Apple's Tim Cook dismisses Android iPad competitors as bizarre, vapor



  • Reply 121 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    I think we can all agree that Android has a pretty substantial install base at this point, and is currently growing faster than any other platform. So the argument that I should be concerned about a thriving developer community is an exceptionally weak argument.

    Really? Is that growth sustainable? It already looks like it was tapering off before the iPhone on Verizon. The next couple of quarters will be interesting indeed.

    Is the community as strong as the iOS? Revo doesn't think so. And they are the only ones reporting less than stellar results with Android.

    Significant? Sure. Worth pursuing? Absolutely. Enough to be a sole or primary focus? Not so far.


    Ive already said I find the Android user experience superior to the iOS experience. So for me the feature set of the iPad would need to be significant to persuade me to abandon what I deem a superior user experience.

    The question is, are you in the minority or majority? Again, the first quarter of the iPhone on Verizon will be a very interesting predictor.


    Dude you're the one going omg omg noone respects apple omg omg

    Sure, because Apple has demonstrated success. Not just in sales number but in actual revenue - for them as well as their partners. Android doesn't have that - or Google and their cronies would be crowing about it allot more.

    Funny how that works...
  • Reply 122 of 215
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Whether or not it is true is irrelevant. At my company I have to take great efforts to not badmouth crummy companies we service.

    As great as it feels to talk crap about stuff, it never works to your advantage, ever. That is policy at the companies I've worked at, like Siemens and SBC and Palm and others. At my current company if they find out I've badmouthed anyone, I'm fired.

    What you say is true and is particularly ill-advised for a market leader.

    However, you are not in the executive suite. When you get there, you may be able to bend or break those rules - ill-advised or not.
  • Reply 123 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Whether or not it is true is irrelevant. At my company I have to take great efforts to not badmouth crummy companies we service.

    Where did he badmouth another company?
  • Reply 124 of 215
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    You haven't answered the question "What do you do?". Is what you do or who you work for a secret?

    It's not MI-5 is it? Your name isn't Bond. James Bond!

    Just kidding...




    Can't be MI-5, he says he's in Florida.
  • Reply 125 of 215
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Hey look kudoz to Apple marketing for creating the 'cool' buzz. But do you really beleive most iOS users tried Android and iOS and then selected iOS? No way! Most iOS users dont even have a clue about what Android offers. They just know what an iPhone is and had to get one. Thats not taking anything away from Apple, but you cant say that makes ot a superior operating system. And folks like you and me select our devices in a completely different way than the vast majority of users.

    You don't know any of that is true, at this point you're just spouting anti-Apple gibberish.
  • Reply 126 of 215
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    From that millions of Android devices, may be only 10% are slightly better than iPhone 3GS. The rest are POS from unknown makers like Eken, ZTE, Forsa, FirstOne, MENQ, Dopod, etc that mere mortals think it's better than Nokia.

    Well this is just plain false. Most Android devices on the market are made by 2bit manufacturers like Samsung, Motorola, and HTC. And all of those *I* would deem way better than the 3gs.
  • Reply 127 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Hey look kudoz to Apple marketing for creating the 'cool' buzz.

    Apple has had blockbuster quarters since the iPhone was released - so much so it's expanded the Mac market share (the "halo" effect).

    I'm curious as to when you will concede that marketing and "cool buzz" aren't the sole reason for their success and that much of the "cool buzz" they have now isn't simply from marketing but because... wait for it... their products are actually desirable because of their positive aspects?

    In other words, you don't have as many successful quarters and become the second most valued company in the Dow on marketing and buzz alone - at some point there has to be some substance to back the style up
  • Reply 128 of 215
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    don't kid yourself. except for virus crap, apple products are just as demanding in an enterprise environment. in some ways worse: itunes. that the ipad has to be tied to a machine with itunes is a huge pain. why can't it all be over the air? that would make them a breeze to distribute and support.

    Apple products are so self-supporting even a Caveman can do it. Kids use Apple products (and Windows and Linux products at the same time). Kids can do it all.
  • Reply 129 of 215
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post

    The iPad has the capability to print to printers, with a feature known as AirPrint. The iPad certainly prints to printer compatible with that technology. No drivers are required.

    The iPad is a new concept, for sure. I understand your company would want to test it out. The important thing is you have to be prepared to take a risk.

    Also, you say that Apple doesn't seem to get the enterprise. If in order to "get the enterprise," Apple must support legacy technology and make its products compatible with antiquated devices, then don't even waste your time with an iPad.

    I agree on those points.

    HP laser printers print very nice output. Unfortunately, they are toner whores, and inkjets are notorious for just being pieces of crap. I print a lot (around 25k pages a year) and nothing beats a Kyocera for that.

    Now if scanners come out with this feature, expect the whole definition of computing to change.
  • Reply 130 of 215
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    You don't know any of that is true, at this point you're just spouting anti-Apple gibberish.

    Point me to one thing anti apple I have said other than calling Cooks conference arrogant? Hell I posted half these comments from my Mac book pro...
  • Reply 131 of 215
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Where did he badmouth another company?

    It isn't really clear, but he addressed those running Android.

