Anonymous source says desktop G5 is dead



  • Reply 61 of 62
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>For anyone who says that businesses are always run by logic, I need only to point out the iPod. Any logical businessman would have made the iPod fully compatible with windows, but out of pride Jobs made sure that the iPod works only with Macs! Surely Apple could have sold twice as many if they worked with Windows, no?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sorry, but that is extremely simplistic thinking. The hard disk being used is very new and probably in low supply. Steve already said that the iPods are being sold as fast as Apple can make them.

    On the other hand, the Apple-only strategy has made at least a few people buy a Mac (sooner) so they could use the device. So they had a choice, just sell the maximum number of iPods, or sell the maximum number and make an extra profit on Macs (with higher profit margins).

    Tuvok would be proud of Steve, IMO.

    [ 02-10-2002: Message edited by: wfzelle ]</p>
  • Reply 62 of 62
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    There will be a G5 in july or january 2003. You can be sure of this. You can be sure also, that we won't know his specifications until is shipment.

    Many people where thinking (me included) that the Appolo will be based upon SOI 0,13micron, and it was 0,18 , nobody know that the L3 cache will be DDR memory and half speed, that they will be Cache locking stuff ...and it was just a minor evolution.

    So the next generation after the G4 will be called the G5 and we will see them in powermac first on a new mobo : every other thing is pure speculation.
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