Price reductions on Apple's 3G iPad in UK fuel rumors of iPad 2 launch

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in iPad edited January 2014
Two mobile carriers in the U.K. have lowered their subsidized price for Apple's first-generation iPad, fueling speculation that the company is clearing inventory in anticipation of its still-unannounced "iPad 2."

As noted by, both T-Mobile and Orange have reduced their prices for the entry-level 16GB iPad with both 3G and Wi-Fi. The price drop led the publication to presume the iPad 2 could arrive "in a matter of weeks."

Orange is now selling the 3G-capable iPad for £99 with a two-year contract. The same deal has also been matched by T-Mobile U.K. for existing customers.

Those prices are significantly lower than the £199.99 Orange was charging previously for existing customers with a £25-per-month contract, or the £229.99 for new customers with a £27-per-month deal. T-Mobile's new pricing applies to existing customers with a new two-year, £25-per-month contract.

"On the other hand, the reduced price could just be Orange and T-Mobile offering customers a bargain because they're nice like that -- right?" author Kate Solomon wrote.

The first-generation Wi-Fi-only iPad launched in the U.S. in early April, before gradually expanding to other countries overseas. The 3G-capable iPad was introduced about a month later.

Apple's other iOS devices, like the iPhone, are typically given an annual refresh, which would point to an iPad 2 release in early April. But with the new discounts applied before the end of February, it could point to a device launch even sooner.

The second-generation iPad is generally expected to have at least one camera for FaceTime video chat, along with the usual internal component upgrades with more RAM, faster CPU and more graphics processing power. Other rumors have suggested an integrated Mini DisplayPort for video out, a near-field communications chip for e-wallet transactions, and a high-resolution Retina Display.

In fact, rumors have already gone beyond the unseen iPad 2 and speculation about a potential new, third iPad model for release this fall. Such a move would allow Apple to match the release of the touchscreen tablet with the company's annual iPod lineup unveiled before the holiday buying season.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Do people expect the iPad2 to debut internationally or with a slow rollout like before?

    It is hard to imagine that they would need to cut prices to reduce inventory when there are still countries that just got (or still don't have) access to the first generation...

    I'm hoping for a sooner rather than later iPad2 release, but I think this is grasping at straws...
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  • Reply 2 of 29
    I think there would at least be a scheduled event to tout the new features. Unlikely they'll simply release it into the wild without laying the proper ground first.
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  • Reply 3 of 29
    Any chance this is just a battle of two companies battling for market share?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 29
    Originally Posted by euler View Post

    Any chance this is just a battle of two companies battling for market share?

    Sure... if there was a second company that was a challenge for market share.
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  • Reply 5 of 29
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by euler View Post

    Any chance this is just a battle of two companies battling for market share?

    No, as they're now two sides of the same coin.

    T-mobile UK and Orange UK are both owned by the same company called Everything Everywhere.

    Everything Everywhere is jointly owned by Deutsche Telecom and France Telecom, the respective owners of the T-mobile and Orange trademarks.
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  • Reply 6 of 29
    For what it's worth, a few days ago I saw something a little odd. At a local retailer here in Canada, there was a cabinet loaded up with open-box iPads being offered at a discount. One or two would not mean much but all of the iPads in the cabinet, about eight or nine, were open-box discounted.

    In any case, I doubt that Apple will wait until April to release the next iPad. Perhaps if the new Macbooks are released this week, Apple will wait a week or two before bringing out the new iPad to get maximum PR from a succession of new-product announcements. But I don't think March will end with the iPad still to be refreshed.
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  • Reply 7 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    iPad 2 16GB Wifi = $399
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  • Reply 8 of 29
    Even though this recession has kicked me in the nuts...I can't wait for the new iPad2. This is fascinating to see what Apple is going to do with the MacBooks, iPhone 5 and iPads.

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  • Reply 9 of 29
    Is anyone else sorta helplessly angry with the long silence from Apple? Every other day we're hearing about some awesome tablet from Moto, Samsung, etc. And the entire time Apple is just like :| nothing.

    Couple that with the endless rolling-back of claims from rumors, the whole thing just seems hopeless at the moment.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 29
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    As Apple rolls out new iPAds

    Seems to me new pricing scheme is in order, to reduce price of and keep selling original iPAd as entry level for another year or two (just like white Macbook)

    1) Ipad 1 $399 (wi-fi only)

    2) Ipad 2 $499 $599 $699

    3) iPad 3 $599 $699 $799

    that would prety much kill off the competition yes?

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Two mobile carriers in the U.K. have lowered their subsidized price for Apple's first-generation iPad, fueling speculation that the company is clearing inventory in anticipation of its still-unannounced "iPad 2."

    As noted by, both T-Mobile and Orange have reduced their prices for the entry-level 16GB iPad with both 3G and Wi-Fi. The price drop led the publication to presume the iPad 2 could arrive "in a matter of weeks."

