Apple's iPhone 4 coming to Verizon on Feb. 10 for $199



  • Reply 161 of 254
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    If by imminent you mean like almost a half of year away, I guess that is imminent. That is a life time in technology years. Further, Apple's policy is clear. If it comes up with something new within ten days you are covered.

    Further, old users will benefit from the software update. The only changes are likely going to be hardware specs (e.g. better processor, bigger storage, better camera).

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    It is a bit confusing though, or potentially so.

    All the stupids will buy the new Verizon iPhone without thinking of the relatively imminent release of iPhone 5. Perhaps Verizon has already worked out a deal with Apple where they will offer a great deal on an upgrade when that happens.

    I'm also a bit surprised they didn't name it something else, like "iPhone 4v" or something. It seems odd to have two products with the same name that aren't actually the same thing and don't even operate if you buy the wrong one for your network.

  • Reply 162 of 254
    Originally Posted by Mynameisjoe View Post

    That doesn't mean anything. If you asked Tim Cook if Apple was planning on releasing a hoverboard you'd probably would get the same response.

    That's.. the point I'm making.

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    The reason VZ has been claiming they will not have network issue is the simple fact, No talk and data at the same time. Of course they will not have issue since you will be automatically limited on how much bandwidth any one person can consume.

    How many people use this? Do you regularly put your phone on speaker so you can surf while talking? Come on.


    The typical VZ customer will blame Apple for the poor experience people will have with the iphone on VZ network.

    It's funny how you think you can know this.
  • Reply 163 of 254
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    They were, I imagine, speaking of the AT&T WiFi hotspots. Not WiFi networks in general.

    Steve Jobs being absent tells of no such thing.

    I would wager Steve Jobs is (rightly) expecting this to be hugely successful.

    The markets adjusted for this announcement, which was exactly what the markets expected, before the event. That it didn't shoot up after this event is not indicative of what the market thinks. That it kept the gains it built up prior to this event is.

    You lack any understand of Steve Job. He has made all annoucement as they relate to Apple, only time he did not make them is when he was sick, well he is not sick so allowing someone else taking the limelight says Steve does not see this as any value to Apple.

    If you saw what happen today, the markets ran up this morning and tanked after the market digressed the announcement, so Apple is down in an up market not normal for Apple.

    Honestly, If Steve thought this was strategic move and valuable move the announce would have occurred in CA and Steve would have made the announce and explained why this was important to apple and then introduced VZ's CEO and let him explain the value to VZ customers, that did not happen.

    All this tells me is Apple is not standing solidly behind this at this time at least. It like when Motorola announce the ROKR with Itunes, Steve was no where near that announcement and it failed. There are others things like this and when Steve distance himself, it means he not supporting it.
  • Reply 164 of 254
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    You lack any understand of Steve Job. He has made all annoucement as they relate to Apple, only time he did not make them is when he was sick, well he is not sick so allowing someone else taking the limelight says Steve does not see this as any value to Apple.

    If you saw what happen today, the markets ran up this morning and tanked after the market digressed the announcement, so Apple is down in an up market not normal for Apple.

    Honestly, If Steve thought this was strategic move and valuable move the announce would have occurred in CA and Steve would have made the announce and explained why this was important to apple and then introduced VZ's CEO and let him explain the value to VZ customers, that did not happen.

    All this tells me is Apple is not standing solidly behind this at this time at least. It like when Motorola announce the ROKR with Itunes, Steve was no where near that announcement and it failed. There are others things like this and when Steve distance himself, it means he not supporting it.

    Oh shit! That means that every other carrier in the world needs to watch their backs! Steve doesn't support them and that means they will fail!!!

    You know every other carrier brought the iPhone on board without a Steve-note, right? This is a Verizon annoucement because it is a Verizon event. The iPhone 4 isn't new. Today's phone is just an iPhone 4 (albeit with CDMA), so what exactly to you believe Jobs would have announced? It isn't a major issue for Apple, from a product line up. It is HUGE for them in terms of market, that why Cook even bothered to show up.

