News Corp's 'The Daily' launches on iPad with Apple's in-app subscriptions



  • Reply 41 of 170
    Originally Posted by dsknj View Post

    Consistently ranked by whom?

    The NY Times, MSNBC, NBC and the AP are all the propaganda arm of the democratic party. That is not up for debate. You are just too misinformed and biased to know it.

    The liberal media doesnt exist? Stop watching Bill Maher and reading the Daily Kos....

    All liberal media is dying a slow death. Thank god.....

    So... that means only conservative media should be left standing? Personally, I prefer to just hear the story without the talking heads and actually use my mind to come up with my own conclusions. Its worked well so far for me .

    Some networks are left-leaning, some networks are right-leaning. Big deal. Take them all with a grain of salt and form your own opinion (FOX included).
  • Reply 42 of 170
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Conservatives and liberals will never change their position so I fail to see the logic in responding when someone drops a political opinion bomb.
  • Reply 43 of 170
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Beck does whatever makes him money, being a scarey boogie man on fox sells gold, being a nut on radio sells gold, guns and preserved food MREs, and at the end of the day Glenn cashes the check.

    If Newscorps is more profitable then fox news is better off, then glen beck is better off.

    Beck is a business man and an entertainer, no different than John Stewart or Rush Limbaugh.

    I would agree, except the difference between Jon Stewart and other pundits like Limbaugh or Beck is Jon is a satirist that doesn't take himself seriously and expects you to form your own opinions of the world, with a little comedy thrown in there for fun. Everyone else explicitly tells you what they think and what you should think as well, and talk about how everyone else is wrong. That's the difference.

    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Conservatives and liberals will never change their position so I fail to see the logic in responding when someone drops a political opinion bomb.

    What about us poor schmucks in the middle? lol.
  • Reply 44 of 170
    xsmixsmi Posts: 140member
    Originally Posted by iLiver View Post

    Profits are profits but isn't this a little like sleeping with the enemy?

    The lover of all things Beatles/John Lennon now dancing with the dark side?


    It was Steve Jobs who taught me the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" back in the late 80's referring to M$.
  • Reply 45 of 170
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    ... What about us poor schmucks in the middle? lol.

    You're diluted.
  • Reply 46 of 170
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by dsknj View Post

    Consistently ranked by whom?

    The NY Times, MSNBC, NBC and the AP are all the propaganda arm of the democratic party. That is not up for debate. You are just too misinformed and biased to know it.

    The liberal media doesnt exist? Stop watching Bill Maher and reading the Daily Kos....

    All liberal media is dying a slow death. Thank god.....

    Obviously, you don't read those publications, so you're not in a position to know what they are. As I get both the NY Times and the WSJ, I can tell you that the WSJ has never been a neutral journal, but at least, its reporting wasn't too biased. Now it is.

    The Times isn't perfect either, but it's much more neutral in it's reporting. Editorial sections are what they are in each journal, as is to be expected, and I have no problem with tha. I just don't read those pundits who are too biased.

    Thankfully, you're quite wrong, and more neutral, and yes, liberal journals are not disappearing any faster than are the conservative ones.
  • Reply 47 of 170
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I expect that it won't be long before there are new terms of service and a new developer agreement that carves out different revenue sharing plans for different kinds of in-app purchased content: periodical subscriptions, books, perhaps some other categories, and everything else which will remain at 30/70.

    Sounds likely. I still think that it makes sense to let in-app sales of tangible items be allowed without the 30/70 deal which was designed for paid apps not merchandise such as groceries.
  • Reply 48 of 170
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You're diluted.

    YOU'RE diluted! Do I sound more intelligent now? xD
  • Reply 49 of 170
    Originally Posted by dsknj View Post

    I agree. This would be so much better if a "real" news organization with no bias were behind this like the NY Times, NBC News or MSNBC.........

    "Real" News Organizations... NY Times?! NBC, MSNBC?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    NYT, NBC, MSNBC "Real" news organizations... Now that's comedy!

    Alway come to AI to be cheered up and not disappointed today!

    I'm off to buy a yearly subscription of The Daily! My NYT serves its purpose... lining the bird cage.



  • Reply 50 of 170
    1st Review: Crashed 3 times in 10 minutes. No Search!
  • Reply 51 of 170
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Sounds likely. I still think that it makes sense to let in-app sales of tangible items be allowed without the 30/70 deal which was designed for paid apps not merchandise such as groceries.

    I don't think that will change:


    You must deliver a digital good or service within your application. Do not use In App Purchase to sell real-world goods and services.


    But, clearly, Apple doesn't consider eBooks tangible goods, nor should they, in my opinion.
  • Reply 52 of 170
    n42n42 Posts: 34member
    where's the iPhone app? just sayin..
  • Reply 53 of 170
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    News Corp. spent $30 million to prepare the publication for Wednesday's launch.

