Another report claims Apple's iPad 2 will sport a high-res display

in iPad edited January 2014
Back-and-forth claims on the resolution of the display on Apple's forthcoming second-generation iPad continue, with a new report out of the Far East claiming it will be a 2048-by-1536-pixel screen.

Citing upstream component makers, Taiwan's DigiTimes reported Thursday that the iPad 2 will feature a resolution of 2048 by 1536, which would be quadruple the total pixels of the iPad. The current touchscreen tablet's 9.7-inch display has a pixel ratio of 1024 by 768.

For further evidence, the publication referred to previous reports that discovered icons labeled "@2x" in the iBooks application for iPad. For example, the current application's background image has a resolution of 768 by 400, while the "iPad@2x" file is 1536 by 800.

"The sources (added) that the larger resolution should provide the company's app developers more convenience, while all future applications will be able to run under any of Apple's machines including the 27-inch iMac," the report said.

It also noted that Apple should be able to ship more than 40 million iPads in 2011, and the company ordered between 1.6 million and 1.8 million devices in January. Initial iPad 2 shipments are expected to be between 400,000 and 600,000.

Though evidence exists suggesting a new high-resolution display for the second-generation iPad, one report this week claimed that such an upgrade is simply not in the cards for the 2011 model. John Gruber of Daring Fireball said on Wednesday that claims of a potential "Retina Display" in the next iPad are simply "too good to be true."

Gruber said the new iPad is expected to have a faster processor, more RAM, and better graphics performance. But he also believes it will have the same 1024-by-768-pixel display as on the current iPad.

Regardless of the resolution, as reported by AppleInsider, the iPad 2 is expected to have improved graphics capabilities with a fast dual-core SGX543 graphics processing unit included in a new, custom system-on-a-chip from Apple. The SGX543 architecture can support up to 16 cores, and the chip can push 35 million polygons per second at 200Mhz, and 1 billion pixels per second. It is also capable of handling Apple's OpenCL standard.


  • Reply 1 of 146
    jcozjcoz Posts: 251member
    I'd love to see it, but I doubt it.

    Either way considering this is a want and not a need, I think I've now talked myself into waiting for the doubled res, even if it takes another year.

    My macbook works just fine and the reality is that while the ipad can completely replace my computing needs outside of work, I dont really need a replacement right now, so hi res or bust, I'm not one of the every-refresh buyers.

    I had the original iphone until last month, when I got an iPhone 4. Never regretted that and was thrilled with the drastic improvement.
  • Reply 2 of 146
    Originally Posted by Jcoz View Post

    I'd love to see it, but I doubt it.

    Either way considering this is a want and not a need, I think I've now talked myself into waiting for the doubled res, even if it takes another year.

    My macbook works just fine and the reality is that while the ipad can completely replace my computing needs outside of work, I dont really need a replacement right now, so hi res or bust, I'm not one of the every-refresh buyers.

    I had the original iphone until last month, when I got an iPhone 4. Never regretted that and was thrilled with the drastic improvement.

    I like the way you think, my friend
  • Reply 3 of 146
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "The sources (added) that the larger resolution should provide the company's app developers more convenience, while all future applications will be able to run under any of Apple's machines including the 27-inch iMac," the report said.

    Bogus. Almost convincing until they throw in this garbage.

    Though it has given me a thought - when the iPad moves to an x2 resolution (as it almost certainly will, even if not this year), developers may find it difficult to develop apps when their Mac screens (if <27") have a lower pixel count than the device they're trying to emulate. Scroll bars so you can see and access the entire virtual iPad screen would be rather cumbersome.
  • Reply 4 of 146
    I'm still not convinced.
  • Reply 5 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I’m with everyone else on this: Not convinced, but really want this rumour to be true.
  • Reply 6 of 146
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,525member
    The 3GS analogy from Gruber really does seem more likely. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a faster processor -- more speed is always valued. I bet the new iPhone will also be primarily a speed bump, too.

    2012 will probably be the big update for both products -- 4G wireless and retina display for he iPad; 4G wireless for the iPhone (plus more speed again)
  • Reply 7 of 146
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I?m with everyone else on this: Not convinced, but really want this rumour to be true.

    That's me in a nutshell. Really hoping Gruber is wrong, as unlikely as it would be. Want it so that Apple shifts the goalposts almost completely beyond the reach of their competitors, but most of all want it for myself!
  • Reply 8 of 146
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    I pretty much doubt this screen will happen.

