Briefly: Apple shareholder proposal, VLC app removed, Intel tablets



  • Reply 21 of 120
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Nothing against the Labor and CalPERS but I'll be voting down both of their proposals in the proxy vote.

    Same here.

    While I understand the concern over succession-planning given Jobs health history, it seems almost mind-boggling that some think there is no plan. Public plans do not always have the best outcomes - I remember when there were 3 possible candidates for American Express working cohesively together to keep the company at the top. Once the succession plan was publicly announced, two left and there was turmoil and turf battles amongst those jockeying for positions.
  • Reply 22 of 120
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    I didn't say I think they would, I said they need to if they don't want to cut themselves off from GPL software. I'm sure they don't want to cut themselves off from GPL software, but I'm not sure what compromises wouldn't be required at Apple's end, maybe they'd be minor, maybe major. If major then obviously it depends where their priorities lie, but I hope they manage to open a dialogue with GNU and figure out how they can make it work.

    Apple seem to be evolving the app stores iteratively and opening them up piecemeal, so I think it's entirely possible that they could do this.

    Now there's a fight worth paying for - Apple v Stallman and his GPL/FSF cronies.
  • Reply 23 of 120
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    You think a free app like VLC is somehow going to convince Apple to change their licensing structure and deal with GPLv3. You're dreaming.

    In a year from now not one piece of Apple software will be built with GCC. It will all be LLVM/Clang and libc++ will eventually supersede libstdc++.

    You lost me there. Is the transition from GCC to LLVM/Clang something to do with GPLv3?
  • Reply 24 of 120
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    I'm sure Oracle will be very thankful to this Remy bloke for giving them a nice example to use as ammunition their case against Google abusing the license of Java with their implementation of Dalvik in Android.

    btw I already have VLC on my iPhone and I expect the developer to continue supporting any issues I have under the agreement I entered into at the time I downloaded the software.
  • Reply 25 of 120
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... In October, Intel CEO Paul Otellini admitted that the chipmaker is coming from behind in the mobile race, but called the race a "marathon" that Intel will eventually win. ...

    Reminds me of a quote by Vince Lombardi: "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time."
  • Reply 26 of 120
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    What is this guy Rémi Denis-Courmon up to, he was the one who pointed out the discrepancy and if he did not VLC will still be in the apps store.

    So he is the one kicking the other vlc developers.

    Pity? or one with a paid agenda by ..... your guess is as good as mine.
  • Reply 27 of 120
    From the first paragraph of the article:

    Quote:, while the VLC media player iOS app has reportedly been removed from the App Store over a licensing disagreement.

    He sounds like a child saying "I'm taking ball and going home."
  • Reply 28 of 120
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by AdamC View Post

    What is this guy Rémi Denis-Courmon up to, he was the one who pointed out the discrepancy and if he did not VLC will still be in the apps store.

    So he is the one kicking the other vlc developers.

    Pity? or one with a paid agenda by ..... your guess is as good as mine.

    He's simply an ideologue aligned with GNU/FSF.

    As I said above, Apple v Stallman and his cronies would be a fight worth paying for.
  • Reply 29 of 120
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    Not going to make a difference - this is an idealogical battle.

    I really like the idea of open source but these guys that are all wrapped up in the GPL are idiots. In the end what they support is not freedom at all. Rather it is a petty club that requires strict adhesion to the religion of the GPL.
  • Reply 30 of 120
    LOL: "Intel will eventually win".
  • Reply 31 of 120
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    You lost me there. Is the transition from GCC to LLVM/Clang something to do with GPLv3?

    If you notice the GCC Apple uses is rather old. It is my understanding that Apple like many organizations has rejected GPL version 3. LLVM & company predate GPL 3 though. I would have to say GPL 3 gave Apple a little push.
  • Reply 32 of 120
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    Not going to make a difference - this is an idealogical battle.

    Well it's probably on cydia anyway. I haven't jailbroken my iPod, so I'm so grateful for it being there in the first place.
  • Reply 33 of 120
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I really like the idea of open source but these guys that are all wrapped up in the GPL are idiots. In the end what they support is not freedom at all. Rather it is a petty club that requires strict adhesion to the religion of the GPL.

    Free choice but no choices.
  • Reply 34 of 120
    In the long run I believe GPL will lose by not having any major & relevant projects covered in the future. Restrictive nature of GPL v3 will push many projects to other (“sane” as someone put it) open source licences which won’t restrict further code development and reuse in commercial world.

    VLC lost already, more so on a Mac. On iOS there are better alternatives, more compatible with media formats and less buggy, though they cost money. On desktop I believe people are still using it only because they haven’t yet tried things like XBMC etc.
  • Reply 35 of 120
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    The Mac version, that is. The iOS version sucks, hard.
  • Reply 36 of 120
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    btw I already have VLC on my iPhone and I expect the developer to continue supporting any issues I have under the agreement I entered into at the time I downloaded the software.

    Have fun with that, Apple cancelled that agreement for you.
  • Reply 37 of 120
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Stopped using VLC ages ago. Perian allows any QT based app to play/convert all legacy formats. Much smarter approach and brings in media to my iOS devices. The only thing the OSX version of VLC is good for is handbrake.

  • Reply 38 of 120
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The only reason I have VLC installed is CineXPlayer wouldn't play Willy Wonka for me.
  • Reply 39 of 120
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I believe that jackass's name is actually Rémi Denis-Courmont.
  • Reply 40 of 120
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    I'm not an Apple shareholder... but if I was the idea of Jobs stepping down would make my heart skip a couple of beats.

    I wonder if the plan set out by the board of directors in the event of something happening to Jobs is just to go all Weekend at Bernie's on his ass...?

    It would probably have less of an effect on the share price than admitting there was a problem!
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