    I hope the preparations included a new building, lots of new staff and some serious it infrastructure as well as the development of the app itself. That is one helluva lot of money.
  • Reply 54 of 170
    Originally Posted by Chiefthinker View Post

    Please provide references/links for any or all surveys you're alluding to.

    Also, please define "misinformed" including what subject they are being misinformed on. \

    Thanks in advance.

    Google "misinformed news viewers", top hit.

    Not that hard and note the search did not include Fox but that appears in every result.

    Before you say, I agree the google is not the ultimate test of impartiality but it supports the OP point. It is indeed difficult to find "News" in the US, rather it is a commentary on events, opinions. That is not news (Originally from the UK where the BBC does a fine job of balance and impartiality).
  • Reply 55 of 170
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Sounds likely. I still think that it makes sense to let in-app sales of tangible items be allowed without the 30/70 deal which was designed for paid apps not merchandise such as groceries.

    John Gruber today suggested a credit card processing fee of about 5%. that sounds good to me. The point was made that in app purchasing costs Apple much less than does app purchasing itself. I can't say if that's correct. But if it is, then Apple should accommodate it.

    I understand why publishers and retailers get upset about the 30% cut. When we buy a book or magazine from a retailer, online or in a store, they are making their own profit, which isn't really that much. If a book goes for $20 list, and Amazon is selling it for $13, they're getting it for about $9. So the publisher makes about 10% net, and Amazon also makes about 10% net. So Apple is insisting on 30% off list. That would be $6. Well, that entirely wipes out Amazon's entire gross. It's even worse, as it's more than they would be getting. So they have to go back to the publisher and demand it for less. Well, that ain't gonna work.

    Same thing for subscriptions. Subscription processing companies, which most publishers use to handle subs, only get about 5%. So, why should Apple get 30%?

    This is a problem. I have no difficulty with using my Kindle and Nook apps, going out of them to the stores, and then syncing purchases, as it takes just a few seconds longer, and takes you right back to the app with just one click. So, that costs Apple nothing!

    I hope something equable is worked out when Apple makes their statement shortly, as Cue said they would in the coming days.
  • Reply 56 of 170
    (deleted) - wrong thread, sorry!
  • Reply 57 of 170
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    I just got The Daily and am quite impressed. Not sure how long it would take to go through the entire contents; I wouldn't be surprised if it took a couple of hours or more.

    However, for those that do not have an unlimited data plan, it would be prudent to track your usage.

    Note that Wi-Fi is not ubiquitous or free. In most countries there is even a data limit on high speed internet packages. For example, I had a 60 GB in my home plan; with 5 Macs, 2 iPads, 3 iPhones, and most recently 2 Apple TVs with Netfix, for which, I had to move up to an 80 GB package, I am not sure if that is even enough.
  • Reply 58 of 170
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    "Real" News Organizations... NY Times?! NBC, MSNBC?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    NYT, NBC, MSNBC "Real" news organizations... Now that's comedy!

    Alway come to AI to be cheered up and not disappointed today!

    I'm off to buy a yearly subscription of The Daily! My NYT serves its purpose... lining the bird cage.




    Obviously you read it too. No one would be so stupid as to buy it for pet cage lining. Or, of course, you're just making it all up.

    I'm amazed at the number of reactionaries there are on this site. As Apple is a liberal organization, I can't understand why you would buy their products rather than those of the much less politically liberal MS.
  • Reply 59 of 170
    Am I the only one excited about this? Specialized, modern, multimedia content is THE reason I'm excited about the ipad (along with Internet browsing and FaceTime). There's a lot of bitter, negative nanceys out thus morning. The Daily looks cool, and a terrific price with daily customized content year round for 40$. I can't wait to see other periodicals follow suit.

    As for all of you extremely predictable, knee jerk nutjobs chiming in about evil old Rupert Murdoch, with your juvenile, close minded, hyperbolic statements about how you're not 'touching this' for the sake of your cultish leftist groupthink, please STFU.

    edit: and FYI, everytime they poll the media about political leanings 90% vote democrat! so why do you think (the sometimes obnoxious) fox news is so popular? because they're the only ones saying something different from all the others! but I've never known a left leaning person to respond to logic so I'll stop here, it's alway emotion-based, backed up by rationalization, intellectualization, and NO INSIGHT!
  • Reply 60 of 170
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    I just got The Daily and am quite impressed. Not sure how long it would take to go through the entire contents; I wouldn't be surprised if it took a couple of hours or more.

    However, for those that do not have an unlimited data plan, it would be prudent to track your usage.

    Note that Wi-Fi is not ubiquitous or free. In most countries there is even a data limit on high speed internet packages. For example, I had a 60 GB in my home plan; with 5 Macs, 2 iPads, 3 iPhones, and most recently 2 Apple TVs with Netfix, for which, I had to move up to an 80 GB package, I am not sure if that is even enough.

    Thanks for the info.

    Do you think though it is worth $40 a year or can you get this information easily for free (advert supported of course)? Is there a lot of advertising on there?
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