Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone contract plans and options

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple's website on Wednesday temporarily listed details for new Verizon iPhone customers, with voice plans starting at $39.99 per month, unlimited data for $29.99 per month, and 2GB of data tethering for an additional $20.

For a short time Wednesday morning, customers could view both the 16GB and 32GB CDMA iPhone models compatible with Verizon's network, which will be available for $199 and $299, respectively, with a two-year contract. The carrier's standard entry-level individual plan comes with 450 minutes for $39.99 per month, while 900 minutes costs $59.99 per month, and "Nationwide Unlimited" is $69.99 per month.

Verizon will also offer "Family SharePlans" with 700 minutes for $69.99, 1,400 minutes for $89.99, 2,000 minutes for $99.99 and "Nationwide Unlimited" for $119.99.

As was revealed earlier this week, Verizon customers will only be able to purchase an unlimited data plan for $29.99, with no lower-tier capped options available. However, the carrier has said that the unlimited plan will only be available for a limited time, as it plans to move toward a tiered system in the near future.

Tethering runs $20 per month, but only offers 2GB of data when using the new Personal Hotspot feature built into the iOS mobile operating system by Apple. Pricing on the tethering option was also previously revealed this week.

Finally, Verizon customers who buy the new iPhone can opt for pay-per-use text messaging at a rate of 20 cents per text or 25 cents for a picture or video. 250 messages costs $5 per month with a cost of 10 cents per additional message, while 500 messages (with unlimited messaging to other Verizon customers) is $10 per month. The unlimited texting plan matches AT&T at $20 per month.

Apple jumped the gun in listing the Verizon iPhone 4 in its online store -- preorders for existing Verizon customers are not set to go live until Feb. 3. The handset will be available to purchase to all when it officially goes on sale Feb. 10.

Later Wednesday morning, the pages were removed and visitors are now met with an error message: "Your request couldn’t be processed. We’re sorry, but there was an error processing your request. Please try again later."


  • Reply 1 of 39
    iliveriliver Posts: 299member
    The Verizon iPhone should do astronomically well in New York as there are so many customers that refused to switch to AT&T for an iPhone. All the dropped calls- expecially on the West Side of Manhattan, drops in elevators- doesn't seem to be a problem with Verizon. I know of 3 people in my office with Verizon Andoids all ready to pounce.
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  • Reply 2 of 39
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    and "Nationwide Unlimited" for $19.99.

    I assume that price is a typo. Is it supposed to be $199? Otherwise, I think I'm switching even though I'll have to pay large ETFs!
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  • Reply 3 of 39
    Originally Posted by

    Verizon will also offer "Family SharePlans" with 700 minutes for $69.99, 1,400 minutes for $89.99, 2,000 minutes for $99.99 and "Nationwide Unlimited" for $19.99.


    Nationwide Unlimited for $19.99?

    Shouldn't that be like $119.99?

    Maybe i'm thinking wrong...
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  • Reply 4 of 39
    I was just at the verizon store, and have the brochure. The unlimited minutes family plan is $119.99, with each additional phone after two an extra $49.99. A single phone unlimited plan is $70.00.

    I've been with verizon for years waiting for the iphone, but am thinking of switching to ATT to get one.
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  • Reply 5 of 39
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    $39.99 just for voice, and you still have to pay for the phone?

    I'm not even joking when I say this: why has no one "rebelled" and put a stop to this US cellphone extortion? As a european, I'd be disgusted if I had to pay $39.99 monthly for unlimited everything, let alone *just voice*!!
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  • Reply 6 of 39
    I never fail to be amazed by the amount that we are willing to pay for products that NEVER work 100% of the time... Don't get me wrong I have been an iPhone user since day one - but the prices in the US are just insane.
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  • Reply 7 of 39
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    $39.99 just for voice, and you still have to pay for the phone?

    I'm not even joking when I say this: why has no one "rebelled" and put a stop to this US cellphone extortion? As a european, I'd be disgusted if I had to pay $39.99 monthly for unlimited everything, let alone *just voice*!!

