Netgear CEO rails on Apple's Steve Jobs, praises Android



  • Reply 61 of 226
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    And I care what Netgear's CEO thinks about apple why exactly? I didn't even know his name until this article.

    You are very well informed. I wasn't even aware of NetGear the company.
  • Reply 62 of 226
    Why do we even bother giving this person any press? We all know that Apple has been wrong about everything these last few years and Netgear has been right. What? Apple has a 60 Billion Dollar savings account! Netgear? No doubt Apple continues to be wrong and Netgear is right.
  • Reply 63 of 226
    Originally Posted by theolein View Post

    Pity they're all but killing their own market for producing said content at the same time.


    There is no evidence that musical and video creativity is being stifled. Quite the contrary. The self-serving propaganda coming out of the movie and recording industry that 'piracy' is killing creativity is disproven by the facts. What the digital age is doing is killing off their previous monopoly on distribution. They'll just have to find new business models if they want to continue in business, just as Netflix, Apple TV, Google TV etc will force cinemaplex's to rethink their business models.
  • Reply 64 of 226
    Originally Posted by Whozown View Post


    Exactly!... that was my first thought... who the hell is Patrick Lo and why should I care.

    I wouldn't keep a guy like this in my company.
  • Reply 65 of 226
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    I'm sorry, but who is Netgear?
  • Reply 66 of 226
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i had 2 netgear devices. both were junk and i will never buy anything from that brand again. but lets not call them out for looking like childrens bath toys. the early i products especially looked like disneyland and playskool designed it and os x still looks like that.

    Are you kidding? Okay, I will grant you that the original iMac design is very toy-like now, but please let's not forget that this was released over 13 years ago. By today's standards it is pretty whimsical looking, but at the time was a revolutionary design. You can;t judge a 13+ year old design against a unibody MacBook's a totally different tech world now (thanks to Apple).

    As for OS X, I take issue with your comments. It in no way looks like Playskool. OS X has always been several steps ahead of windows in both form and function, and Windows 7 is the only thing MS has done that narrowed the gap to any real degree. And what are they basing Windows 7 on? Obviously an OS X-like experience is what they are trying to achieve. They have been chasing Apple for years for good reason, and finally have found some conceptual success.

    You can argue that linux is the best for tasks x,y, and z, and I give it alot of credit for being free and open source, etc. But as for a commercially available OSes, Mac OS X is still the leader in the industry. I was going to end by saying that someday MS may come up with an OS that bests OS X, and theoretically they could...but it would really take a paradigm shift in their product philosophy. I just don't see it happening. Maybe if they canned Ballmer and got a real CEO in there.
  • Reply 67 of 226
    Originally Posted by steftheref View Post


    There is no evidence that musical and video creativity is being stifled. Quite the contrary. The self-serving propaganda coming out of the movie and recording industry that 'piracy' is killing creativity is disproven by the facts. What the digital age is doing is killing off their previous monopoly on distribution. They'll just have to find new business models if they want to continue in business, just as Netflix, Apple TV, Google TV etc will force cinemaplex's to rethink their business models.

    I was talking about Apple killing off its professional market, the ones who produce the content that the rest are consuming. As of today you can no longer buy an XServe as Apple no longer sells them. There is no replacement (and in production houses, replacing rack mounted redundant machines with Mac Pros or Mac Minis is not possible or realistic). I was talking about how Apple is neglecting its professional software (FCP Studio, FCP Server, XSan) to such an extent that Adobe's software is now much, much better and, to top that, really does run better on Windows.

    Apple is making a killing off consumer devices which are really good and provide a seamless experience, but Android will eventually eat up much of that market, leaving Apple with no core of loyal professionals that it had back when Macs were only popular amongst creative professional users.
  • Reply 68 of 226
    1. If Netgear is such a strong supporter of open systems, then why do they have a warning even on their "OpenSource Router" that says "Opening the router housing or putting in any customer software on the router will void the warranty on your router" ( ). Their equipment is as closed as they can be under the GPL they are bound to for using software such as parts of the Linux Kernel. Netgear products are about as closed as Apple products, sure you can mod either, but both companies try to keep people from doing so by threatening to not support the product after a software mod.

    2. If he doesn't like something about Apple Inc, that is fine, but there is no reason to personally attack Steve Jobs. Although Steve does have a lot of influence, he isn't the only one making decisions or policies at Apple. The logic behind equating Apple Inc to Steve Jobs is flawed. Attacking an individual based on their employer is distasteful.
  • Reply 69 of 226
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    And in other news Paris Hilton gives acting advice to Meryl Streep.

  • Reply 70 of 226
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Which looks like Android, extrapolating. I hope it isn't, but it looks like.

    What they dont like is being forced to pay a ransom to Apple for content purchasing they could provide themselves. The 30% on in-app purchases for content bought through iTunes makes sense for small distributors with no web presence. For other distributors it is an extortionate racket - a price for doing business in Apple's neighborhood with no value added by Apple.

    So if Apple adds no value and therefore should not get a cut of the profits, then why do some of these higher end developers decide to put up with the extortion and sell through iTunes?

    Lets talk it out and see...