    People read funny things into anything, sometimes.
  • Reply 165 of 254
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    It does that by caching. If the phone call is long enough you'll reach the end of saved data.

    If the phone call is long enough and you don't know where you are going, you'll be lost anyway.....
  • Reply 166 of 254
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    How many people use this? Do you regularly put your phone on speaker so you can surf while talking? Come on.

    It's funny how you think you can know this.

    Actually, I see many people do this, my wife does it all the time, she will be talking to someone an pull up a web app or Safari and look something online while talking to them. I have An Droid phone on a GSM network and I do the same thing from time to time, especially work related discussion.

    This is actually the number one reason I like this phones, when I traveling or even sitting at home and get a call about work I do not have to start up my laptop open email or a web page while talking to someone, I just open them on the phone can deal with it immediately.

    As someone already said he, you will not know how much you miss it when it does not work. I know since from time to time I been in the wilderness had phone service no data and could not stand I could not talk to someone and check my email.

    Yes I do believe VZ customer will blame Apple, because if you ever go into a VZ store and listen to their support and sales people they always blame the phones even if it not the phones problem. I hear them bad mouth the phones all the time, and I been in there with family members listen them make stuff up and when challenge on by me since I am an engineer and know how this stuff works the keep trying to convince me that the phone is the issue and they will go in the back room and update the firmware to fix the problem.... Like to see them pull this with Apple.
  • Reply 167 of 254
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Verizon iPhone users can't be on the phone and use data at the same time (like talking and surfing the web).

    This is a GIANT FAIL.
  • Reply 168 of 254
    scheeeesh, but Apple can't avail the iPhone to T-Mobile ~

    which runs on the same type of network as AT&T

    incredibly disappointing... \
  • Reply 169 of 254
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Why not make it one device? I'm just confused at giving CDMA users four months to buy a phone that will be outdated in July.

    So... If they buy this phone ... It will quit working in July ???

    Do you really think 99% of the people even CARE about the upgrade cycle? They can buy the phone on day one and easily expect to get 3-4 years of use out of it, regardless of when the next great thing is or isn't released.
  • Reply 170 of 254
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Oh shit! That means that every other carrier in the world needs to watch their backs! Steve doesn't support them and that means they will fail!!!

    You know every other carrier brought the iPhone on board without a Steve-note, right? This is a Verizon annoucement because it is a Verizon event. The iPhone 4 isn't new. Today's phone is just an iPhone 4 (albeit with CDMA), so what exactly to you believe Jobs would have announced? It isn't a major issue for Apple, from a product line up. It is HUGE for them in terms of market, that why Cook even bothered to show up.

    People read funny things into anything, sometimes.

    Actaully, if you go back in time you will see that Apple and Steve made the announcement at one of their event they added more countries and carriers especially the important ones. Only when the list got long in the tooth did it come out in a press release. VZ is largest carrier in the world do you think this is of strategic importance, if not why is Steve hosting a Media event with Rupert Murdock next week to announce a deal with the largest publisher in the world, that a strategic event.

    If this was as important to Steve as it was to VZ he would have been there just like he is doing next week. But as you can see Murdock and his deal is far more important to Apple's business than VZ getting a substandard iphone.
  • Reply 171 of 254
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    How many people use this? Do you regularly put your phone on speaker so you can surf while talking? Come on.

    Many do... Though we often use a headset rather than speakerphone... But both methods work.

    Not just surfing... While talking on the phone, perhaps you need to reference an email or site that is relevant to the conversation... Look up a schedule or location to arrange a meet... Or just surf because the conversation you're having is inane. (Like reading a post by Tallest Skil )
  • Reply 172 of 254
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of posters here just WANT to have an enemy to attack. It's it's not Microsoft or Google, it's gotta be Verizon.

    I'm just glad that Americans now have a choice of what carrier to go to, and they can weigh the pros/cons of going with either carrier.

