LG: WP7 falls short as carriers tire of "too much Android"



  • Reply 41 of 90


    Originally Posted by Firefly7475

    I'm actually a prime candidate for a WP7 as I fit into the age group, business and social lifestyle that WP7 targets. I was also incredibly impressed with the phone and have no doubt that Microsoft have created a class leading mobile paradigm and the best base for a mobile phone on the market (bar none).

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What does this mean?

    I second this question. Sounds like "yuppie-MBA-speak" that no one outside Marketing would understand.

    I had no idea that there even was a social lifestyle that would be associated with WP7. Pray, explain what this "mobile paradigm" is that seems to have been created for you?
  • Reply 42 of 90
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    ... though he obviously isn't.

    Welcome Back, DaHarder; keep us fanbois honest!
  • Reply 43 of 90
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Mmmmmm... I can imagine had Apple's team not designed the iPhone, LG et al would have come up with something just like it, after all who needs Jonnathan Ives eh?

    Are you being serious? It is a rectangle shape with a screen, that is where the similarity finishes
  • Reply 44 of 90
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    LG should offer to make iPhones for Apple. It must be frustrating for them only making crap phones. They make many other products that are quite good.

    Your gross over generalisation doesn't make you look very good, they actually make some good phones, ones that have very good sales figures as well.
  • Reply 45 of 90
    Originally Posted by kresh View Post

    DED is the only reason I visit AI

    I'll second that!

    Remember, this site isn't called Windows Insider or Android Insider or Linux Insider.
  • Reply 46 of 90
    Originally Posted by KingKuei View Post

    I I feel like so many manufacturers are throwing themselves into the fire without even realizing it.

    I call it the Lemmings syndrom.
  • Reply 47 of 90
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    How is it possible that Apple got the front facing camera right? What is there exactly to get right? It's a CAMERA. It doesn't to anything else that the others didn't. Except for a glorified name.

    I tell you, the fanboys on this website...

    You can see martin on chat or lat
  • Reply 48 of 90
    Originally Posted by MicroNix View Post

    Not that I'd expect much more from people posting at "Apple Insider" but this kind of thinking is what always turned me off from Apple. There's so much arrogance that the iPhone is this perfect phone that nobody, not even God himself, could do better.

    Truth is there is a lot more to do and others are starting to beat Apple to the punch. Apple was not the first with a front facing camera...they followed. Other phones on other carriers do not drop calls...the iPhone does (and please don't argue otherwise because you know it does). iOS still has a lot to be desired on its notification system. Apple doesn't support the real time multitasking things like widgets. This one usually sparks an immediate "it doesn't need them" but Android's implementation of it certainly makes iOS look like yesterday's tech. Today iOS is nothing more than an application launcher. Very limited multitasking, etc.

    Now I'm not saying iOS is a bad OS. But I do think there will always be room for improvement and the competition is showing how that can be done (finally!!) which is good for all.

    The argument of too many Android phones is not valid either. Are there too many variations of PCs? Does having too many models to choose from at best buy confuse the public? No.

    Choice is good. Competition is good. I only wish Apple fans would be able to see that.

    You have many valid points and I do agree with some of them. I too wish that the iPhone had an active home screen, better notification system, widgets, etc... And I am sure that we will see these sort of things in the iPhone (without jailbreaking) as soon as the software is reliable and doesn't eat battery life. There is a trade off for such things and mobile phone companies like Samsung or LG, which are trying to compete against the iPhone, simply don't care if the customer loses an hour of battery life, just so long as they can lay claim to having X, Y or Z hardware/software on their phone that the iPhone, or even other Android-based phones, lack.

    And what did you think you would find inside Apple Insider? Guys posting about how great every non-Apple product is? It's an Apple board... For Apple users and fans. I come on here expected Apple fans, fanboys, fanbois, sheeple or whatever the hell the popular word is by Apple Haters these days.
  • Reply 49 of 90
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Who is 'they'? And how do you conclude 'they' want offer 'genuine choice' rather than being clueless, randomly throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks?

    I think it's the latter.

    They is carriers (alleged by LG to be unhappy at pushing too many, too similar android devices).

    Even the simplest of strategies that you outline and accuse of them of adopting i.e. throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks, cannot be pursued if you only have lots of essentially the same stuff to splatter your wall with.
  • Reply 50 of 90
    I read here ...LG is committing to developing 50 new Windows Mobile phones by the end of 2012...

    That's 2 models/month they need to build while being already tired of Windows 7.

    This will seriously drain LG's resources for migrating to something non-Windows.

