Apple doubles board suppliers for iPad 2 ahead of April launch - report

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in iPad edited January 2014
As manufacturing of the second-generation iPad ramps up, Apple has reportedly more than doubled the printed circuit board suppliers it has contracted for the touchscreen tablet.

According to DigiTimes, Apple has more than doubled the number of iPad 2 printed circuit board suppliers from three to seven. Apple reportedly recently added Compeq Manufacturing, Gold Circuit Electronics, Meiko, and Nan Ya PCB to the mix.

The companies are expected to begin shipments of any-layer high density interconnect boards in "small volumes" between the end of February and early March. The report indicated that Apple plans to begin "mass shipments" of the next-generation iPad in April, marking one year after the first-generation tablet launched.

The four new companies will join Ibiden, Tripod Technology, and TTM Technologies, who were the initial printed circuit board suppliers for the second-generation iPad. Those companies were first revealed last November, in a report that claimed Apple would begin producing its next-generation early this year.

Growing use of any-layer boards in smartphones and tablets is predicted to continue in 2011, causing a shortage of such components. The report noted a number of "challenges" in manufacturing the printed circuit boards, including "complicated circuit designs, and supply constraints for laser drilling and electroplating equipment."

Apple revealed this week that it has committed $3.9 billion toward secret, long-term component contracts. The company wouldn't reveal where the money for the deal is concentrated, but Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook called the decision "very strategic."

Apple made a major, long-term deal in 2005 to secure flash memory components for use in future products. That strategic move proven to be a successful strategy for Apple, as reports of limited worldwide ability of NAND flash have cropped up repeatedly.


  • Reply 1 of 34
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I think this is genius by Apple, very business savvy, even though I don't know why Instruments just started on my computer, I *snoooore*
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  • Reply 2 of 34
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,593member
    Let's hope they actually manage to build enough to supply more than the USA on launch day....
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  • Reply 3 of 34
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has doubled the number of iPad 2 printed circuit board suppliers from two to seven.

    Someone needs a math lesson.
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  • Reply 4 of 34
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Ah yes, doubled from two to seven.....
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  • Reply 5 of 34
    I think someone needs a lesson in Maths.

    First they say more than doubles.

    Then they says Doubles from 2 to seven. hmmm
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 34
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    doubled the number of iPad 2 printed circuit board suppliers from two to seven.

    AppleInsider, maths by Ralph Wiggum

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  • Reply 7 of 34
    It would seem Apple has concluded they can dominate the slate market if they reach critical mass quickly enough. While I feel/felt that Androind is a worthy ipad alternative, the astounding success of the ipod, which was really just a nice commodity mp3 player, suggests that market domination is possible if the competition is coopted quickly.

    We will see. Android phones seem completely competitive with iphones, whereas the ipod has no compelling competitor. Could go either way in the slate market. But whereas a slate is far less than ubiquitous than a phone, convergence on a single standard is much more possible.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 34
    Originally Posted by ajprice View Post

    AppleInsider, maths by Ralph Wiggum

    Awww....c'mon. Every time AI does something like this, they get lots of clicks and get lots more money from Google.

    I see that as a Good Thing. If not for the clicks, there would be no Google Money. If not for the Google Money, there would be no AI.

    I don't mind their occasional click-bait. It keeps Kasper in cigars.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 34
    Originally Posted by xSamplex View Post

    It would seem Apple has concluded they can dominate the slate market if they reach critical mass quickly enough. While I feel/felt that Androind is a worthy ipad alternative, the astounding success of the ipod, which was really just a nice commodity mp3 player, suggests that market domination is possible if the competition is coopted quickly.

    We will see. Android phones seem completely competitive with iphones, whereas the ipod has no compelling competitor. Could go either way in the slate market. But whereas a slate is far less than ubiquitous than a phone, convergence on a single standard is much more possible.

    The tablet market is going to evolve into much more than just one more device. They will get more power and functionality until they start making a serious dent in laptop and PC sales. There is no way Apple will dominate the market at the same level and for as long as they have the iPod market. Google will get a very competitive OS into the market, even if it takes them a few tries. Microsoft has the resorces to get a big chunck as well, but I am not convinced they have the management team to pull it off. At any rate, I think Apple will have a bigger share than they have historically had in the PC market, but no one will end up with over 80% to themselves.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 34
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    The tablet market is going to evolve into much more than just one more device. They will get more power and functionality until they start making a serious dent in laptop and PC sales. There is no way Apple will dominate the market at the same level and for as long as they have the iPod market. Google will get a very competitive OS into the market, even if it takes them a few tries. Microsoft has the resorces to get a big chunck as well, but I am not convinced they have the management team to pull it off. At any rate, I think Apple will have a bigger share than they have historically had in the PC market, but no one will end up with over 80% to themselves.