    Why haven't you rebelled at the fact that practically everyone over there only uses cell phones for incoming calls?
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  • Reply 8 of 39
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by View Post

    I never fail to be amazed by the amount that we are willing to pay for products that NEVER work 100% of the time... Don't get me wrong I have been an iPhone user since day one - but the prices in the US are just insane.

    You must be aghast when you go into a car showroom.
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  • Reply 9 of 39
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    $39.99 just for voice, and you still have to pay for the phone?

    I'm not even joking when I say this: why has no one "rebelled" and put a stop to this US cellphone extortion? As a european, I'd be disgusted if I had to pay $39.99 monthly for unlimited everything, let alone *just voice*!!

    And how many text messages are included in that unlimited everything? because EVERY carrier I've looked up has a "fair use" policy of 1,000 SMS a month or less. Some carriers impose a fair use restriction of 500MB for "Unlimited data" as well. How many minutes are considered unlimited under "Fair use" over there as well?

    European carriers also don't include MMS or Video messaging in their texting plans like US carriers do (again, some might, but no carrier I've looked at). Calling landlines is also not included and can cost you up to $.50 a minute or more.

    Things like Unlimited nights and weekends also don't exist, again on all the plans I've checked.

    So yes, US carriers have higher prices, but they offer TOTALLY different plans than euro carriers do. A LOT of people in the US still rely on landlines, and these calls are among the most expensive (per minute) for carriers. So by cutting those out of the included calls, euro carriers are saving a boatload. If US carriers tried the same, there would be a revolt. Not to mention "fair use" texting. seeing people with 5k+ texting a month on one line really isn't uncommon here in the us.

    In fact, if you have a 14 year old daughter, don't be surprised to see well over 10k texting a month.

    And then on top of that you have land coverage issues. The us is a rather large country and more importantly the population density is a lot lower in the states than it is in the US, this leads to a LOT higher network/backhaul costs.

    I'm glad your plan works well for you in Europe, but you're trying to compare apple's to oranges here. US plans and European plans are totally different in structure as well as cost to the carriers, so comparing them simply on price is pointless.
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  • Reply 10 of 39
    ....but at these prices, no thanks. If I switch, I will lose my free weekend/evening minutes, rollover minutes, and I end up paying more for data access (while getting less as far as speed and multitasking). I also travel a few times each year.....CDMA won't make that possible.
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  • Reply 11 of 39
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's website on Wednesday temporarily listed details for new Verizon iPhone customers, with voice plans starting at $39.99 per month ...

    Wow. That's the most expensive basic voice plan I've ever seen.

    In Canada we pay roughly 30% more for everything when it comes to phones, but our basic voice plans are usually just over 20.00. This is almost double. Crazy.
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  • Reply 12 of 39
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Wow. That's the most expensive basic voice plan I've ever seen.

    In Canada we pay roughly 30% more for everything when it comes to phones, but our basic voice plans are usually just over 20.00. This is almost double. Crazy.

    And what does that Plan give you?

    for $40 a month, that customer gets:

    450 Anytime minutes

    Unlimited Verizon Wireless mobile to mobile

    Unlimited Nights and weekends (starting at 9PM going to 6AM)

    No nationwide long distance or roaming charges.

    All the extras (voice mail, three way calling, call forwarding, caller ID, etc)
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  • Reply 13 of 39
    Someone please clue me in why anyone would want tethering for $20 and be limited to 2GB. All the other smartphones would have internet access anyway and if you use your notebook to "browse", wouldn't 2GB be not enough? Especially if others join in.


    Some carriers impose a fair use restriction of 500MB for "Unlimited data" as well.

    That should be 500GB, correct?
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  • Reply 14 of 39
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Yuniverse View Post

    Someone please clue me in why anyone would want tethering for $20 and be limited to 2GB. All the other smartphones would have internet access anyway and if you use your notebook to "browse", wouldn't 2GB be not enough? Especially if others join in.


    That should be 500GB, correct?