    Once they start migrating, though, we may actually see 3-4 LG phone models/month !

    Which brings me to my main point: Why so many models?

    Apple only needs 1(exceptionally, 1.5) models/year to deliver.

    After all it is the apps and the OS that determine most of the functionality of the hardware. And apps/OS are updatable, no need for separate models.

    LG may end up having difficulties surviving facing the competition of (a) company/ies that use their resources in a vastly more efficient manner.

    Talking about complicated: LG phones are already confusing, even before purchase.
  • Reply 51 of 90
    Originally Posted by Ecphorizer View Post

    I second this question. Sounds like "yuppie-MBA-speak" that no one outside Marketing would understand.

    Did you seriously just try to denigrate my character by calling me a yuppie... on an Apple forum?

    I know the times are changing and all but that shit is crazy! I seriously don't know what to expect anymore!!!

  • Reply 52 of 90
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That?s the difference between you and other mypoic people like you. You think adding the HW and some lose definition software to tie into that HW is all that?s needed. You never take into account usability, and by extension the enjoyment in using that feature.

    Exactly. Not exactly a hard to grasp concept, I thought.
  • Reply 53 of 90
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    Did you seriously just try to denigrate my character by calling me a yuppie...

    I believe the reference to "yuppie-MBA-speak" was intended to mean "bullshit" which seems an accurate characterization of what you wrote.
  • Reply 54 of 90
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I believe the reference to "yuppie-MBA-speak" was intended to mean "bullshit" which seems an accurate characterization of what you wrote.

  • Reply 55 of 90
    roos24roos24 Posts: 170member
    Originally Posted by VanFruniken View Post

    ...Which brings me to my main point: Why so many models?...

    Yea, you would think that they should know better. Nokia had (still has) at least 20 models in their program at any given time. But does that make sense? Apple makes a lot more profit from one model that Nokia with an army of phones.
  • Reply 56 of 90
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    Good UI design is about reducing abstract elements in favour of visual elements. I say this because I believe most people find it easier to grasp visual concepts than virtual ones. At the same time when you are trying to present a lot of functionality you need to find good ways to provide access to it without making things feel clutered.

    The device that manages to balance functionality, usability and appealing design is the one that is going to garner the most attention.

    I don't care who got inspired by who, as long as the final product is a pleasure to use.
  • Reply 57 of 90
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    How is it possible that Apple got the front facing camera right? What is there exactly to get right? It's a CAMERA. It doesn't to anything else that the others didn't. Except for a glorified name.

    I tell you, the fanboys on this website...

    Look at the name of the site. Apple Insider. While of course Apple can and should be criticized when they mess up, if your fundamental position isn't pro-Apple, you're on the wrong site.

    It's like going to a Republican website to comment when you're a Democrat.

    If only there were a word for that type of behavior.
  • Reply 58 of 90
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    All I know is that one warrantee experience with LG was too much.
  • Reply 59 of 90
    Originally Posted by JakeBarnes View Post

    Look at the name of the site. Apple Insider. While of course Apple can and should be criticized when they mess up, if your fundamental position isn't pro-Apple, you're on the wrong site.

    It's like going to a Republican website to comment when you're a Democrat.

    If only there were a word for that type of behavior.

    When I'm reading an article for a website no matter what, I expect to be given information and not be brainwashed what and what not to believe like this article is doing. Anyone with a sense of professionalism should know this. Unfortunately there's not many people like that anymore, with this article being a prime example.

    Who said I'm not pro-apple? I'm typing to you on an iMac, I have four iPods and I'll be switching from my droid to an iPhone soon. The problem with some people on this website is that they believe that Apple can do no wrong, and everyone else in the world is trying to imitate them. But if Apple makes something that someone else had before, it's perfect!

    Just enjoy the products you're using, and quit bitching about everybody else. Seriously.
  • Reply 60 of 90
    Originally Posted by HahaHaha321 View Post

    When I'm reading an article for a website no matter what, I expect to be given information and not be brainwashed what and what not to believe like this article is doing. Anyone with a sense of professionalism should know this. Unfortunately there's not many people like that anymore, with this article being a prime example.

    Who said I'm not pro-apple? I'm typing to you on an iMac, I have four iPods and I'll be switching from my droid to an iPhone soon. The problem with some people on this website is that they believe that Apple can do no wrong, and everyone else in the world is trying to imitate them. But if Apple makes something that someone else had before, it's perfect!

    Just enjoy the products you're using, and quit bitching about everybody else. Seriously.

    Bullshit. You're being paid by someone to come here and discredit information detrimental to them. I doubt very much that you own any Apple hardware.
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