    Microsoft doesn't get hardware.

    Google doesn't get hardware.

    Nokia doesn't get software.

    RIM doesn't get software.

    Apple is a master of hardware, software, user experience and marketing.

    This fight ain't fair.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 34
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Microsoft doesn't get hardware.

    Google doesn't get hardware.

    Nokia doesn't get software.

    RIM doesn't get software.

    Apple is a master of hardware, software, user experience and marketing.

    This fight ain't fair.

    You dont get business and marketing.
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  • Reply 12 of 34
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    You dont get business and marketing.

    But Apple does.
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  • Reply 13 of 34
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Apple is a master of hardware, software, user experience and marketing.

    Seemingly, that is not enough to inspire Mac sales. Altho they have been increasing, the ecosystem pales in comparison to the popular choice, despite the mastery you posit.

    Currently, the iPad has a rich ecosystem, especially because it runs Apple's preexisting phone apps. But I would expect that the Android ecosystem will soon overtake that of the iPad, and that the mastery you cite will be no more important to consumers WRT the iPad than it is to consumers WRT the Mac.

    But predictions of the future are fraught with uncertainties. I have little confidence in any particular scenario - things change too fast. If Apple releases a HD iPad that plays flash videos, for example, all bets are off.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 34
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... growing use of any-layer boards in smartphones and tablets ...

    what the heck is an "any-layer" board? Even the wiki hasn't heard of it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 34
    Originally Posted by SomeCallMe...Tim View Post

    Seemingly, that is not enough to inspire Mac sales. Altho they have been increasing, the ecosystem pales in comparison to the popular choice, despite the mastery you posit.

    Currently, the iPad has a rich ecosystem, especially because it runs Apple's preexisting phone apps. But I would expect that the Android ecosystem will soon overtake that of the iPad, and that the mastery you cite will be no more important to consumers WRT the iPad than it is to consumers WRT the Mac.

    But predictions of the future are fraught with uncertainties. I have little confidence in any particular scenario - things change too fast. If Apple releases a HD iPad that plays flash videos, for example, all bets are off.

    what is flash??
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 34
    My take on apple domination:

    1. First to hit: Historically, companies that hit first, if they have the right strategy, they tend to dominate the market, Apple has shown an incredible vision, t make me thing that they will keep a market domination of over 50%.

    2. Quality, I have a friend who is one of the people who is a tester and working with the android tablet, the problem? lack of sexiness and not at pair with apple, and my friend recognize this.

    3. The Halo effect: The Halo effect has been one of the main reasons for apple explosion! it started with the little Mp3 player called pod, well, the effect is even more pronounced today.

    Sales in the US, Canada, Europe and other countries of macs have increased more than the other PC makers, and we add this to the Ipad, I see domination taking place.. But the next one is vital:

    4. Vision! Apple has shown incredible vision, this purchase is a good example, I see google more like trying to match Apple steps, with the droids google had the fortune that Apple was using only one carrier in the US, but that advantage is gone.

    Google is trying to follow Apple with its tablet, but this time they don't have that market advantage that they experienced with the "smart phones" , Apple is better prepared, not only with the marketing approach, but the production capacity...

    As a side note, IMO it seems to me that Google is trying to follow a similar strategy to the one used by Microsoft against apple in the early 80's, but this time, the news is, this is not the old Apple, these guys are better prepared, they have better vision, and they have matured..

    I have an experience that confirms market domination in the making, I was in California for business, I was by the swimming pool relaxing reading a book on my Ipad, a kid who was maybe 10 years old asked me if I liked my Ipad, I said yes, he said he had one for Christmas, later I saw him playing with it...Domination is coming


    P.S, I am kind of surprised about Microsoft, it seems stalled, they need new blood, if not, its future is not very bright..
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 34
    Originally Posted by procapital View Post

    P.S, I am kind of surprised about Microsoft, it seems stalled, they need new blood, if not, its future is not very bright..

    Why are you surprised? Look at who is in charge. Ballmer was a great hatchet man for Bill Gates, but Steve has no vision.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 34
    Originally Posted by procapital View Post

    My take on apple domination:

    1. First to hit: Historically, companies that hit first, if they have the right strategy, they tend to dominate the market, Apple has shown an incredible vision, t make me thing that they will keep a market domination of over 50%.

    2. Quality, I have a friend who is one of the people who is a tester and working with the android tablet, the problem? lack of sexiness and not at pair with apple, and my friend recognize this.

