WSJ: Apple now manufacturing next-gen iPads



  • Reply 61 of 73
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I'd really like to see a resolution doubled screen on iPad 2, but if the tech isn't ready it isn't ready. What should be ready and will make or break iPad 2 is the following:
    1. 1GB of RAM. As others have said RAM is dirt cheap these days and the platform could really use it.

    2. A CORTEX A9 based processor. Two cores minimal and running at a higher maximum clock rate. It would be extre nice if the machine came with four cores. Oh the processor needs to be built on SAMSUNGs newest 32/28nm process.

    3. Updated GPU. If the screen resolution doesn't change this could be a minor bump. If the resolution does get bumped up the performance here will have to more than Quadrupal. It is the GPU that has me question whether or not the screen gets double resolution. The screen isn't a problem to manufacture, getting suitable GPU preformance out of a low power GPU is.

    4. Built in GPS even in the cell free models.

    5. SD slot

    6 USB port(s)

    7 HDMI video and audio out.

    I'll be waiting for iPad 3 or iPad 4, or if Apple does not want to deliver something good enough to replace my laptop, I will get something else.

    BTW, the GPU's are easy, current gen has about double the performance of the iPhone 4 GPU per core and you can use multiple cores. See the new PSP device with quad core CPU and quadcore GPU.

    Sounds like I will be waiting for iPad 3 or iPad 4. Or maybe Google will figure it out first and I'll end up with an Android 4 or Android 5 tablet.
  • Reply 62 of 73
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    The day Apple puts Flash on any of their iDevices is the day I stop buying them.

    Flash is evil on my MBP, if it wasn't for click to flash, I would be constantly bombarded with ads that overheat my battery and slow down my computer.

    I HATE Flash, and if this bothers you that you can't get Flash, go elsewhere, you can try Android or windoze crap.

    I would like to see click to flash for the iPhone and iPad.

    Occasionally I will come across a flash video I would like to see on my iPad or iPhone. Not often, but every now and then. The next iPhone, if it comes with a cortex a9 which is highly likely, should have no trouble playing flash videos smoothly. Of course it would negatively affect battery life, hence my desire for click to flash.
  • Reply 63 of 73
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by MisterK View Post

    I don't think I need the "retina display" but the iPhone 4 has spoiled me a little. Doubling the iPad's resolution (instead of quadrupling) would be awesome because I don't hold my iPad as close to my face as I hold the iPhone.

    Lighter, absolutely. Thiner... fine. The faster processor is a given. They have to. More storage is also something fairly obvious I think. Front facing camera for FaceTime, please. No rear one is needed. I honestly think the rear camera would be a waste of space. They might put it in to keep up with the Joneses, but it's certainly not necessary.

    I really don't know what else is needed on the iPad. EXCEPT FOR FLASH. I'll keep on asking for it as long as just about every restaurant website and many other vanity websites are written in Flash. Give me a disclaimer saying that turning this switch will cause more crashing... anything... I just want to be able to see every website. I mostly read blogs, but the not-so-rare time I go to a site with Flash, I'd like to be able to see it.

    Personally I think Flash is garbage in it's current state. I wish Adobe would just get off their asses and put in the time and money to improve their desktop and most importantly their mobile offerings. If they absolutely refuse, then I think flash should be killed off in favor of HTML5 and/or other better alternatives. With that said, I have been curious about this for awhile, so I will ask you...

    Do you think it is possible for Apple to come up with some sort of plug-in functionality that could display Flash content, without having to have flash on the iPad/iPhone? Like say for example how Flip4Mac will display windows media player files on a mac?
  • Reply 64 of 73
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    The day Apple puts Flash on any of their iDevices is the day I stop buying them.

    Flash is evil on my MBP, if it wasn't for click to flash, I would be constantly bombarded with ads that overheat my battery and slow down my computer.

    I HATE Flash, and if this bothers you that you can't get Flash, go elsewhere, you can try Android or windoze crap.

    You do realize that you can uninstall or disable flash on Macs, PCs, and Android? Just because you hate it does not mean that it is not useful, desirable, or even required for other people. God forbid anyone have a CHOICE?
  • Reply 65 of 73
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    No higher resolution. No sale.

    My wife and I really wanted to buy one. We'll reconsider with v3.

    I personally like what I hear - a nice incremental update with the camera and added performance while containing the cost. Good stuff. Should perform nicely - higher resolution now would have almost certainly meant a performance hit or a cost increase to avoid that hit (as my thermo Prof used to say "there is no such thing as a free lunch").

    Would I like more resolution? You bet.

    Am I willing to take a performance hit? Hell no!

    Would I pay $100 more to solve that issue and have both? Probably, but there are a bunch that would not and it is for that reason that I think it is a wise configuration (if it is to be believed at all).

    Just my two cents. You can keep the change!
  • Reply 66 of 73
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    Personally I think Flash is garbage in it's current state. I wish Adobe would just get off their asses and put in the time and money to improve their desktop and most importantly their mobile offerings. If they absolutely refuse, then I think flash should be killed off in favor of HTML5 and/or other better alternatives. With that said, I have been curious about this for awhile, so I will ask you...

