Apple may introduce user interface overhaul in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion



  • Reply 21 of 82
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    [Well I would hope so: never understood the LaunchPad option: it displays all the Application icons on your desktop while they're also available in the Dock. I mean; this creates two places to launch an app from within a singel view. Different, but similar to Windows QuickLaunch Toolbar

    Simple concept. The launchpad let's you switch between currently running apps, like command-tab but sexier. The dock, u put in it what you want for ease of access. Sling overlap in functions, but different nevertheless. Multiple methods of instant access can only be a good think.

    Windows task bar is a direct rip off (and a poor one at that) of the dock, so doesn't even factor in e conversation.

    Apple rule in customer interface design, this next release will be no different.
  • Reply 22 of 82
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    ..And iTunes will continue to grow as bloatware. I was actually pleasantly surprised that the Mac App Store wasn't shoved into iTunes. And no, I don't want to see separate audio/video applications, but decoupling all of the syncing bloatware would be good. And here's a weird idea, how about making it better at actually managing your media (I mean why does it suck so bad dealing with multiple artist tracks and why is there no way for it to actually show episode numbers in your video library?).

    A pet peeve of mine is with 32-bit and 64-bit entries in System Settings. If you click on a 32-bit entry, you're given a message box saying it has to close and reopen. And then you have to click on it again to actually open it. Couldn't this just be seamless and do all that automatically without user intervention?

    It's sort of funny hearing about a full screen mode. Haven't Mac users been mocking Windows full screen mode for years?

    When isn't 64 or 32 bit just automatic, I run both 32 and 64 bit software and never have to make any manual intervention.

    Windows doesn't have full screen applications, they have maximised windows with lower task bar and top menu bar still visible, with the exception of Internet explored and a couple of others, just as apple currently (aperture springs to mind) What apple have developed here is full screen, not a maximised window.

    How about we stop prejudging and criticising software we've yet to see in the wild and making negative comments based on supposition and guesswork.

    Snow leopard is stunning. To improve on this, well - I can't wait to see the next chapter.
  • Reply 23 of 82
    I hope so. It is very cumbersome when, with multiple monitors, the menu bar is on one monitor and the app is on the other.
  • Reply 24 of 82
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Because it has matured as a technology stream.

    You don't see radical new hammers that require a learning curve anymore, or drills, or many many tech streams. Not that they aren't still evolving it's just that their user interface has been sorted out.

    If the UI revision rate of OS's is anything to go by then we are barely passed rock+stick+twine.

    Computer UI's are quite pathetic. I don't see them as example of how advanced we are, look to the hammer for that.

    I was speaking of the UI specifically. Hey, throw in some flashy backgrounds, screen savers, icons L&F, and you can fool a lot of people.

    I'm still on Leopard and am perfectly happy with what's under the hood. Although SL was an inexpensive upgrade, I believe many people would agree they have not seen many improvements they would take advantage of. So I can't get ilife '11, mac app store, latest xcode, but my system still surpasses what the M$ guys are churning out.
  • Reply 25 of 82
    I am happy with my interface thank you very much, I want few changes (full screen is a good idea that doesn't interfere with what we already have) and these reversible. I like the aqua elements a lot I dont want to see them go.

    But what I really do want is:

    cloud integration with mm that is seamless

    zfs (that won't sadly...)

    better encryption features integrated in the system

    better/more intelligent itunes

    opencl and grand central: it's good for them to exist as services but when are they going to be put to good use?
  • Reply 26 of 82
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    They can still leave the jungle and dive into the ocean, where there are barracudas and sharks. But maybe they prefer creatures up in the air like falcons and eagles. You name it. So plenty of OSes to follow and not so much to worry. Besides this more merging of the two Oses will certainly follow

    Yep many creature types to go, but I doubt Apple would ever 'go to the dogs' ...
  • Reply 27 of 82
    ah, and resolution independence, how did I forget that...
  • Reply 28 of 82
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    The lion is the king of the jungle; there is nothing beyond a lion. ...

    This is nonsense.

    For starters, the male Lion is basically "second in command" of the pride, so Lioness's beat Lions hands down. The Lionesses do all the hunting, and they are the ones that hand out the kill to the pride. The big scary male Lion's often have to wait until they are told to eat.

    The Lion being the "King of Beasts" or the "King of the Jungle" is just an old British meme that came about because the Lion was the animal figurehead of the British Empire. The obvious clue is that Lion's don't even live in a jungle, but rather on the savanah.

  • Reply 29 of 82
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    When isn't 64 or 32 bit just automatic, I run both 32 and 64 bit software and never have to make any manual intervention.

    Yes you can run both as they ship but I think you may have missed that you can manually switch between 32 and 64 and I think that is what was being mentioned. It is in the Get Info dialog box on many applications such as Mail and Safari. In Aperture I had to switch to 32 bit mode to use some older plug-ins I had.
  • Reply 30 of 82
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is nonsense.

