Obama calls Steve Jobs' success a prime example of American wealth



  • Reply 21 of 136
    Originally Posted by xSamplex View Post

    Goodie for Jobs. When you can convince every customer to pay an extra couple hundred bucks for your commodity product, I guess you get rich. Unfortunately, the world can't sustain a world of capitalist Svengalis

    If it weren't for 'capitalist Svengalis' you (and your ilk) wouldn't be posting here. More likely, y'all will be goose-stepping in some Godforsaken place like N. Korea!
  • Reply 22 of 136
    dbtincdbtinc Posts: 134member
    well isn't that sweet - that's why these miserable democrat politicians inflame class war by trying to pass tax increases on those with less representation? What a joke. Everyone should pay federal tax - if you don't contribute why should you care how the government spends other people's money. Charlie Rangle was right when he said bring the military draft back - that way you'll get people on the streets to protest unfair or bad practices. Worked in 1775, will work again!
  • Reply 23 of 136
    Originally Posted by Habañero View Post

    I can't find the link, but NPR recently reported a study looking at how wrong the notion of "technological innovation will get our economy going again" is: the iPhone was found to have added something like $2 billion to the US trade deficit since it's manufactured in China.

    EDIT: found Wall Street Journal article here

    I think you need to re-read the article. The point was not that technological innovation will not help our economy, the point is the current method for calculating trade deficits is simplistic to the point of being flawed. In the iphone example, China as the last exporter (the final assembly step) gets "credit" for the entire cost of the iphone when China's assembly contribution is actually a small fraction of the cost.
  • Reply 24 of 136
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    If it weren't for 'capitalist Svengalis' you (and your ilk) wouldn't be posting here. More likely, y'all will be goose-stepping in some Godforsaken place like N. Korea!

    I hope you aren't implying that because of capitalism we have freedom and democracy. Because that would be very stupid of you.
  • Reply 25 of 136
    Originally Posted by Yours Smugly View Post

    I hope you aren't implying that because of capitalism we have freedom and democracy. Because that would be very stupid of you.

    May I suggest you read F.A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Then you may reevaluate your notions of capitalism and socialism.
  • Reply 26 of 136
    Originally Posted by toddd240 View Post

    Maybe Obama forgot that Apple products are assembled using outsourced manufacturing jobs. The unions might not be too happy about that.

    I'm so tired of hearing comments like this.

    So what that things are assembled in other countries? If it was as cheap to do it in the USA they would, that much is obvious. It isn't ever going to be the case (at least anytime soon), that the wages of North Americans in the manufacturing sector are going to be competitive with Asia.

    There is no use bitching about something that's systemic. Those jobs are gone, and won't be coming back unless the USA has a complete economic collapse. Is that what you really want?

    The only way those jobs will ever leave the Asian economies, is when the Asian middle class expands to the same degree as the US and European economies. Even then, all that will happen is they will move to the *next* poor economy, not back to the USA or Europe. It's possible that today's "made in China" for example, might become tomorrows "made in Africa."
  • Reply 27 of 136
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    a thriving, booming middle class

    Maybe B.O. is forgetting that the top 1% of wealth comes from somewhere - like the lower and niddle class grunts. I wouldn't advocate a communist-type society either, but the rich-poor gap is increasing, and Obama's middle class are the losers, not the gainers, here.

    And, as someone else mentioned, Apple's manufacturing jobs are in China, not the U.S... which is fine if your viewpoint is global, not so good if national. This will only get fixed when the U.S. realizes it's minimum wage needs to be dropped to $3.00 - and the next revolution begins as the country's economy stabilizes at its _real_ level.

    What an ignorant, suck-up comment by Obama.
  • Reply 28 of 136
    Originally Posted by Yours Smugly View Post

    I hope you aren't implying that because of capitalism we have freedom and democracy. Because that would be very stupid of you.

    Hey Smugly, name one non-capitalist system that is a democracy (I am, of course, assuming you are knowledgable regarding a working definition of the term).

    As an aside, Northern Europe is not non-capitalist, just in case.....
  • Reply 29 of 136
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I'm so tired of hearing comments like this.

    So what that things are assembled in other countries? If it was as cheap to do it in the USA they would, that much is obvious. It isn't ever going to be the case (at least anytime soon), that the wages of North Americans in the manufacturing sector are going to be competitive with Asia.

    There is no use bitching about something that's systemic. Those jobs are gone, and won't be coming back unless the USA has a complete economic collapse. Is that what you really want?

    The only way those jobs will ever leave the Asian economies, is when the Asian middle class expands to the same degree as the US and European economies. Even then, all that will happen is they will move to the *next* poor economy, not back to the USA or Europe. It's possible that today's "made in China" for example, might become tomorrows "made in Africa."

    Thank you for that eminently sensible set of thoughts.
  • Reply 30 of 136
    Originally Posted by kwatson View Post

    This will only get fixed when the U.S. realizes it's minimum wage needs to be dropped to $3.00 - and the next revolution begins as the country's economy stabilizes at its _real_ level.