    Does selling in iTunes get them a lot of additional consumer eyes on their product? Yes

    And does this then increase their sales? Yes

    Do customers want, and in some cases need, an easy portal to access software and updates? Yes

    Is administering their own sales and maintaining a web presence of their own time consuming and sometimes cost-prohibitive? Yes

    So after all that, I'm thinking that there definitely is added value there or these developers wouldn't do it. I guess from there you might say that you agree with the added value, but that it is disproportionate with the cut Apple is taking? This could be true, but I think it would be on a case-by-case basis. Some developers probably feel the benefits outweigh the downsides, and others may not. If they feel they are still disadvantaged, then maybe iTunes isn't the right place for them.
  • Reply 71 of 226
    What a moron, it's not always about market share, it's about making money. Thank god the app store doesn't look nothing like the Android market. If android is so open why do carriers and OEMs have to hold on updates before releasing it to the public. Why does the Android community has to rely on a bunch of kids on the net for updates.
  • Reply 72 of 226
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    In discussion open, does this mean that I can download a copy of netgear router code on the net and make modifications?
  • Reply 73 of 226
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    10 to 15 years? how do you get that number? as a desktop, unless you want to site some specific app, it ain't that far behind windows or os x.

    -posted using chromium running on ubuntu 10.04. the mac has been retired and windows is just a vm under virtualbox that gets fired up when i have to.

    i don't know of anyone running 'linux' that doesn't involve the 'GNU' prefix. its difficult to make use of it just on its own.

    I work on Mac, Windows and Linux desktops, and "primitive". "ugly" & "awkward" are the three words that come to mind in comparing Linux to the other two. I'm not a big fan of Windows, but even XP is way ahead of the Linux desktop interface. As I said, it's a great server OS, but the desktop UI simply sucks in comparison to the alternatives.

    And, since LT rejects the "GNU" label, it's inappropriate to apply it to Linux. Prefixing Linux with "GNU" is just another attempt by free software advocates to appropriate and take credit for intellectual property that doesn't belong to them.
  • Reply 74 of 226
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 75 of 226
    While I agree with your general point, I have a quibble here:

    Originally Posted by JulesLt View Post

    Equally, by the same logic, Unix should have succeeded, and Windows failed (well, actually that is what's happening now) - especially as Windows was locked down to one, inferior, CPU architecture, rather than the multiple platforms supported by Unix.

    Windows NT supported multiple CPUs including x86, Alpha, MIPS, and PowerPC. But those RISC configurations weren't big sellers so they were eventually dropped.
  • Reply 76 of 226
    Here is why he is pissed:

    NETGEAR makes 8 different connected streaming internet media dohickeys:

    NETGEAR Roku Player

    NeoTV? 550 Ultimate HD Media Player

    NeoTV? 350 HD Media Player






    Apple makes the just one and gets a lot more attention and sales.

    NETGEAR makes 19 different wireless routers, while Apple makes just 3.

    No one could care less about his crappy routers while Apple makes a metric buttload in the same market.

    NETGEAR's "strategy" has been throw sh!t at the wall till something sticks.

    Only problem is nothing is sticking.

    Even Apple's worst product get more attention and sales than their best.
  • Reply 77 of 226
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I work on Mac, Windows and Linux desktops, and "primitive". "ugly" & "awkward" are the three words that come to mind in comparing Linux to the other two. I'm not a big fan of Windows, but even XP is way ahead of the Linux desktop interface. As I said, it's a great server OS, but the desktop UI simply sucks in comparison to the alternatives.

    And, since LT rejects the "GNU" label, it's inappropriate to apply it to Linux. Prefixing Linux with "GNU" is just another attempt by free software advocates to appropriate and take credit for intellectual property that doesn't belong to them.

    LT can 'reject' the label since all he is interested in is the kernel. But unless you are talking about the linux kernel source code alone you are talking 'gnu/linux'. in fact it is Linus who is short changing all the work put into the gnu projects etc and those programmers whose work enable the linux kernel to actually be useful.

    and if you doubt that then go and compile the linux source code without gcc. and good luck. i use the word 'linux' cuz most associate that with the entire package and its shorter to type...

    the great thing about linux based distros is that you can configure your desktop to work like windows or os x if you choose to. are they as 'polished'? nope. are they 10-15 years behind in that regard? no. 2-3years? probably.

    yes we give up certain candy to use linux distros but at least we get to choose and alter the candy we do want.

    not saying linux is for everyone and everyone should ditch apple. the majority of apple users should keep on being apple users.
  • Reply 78 of 226
    Regardless what we think about Lo's comments the news will be duplicated widely proving the old statement that "all press is good as long as it's loud and widespread"...
  • Reply 79 of 226
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Here is why he is pissed:

    I think you are right.

    Apple offers very few product lines. But these give consumers complete solutions. Consumers don't need to leave Apple's orbit to get the stuff they want.

    External vendors are used to making a living in the push and shove of free-for-all markets. Microsoft and Google, have no hardware of their own, and this creates commercial opportunities for these bottom feeding companies.

    When Apple comes along, all they can do is press their faces up agains the glass and complain that its cold outside.

  • Reply 80 of 226
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    made comments so anyone search "apple" pulls up the sour grades ceo

    that's the only way he or his company can get news

    macdailynews did a good job making the case
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