Steve Jobs went to Switzerland for cancer treatment in 2009 - report



  • Reply 61 of 79
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    No, that's not how it works. Shareholders are entitled to information which can materially effect their investments. How much of a CEO's medical situation is covered by this right to know is a matter of debate, but to say that public companies have a right to create information black holes is just not correct. One of the reasons these rumors get started is because of the lack of information provided by Apple. They create mysteries and someone is going to try to solve it.

    c'mon, my friend. what else MORE does a shareholder want? he got cancer and almost every sane personal on this planet understands what it is supposed to mean. one more day of life for him is a miracle regardless how much money he has. it is not that no one knew that he got cancer.

    so currently, i really don't know what else jobs' family can share with anyone else. i think he explained his illness well to public 5 years ago and any shareholder should understand the seriousness ahead for him and apple.

    just like any other cancer patients, jobs could go anywhere to find a possible way to extend his life. but do we need to know where exactly and what he was doing in his residual life?
  • Reply 62 of 79
    Originally Posted by anakin1992 View Post

    c'mon, my friend. what else MORE does a shareholder want? he got cancer and almost every sane personal on this planet understands what it is supposed to mean. one more day of life for him is a miracle regardless how much money he has. it is not that no one knew that he got cancer.

    so currently, i really don't know what else jobs' family can share with anyone else. i think he explained his illness well to public 5 years ago and any shareholder should understand the seriousness ahead for him and apple.

    just like any other cancer patients, jobs could go anywhere to find a possible way to extend his life. but do we need to know where exactly and what he was doing in his residual life?

    I'd like to know more about:

    -How he will fulfill his CEO duties when he doesn't come to the office.

    -How long the company will allow itself go without having a person who is vested with all the duties and responsibilities of a CEO.

    That's all, really. Just the stuff that's germane to running a multi-billion dollar public company responsibly.
  • Reply 63 of 79
    Hope he didn't visit the Large Hadron Collider

    Seriously, Get Well Soon Steve.
  • Reply 64 of 79
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post

    Hope he didn't visit the Large Hadron Collider

    Seriously, Get Well Soon Steve.

    Perhaps passing through a micro black hole has curative benefits?
  • Reply 65 of 79
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Any good or bad news about SJ could cause a knee jerk reaction. Also like several others here have stated I am not so sure Cook breeds confidence that Apple can do just fine if something bad were to happen to Jobs.

    I have the utmost confidence in Cook.

    What worries me most is Jonathan Ive. I think he and Jobs have a very special relationship which leads to the creation of exceptional products. I am concerned that, were Jobs not there, that Ive would pack up back to England and open his own design consultancy.
  • Reply 66 of 79
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... Doron Levin, contributing to Fortune on Tuesday, revealed Jobs' unpublicized flight to Switzerland from 2009. The details were shared off the record, by Apple director Jerry York, who died in March of 2010. ...

    An off the record remark from someone who is dead? Sounds unsubstantiated at best or is there a real confirmation that is verifiable posted somewhere?

    Steve, take whatever time you need, our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery are with you.
  • Reply 67 of 79
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I'd like to know more about:

    -How he will fulfill his CEO duties when he doesn't come to the office.

    -How long the company will allow itself go without having a person who is vested with all the duties and responsibilities of a CEO.

    That's all, really. Just the stuff that's germane to running a multi-billion dollar public company responsibly.

    If it were any other company I would agree. But it's apple. And apple is Steve jobs. And they look like they have it handeled. They're just too successful to complain.
  • Reply 68 of 79
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    Ex.20:3 Ex.20:4; Le.19:4 ;Ex.20:20 ; Ex.20:5 ; Ex.20:5 ;Lev.18:21 ;Lev.19:31;Lev.19:31

    Your callousness and insensitivity seem at odds with your alleged spirituality, no?
  • Reply 69 of 79
    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post

    my prediction:

    steve jobs has paid some medical facility (years ago?in some country other than the u.s.?obviously) to create a new liver via stem cell and is actually going to have it replace the one he has currently.

    Why would he have to replace a young and perfectly working liver (the one he got from the 20 year old guy)?
  • Reply 70 of 79
    Originally Posted by R3negade View Post

    Why would he have to replace a young and perfectly working liver (the one he got from the 20 year old guy)?

    Essentially the same thing that happened to his original liver but at an accelerated rate.Liver transplantation as life elongation degree/quality treatment of cancer relapse in Jobs situation is medical insanity (having $$$ lets you get away with many things you otherwise wouldn't, strangely). The only thing it did, for a very short time (and costly BEYOND financial value if the kid's liver he got had been given to someone who ACTUALLY had genuine medical need and given the full potential in quality and length of life extension it could have conferred to them instead of being wasted on Jobs and the just over a year he got out of it, before needing another) was give Jobs/Family etc HOPE .

