Mac App Store hastens Apple's plans to cease boxed software sales - rumor



  • Reply 101 of 104
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    For on-site backup, a RAID array or something more flexible like a Drobo is the way to go. For off-site storage, you could use a HD dock with drives you rotate for redundancy, but that's a huge hassle. I know you poo-pooed this earlier, but online backup like Carbonite or Mozy.

    How many here actually own and use Drobo? I've heard such a variety of opinions, I don't know who to trust but I still need a solid back-up solution for my business. Opinions?
  • Reply 102 of 104
    Originally Posted by pondosinatra View Post

    So what happens when the US pulls an Egypt and shuts down the internet? How you going to get your software then?

    Doesn't that tin foil hat scratch?

    1. This is contingent on the U.S. actually implementing an Internet 'shut-off' switch.

    2. This assumes that you're a complete bumbling fool who cares more about getting software than whatever has transpired in the U.S. to cause the entire Internet to be shut off, anyway.
  • Reply 103 of 104
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Doesn't that tin foil hat scratch?

    1. This is contingent on the U.S. actually implementing an Internet 'shut-off' switch.

    2. This assumes that you're a complete bumbling fool who cares more about getting software than whatever has transpired in the U.S. to cause the entire Internet to be shut off, anyway.

    You're right, absolutely everything you do should be reliant upon your IP.
  • Reply 104 of 104
    Originally Posted by pondosinatra View Post

    You're right, absolutely everything you do should be reliant upon your IP.

    Of course, because that's exactly what I said.

    If you're somewhere you can go to an Apple Store to get software, you can get physical copies from other stores or elsewhere online, as well.
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