    What is the 'real' level?
  • Reply 31 of 136
    Obama will be criticized regardless of what he does. Some criticisms will be well-reasoned, others will simply be fear-mongering.

    As for the issue of manufacturing outside the United States - well, as soon as we stop basing our product purchasing decisions solely on cost, we'll be able to talk about bringing jobs back here. As long as we, as a society, allow price sensitivity to dominate our purchasing decisions, we have made the decision that low cost labor is more important than having manufacturing facilities here in the US.

    We need to look within before we blast the likes of Apple for our woes.

    What Jobs has done is impressive. And what is most impressive is that he is not afraid to make a decision. He is not afraid to learn from his mistakes. This is something executives in other industries could learn from.
  • Reply 31 of 136
    Obama doesn't care as much about Steve Jobs' success as he does about getting a bigger slice of his wealth in higher taxes. Like so many liberals and progressives, they feel the government deserves more from them because they can "afford" it. I wish this article had not been posted. Every time I hear Obama praise capitalism I wait for the other shoe to drop.
  • Reply 33 of 136
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I'm so tired of hearing comments like this.

    So what that things are assembled in other countries? If it was as cheap to do it in the USA they would, that much is obvious. It isn't ever going to be the case (at least anytime soon), that the wages of North Americans in the manufacturing sector are going to be competitive with Asia.

    There is no use bitching about something that's systemic. Those jobs are gone, and won't be coming back unless the USA has a complete economic collapse. Is that what you really want?

    The only way those jobs will ever leave the Asian economies, is when the Asian middle class expands to the same degree as the US and European economies. Even then, all that will happen is they will move to the *next* poor economy, not back to the USA or Europe. It's possible that today's "made in China" for example, might become tomorrows "made in Africa."

    That is true, I got some quotes for manufacturing accessories in the U.S. and their prices came higher than my competition's RETAIL price!!
  • Reply 34 of 136
    iliveriliver Posts: 299member
    Kiss of doom from our chain-smoking, Blackberry loving socialist prez.

    He's also kissing up to the tea-baggers who are salivating and waiting to carve up his health care plan like a pumpkin.
  • Reply 35 of 136
    What an awful and depressing thing to say. Monetary wealth should not be a person's lifetime goal.
  • Reply 36 of 136
    iliveriliver Posts: 299member
    Originally Posted by Momus View Post

    What an awful and depressing thing to say. Monetary wealth should not be a person's lifetime goal.

    Bill Gates is the prime example of trickle down model: make the wealth then give it away. That should be the real role model.
  • Reply 37 of 136
    ...... you are no Steve Jobs, President Obama
  • Reply 38 of 136
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,520member
    I totally agree with the quoted bits from Obama.

    Income inequality is a big problem in American, but people like Steve Jobs are not part of the problem. The problem comes with trust fund kids who inherit everything and produce nothing and it comes with wall street con artists who just push money around and create nothing. Steve Jobs has actually created tremendous value for society. He deserves his wealth.
  • Reply 39 of 136
    Originally Posted by iLiver View Post

    Bill Gates is the prime example of trickle down model: make the wealth then give it away. That should be the real role model.

    He wouldn't have made so much to have to let it trickle down if the system weren't a crooked piece of shit.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hey Smugly, name one non-capitalist system that is a democracy (I am, of course, assuming you are knowledgable regarding a working definition of the term).

    As an aside, Northern Europe is not non-capitalist, just in case.....

    I have a rock that keeps tigers away. I've never been attacked by any tigers so far so it must be working.
  • Reply 40 of 136
    Originally Posted by nicolbolas View Post

    read closely... he likes Steve Jobs..... lol....

    Then maybe Steve Jobs is doomed? How is Steve's health?

    Originally Posted by nicolbolas View Post

    mayb i am misreading, but i didn't see Obama liking Apple ever mentioned

    He doesn't! Remember the speech he gave at Hampton University commencement where he said he doesn't know much about technology like the iPod or iPad and being the anthesis anti-Obamanite out there, I smirked, "that's not the only thing he doesn't know much about" anyway here is the story...

    But of course he couldn't live without his BlackBerry! But how would that look to the American voter he tries to beguile making them think he is for this country, if he were to go to a CANADIAN company to ask for business advice? Although he has done pretty much the same for this country as RIM's CEO done for his company so it would have made better sense since they have things in common to talk about.

    Originally Posted by nicolbolas View Post

    what Steve has should pretty much be the cap for modern executives... i mean he has launched ipad and iphone/itouch and worked a lot on making them..... probably more than most executives do..... like a few 100% times more

    No, I believe your thinking of Obama's twin Amabo, or Obama spelled backwards, because this one, who always looks backwards and has a regressive backward political philosophical world view, would look at Steve's income and say "You're making WAYYYY too much!". But not to worry folks, Obama is here to take it er, tax it er, relieve the excessive cash from that overpaid er, greedy er, capitalist (pig) entreprenuer - Steve Jobs. Provided the Republicans keep rolling over like they usually do!
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