    And DigiTimes track record of being right is atrocious.
  • Reply 9 of 146
    Just a thought, but maybe there will be an "entry level" model with the original res and a higher end premium model, with retina type display.
  • Reply 10 of 146
    I'm sure they are working on a 2x screen and there are plenty of prototypes. But I still think that is for 2012 and it couldn't be ready for 2011 (production constraints, cost constraints, adding too many features too soon)
  • Reply 11 of 146
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Bogus. Almost convincing until they throw in this garbage.

    Though it has given me a thought - when the iPad moves to an x2 resolution (as it almost certainly will, even if not this year), developers may find it difficult to develop apps when their Mac screens (if <27") have a lower pixel count than the device they're trying to emulate. Scroll bars so you can see and access the entire virtual iPad screen would be rather cumbersome.

    The simulator can be scaled
  • Reply 12 of 146
    Originally Posted by azentropy View Post

    I'm sure they are working on a 2x screen and their are plenty of prototypes. But I still think that is for 2012 and it couldn't be ready for 2011 (production constraints, cost constraints, adding too many features too soon)

    I agree from the cost side alone. I'd love a 2x screen but I can't imagine what that will add to the cost of the unit.
  • Reply 13 of 146
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    That's me in a nutshell. Really hoping Gruber is wrong, as unlikely as it would be. Want it so that Apple shifts the goalposts almost completely beyond the reach of their competitors, but most of all want it for myself!

  • Reply 14 of 146
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    The 3GS analogy from Gruber really does seem more likely. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a faster processor -- more speed is always valued. I bet the new iPhone will also be primarily a speed bump, too.

    2012 will probably be the big update for both products -- 4G wireless and retina display for he iPad; 4G wireless for the iPhone (plus more speed again)

    sorry, i think you mean 4G*

    *not an actual 4g network, just 3G that goes faster

    BTW i agree with the people who are waiting for the res bump, but i think if they bump it, like someone said about developers they will bump is 1.5 times current rez, not twice the amount (but i don't really screw with rez much, so that idea might not even be possible)
  • Reply 15 of 146
    Just a thought, but it's quite possible that the iBooks programmers haven't got a clue, and they just added the 2X graphics to cover the possibility that the rumors are true.
  • Reply 16 of 146
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    All I know is that the constant back and forth on this issue is wearing me down. Usually we get whispers here and there suggesting a possible new feature, but I can't recall seeing a daily back and forth of contradictory reports by "insiders" who are so sure of their claims. It almost seems like an orchestrated plan of mis-information. Eventually we will know, but at this point it is very frustrating.
  • Reply 17 of 146
    kubekube Posts: 40member
    Just want to point out that the Gruber column didn't present any new facts to argue that there will be no increase in resolution, just reasoned argument based on facts that almost all of us have.

    I agree that the likelihood of a dramatic increase in resolution with iPad 2 seems low, but I'm hoping.

    A few additional points:

    1. if there is an increase in resolution, doubling the resolution (4x pixel count) seem like the way to go. Makes using original size graphics and programing changes EZ ? like the change to the retina display on the iphone.

    2. High resolution is much more important on the iPad than a mac display ? you a tablet much closer to your eyes than a computer display.

    3. The 2048x1536 display (when and if it comes) will be startling. It will permit changes to safari and many other apps. Things like viewing images side-by-side and at smaller size will be possible and beautiful. As others have noted, this approaches retina resolution when the iPad is held at a comfortable distance, so increases above this resolution won't add much. But getting to this resolution will be a quantum change. Bigger than the change to the retina display on the iphone ? which was huge.

    4. Retina on the iphone shows that Apple understands all of this; If they can't get to high-resolution in the coming iteration of the iPad, they will as soon as possible.

    Crossing my fingers.
  • Reply 18 of 146
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Like I say: if we do get more RAM and better processor and graphics - if the display doesn't change - we will notice the performance improvements.

    My number 1 request for iPad 2 = more RAM.

    My number 2 request for iPad 2 = physically lighter.
  • Reply 19 of 146
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    I also agree with the general consensus here. The thing that keep me thinking that this might happen is that it would be a very typical Apple move. It is just the kind of surprise they love to spring. And it makes a lot of sense in terms of stepping ahead of the competition. It also makes sense in terms of Apple's alleged investment.
  • Reply 20 of 146
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    This hasn't been debunked yet? While I would like to see a 2x screen on iPad, history shows mostly minor evolutionary upgrades on Apple products, with Apple doing 'shock and awe' only occasionally. I see the potential for a minor resolution increase to 1280x960, but not double - 'course I was wrong about the VZ iPhone4, so who knows? I think 2048x1536 is coming, but not for a few more years.
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