considering 4.2 is coming out in November I cannot imagine on the software side it will be much of an advancement.

    4.2.1 is already the next system version but that includes FaceTime capability in the other iOS devices so it's not necessarily much newer. But the hardware may leapfrog the iPhone 4 with an even faster processor and larger system RAM, although it will certainly have at least the iPhone 4's 512MB System RAM if not 1GB. Current model only has 256 MB System RAM. \
  • Reply 16 of 74
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    I'm still wondering which device should be my next purchase. The Macbook Air or the iPad 2?.?

    Dude, if you haven't seen the 11 inch baby air. OMFG! it is so bad a**!
  • Reply 17 of 74
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    If Apple do it right, and by "right" I mean a faster dual core CPU, at least 200 ppi IPS screen, a Gig of RAM, two cameras and lighter, they will have a very big problem on their hands:

    How can they make them fast enough?

    Really hope they learnt the lesson of iPad and iPhone 4 launch.
  • Reply 18 of 74
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    So what version of iOS will it have? Considering 4.2 is coming out in November I cannot imagine on the software side it will be much of an advancement.

    I would guess 4.3, and mobile iWorks 2.
  • Reply 19 of 74
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I personally know two individuals who are waiting for the iPad 2 before buying one, and I don't know all that many people! And both of whom were originally skeptical of the iPad's value.

    Just talked to my brother last night and he mentioned he was waiting for the "new" iPad to come out before he got one. My brother has never been aware of Mac product cycles. His family has just converted over to the Mac side in the last 4 years and it has never occurred to him that he has been buying MacBooks and iPod Touches just weeks before updates.

    This tells me that there is a lot of buzz, even within non-techy circles...
  • Reply 20 of 74
    They should do a 7" iPad though

    - I think they will once they see how cool all the other 7" devices are....!
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