    No it shouldn't. A UK carrier (tmobile I believe) rewrote their Fair use policy for data that it only includes 500MB of data, but they still bill it as "unlimited."

    It's actually O2, Orange, and TmobileUK.

    The article in particular I was referring to is this one:

    Before this I believe fair use was somewhere in the realm of 3GB of data a month.

    To answer your other question, the tethering is actually a nice option if you want to have internet on the go for your netbook or something but you don't want a whole other device. It's really popular with businesspeople and retired couples, but it's not for everyone (for obvious reasons)
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  • Reply 15 of 39
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    $39.99 just for voice, and you still have to pay for the phone?

    I'm not even joking when I say this: why has no one "rebelled" and put a stop to this US cellphone extortion? As a european, I'd be disgusted if I had to pay $39.99 monthly for unlimited everything, let alone *just voice*!!

    carriers gouge us in the US. but they will keep doing it as long as people pay them...

    my iPhone is on t-mobile prepaid, i average $15/month and i still think it's too much.
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  • Reply 16 of 39
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    my ATT plan is $50/month for 550 minutes, $10/month for my wife's line, $5/month for my REQUIRED 200 message plan, $5/month for my wife's REQUIRED messaging, $30 for my truly unlimited data, $15 for my wife's 250mb. [we're both on wifi at home and at work]

    sooo, $115 [+taxes/fees] for everything for TWO iPhones on ATT. [it comes out to $109 with all taxes because of my company discount. if you're not getting some sort of discount on your ATT plan, you're a fool. they have discount plans starting at 7% off basic service for anyone and everyone capable of showing them a pay stub

    the requirement to carry an SMS plan PISSES ME OFF. texting is the biggest money maker for cell comapnies - massive, massive ripoff. we use textfree or email instead of SMS.
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  • Reply 17 of 39
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    the requirement to carry an SMS plan PISSES ME OFF. texting is the biggest money maker for cell comapnies - massive, massive ripoff. we use textfree or email instead of SMS.

    the mandatory voice plan is what pisses me off.
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  • Reply 18 of 39
    Originally Posted by Yuniverse View Post

    Someone please clue me in why anyone would want tethering for $20 and be limited to 2GB. All the other smartphones would have internet access anyway and if you use your notebook to "browse", wouldn't 2GB be not enough? Especially if others join in.


    That should be 500GB, correct?

    I mostly use the hotspot to "fill the coverage gaps", e.g. for:

    - listening to streaming music services on my iPod while at work (better sound quality than my phone)

    - occasional browse/flipboard/twitter/e-mail checking on my wifi-only iPad when outside any wifi area.

    - A handful of times I've hosted my hubby's 3G iPad when we're in an area w/Verizon signal but no AT&T.

    The 2Gb lasts pretty well for me under those circumstances. The only thing I consciously avoid is video streaming. I'd love if the limit were 4Gb so I wouldn't have to worry about that either, but so far I haven't overrun the 2Gb limit yet.
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  • Reply 19 of 39
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    And what does that Plan give you?

    for $40 a month, that customer gets:

    450 Anytime minutes

    Unlimited Verizon Wireless mobile to mobile

    Unlimited Nights and weekends (starting at 9PM going to 6AM)

    No nationwide long distance or roaming charges.

    All the extras (voice mail, three way calling, call forwarding, caller ID, etc)

    My fiancée pays 30 w/ tax on Rogers for

    350 daytime

    Evening & Weekends @ 6pm

    Call Display, Call ID, Voicemail

    I pay just under $60 w/ tax on Rogers for

    200 daytime

    Evening & Weekends @ 6pm

    My10 (10 people in Canada - unlimited txt and calling)

    1000 LD minutes

    500 MB of data

    Call ID, Visual Voicemail, Call Display, 1000 txt messages

    Your prices are not good.
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  • Reply 20 of 39
    it's a good step taken by Verizon, the way things are moving every provider will have to offer unlimited plans. By doing this Verizon has taken the lead.
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