    Orange is now selling the 3G-capable iPad for £99 with a two-year contract. The same deal has also been matched by T-Mobile U.K. for existing customers.

    Those prices are significantly lower than the £199.99 Orange was charging previously for existing customers with a £25-per-month contract, or the £229.99 for new customers with a £27-per-month deal. T-Mobile's new pricing applies to existing customers with a new two-year, £25-per-month contract.

    "On the other hand, the reduced price could just be Orange and T-Mobile offering customers a bargain because they're nice like that -- right?" author Kate Solomon wrote.

    The first-generation Wi-Fi-only iPad launched in the U.S. in early April, before gradually expanding to other countries overseas. The 3G-capable iPad was introduced about a month later.

    Apple's other iOS devices, like the iPhone, are typically given an annual refresh, which would point to an iPad 2 release in early April. But with the new discounts applied before the end of February, it could point to a device launch even sooner.

    The second-generation iPad is generally expected to have at least one camera for FaceTime video chat, along with the usual internal component upgrades with more RAM, faster CPU and more graphics processing power. Other rumors have suggested an integrated Mini DisplayPort for video out, a near-field communications chip for e-wallet transactions, and a high-resolution Retina Display.

    In fact, rumors have already gone beyond the unseen iPad 2 and speculation about a potential new, third iPad model for release this fall. Such a move would allow Apple to match the release of the touchscreen tablet with the company's annual iPod lineup unveiled before the holiday buying season.

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  • Reply 11 of 29
    juandljuandl Posts: 230member
    One thing for sure. Those days that Apple would announce a new Device or big upgrade like what the new iPad 2 will be, and have it go a month or two without being released have got to be over.

    With what is happening with the Verizon iPhone, (supposedly not selling as many). Seems to be a lot of people know that iPhone 5 is soon to appear. A lot of people seem to be sitting on the fence and waiting.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 29
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    As Apple rolls out new iPAds

    Seems to me new pricing scheme is in order, to reduce price of and keep selling original iPAd as entry level for another year or two (just like white Macbook)

    1) Ipad 1 $399 (wi-fi only)

    2) Ipad 2 $499 $599 $699

    3) iPad 3 $599 $699 $799

    that would prety much kill off the competition yes?

    I don't think the iPad 3s would be more expensive than than the 2 - isn't it rumored that they'd be a smaller device? Sorta like the Kindle 3, I think they'll be smaller as well as cheaper.
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  • Reply 13 of 29
    BestBuy is out of stock on Ipads

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  • Reply 14 of 29
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    As Apple rolls out new iPAds

    Seems to me new pricing scheme is in order, to reduce price of and keep selling original iPAd as entry level for another year or two (just like white Macbook)

    1) Ipad 1 $399 (wi-fi only)

    2) Ipad 2 $499 $599 $699

    3) iPad 3 $599 $699 $799

    that would prety much kill off the competition yes?

    Not sure I see iPad 3 being more expensive than the current iPads, but I could imagine you being right about "last years" iPad dropping to $400 and the current lineup always being the $500-700 devices.

    And yes, I agree that an entry iPad at $400 would put the competition under a hell of a lot of pressure.
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  • Reply 15 of 29
    Originally Posted by dubbs View Post

    Is anyone else sorta helplessly angry with the long silence from Apple? Every other day we're hearing about some awesome tablet from Moto, Samsung, etc. And the entire time Apple is just like :| nothing.

    Couple that with the endless rolling-back of claims from rumors, the whole thing just seems hopeless at the moment.

    The key words are "we're hearing about"...

    Others announce -- Apple delivers!

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  • Reply 16 of 29
    [QUOTE=wega58;1812894]BestBuy is out of stock on Ipads

    Here in Charlotte every store has the 16GB wifi. But a few stores are out of the 32GB / 3G. I'm too lazy to look any further...

    Thought it would be funny if those DO NOT OPEN store shipments are iPad 2 instead of MBPs though.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 29
    Originally Posted by wega58 View Post

    BestBuy is out of stock on Ipads

    Here in Charlotte every store has the 16GB wifi. But a few stores are out of the 32GB / 3G. I'm too lazy to look any further...

    Thought it would be funny if those DO NOT OPEN store shipments are iPad 2 instead of MBPs though.

    All of my California stores show 3-5 day in-store shipment. Strange!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 29
    ufwaufwa Posts: 64member
    Its probably just your area. Up in bay area there are a few stores with the 3g + wifi 16gb in stock. almost all of them have the the 32gb version and 64gb version.

    Same deal with wifi only models. Pretty much all 3 versions are available in most stores
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 29
    If it's worth anything to you, all of the iPad models are available in either all or most stores here in and around Austin TX. I personally don't think that the California zip's out-of-stock-ness means anything.
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  • Reply 20 of 29
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    On best buys online store the Apple - iPad? with Wi-Fi + 3G - 16GB is not available for shipping. all others are though.
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