Apple's Tim Cook dismisses Android iPad competitors as bizarre, vapor



  • Reply 101 of 215
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post


    Whew. Just whew....

    At least until they release it.

    And by the way, it won't just be the display resolution that will destroy Android tablets (then again, how can you destroy something that's not a threat in the first place? Oh well, topic for another thread).

    It will be the whole ecosystem and user experience combined. Something that no other manufacturer can even come close to.

    How many more blockbuster quarters will Apple have to have before they actually get credit for the merits of their platform?

    Your post certainly reeks of arrogance as well. If your argument is that the iPad 1 is superior to the upcoming android tablets I'd be very interested in hearing your reasoning as to how.

    If your argument is purely based on sales volume... well good for you... I'm personally interested in buying the best product I can, I really could give two poops about sales volume. Since we're all consumers here and not Apple or Google.

    If the rumors about the iPad 2 are true.... then I will be purchasing an iPad 2 because it will be the superior platform.... but right now they're pure speculation. We do however know what the specs for several of the upcoming Android tablets will be....

    I give Apple all the credit in the world... iOS is a spectacular platform... iPad is a spectacular product... everybody and their MOM is giving Apple credit. Calm down.
  • Reply 102 of 215
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    Now if you think they're trying to obfuscate their actual intentions, that's just insanity.

    I am saying that Apple is not as inflexible as some would believe. If they (or more importantly, their competitors) identify a significant market opportunity in a smaller form factor, they might well decide to address that market.

    I think this is kind of played out. Some believe that 'never' means 'never' while others believe 'never' means 'not right now'. I tend not to think in absolutes especially as it regards Apple.
  • Reply 103 of 215
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    And Microsoft, Google, etc. have never made strongly worded statements that could be construed as "arrogant"?

    They have, and these companies stumble in huge, gargantuan ways. Really big huge dumb ways. Why would you want Apple to be like them? I don't, that's what I'm saying.


    How droll. Of all the irrational reasons to not buy a product this is the most tiresome of all of them.

    Ok just so we understand each other, I'm somebody who buys too many Apple products. That's why I come here, to speculate and see what the rumors are. So maybe your statement there was intended for the other guy, but don't think that it applies to me.
  • Reply 104 of 215
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    That's something Apple's detractors will never grasp. Apple is one of the most successful technology companies to date. They arguably deliver more goodies for the masses than any other company will ever do. Despite all the positives and the success, it will always be because of fanboys, or marketing or because somehow millions of people must be wrong. It certainly couldn't be that the tiny, crazy minority of nerds and gadget lunatics who have no concept of anything practical are themselves clueless.

    But seriously the answer is 20. 20 blockbuster quarters and then, only then, will Apple get these idiots to see the light.

    Interesting argument... you do realize millions of people are using Android right? Not just "gadget lunatics".
  • Reply 105 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    It's corporate policy, of any company, to never talk bad about your competitors, ever. It never makes you look good. Customers see that and lose faith in your integrity to do a good job.

    Uhuh - what fantasy land do you live in?

    And what exactly was said by Tim Cook that wasn't accurate? Other than the truth being painful, what did he say that would cause your supposed loss of integrity?

    Give me a break - talk about grasping....
  • Reply 106 of 215
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Interesting argument... you do realize millions of people are using Android right? Not just "gadget lunatics".

    You're equivocating falsely. I never said people using Android = Apple detractors. Many of them just didn't want to be on ATT, or couldn't afford the iPhone, so they went with something else. I'm sure many Android users like Apple just fine.
  • Reply 107 of 215
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Well it also has to be a tested solution. My company spend 4 million dollars on that system.

    Not to mention too I doubt the ipad can print to our printers, ever.

    We also have our incoming call center use that same system to keep track of our customers info, make new work orders to order parts from various venders, etc.

    In the future when tablet's (more like ARM) gets good enough, we'll see a shift. But the support and infrastructure isn't there yet, and Apple doesn't seem to get the enterprise.

    The iPad has the capability to print to printers, with a feature known as AirPrint. The iPad certainly prints to printer compatible with that technology. No drivers are required.

    The iPad is a new concept, for sure. I understand your company would want to test it out. The important thing is you have to be prepared to take a risk.