    Apple obviously isn't getting into a hissy fit over Verizon carrying the iPhone, so why are people in here getting all butthurt over the move? If it makes financial sense for Apple, and customers are winning out in the end, what is there to argue about?
  • Reply 173 of 254
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    If you saw what happen today, the markets ran up this morning and tanked after the market digressed the announcement, so Apple is down in an up market not normal for Apple.

    No, this happens after every single Apple product launch ever. Buy on rumors, sell on news. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

    Originally Posted by AppleMacFan View Post

    scheeeesh, but Apple can't avail the iPhone to T-Mobile ~

    which runs on the same type of network as AT&T

    incredibly disappointing... \

    It already works on T-Mobile.
  • Reply 175 of 254
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    About damn time Apple? So they should have just broken their contract with AT&T and damn the consequences?

    Apparently that's exactly what they did, considering the exclusivity agreement with AT&T was for 5 years beginning in 2007.
  • Reply 176 of 254
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Actaully, if you go back in time you will see that Apple and Steve made the announcement at one of their event they added more countries and carriers especially the important ones. Only when the list got long in the tooth did it come out in a press release. VZ is largest carrier in the world do you think this is of strategic importance, if not why is Steve hosting a Media event with Rupert Murdock next week to announce a deal with the largest publisher in the world, that a strategic event.

    If this was as important to Steve as it was to VZ he would have been there just like he is doing next week. But as you can see Murdock and his deal is far more important to Apple's business than VZ getting a substandard iphone.

    They aren't the biggest in the world. They are the biggest in the US. It is just another carrier, so Steve isn't there. Not sure how you then make the leap to believe it has no importance to Jobs.

    The Media event with Murdock is likely for a whole new category, likely subscriptions in the iBook store. As in new category. iPhone 4 on CDMA is not a new phone.
  • Reply 177 of 254
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    How many people use this? Do you regularly put your phone on speaker so you can surf while talking? Come on.

    Another point, why have mobile hotspot to hook up your laptop to the wifi connect only to have it go dead while you talk, and oh BTW it kills those 5 other connected devices at the same time as well.

    You may be right that VZ customer may not care, since most power users and people who have used these kinds of features tend to be on other networks. Most VZ customers I encounter are the "ordinary joe" who mostly talk on their phones, and maybe texts but rarely do a phone call and have the phone hooked to a internet device like a smart phone or computer.

    This is also why VZ will not allow computer tethering to the phone, they want you to buy and pay $70 a month for a WLAN card for your computer so you can talk on the phone and use data on the WLAN card. So they can charge you twice for data.
  • Reply 178 of 254
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Apparently that's exactly what they did, considering the exclusivity agreement with AT&T was for 5 years beginning in 2007.

    We have no knowledge of what the agreement is. We don?t even know if the AT&T contract is completed. All we know any part of the contract that disallowed additional US carriers will have been completed by February 10th. That?s it! Nothing else can be stated with any certainty. For all we know AT&T could still have an exclusivity for new iPhones by x-months for x-years giving Verizon the new models mid-cycle like their iPhone 4 release. These agreements are usually very complex.
  • Reply 179 of 254
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    How many people use this? Do you regularly put your phone on speaker so you can surf while talking? Come on.

    It was important enough for Apple to highlight the feature in their own TV commericals. Along with copy and paste. I mean, who really cares about that? Obviously, those features were implemented for the sole reason of shutting up whiners and complainers. Also, nobody cares about third party applications on iPhone. Web apps are really SWEET.
  • Reply 180 of 254
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    They aren't the biggest in the world. They are the biggest in the US. It is just another carrier, so Steve isn't there. Not sure how you then make the leap to believe it has no importance to Jobs.

    The Media event with Murdock is likely for a whole new category, likely subscriptions in the iBook store. As in new category. iPhone 4 on CDMA is not a new phone.

    To use your logic, subscription and print media is not new with apple, that announce has already been made, it just another print media that could be added.

    You could be right on a new category, knowing Murdocks background there could be another category coming out of next weeks announcement. But again this backs my statement VZ is not strategic and Cook said it, the only purpose was to get a phone in VZ hands now verse waiting. VZ need this more than Apple.
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