    What he said is true, and was asked about it. That's when you are supposed to say "We do not comment on competitors products."

    I know, it's hard to keep quiet, but it always works to your advantage.
  • Reply 132 of 215
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Point me to one thing anti apple I have said other than calling Cooks conference arrogant? Hell I posted half these comments from my Mac book pro...

    Here's what we know about you: You seem to be an insecure Android user who has sought out a site with an obvious Apple bias and who, using a provocative username, is trying desperately to stir the pot.
  • Reply 133 of 215
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    You haven't answered the question "What do you do?". Is what you do or who you work for a secret?

    It's not MI-5 is it? Your name isn't Bond. James Bond!

    Just kidding...




    Sorry, didn't see your post as it was the last one on page 3.

    I do HVAC work. I used to do telephony/IT work before. While others in the company live with the browsing/OS restrictions put on them I've given myself a few liberties since I can
  • Reply 134 of 215
    Well hey look, this is devolving into apple vs android... Which is mostly my fault, my real point was just to say that it's arrogant of apple to just write off android tablets. Some of which show real promise.
  • Reply 135 of 215
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Point me to one thing anti apple I have said other than calling Cooks conference arrogant? Hell I posted half these comments from my Mac book pro...

    Oh fine. You said:

    "Most iOS users dont even have a clue about what Android offers. They just know what an iPhone is and had to get one."

    Anti-Apple Gibberish. Baseless in fact, you have no idea if that is true. It's just what your mind concocted.

    (congrats on your MBP. was it running OSX when you posted this?)
  • Reply 136 of 215
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    Here's what we know about you: You seem to be an insecure Android user who has sought out a site with an obvious Apple bias and who, using a provocative username, is trying desperately to stir the pot.

    I love to discuss the tech, I love to argue the merits of the ios and android platforms. I think ultimately we're all better off with both android and ios doing well across all form factors.
  • Reply 137 of 215
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    I'm always surprised by the arrogance of Apple.. for Android enthusiasts it really helps fuel the belief that avoiding Apple products in favor of Android is the "right" thing to do. Obviously a silly concept... but the idea that Android tablets are irrelevant and/or vapor is equally silly. I use an Android Tablet because I find the experience more engaging and interesting than the iOS experience. I also prefer the 7 inch form factor of my Galaxy Tab... There is NO competitor to the iPad at the 10inch form factor right now... (which I believe is preferred by the average user)... so in that sense he's right about the existing competition. But in the next 3-4 months that will change. The iPad 2 will be needed to keep up with the Android offerings.

    iPad 2 could conceivably destroy the Android tablets if the display resolution is as rumored... but according to cook... thats TRULY vaporware at this point.

    Don't see the arrogance - but then I'm not ardently defending Android - I stopped doing that when they were bought, dolled up and sent out on the street corner to pull in ad revenue for Google. And all the Android enthusiasts scream accolades for this. Nice.

    HP Slate - that has something with good bones underneath the surface - remains to be seen if HP will carry it off well. RIM Playbook is unproven and very experimental in key ways - a Frankenstein device. Honeycomb has not been at large vetted yet - and Gingerbread is the only thing driving reality for any current tabbies - guess folks missed the old Google memo about Android not good on tablets. Or are they killing off ChromeOS to throw everything behind Android and are now backing away from that statement?

    There is NO solid iPad competitor going toe-to-toe with the platform. NO Android device is in the same class delivering the same user experience (or better) and there won't be for weeks or months yet. And only then will those devices have to compete in the marketplace - not the fevered dreams of the Android enthusiasts. But in the hands and daily activities of the average consumer.
  • Reply 138 of 215
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    Oh fine. You said:

    "Most iOS users dont even have a clue about what Android offers. They just know what an iPhone is and had to get one."

    Anti-Apple Gibberish. Baseless in fact, you have no idea if that is true. It's just what your mind concocted.

    (congrats on your MBP. was it running OSX when you posted this?)

    Oh most definetly, I try to stay out of my VM winblows as much as possible.
  • Reply 139 of 215
    Crack prices in Cupertino must've fallen recently.

    Anyway, Android's a great mobile os and Apple don't have the tab on tabletness. They need to relax over there. That's A

    B... i'm a Winblows user and I own a mac. Mac users know nothing which is why Apple and its 3rd party developers are able to monetize every aspect of personal computing anymore where mac use is concerned. Paying for video codecs? Come on. If Apple users knew anything they wouldn't go for it.

    C... I own an android phone and know full well Android is capable of much. OSX is unix-based as is Android (linux-based) so the idea of an Applehead calling Android unprepared to deal with tablets is kind of stupid. Which would pretty much be par for the course.
  • Reply 140 of 215
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Hey look kudoz to Apple marketing for creating the 'cool' buzz. But do you really beleive most iOS users tried Android and iOS and then selected iOS? No way! Most iOS users dont even have a clue about what Android offers. They just know what an iPhone is and had to get one. Thats not taking anything away from Apple, but you cant say that makes ot a superior operating system. And folks like you and me select our devices in a completely different way than the vast majority of users.

    You (and most of the rest of us) are technically niche user and not average consumers. And do you care to hazard a guess which part of the market is larger? Go ahead - take your time.
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