    Also, you say that Apple doesn't seem to get the enterprise. If in order to "get the enterprise," Apple must support legacy technology and make its products compatible with antiquated devices, then don't even waste your time with an iPad.
  • Reply 108 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Your post certainly reeks of arrogance as well. If your argument is that the iPad 1 is superior to the upcoming android tablets I'd be very interested in hearing your reasoning as to how.

    If your argument is purely based on sales volume...

    Not just on sales volume, although that ultimately is the largest factor for success - especially since Apple does not subsidize their products like many Android manufacturers. It's also based on usability, attachment rates, the health of the developer ecosystem, the acceptance into large companies - those are all important factors.


    I'm personally interested in buying the best product I can, I really could give two poops about sales volume.

    Well, you should care at least a little about sales volume. While WebOS was, at least to me, the most interesting mobile OS after iOS, it was a poor investment since they never got enough volume to get decent developer interest. It will be interesting to see if HP can do anything with it or if they will just continue to sit on it and let it wither


    If the rumors about the iPad 2 are true.... then I will be purchasing an iPad 2 because it will be the superior platform.... but right now they're pure speculation. We do however know what the specs for several of the upcoming Android tablets will be....

    Even if the iPad 2 doesn't have all of the over the top specs that have been rumored, will it still matter? The success of the iPhone and now iPad certainly hasn't been feature dependent (as we know since the lack of USB, SD cards, dual core and a myriad of other "vital" features are continually cited). At the end of the day overall usability is what really matters to people. It's the sum of the parts. No one has that focus to the level that Apple has.

    I'm not saying they have a monopoly on it - but up until now, there hasn't been a vendor willing (or able) to step up to the level of focus, control and polish as Apple.


    I give Apple all the credit in the world... iOS is a spectacular platform... iPad is a spectacular product... everybody and their MOM is giving Apple credit. Calm down.

    And here we have the forum equivalent to "just saying"
  • Reply 109 of 215
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    You're equivocating falsely. I never said people using Android = Apple detractors. Many of them just didn't want to be on ATT, or couldn't afford the iPhone, so they went with something else. I'm sure many Android users like Apple just fine.

    Ok fair enough. But I think you are mistaken about Android users, and I think there are at least as many apple users who use apple products because its considered 'cool' and not because its a better platform. Im sure many Apple users like Android just fine.
  • Reply 110 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Interesting argument... you do realize millions of people are using Android right? Not just "gadget lunatics".

    Are they "using" it because they sought it out, or because they got it for free or as part of a two for one special?

    Every iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad was sought out by those who own them - they went out of their way to purchase them. Android? Not necessarily so.

    Web and app usage also bear this out, so I'm not just being flip or glib...
  • Reply 111 of 215
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Not unless you ask for it. Unlike you I back up my reasons for "attacking" if you want to call it that.

    You are a troll.
  • Reply 112 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Ok fair enough. But I think you are mistaken about Android users, and I think there are at least as many apple users who use apple products because its considered 'cool' and not because its a better platform.

    Ah, but heres the difference. iOS is far "stickier" - once they have an iOS device and start getting Apps and investing in the ecosystem, how likely are they to change later?

    Of all the issues I could see a company having, your products being perceived as "cool" sure as heck doesn't sound like a really bad one. In fact, I would think it would be kind of desirable.

    Is it some sort of IT "sin" to actually enjoy using a device that doesn't require tinkering or that may be, god forbid, "cool"?!?

    Because I see that tossed out as this huge negative all the time. It makes me think of the infamous scene in the princess bride "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


    Im sure many Apple users like Android just fine.

    A few of the geekier ones who like to tinker perhaps...
  • Reply 113 of 215
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Not just on sales volume, although that ultimately is the largest factor for success - especially since Apple does not subsidize their products like many Android manufacturers. It's also based on usability, attachment rates, the health of the developer ecosystem, the acceptance into large companies - those are all important factors.

    I'm personally interested in buying the best product I can, I really could give two poops about sales volume.[/quote]

    Well, you should care at least a little about sales volume. While WebOS was, at least to me, the most interesting mobile OS after iOS, it was a poor investment since they never got enough volume to get decent developer interest. It will be interesting to see if HP can do anything with it or if they will just continue to sit on it and let it wither

    Even if the iPad 2 doesn't have all of the over the top specs that have been rumored, will it still matter? The success of the iPhone and now iPad certainly hasn't been feature dependent (as we know since the lack of USB, SD cards, dual core and a myriad of other "vital" features are continually cited). At the end of the day overall usability is what really matters to people. It's the sum of the parts. No one has that focus to the level that Apple has.

