Verizon rumored to launch LTE 4G capable Apple iPhone after Christmas



  • Reply 21 of 94
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Maybe the executives did see the phone in the training session, but it was all a test to see if the execs could keep their mouths shut (as a prerequisite for the 100% responsibility thing).

    LOl which they failed
  • Reply 22 of 94
    Originally Posted by benny-boy View Post

    This would be very un-apple to do this, ie make a first generation product totally feature-complete.

    Yes, very unusual for them to, in this case, tie their most important product to the highest-speed (presumably) next-gen network. It's not so much 'what do we do for an encore', but because these new networks usually come at a cost - reliability, battery life, etc. Apple prizes the reliability and usability of their products over speed specs.
  • Reply 23 of 94
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Adding Verizon is important and it *will* happen in 2011. No doubt.

    I disagree on both counts. In particular your contention that it will happen this year. There is proof from old lawsuits that the ATT deal is until 2012 and no one has provided evidence that an out exists or that Apple is taking it.


    The other thing to note is that Apple needs to go multi carrier In China with that CDMA variant but there's not enough stock to go around as it is in China.

    hate to break it to you, but the iphone in China is GSM like everywhere else. A simple google would have told you this.
  • Reply 24 of 94
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Note very likely. Why would verizon start selling on the 26th-31st? Jan1 is a much more likely date, sort of ring in the new year with a new phone type of ad campaign. But even that is not likely, I would put my money on feb - march timeframe. I don't think this is going to be iPhone 5, more like iPhone 4 V (for verizon). I think the hardware will be the same, just a different antenna.
  • Reply 25 of 94
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by benny-boy View Post

    This would be very un-apple to do this, ie make a first generation product totally feature-complete.

    We are talking computers here they are never feature complete.


    I mean, what are they going to sell the early adopters next year?

    Don't be dense early adopters buy whatever Apple throws on the shelf.


    There is a reason why, for instance, the iPad has less RAM than the iPhone 4 released only weeks later, and why it has no cameras. They will get it on the next go-around and make more money in the process.

    Obviously you have never attempted to bring a brand new product to market. The hardware for the first rev of the iPad likely was in the labs for a long time before it went on sale. IPhone on the other hand is a mature device with quick development cycles.


    The Verizon iPhonefinally makes good on a disappointment from the original 2007 launch: the network. Personally, it's the reason I don't have an iPhone and CDMA is already a dream for most of us.

    Move outside of Americas slums and you will find that AT&T is just as good as Verizon.


    Why drive up the manufacturing costs, risk wading into unprecedented technology on the world stage, etc and cannibalize future sales in the process?

    Again you don't understand business. For one thing being an exclusive launch partner for new tech is huge for Apple in fact if this is true it is like winning the lottery. It is something that any company would want.


    CDMA is the profit-maximizing first step, and 4G will come later. If not January 2012, then perhaps this spring.

    I don't know if the rumor is true, but I do know you don't understand business in general nor Apple specifically. Going CDMA only would be a big blunder.
  • Reply 26 of 94
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I disagree on both counts. In particular your contention that it will happen this year. There is proof from old lawsuits that the ATT deal is until 2012 and no one has provided evidence that an out exists or that Apple is taking it.

    hate to break it to you, but the iphone in China is GSM like everywhere else. A simple google would have told you this.

    China Telecom has 43 million CDMA customers. More than likely the CDMA iPhones builds that have been leaked are probably slated for China.

    As far as the 5 year contract. For some reason analysts/media have forgotten that little fact. I guess the big question mark is whether the contract length changed when revenue sharing stopped. There had to be some concessions on AT&T's part.
  • Reply 27 of 94
    jon tjon t Posts: 131member
    It's just possible whoever was given this information internally and then leaked it - lost his job today?

    And please, go away about all the Android success, it certainly isn't in the markets that matter..

    As you can see Android at Verizon is dropping since August...
  • Reply 28 of 94
    4G sounds nice, but do most of us need it? No. So I'm worried they would set the data plans at higher prices for everyone regardless if they want or can even use 4G, like the evo. These plans are getting so expensive with no sign of ever going down. I love the iPhone but if they raise the monthly price any further next gen, I would drop it in a second in favor of a dumbphone and a ipod touch on the side.
  • Reply 29 of 94
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't know whether this is true or not, but it makes holding the stock difficult. If it's true, the price will go up at least another five points, and possibly ten. If it's shown to be untrue, it will drop as much as ten. That's a big differential.

    Melgross, if you firmly believe this, you can always invest in options with a strategy that makes money if it goes up or down (but loses money if it stays in the same place).
  • Reply 30 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I disagree on both counts. In particular your contention that it will happen this year. There is proof from old lawsuits that the ATT deal is until 2012 and no one has provided evidence that an out exists or that Apple is taking it.

    hate to break it to you, but the iphone in China is GSM like everywhere else. A simple google would have told you this.

    Actually, evidence shows the end of 2010. What you't referring to is old info. It's been rejected ny almost everyone. Besides, contracts have clauses that allow for a change in conditions. Poor network performance could easily be one.
  • Reply 31 of 94
    If this is true...I just American Pie-d into a cake.
  • Reply 32 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by Retrogusto View Post

    Melgross, if you firmly believe this, you can always invest in options with a strategy that makes money if it goes up or down (but loses money if it stays in the same place).

    Options aren't as simple as you think they are. I've been investing since I was a kid in 1963, and I think I've got it figured out.
  • Reply 33 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    By the way, here is a really good analysis of why Verizon seems so eager now, and from their statements lately, we see that they are eager. Assuming the numbers are close, Verizon has problems. We can see how, other than for RIMM's big problems, the various Android manufacturers are feeding off one another. It's amazing that Palm did so well for a few months. You would think Verizon would have promoted them more because of it.
  • Reply 34 of 94
    BINGO. Thanks for saving me the typing. Those are all points I was going to make. NOTHING about how this "happened" is in any way how Apple controls things. Add to that fact that Apple doesn't want to be FIRST, just best? Screams to me false.
  • Reply 35 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't know whether this is true or not, but it makes holding the stock difficult. If it's true, the price will go up at least another five points, and possibly ten. If it's shown to be untrue, it will drop as much as ten. That's a big differential.

    Ten points is nothing at its current price of $325. I would be surprised to see a 5% change just in an official announcement from Apple. Apple's longterm growth and performance, even without a CDMA-based iPhone is enough for me to maintain my shares.
  • Reply 36 of 94
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Options aren't as simple as you think they are. I've been investing since I was a kid in 1963, and I think I've got it figured out.

    I don't think they're simple either, and I design trading systems for a living, but if you have firm convictions about the stock moving within a given timeframe, they're a lot more lucrative than equities.
  • Reply 37 of 94
    You do realize that is for mobile hotspots/laptop cards, right? They have yet to announce any pricing for handsets.

    There are always higher prices/lower limits on mobile hotspots/laptop cards. This is because a laptop will pull down much more data than a phone.
  • Reply 38 of 94
    Just get the darn CDMA radio and make sure that I can bring it over to Sprint. Puh-leaze!
  • Reply 39 of 94
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Move outside of Americas slums and you will find that AT&T is just as good as Verizon.

    So everything outside of Chicago, New York and San Fran (for humor I'm listing 3... if we want to be accurate it's still a very small number) is a slum?

    AT&T is lacking even in Chicago ... you can be tossed to the edge network simply by driving a few blocks away from where you are. Head out to the 'slums' (filled with million doller homes) and 3G is a myth.
  • Reply 40 of 94
    This is definitely true.

    The first sentence in the article says "a new report..." Not a new rumour

    It's a done deal.
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