    For starters, the male Lion is basically "second in command" of the pride, so Lioness's beat Lions hands down. The Lionesses do all the hunting, and they are the ones that hand out the kill to the pride. The big scary male Lion's often have to wait until they are told to eat.

    The Lion being the "King of Beasts" or the "King of the Jungle" is just an old British meme that came about because the Lion was the animal figurehead of the British Empire. The obvious clue is that Lion's don't even live in a jungle, but rather on the savanah.

    mmmmm Golden Syrup

    p.s. the bees came out on top in that one too! LOL

    p.p.s. Where is Tate? OMG so much has changed since I left the UK!
  • Reply 31 of 82
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member


    I'd expect nothing less. Why would you make a major release that looks the same as the last?

    Yes, because as we all know, the essense of an OS release is HOW IT LOOKS.
  • Reply 32 of 82
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    The lion is the king of the jungle; there is nothing beyond a lion.

    Except: Mac OS XI 11.0 Velociraptor (the first in dinosaur named OS releases)
  • Reply 33 of 82
    This is starting to become a real bugbear. This graph tells us absolutely nothing whatsoever without labeled axes. If that x axis starts at 0 and tops out at 10,000 then we're seeing a massive surge. If the graph starts at 9,000 and tops out at 10,000 then we're hardly seeing any variation at all; we're just seeing the tips of the mountains if you like.

    Similarly, if the axis starts at 0 and peaks at 20, we're only seeing 5-6 more people get on their Lion Macs, and it's nothing to write about.

    Sorry to be a whiner, but it's pivotal that a graph have units on its x-axis! Without any idea what the numbers involved are, it's literally a meaningless, useless graphic.
  • Reply 34 of 82
    Originally Posted by xsu View Post

    My only question on the next version after lion, if it's an 11.0, would it still be OS X, or OS XI?

    Nope. Lion is 10.7. Apple still has 10.8 and 10.9 to play with.
  • Reply 35 of 82
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Because it has matured as a technology stream.

    You don't see radical new hammers that require a learning curve anymore, or drills, or many many tech streams. Not that they aren't still evolving it's just that their user interface has been sorted out.

    If the UI revision rate of OS's is anything to go by then we are barely passed rock+stick+twine.

    Computer UI's are quite pathetic. I don't see them as example of how advanced we are, look to the hammer for that.

    People keep saying that kind of fluff, but as of what exactly they'd like to see (save for mind-reading UIs) they are as vague as The Pixies lyrics...

    Most want some kind of 3D interfaces that are ill-suited to everyday tasks and have proven to be a hard-to-use gimmicky failure in every specific implementation that we know of.
  • Reply 36 of 82
    foljsfoljs Posts: 390member
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Nope. Lion is 10.7. Apple still has 10.8 and 10.9 to play with.

    They even have 10.10 and 10.11 etc if they want to. 10.x is a versioning scheme, not a decimal number.

    But the real question, is, will we see a "OS XI" (whatever the name they use), i.e a radical overhaul of OS X?

    My guess is not for the next 6-7 years at least. There is no real need, as the OS is now mature enough. You don't see Linux, FreeBSD or Windows doing any radical redesign of their kernels or userland.
  • Reply 37 of 82
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    If Lion is the last of anything, it will be the last of the 10.x line and the next version will be 11.0, with a different set of names.

    Correct. They'll go for different predators family, the hyaenidae. Meet Mac OS X 11.1 Hyena
  • Reply 38 of 82
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    The lion is the king of the jungle; there is nothing beyond a lion.

    I wonder if perhaps it will be not only the biggest, baddest OS ever, but also the last computer OS from Apple.

    "Computers are trucks."

    Is Apple, who makes so much money in consumer electronics, going to continue to spend their wheels in the trucking business where they've garnered at most a 10% market share after 20 years of trying? Hard to say.

    We saw what "Back to the Mac" meant. It didn't mean bringing the company's focus back to the Mac, it meant bringing iOS features to Mac.

    Maybe the two will merge....

    Maybe after Lion they will start naming releases after trucks? OS X Mack? Maybe that sounds too much like Macintosh.
  • Reply 39 of 82
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    They can still leave the jungle and dive into the ocean, where there are barracudas and sharks. But maybe they prefer creatures up in the air like falcons and eagles. You name it. So plenty of OSes to follow and not so much to worry. Besides this more merging of the two Oses will certainly follow

    Yeah, they could start in on the primates. That would be interesting. Even skipping over a few like marmosets and lemurs there would still be plenty of names. In a couple million years they might reach Mac OS Hominid.
  • Reply 40 of 82
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Nope. Lion is 10.7. Apple still has 10.8 and 10.9 to play with.

    High odds that 10.8 will be "Mountain Lion".
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