Inside Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: New Finder search, item arrangement views



  • Reply 21 of 48
    Originally Posted by GordLacey View Post

    I don't like that Apple has stripped the color out of all the sidebar icons. I don't like it in iTunes, and I don't like it in the Finder. Just another thing I'll have to patch all the time, I guess.

    Me too! Hate it!

    BTW, the new Cover Flow is ugly! Look at the stacked icons 'waiting to be seen'. Doesn't make sense. And what about the colours on the list below. It used to be an alternate of blue & white. But now that too has been removed!
  • Reply 22 of 48
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by chabig View Post

    Try the Inspector (hold the option key while doing Get Info). It's probably exactly what you want.

    That shouldn't be hidden away like that!
  • Reply 23 of 48
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by caelitus View Post

    I really don't like the cover flow. The icons, unlike those in iOS and album arts, have their own "3D" in it. Like the dictionary it portraits a dictionary which is 3D by itself. They are just trying to use the skewing in album art coverflow and bring it here? Doesn't look good to me.

    CoverFlow is pointless in the Finder. It's nothing more than a gimmick. Does anyone actually use it?
  • Reply 24 of 48
    document grouping in finder is something windows XP can do since ... 2001?

    i am sorry, but i don't understand apple anymore. they are not making the new OS better, they make it worse. maybe we will one day end up having iOs on macs, and no more os x. i am suprised apple has not close the os x like they did in iOs.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    Originally Posted by bodypainter View Post

    maybe we will one day end up having iOs on macs, and no more os x.

    The crux of the Mac OS XI argument since 2003.


    i am suprised apple has not close the os x like they did in iOs.

    Stop being facetious.
  • Reply 26 of 48
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    I have to agree with the poster above. I rarely, if ever use spotlight, simply because it lacks basic file info (and pressing Command I on every potential file to see 'where' it's located isn't useful.

    I really wish they would include the ability to let you add/remove column so you could simply customize what information is displayed in the search results rather than offering more views with more of the same information. I don't need new ways to display it, but rather new ways to display new information like file path, dimensions for images, etc.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    Oh my God what a mess!

    If I'm in Cover Flow view then why also display the text below it? It's merging Cover Flow with a list type view. It's redundant and does nothing to help me find an application! Plus it just needlessly eats up more system resources!

    If a view is actually useful then it should stand on it's own merits. By also including a list view in the same window it's basically saying that Cover Flow is useless.
  • Reply 28 of 48
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    I have to agree with the poster above. I rarely, if ever use spotlight, simply because it lacks basic file info (and pressing Command I on every potential file to see 'where' it's located isn't useful.

    I really wish they would include the ability to let you add/remove column so you could simply customize what information is displayed in the search results rather than offering more views with more of the same information. I don't need new ways to display it, but rather new ways to display new information like file path, dimensions for images, etc.

    Command + J gives you a few more choices.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    I think it's terrible how Apple are continuing toward the trend of having features appear from nowhere. It makes it very hard to discover what an app can do. In the example of search, and 'Advanced' button would be familiar to every computer user and you'd instantly know how to get to the extra search features, instead of starting the search, then having something else appear, but not necessarily what you wanted. A mess.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    I have to agree with the poster above. I rarely, if ever use spotlight, simply because it lacks basic file info (and pressing Command I on every potential file to see 'where' it's located isn't useful.

    I really wish they would include the ability to let you add/remove column so you could simply customize what information is displayed in the search results rather than offering more views with more of the same information. I don't need new ways to display it, but rather new ways to display new information like file path, dimensions for images, etc.

  • Reply 31 of 48
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Will the Finder remember view settings for each window, or at least provide an option to do that automatically?

    See the video with the 2 folders, Folder A and Folder B.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    When you are in the comments page on an AI article, there should be a link to go back to the original article.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    am8449am8449 Posts: 392member
    Originally Posted by GordLacey View Post

    I don't like that Apple has stripped the color out of all the sidebar icons.

    I think I know why Apple has decided to do this.

    It would be somewhat distracting to have colored icons in the sidebar competing for attention with the icons on the right, especially if you're dealing with smaller icons.

    I'm not trying to invalidate your preference; just explaining why I think Apple made this design decision.
  • Reply 34 of 48

    THIS might be 'The Thing' I've been byatching about for few years

    Returning us to 'Search/Result/Window' capabilities we had until 10.4

    But again, probably took a while to now incorporate with Spotlight - intro'd in 10.5

    And knowing OSX Finder's Relational Database is One Complicated Puppy™

    Do it the Apple Way - Simple and Elegant


    Looking forward to a 'Test Drive'

  • Reply 35 of 48
    muffinssmuffinss Posts: 14member
    I have to say, I like the new Finder, a lot. I also like them taking out the color. Makes everything blend in more with the theme.

    Coverflow, well, I never liked it since it first came out. I'm never gonna use it, and I am glad they are not pushing it, and providing newer ways of sorting my stuff in Finder.
  • Reply 36 of 48
    Originally Posted by GordLacey View Post

    I don't like that Apple has stripped the color out of all the sidebar icons. I don't like it in iTunes, and I don't like it in the Finder. Just another thing I'll have to patch all the time, I guess.

    I find it depressing and drab. What would be perfect is to just have the Sidebar icon that shows your location be bright and colorful so you can easily see where you are.

    Which is better, this sidebar from iTunes 9:

    Or this new "Lion-Like" sidebar from iTunes 10:

    After I saw that, I uninstall iTunes 10 and have stuck with 9.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    Well I certainly hope you can sort search results by size. This is one of the stupidest things in the Finder right now.
  • Reply 38 of 48
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,158member
    Anyone know the rationale behind icons not re-flowing to fit a window when you change its size? They stay where they are and move off screen. Any hope of that being changed in Lion?
  • Reply 39 of 48
    toxotestoxotes Posts: 102member
    Originally Posted by TheAshMan View Post

    I find it depressing and drab. What would be perfect is to just have the Sidebar icon that shows your location be bright and colorful so you can easily see where you are.

    Which is better, this sidebar from iTunes 9:

    Or this new "Lion-Like" sidebar from iTunes 10:

    After I saw that, I uninstall iTunes 10 and have stuck with 9.

    The stripping of colour from the sidebar is to my mind a good example of style trumping usability. Yes it looks cleaner and less busy without those differently-coloured icons, but the colour of the icons was a visual cue that made it faster and easier find the icon you're looking for. It's not a big deal but it is a minor setback in usability, at least for me.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    Anyone know the rationale behind icons not re-flowing to fit a window when you change its size? They stay where they are and move off screen. Any hope of that being changed in Lion?

    I'm certain it's just a bug.

    Originally Posted by toxotes View Post

    The stripping of colour from the sidebar is to my mind a good example of style trumping usability. Yes it looks cleaner and less busy without those differently-coloured icons, but the colour of the icons was a visual cue that made it faster and easier find the icon you're looking for. It's not a big deal but it is a minor setback in usability, at least for me.

    All but three of them were blue. It's really no different.
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