    3. The Halo effect: The Halo effect has been one of the main reasons for apple explosion! it started with the little Mp3 player called pod, well, the effect is even more pronounced today.

    Sales in the US, Canada, Europe and other countries of macs have increased more than the other PC makers, and we add this to the Ipad, I see domination taking place.. But the next one is vital:

    4. Vision! Apple has shown incredible vision, this purchase is a good example, I see google more like trying to match Apple steps, with the droids google had the fortune that Apple was using only one carrier in the US, but that advantage is gone.

    Google is trying to follow Apple with its tablet, but this time they don't have that market advantage that they experienced with the "smart phones" , Apple is better prepared, not only with the marketing approach, but the production capacity...

    As a side note, IMO it seems to me that Google is trying to follow a similar strategy to the one used by Microsoft against apple in the early 80's, but this time, the news is, this is not the old Apple, these guys are better prepared, they have better vision, and they have matured..

    I have an experience that confirms market domination in the making, I was in California for business, I was by the swimming pool relaxing reading a book on my Ipad, a kid who was maybe 10 years old asked me if I liked my Ipad, I said yes, he said he had one for Christmas, later I saw him playing with it...Domination is coming


    P.S, I am kind of surprised about Microsoft, it seems stalled, they need new blood, if not, its future is not very bright..

    1) Historically first movers get beat out and end up out of the market. This is actually the topic of a WSJ artical today.

    2) Android for tablets is still in a beta stage. Give it 2-5 years. If not Android, there will be others.

    3) Halo effect will get you a small percentage, and helps attracting early adopters to something new like iPad 1.0 but it will have minor influence in the overall device market.

    4) Vision helps establish new markets, not dominate established markets.

    Even if Apple remains the biggest tablet maker, and even if they hold 50% of the market, there will be no domination like there was with Wintel. The environment that drove that monopoly is gone
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  • Reply 19 of 34
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    1) Historically first movers get beat out and end up out of the market. This is actually the topic of a WSJ artical today.

    AS you saw in my post, I said if they follow the right strategy, Microsoft (When Bill was behind it) was a good example, they saw the potential of creating an operating system for any computer instead making computers, and even today it has domination, except Macs, although as you know, Macs can run windows if needed. Linux is the other player in the market, but it has not been able to take a big market.

    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    2) Android for tablets is still in a beta stage. Give it 2-5 years. If not Android, there will be others.

    I doubt they have the mind power that is available today for Mac

    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    3) Halo effect will get you a small percentage, and helps attracting early adopters to something new like iPad 1.0 but it will have minor influence in the overall device market.

    The Halo effect is very well responsible for the massive success of Apple in the last few years, and that Halo keep expanding now, very rapidly.

    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    3) 4) Vision helps establish new markets, not dominate established markets.

    Vision IMO does both when the conditions are right, and Apple is at the right time, as it has been established in the last 5 years, many so-called experts thought the Ipod, Iphone and Ipad were a mistake... We see now that Apple not only helped to create new markets, but has established them..

    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    3)Even if Apple remains the biggest tablet maker, and even if they hold 50% of the market, there will be no domination like there was with Wintel. The environment that drove that monopoly is gone

    When a company has 50% of a market, against 50% set by many others together, IMO that is domination..
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  • Reply 20 of 34
    jcozjcoz Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    1) Historically first movers get beat out and end up out of the market. This is actually the topic of a WSJ artical today.

    2) Android for tablets is still in a beta stage. Give it 2-5 years. If not Android, there will be others.

    3) Halo effect will get you a small percentage, and helps attracting early adopters to something new like iPad 1.0 but it will have minor influence in the overall device market.

    4) Vision helps establish new markets, not dominate established markets.

    Even if Apple remains the biggest tablet maker, and even if they hold 50% of the market, there will be no domination like there was with Wintel. The environment that drove that monopoly is gone

    The Halo effect is taking place with the macs, not the ipad....I think you dont understand that, because you seem to be going backwards. Maybe I'm just not reading your post right either though....

    Ipad and iPhone, unlike the ipod, IMO, are bringing customers back to purchase macs. That and a vastly growing mindshare, apple products are literally everywhere you look, and as has been said before, PC's simply dont register on that type of radar.

    I don't expect a massive shift in the end, but to discount the ground mac is gaining as some small thing is short sighted.

    iPods didn't get you mac sales because it wasn't overall the right demographic.

    Iphones and Ipads are making their way into the hands of people who have the money to purchase macs.

    They could end up with a much larger market share in computers in 10 years as a result.

    Overtake windows? No, of course not, barring some unforeseen cataclysmic event, but several times the market share they've had historically?

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