    The transplantation process perversely makes the malignant cancer cells (that are now so spread out + persistent throughout his body from the stage of progression of the disease) EVEN more aggressive, therefore the new liver ends up stuffed full of of insulinoma much more rapidly that his original liver was for which he had the transplant for treatment in the first place.

    Naturally when your God + his creation are about to implode from your present conscious existence, disciples become even more delusional + in denial than normal thus the medically impossible + hopeless fantasy suggestions of posts in the above thread - the phrase "grasping at straws" would be insufficient to describe the degree of fevered irrationality of said guilty parties.

    However for those of us that can actually cope with the mundane, morbid reality of medical FACTS, instead of desperate LUNACY, here is a Professional,who shared the medical experts common belief (and incidentally mine if you care to review my posting history - denial is getting closest to that point of pointlessness now than at any other time in your previous existences, after all ) who were interviewed about Jobs case at the time around the announcement of the transplant.

    Here is that portentous surgeon/scientist's discussion who from 2009 had correctly predicted the outcome of the previous few days events;
  • Reply 71 of 79
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by iLiver View Post

    And on the other end of the spectrum there are AppleInsider members that think of him as the Kwisatz Haderach.

    For this unexpected Dune reference I forgive you your massive trolling these past few days.
  • Reply 72 of 79
    hoganhogan Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Absolutely true.

    100% false.

    Availing yourself of the opportunity to invest in a company does not equate to you "owning" or "running" that company. In fact no company could even operate if the shareholders were actually "in charge" in any realistic sense.

    You have no control, nor should you have. You're only decision is whether you want to keep supporting Apple or not. If the answer is no, then invest elsewhere.

    Directors and Officers of public companies owe fiduciary duties only to shareholders, for whose benefit they must manage corporations? business. Shareholders long term interests benefit from Directors & Officers addressing the needs of stakeholders (consumers, suppliers, employees).

    The Board is appointed by the shareholders, and the Board appoints the CEO.

    It is NOT in Apple shareholder's interests for Apple to continue it's policy of non-disclouse on Job's heatl, and a CEO succession plan.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    hoganhogan Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    I'd like to know more about:

    -How he will fulfill his CEO duties when he doesn't come to the office.

    -How long the company will allow itself go without having a person who is vested with all the duties and responsibilities of a CEO.

    That's all, really. Just the stuff that's germane to running a multi-billion dollar public company responsibly.

    I'd like to know too, but more importantly, I thinks Apple shareholders have a right to know.
  • Reply 74 of 79
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    If it were any other company I would agree. But it's apple. And apple is Steve jobs. And they look like they have it handeled. They're just too successful to complain.

    Last I checked Apple still existed on Planet Earth and was subject to the forces of nature. Maybe I missed the part when they became supernatural.

    Originally Posted by Hogan View Post

    I'd like to know too, but more importantly, I thinks Apple shareholders have a right to know.

    I tend to agree. Somewhat ironically, it appears that Cook has been functioning as CEO in all but name for some time.
  • Reply 75 of 79
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Last I checked Apple still existed on Planet Earth and was subject to the forces of nature. Maybe I missed the part when they became supernatural.

    I tend to agree. Somewhat ironically, it appears that Cook has been functioning as CEO in all but name for some time.

    I don't think I've suggested that apple isn't subject to the forces of nature. Of course their stock has been defying gravity so maybe we are both wrong on that account.
  • Reply 76 of 79
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I don't think I've suggested that apple isn't subject to the forces of nature. Of course their stock has been defying gravity so maybe we are both wrong on that account.

    I know, but I feel sometimes like I have to remind others that Steve Jobs is only human, after all. I hope he doesn't completely believe his own hype, but from everything I've read, it seems the RDF not only emanates from him, it envelops him.
  • Reply 77 of 79
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Perhaps passing through a micro black hole has curative benefits?

    You know, radio therapy and particle accelerators are kinda related, I guess.
  • Reply 78 of 79
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Hogan View Post

    I'd like to know too, but more importantly, I thinks Apple shareholders have a right to know.

    Whatever you and Dr. Millmoss would "like to know" is not the same as a shareholders "right to know". The SEC rules are in place and have that covered .... get over it.
  • Reply 79 of 79
    Just found some more info on this new treatment for neuroendocrine cancer, 'peptide receptor radionuclide therapy' (PRRT), that Jobs tried in Switzeraland.Notably it happened before the transplant.Its success is highly variable, OBVIOUSLY it failed as he had to resort to the drastic last option of transplant and used his wealth to buy a FAKE diagnosis that desperately needed a new liver to not only save but importantly have an acceptable chance of life quality elongation instead of Jobs ACTUAL pointless criminally DONOR ORGAN WASTING diagnosis.