    I'm not saying they have a monopoly on it - but up until now, there hasn't been a vendor willing (or able) to step up to the level of focus, control and polish as Apple.

    And here we have the forum equivalent to "just saying" [/QUOTE]

    I think we can all agree that Android has a pretty substantial install base at this point, and is currently growing faster than any other platform. So the argument that I should be concerned about a thriving developer community is an exceptionally weak argument.

    Ive already said I find the Android user experience superior to the iOS experience. So for me the feature set of the iPad would need to be significant to persuade me to abandon what I deem a superior user experience.

    Dude you're the one going omg omg noone respects apple omg omg
  • Reply 114 of 215
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Ok fair enough. But I think you are mistaken about Android users, and I think there are at least as many apple users who use apple products because its considered 'cool' and not because its a better platform. Im sure many Apple users like Android just fine.

    Count me as one of them. I think the Android platform is fine and is a potential, credible competitor to an Apple dominated future. If Apple is lazy or makes critical mistakes, then yes Android could become the predominant mobile OS. It's not there, and it probably won't be, but its a decent #2. It does help to keep Apple on its toes, MS certainly doesn't, neither does blackberry. The way things are going right now, things like webOS or win7 mobile are shaping up to be fighting for scraps at #3/4 or even #5. Decidedly in the 'other' category.

    However I don't think any number of real people buy Apple products for the sole reason because it's cool. The only people who could do that would be the uber-rich, which is like 1% of the population. I doubt that these people are a significant portion of Apple's user base, given that they have sold 160 million iOS devices.

    In fact I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who do buy Apple stuff is because they do consider it superior, whether you agree with them or not.

    Note: At this point I would never buy an Android product, because I do consider it an inferior platform of lesser technology.
  • Reply 115 of 215
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Offthewall View Post

    (Apple's vaporware today - iPad 2).

    Actually, no.

    It would only be 'vaporware' if Apple were talking about it. They're not.
  • Reply 116 of 215
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Interesting argument... you do realize millions of people are using Android right? Not just "gadget lunatics".

    From that millions of Android devices, may be only 10% are slightly better than iPhone 3GS. The rest are POS from unknown makers like Eken, ZTE, Forsa, FirstOne, MENQ, Dopod, etc that mere mortals think it's better than Nokia.
  • Reply 117 of 215
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Uhuh - what fantasy land do you live in?

    And what exactly was said by Tim Cook that wasn't accurate? Other than the truth being painful, what did he say that would cause your supposed loss of integrity?

    Give me a break - talk about grasping....

    Whether or not it is true is irrelevant. At my company I have to take great efforts to not badmouth crummy companies we service.

    As great as it feels to talk crap about stuff, it never works to your advantage, ever. That is policy at the companies I've worked at, like Siemens and SBC and Palm and others. At my current company if they find out I've badmouthed anyone, I'm fired.
  • Reply 118 of 215
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Well it also has to be a tested solution. My company spend 4 million dollars on that system.

    Not to mention too I doubt the ipad can print to our printers, ever.

    We also have our incoming call center use that same system to keep track of our customers info, make new work orders to order parts from various venders, etc.

    In the future when tablet's (more like ARM) gets good enough, we'll see a shift. But the support and infrastructure isn't there yet, and Apple doesn't seem to get the enterprise.

    You haven't answered the question "What do you do?". Is what you do or who you work for a secret?

    It's not MI-5 is it? Your name isn't Bond. James Bond!

    Just kidding...



  • Reply 119 of 215
    Hey look kudoz to Apple marketing for creating the 'cool' buzz. But do you really beleive most iOS users tried Android and iOS and then selected iOS? No way! Most iOS users dont even have a clue about what Android offers. They just know what an iPhone is and had to get one. Thats not taking anything away from Apple, but you cant say that makes ot a superior operating system. And folks like you and me select our devices in a completely different way than the vast majority of users.
  • Reply 120 of 215
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    So if 88 of 100 Fortune 100 companies are supporting the iPhone, and 80 the iPad, who are the IT fascists holding up deployment at the other companies?

    Microsoft, Dell, The Republican Party, Ricky Gervais, Sarah Palin, Faux News, ...
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