    Do you think it is possible for Apple to come up with some sort of plug-in functionality that could display Flash content, without having to have flash on the iPad/iPhone? Like say for example how Flip4Mac will display windows media player files on a mac?

    You bet, there are a couple of folks that have done it already (Gordon is the first one that comes to mind). One of the problems with a Flash substitute for iOS as-is is that it is done using JavaScript. Apple could solve that but it would change the rules substantially. The possible patent and intellectual property issues are a real biggie though. Nice idea though.
  • Reply 67 of 73
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    6 USB port(s)

    7 HDMI video and audio out.

    I'll be waiting for iPad 3 or iPad 4, or if Apple does not want to deliver something good enough to replace my laptop, I will get something else.

    BTW, the GPU's are easy, current gen has about double the performance of the iPhone 4 GPU per core and you can use multiple cores. See the new PSP device with quad core CPU and quadcore GPU.

    Sounds like I will be waiting for iPad 3 or iPad 4. Or maybe Google will figure it out first and I'll end up with an Android 4 or Android 5 tablet.

    If you want everything you can do on a laptop then I think your wait is much longer than iPad3 or iPad4. But you don't want a laptop equivalent - where in the heck can you find a laptop with 6 USB ports and 7 HDMI video in/out ports. Hell my brand new HDTV doesn't even have that many HDMI ports nor have I seen one.

    Not asking for much here are we - keeping dreaming. Just don't freak out when you wake up.
  • Reply 68 of 73
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    If you want everything you can do on a laptop then I think your wait is much longer than iPad3 or iPad4. But you don't want a laptop equivalent - where in the heck can you find a laptop with 6 USB ports and 7 HDMI video in/out ports. Hell my brand new HDTV doesn't even have that many HDMI ports nor have I seen one.

    Not asking for much here are we - keeping dreaming. Just don't freak out when you wake up.

    I was adding items 6 and 7 to the list I quoted that went from 1 to 5.
  • Reply 69 of 73
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    wrong forum
  • Reply 70 of 73
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    No higher resolution. No sale.

    My wife and I really wanted to buy one. We'll reconsider with v3.

    This is a none issue for me. i would rather have all the "other" improvements ie more memory, faster CPU, thinner, lighter. I dont even care for the front/rear facing camera. Just lower the price a little ( even $50 less) and Apple will sell millions...
  • Reply 71 of 73
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Jensonb View Post

    Yes, thank you, but I'm not an idiot. I'm aware of the difference. But the resolution of the screen contributes to its quality.

    There are several factors that contribute to the quality of a display beyond resolution. Back when Apple first began to use LED backlit displays in their laptops. LED backlit displays did not yet come in 1920x1200.

    Others like Dell and HP were using 1920x1200 resolution displays that used fluorescent backlighting. People criticized Apple for not offering a 1920x1200 resolution laptop.

    But even at lower resolution the LED backlit displays clearly looked much better than the older fluorescent displays.


    Except for the fact that I'm a Student, and therefore not rich, and I only want to buy one ultraportable in the next 3 years. Hence, I am only going to do so when the experience meets my - full - requirements. I don't want to buy an iPad 2, then find that the 2012 model has the screen I wanted. Especially since I will be buying it subsidised with a Wireless Service Agreement.

    With that thought process when do you buy anything? There will always be a better version.

    The 2013 model will have something better than the 2012 model.


    I'm a video snob. I've used the iPad, and the screen, whilst nice, does not have the amazing, beautiful appearance and quality of the iPhone 4 screen. It's not just about readability - bigger letters are inherently easier to read - it's about the visual quality. My iPhone 4 wows me. iPad does not.

    I think this has as much to do with the pixels of iP4 being closer to the glass as it does the increase in resolution.

    I guarantee the screen used in the iPad 2 will look better than the screen used in the original.


    Sure, but it would still be markedly inferior to the iPhone 4. It is not any one of the ways in which iPhone 4's screen is superior to the iPad's that I want to see on iPad, it's everything that makes the iPhone 4's screen superior that I want to see on the iPad's.

    You have to understand that Apple can only use what is available to use right now.
  • Reply 72 of 73
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    6 USB port(s)

    7 HDMI video and audio out.

    Apple is clearly moving beyond hardware ports into using wireless networks for data transfer.


    BTW, the GPU's are easy, current gen has about double the performance of the iPhone 4 GPU per core and you can use multiple cores. See the new PSP device with quad core CPU and quadcore GPU.

    A list of specs for a device that does not yet exist.


    Or maybe Google will figure it out first and I'll end up with an Android 4 or Android 5 tablet.

    Google doesn't make hardware.
  • Reply 73 of 73
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Actually the popularity of iOS will force everyone to develop pure HTML sites that don't require Flash.

    Originally Posted by MisterK View Post

    I really don't know what else is needed on the iPad. EXCEPT FOR FLASH. I'll keep on asking for it as long as just about every restaurant website and many other vanity websites are written in Flash. Give me a disclaimer saying that turning this switch will cause more crashing... anything... I just want to be able to see every website. I mostly read blogs, but the not-so-rare time I go to a site with Flash, I'd like to be able to see it.

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