    "My sister died less than six months ago from neuroendocrine cancer that originated in her pancreas - the cancer had spread throughout her body.PRRT is also not a silver bullet ? either your cells respond to the hormone or they don't. My sister's did not. The fact that Jobs had a transplant subsequent to going to Switzerland tells me that PRRT was probably not effective for him, either. This whole story brings back tough memories."

    "My dad died from pancreatic cancer. Doctors at Duke University Med told him there was nothing they could do for him. But Steve Jobs lives on--and got a liver transplant to boot??? "

    His repugnant selfish heartless arrogance that has caused the needless suffering of so many, on full display as usual as can be seen mimiced by his hopeless (now quite literally) wretched little disciples/fanbois themselves.The delicious IRONY + JUSTICE that this very delusional arrogance that ignorantly shunned the urgent recommendations of evidence led western Medicine(surgical tumour excision) for QUACKERY con artists no better than himself cost him his very own existence to be terminated so prematurely.The mass denial of Jobs imminent termination of life will serve as a label + warning to everyone what a bunch of gullible fools taken advantage of + shafted by Apple Crapple fanbois are.The endless customers shafted by the botched, stolen/penny pinching tech Beta tester Crapple releases as an excuse for a finished product, the resulting customer grief of which is treated NOT only by Crapple in the most contemptible,inhumane, profit greedy taking advantage of,duplicitous (eg iDuplicitous software eg call strength just add an extra few bars to the actual reading - as introduced as a "UPDATE" the iCAR CRASH (AKA iPhone 3G ) sly way but also from employees/ AKA low life fanbois too, who relentlessly bully any customer with the slightest complaint about their Gods products, attacking the customers stupidity,inability to use the product,honesty/ulterior motive,insignificant of complaint problem (eg Crapple Raped Customer "a piece of string + 2 papers cups makes a infinitely more superior, effective + practical vocal communication device than iPhone 3G!" Despicable Crapple LOON " Stop Moaning who uses a mobile to make calls.HONESTLY! Anyway its the providers fault blame them(even though complaints are made about how crap the call ability is en masse WORLDWIDE (but 3 customers Worldwide didn't complain so its still the US networks fault NEVER Apple - 100% blameless 100% of the time) - its plays music don't it + plus its the usual shallow dumb fcuks Apple COOLAID/'Emperors new clothes' fashion badge! STFU you UNGRATEFUL $h!t !".

    What fantastic justice that these brainwashed, fanatical Crapple loons will soon experience ALL that ADDITIONAL(from Crapple) misery and pain + MORE they dished out to Crapple's victims(aiding Crapple's abuse)not least with all the animosity they've caused - BOY will they suffer!

    "It is quite selfish to be undergoing innovative, non-FDA approved treatments and not want to share ("privacy") the finest medical information money can buy with less fortunate people who might have exactly the same disease. Those in the middle class might be able to travel to Switzerland for treatment as well, using whatever meager savings are left before Obamacare taxes kick in. Conservative talk radio hosts decry Apple as one of the major campaign contributors to the Democrats. It is hypocritical of Steve Jobs to seek alternative treatment outside the FDA's control which his campaign contributions will deny to others, either through taxation or regulation (i.e. UN's WHO Codex initiative removing vitamins from store shelves as in Canada)."

    "I am not a fan of Jobs and his apparent arrogance. Surely if Jobs' medical problems are going to affect Apple and its value, should they not be made public? I do feel that if any CEO of his "legendary" status (I use the word loosely) has a situation such as this, full disclosure is the best way, rather than the dis-information that seems to have been put out in the past. I'm thinking of his "hormonal imbalance" problem that actually turned out to be a liver transplant. Reality was somewhat different and much more serious."

    "I hope this time he doesn't use his wealth and power to jump the donor list and take a chance away from someone else who has been waiting a long time."

    Once again the degree of brainwashing,fanaticism + delusion of Crapple technologically clueless cultists is proved by their denial of fact based objective reasoning that becomes F-A-C-T. LOONS: "Jobs doesn't have cancer! LOL LMAO! PMP!" Jobs announced as having cancer. "Jobs cancer hasn't returned, they are just jealous of Crapple superior technology, its ONLY his HORMONEs, NOTHING to do with cancer. Jobs TOLD US it isn't ANYTHING serious, when has he ever LIED, CONNED,CHEATED or INFECTED our WEAK + SHALLOW minds with PROPAGANDA?" Jobs cancer returns in GREATER LETHAL FORCE like nothing before + is that life threatening he has a LIVER TRANSPLANT. Loons: "Of course he'll be back he is still doing 2 jobs who cares that we were totally deluded Fuckwits and indenial about all the previous health announcements Apple ACTIVELY + SLY DECEIVED us over, its not like Apple Have STATED "HE ISN'T COMING BACK" + he came back ALL the others time, OH and the keeper - HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!" Jobs' funeral is officially announced for the date 2011 February.......
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